Starting from the world of martial arts

Chapter 15 The Road to Frontier Development

"Kill!" Facing a group of fierce Mongolian Tarras, Su Fan was full of indifference. He stepped on his horse and jumped a few meters in the air with ease.

Once again, within a few breaths, he had crossed tens of meters.


The long sword in his hand popped out, turned into a stream of light, and quickly shot to the throat of the first Tarra who was wearing leather armor.

The long sword pierced through the throat, and blood continued to flow down the tip of the sword.

The next second, Su Fan was already close. He stretched out his right hand, pulled out the long sword, flicked it lightly, and blocked the other Tarra's.


In an instant, the former's arm trembled, and the weapon fell. Before the other party could react, Su Fan's sword light slashed, with a smear of blood.

At the same time, Su Fan kicked out with his right foot, instantly kicked the dead body away, and knocked it down on the several Tarras rushing forward.

chi chi!

The senior brothers behind him also shot quickly, facing this small group of Tarra scouts, they showed no mercy. In just a few minutes, the dozen or so Tarla scouts were all killed by them.

Only a dozen or so war horses were left standing there alone.

"A dozen or so Tarla heads, brought back, is a bit of military merit, almost enough to be promoted to a hundred households, if you spend a little more, a hundred households will have no problem."

"These horses are worth two hundred taels, and the bits and pieces on them are also worth three hundred taels. This trip is worth it."

After killing people, they just touched the corpses. These senior brothers of Su Fan seemed to be used to it. They moved quickly and cleaned up the corpses of these Tarras, with a smile on their faces.

This group of Tarras did not know where they robbed them back, and they also carried hundreds of taels of silver with them, but now they are all cheap.

"Junior Brother, why do we help the government to hunt and kill these Tarras, and also become the general banner and hundreds of households of the guard?"

Fang Sheng returned to Su Fan's side and asked after hesitating for a long time.

"Senior brother, I want to know why my junior brother became a court eagle dog, right?" Su Fan looked at the former, knew these people, and had such thoughts in his heart.

People from the rivers and lakes are opposed to the government, and the officials are the court eagles, and they have always despised them.

Now it has become the general banner of Shenyang Guard, isn't it the court eagle dog? It's just that Su Fan is their principal, so it's not easy for them to object.

"Brother, the reason why I want to join Shenyang Wei is also for the consideration of our Huashan Bieyuan. If we want to expand Huashan Bieyuan, we must have a certain influence in the government."

"At the same time, we need more money and food, and we need a certain amount of government power for business," Su Fan explained.

He was a little speechless to these disciples and even the elders of the Huashan School.

Ordinary Jianghu people, if you hate the government, that's fine, but as the high-level Huashan faction, they have always opposed the government.

This big picture is really too small.

Why Shaolin can stand for thousands of years, and why Wudang has become a force not weaker than Shaolin in just these few years.

People with good eyesight can see it, that's the reason for the government and the court.

Wudang can be tied with Shaolin because of the continuous support of the imperial court, otherwise Wudang would not be able to compare with Shaolin at all, and its heritage would be much less.

Maybe when Mitutoyo is around.

But Mitutoyo is no longer around, and although the descendants have worked very hard, they are definitely not as good as they were back then.

Otherwise, why can't even defend the real martial arts sword.

As for Shaolin, it has been standing for thousands of years, even more powerful than many thousand-year-old families. The reason for this is that Shaolin never opposes the government.

Instead, he has been making good friends with the dignitaries of the court.

The Huashan faction was good, they had always been hostile to the government, and even the Songshan faction of Wuyue directly wiped out Liu Zhengfeng's family.

Regardless of whether Liu Zhengfeng passed on the imperial decree or not, he is already a member of the government on the surface, and if you destroy his family, you will not take the court seriously.

Really think the court is a weak chicken.

The predecessor of the Sun Moon God Sect was the Ming Sect. It was a power in the rivers and lakes that almost single-handedly fought against the army at the end of the Yuan Dynasty. In the end, it was almost disintegrated by the court.

The Huashan School itself came from Taoism, and like Wudang, the government is generally relatively close.

If it can be conferred by the imperial court, then the Huashan faction can definitely be as good as Wudang.

However, it is a pity that Huashan faction doesn't seem to have this idea at all. The disciples below have always hated the government, and so have the high-level.

Although the Huashan faction is the righteous way of the world, it is actually a gang, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a gangster.

Su Fan came from a later generation and was closer to the government. After all, the government is the ruler, and no matter what they do, they have righteousness.

This aspect is Jianghu's biggest disadvantage.

Su Fan felt that if he wanted to develop Huashan, it was best to have both black and white, both of which had strength.

On the Liaodong side, there are no forces in the rivers and lakes, and there are not even many "green forest heroes".

In terms of the underworld, they Huashan Bieyuan is the most suitable, and the Baidao government, they are also in power, so they can become local overlords.

Anyway, the sky is high and the emperor is far away.

It is the fastest and most beneficial to develop the Huashan Courtyard with the help of the government.

As for the power of the government, Su Fan really didn't care.

Even if it is a thousand households, in the Ming Dynasty, it is not even as good as a county magistrate.

However, in Liaodong, a thousand households are still very powerful. Of course, the premise is that there are enough soldiers under your thousand households.

Since the orthodoxy of the Ming Dynasty, the guards have declined rapidly. Up to now, almost all the guards have no power.

Most of the thousand households where Su Fan and the others were located were starving for food.

It cost hundreds of taels to win the position of chief banner officer.

Next, Su Fan took down one hundred households and used this one hundred households to gather a group of common people around Qipan Mountain.

It is absolutely very easy to use the name of a hundred households to develop the Huashan School.

The military households acquired by the hundred households are all disciples of the Huashan School. Facing foreign enemies, they can use righteousness to suppress the enemy, and even use the name of the government to attack the opponent.

How could Su Fan let go of such a good thing.

And when he came to this world, Su Fan didn't have a thought in his mind, that is to get rid of the wild boar skin.

Thinking of the future generations, that era of humiliation, Su Fan felt that this wild boar skin should not exist.

The predecessor of the wild boar skin was the Jianzhou Guard, and if they were killed, maybe the humiliating dynasty of later generations might change.

Of course, right now, he would definitely not touch them. After all, their strength was not something that Su Fan could compete with.

But with the help of the Huashan faction, it is indeed possible.

After all, once the masters of the Huashan faction carry out an assassination, they will be absolutely terrifying.

Of course, Su Fan just kept these in mind, and after explaining to Fang Sheng and the others, the former didn't delve into it.

Although there was still some resistance in their hearts, Su Fan was in charge here, and Su Fan spent a lot of money, they could see that,

Now that Su Fan's reason was reasonable, they had no objections, not to mention the money in their hands was real.

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