After experiencing the most difficult tasks, all that is needed is to return to the clan to regain life.

Inside a cave.

"It's going to rain. Nairgo muttered as he looked at the weather outside.

Although there were no signs yet, the elemental spirit would not lie to him, the water element and wind element outside were too abundant, and this was often a precursor to thunderstorms.


Just as he thought, the clouds began to gather, and black clouds descended with a mighty thunder.

With the thunder, the rain also ticked and fell.

The wind elements around him were even more energetic, but the sound in his head not only did not make him feel confused and irritable, but had a feeling of tranquility and peace.

The negative emotions such as depression and anger that originally existed in the heart seemed to be swept away.

Purification, yes, feels like being purified.

Nairgo roared, putting down the heart he was carrying earlier, and releasing all his emotions.

Then he gasped for air.

"Whew, much more comfortable. "

Nelgo peeled off the skin of the black wolf and made a simple garment to drape over his body.

Although in fact, it is simply washed off the blood stains and made into a cape.

Don't say, the taste of this wolf meat is okay, and the cape is not bad.

Behind a boulder, Nairgo tore at its flesh, sprinkled the seasoning prepared in his pocket, and grinned: "This is the natural balance." "

Hungry for honor, he chose to hunt wild beasts.

At the same time, because of honor, he may also be hunted by wild beasts.

This is what shamans often call balance.

With the change of time, the pale lady gradually took to the sky, and the dark night made the surroundings look extremely peaceful.

There are no beasts that do not have long eyes, and there are no murderous enemies.

Only thunder and rattling raindrops fell to the ground.

Sitting by the fire taken out by the lightning, Nairgo wrapped the wolf's skin a little tighter.

If nothing else, he should be sleeping here tonight, and the wolf skin is his quilt.

Just as Nairgo was about to close his eyes, he suddenly heard footsteps not far from the cave.

His ears moved, and his hand touched the axe on the side.

In the rain, a group of blue-gray-skinned Delaney were moving at a brisk pace, and judging by the only thunder elephant in their ranks and the goods carried on them, they should be a caravanserai.

The Delaney led by the Delaney held an elephant stick and urged the members of the team to speed up, "Naru bless, there is a cave in front, we can rest in it for a while." "

Since Nelgo's hearing is not bad, and he is also an orc who has learned the Delaney language, he naturally heard the voice of the Delaney people not far away.

"There doesn't seem to be any threat. "Nelgo's fingers with an axe are slightly loose, and in general the Delaney are still a very kind race.

For hundreds of years, it has also maintained a harmony with the orcs.

"Everyone, work hard, don't be left behind!"

"Thanks to the Holy Light, none of us are missing. The

leading Delaney glanced back, counting them one by one, exactly 9 Delaney plus a thunder elephant, and no one was left behind.

Sure enough, closer to the cave, the Delaney saw the warm fire in the cave.

"Is anyone there?" said the leader Delaney in the language of a stumbling orc, "We are a caravan of Delaney, and we hope to take shelter from the rain here."

At the same time, he also instructed the caravan accompanying personnel to be ready for battle at all times.

Because among the indigenous people of Draenor, only the orcs are the most friendly to the Delaney, and if it is not orcs, but ogres or races such as the Bladed Tigers, then a vicious battle is inevitable.

"There is only one orc left inside. Nairgo said, "You'd better come in quickly." The

fluent Delaney language came out of Nairgo's mouth, and the other party obviously did not expect an orc to speak such fluent Delaney.

They were stunned for a moment, and then, with a smile on his face, Delaney said to his companions: "Whew, that's nice, and he knows our language, and he looks like a shaman?"

The small thunder elephant was tied aside, while the Delaney unloaded the goods, some cleaned up a clearing, and some Delaney was responsible for lighting a fire to prepare something to eat.

"Hello. Nairgo

looked up and saw that it was the leading Delaney.

Like the other Delaney, he has tentacles on his chin and blue-gray skin, and because he is a male Delaney, he has no hair like most male Delaney, as well as a thick and smooth tail at the tail and a leg of lamb that is different from the orcs - so described because their legs are not straight, but curved back, and the forked hooves are like legs of lamb.

"My name is Sodogan. The Delaney said.

"I'm Nairgo. Nairgo simply said his name.

"Are you a shaman from the Dragonthroat Clan?" Sodogan was surprised, "Sorry, nothing else, but I didn't expect you to come so far."

Nairgo shook his head, "I'm a shaman, but not from the Dragonthroat clan.

Then he smiled again, "It's not unusual for many people to think I'm a dragon-throated orc when they hear my name.

"What about you, are you a merchant from Shatas?" Nairgo was curious, and of course, if he could, Nairgo would like to exchange some gadgets with them.

Such as their ingenious handmade tools and weapons and knowledge from extraterrestrials.

Sodogan was even more surprised, the capital of the Delaney people, Shatas, had been obscured by illusions, a place that the orcs had never set foot in a hundred years.

"Of course, our ancestors also visited there, but it was called Gauria. Nairgo smiled.

"That's right, the ogre used to be the capital, and for this we have had some outbreaks with them... Conflict. Sodogan finally chose to use the word conflict to describe the battle, after all, the ogre's offensive was not very deadly in the eyes of these alien Delaney.

"I remember the day when I was a kid and my father was the garrison officer in charge of defending the city. Sodogan said with some sighs.

Nairgo was speechless, he knew that the Delaney people lived a long life, but their appearance was too deceptive, originally thought to be a young man in his 20s, but people said that he had lived past a hundred years old, and his previous life belonged to a mythical figure.

Perhaps knowing what he was thinking, Sodogan smiled slightly, "We Delaney almost all remember the day we first arrived in Delano. "

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