Starting from Zero

Vol 14 Chapter 47: Startled

"Brother, brother, what's my name?" The little girl riding on my shoulder was not honest, holding my head and shaking.

"Little demon, you will be called a little demon later." The body of this girl is the singing female demon Aimeda, which is itself the completed body of the demon flower, which is very appropriate to call the demon.

I was teasing this cute little girl, but she suddenly tightened her expression, then turned sharply and shoved out. "Ah!" The little monster with no sign was bounced back by something again.

"Little demon!" I quickly reached out to catch the little demon who flew back. "Who?"

"It turned out to be your own! Sorry, sorry!" Qinglong suddenly appeared before us. "I haven't seen this girl before, I thought it was an enemy!"

Qinglong himself didn't say that I didn't pay attention. It turned out that Qinglong hadn't been with us after arriving here, and we didn't know what he did. We ca n’t manage such a master like him. I can still stand for a while with a monster like the Eight-Big Snake, and we can hold him up at the guild like Qinglong. So it's better to be polite to such people.

The little demon in my arms wanted to go up a little unconvinced, and I held it down. "Don't be naughty, say hello to Master Qinglong."

The little devil snorted, then turned and ran behind me and hugged Ling. "Sister, let's go play?"

Ling salutes Qinglong awkwardly, and then retreats with the demon temporarily. I deliberately shifted the topic and said, "Master Qinglong didn't know what was going on before? Is it to find three beasts who protect the country?"

Qinglong shook his head calmly. "The other two have nothing to do with me. All I am looking for is a master."

Among the three beasts of protection of the country, Qinglong knew only one Bi Ling. So finding Bi Ling is a matter of course. These old guys are not afraid of others, because they are afraid that they do not respect the teacher, so the safety of the teacher is more important than his own life. After Qinglong arrived at Essinger, I heard that when we came here to find the three big beasts of protection of the country, we said that we wanted to help. I think it's purely to come to Bi Ling, he is too lazy to help others be free labor!

"Did Qinglong find it?"

"No, this place is completely unlike the future generations. I ca n’t even distinguish between southeast and northwest, let alone find someone. I almost lost my way. If not, I left a mana on you to track your location. I can't come back! "

gosh! Qinglong is actually a idiot. This is the No. 1 gossip in the Three Realms, but considering my small life, it is better not to say it. Quickly put on a very happy expression and said: "Master Qinglong need not worry, this busy ghost leader knows the whereabouts of the three beast adults. We are planning to go together!"

"That's great." Qinglong led the busy ghost: "You tell me the whereabouts of my master Bi Ling first. If I find it, I will repay you."

The busy ghost leader asked me in confusion: "Which of the three is Bi Ling?"

"That's this." I took out a crystal card with Bi Ling's magical image on it.

"Oh, this one lives in Xianbo Lake, Kirin Mountain, but that place is where the Kirin people gather. What is the relationship between you and Kirin? If there is a hostile relationship, it is best to stay away. Although the Kirin people have good tempers, but It would also be dangerous if hostile people approached their settlement. "

The gold coin asked in amazement: "Is Kirin social?"

"Isn't it right?" Zhenhong answered puzzledly.

The busy ghost looked at us with a question mark in his head. "Did you not know that Kirin lived in groups? Except for a few lonely Kirin, most of them live together. If it weren't for the unicorns' good temper, it would be the world who left them alone."

"Is Kirin so powerful?"

"A single unicorn is just powerful, but all unicorns living together are not terribly descriptive." The busy ghost led: "Anyway you know when you go, but I can only send you down the mountain. Unicorn Mountain is still your own Go up, I dare not enter their collar casually, a unicorn is enough to kill me. "

"As long as you send us to a distance where we can find the target ourselves, we are responsible for the later things." Qinglong said anxiously.

"okay then."

Telling Crystal Chocolate to take the rest of our players to urge production, I followed the busy ghost to lead them to Kirin Mountain. Speaking of really red, the original Shimen seems to be Kirin Mountain, but that is the later Kirin Mountain. This is not the same as today, because the later Kirin Mountain is just a medium-sized mountain, and this one is not only comparable in size to the Mount Everest, but also a floating mountain. According to the floating height of this guy and the height of the mountain itself, the mountain tip probably blame the outer atmospheric area!

"This is Kirin Mountain, you go up! There are three particularly large lakes on it, and one of them looks like a crescent moon, that is Biling's residence."

Qinglong said in doubt: "I remember that the master is not a Kirin tribe!"

"I didn't say he was!" The busy ghost led: "The Biling you said is a friend of Kirin, just living together."

"Oh! Then you go back first, we can go up." Qinglong said that he flew up first. I had to follow up. Real red, gold coins, and Kristina also followed, and everyone else was rushed back to the mining area to help. Even if this place is really a fight, it only needs a master, and there are no more people with ordinary strength.

The floating height of Kirin Mountain is not low, at least much higher than the floating island where the Seal of the Throne Machine was at that time. We flew for a long time to reach the edge of Kirin Mountain. As soon as we were at the corner of the mountain, two people ran out from the side and stopped us. The people who stopped us seemed to be two young people, but we all know that these two are likely to be changed by two unicorns.

"Who are you?" One of them looked older and asked Qinglong. Looking at him, I felt Qinglong's huge power, because I could see his hands shaking. The creatures of this era are very powerful in later generations. But that's not because the creatures of this era are stronger. It's just that they are old, and the seal of throne is long. So we come back to this age. The creatures here are not as good as Qinglong. Besides, the strength of Qinglong, even if these guys live to the next generations, they may not be able to reach such a height. Talent can not only improve the degree of cultivation, but also bring a breakthrough in the limit. Obviously Qinglong belongs to that amazing type of talent.

Although the strength is very strong, but we are here to find Bi Ling, Bi Ling and these unicorns are good friends, so of course we can not offend them. Qinglong said very politely: "We are here to find Bi Ling."

"Bi Ling?" The younger Kirin thought for a moment: "We don't have this person here, and the whole mountain doesn't have this name."

"No?" Qinglong froze for a moment.

I went up and handed out the crystal card. "it's him."

The older unicorn took the card and looked at it. "Oh, it's Lingyun!"

"Ling Yun? Isn't he Biling?" Zhen Hong asked strangely.

The younger Kirin replied: "Bi is the name of the residence, Ling is the title of the hero in our village. Yun is the name. So you can call Bi Ling, you can also call Bi Yun, or you can call Ling Yun all right, but Bi Ling is usually used on formal occasions. Few people in the village call it that. What do you want him to do? "

"We have something very important to talk to him." Qinglong wanted to speak and I held it down. On the strength Qinglong is very strong, but diplomacy is not his strength.

The older unicorn looked at us and nodded. "Okay, follow me."

We followed this unicorn to the mountain. Although he led the way, the humanoid or beast-shaped unicorn that we encountered along the way still stared at us tightly. Their eyes are often full of curiosity and fear. Curiosity is mainly curiosity about us and true red, gold coins and Kristina. As for fear, of course, it is fear blue dragon. The strength of the unicorns is indeed very strong, but the blue dragon is really outrageous. Even under the power of the unicorns, he can't help but beat him.

Finally, it passed through the more peripheral areas of Kirin and gradually entered the middle of the mountain. Kirin Mountain started to shrink towards the center. As a result, a small plain was created on the side of the mountain, with a main peak and several hills erected thereon, and there were several large lakes before the mountains. Kirin basically lives at the foot of the mountain outside the plain, but here it becomes quite empty.

"It's just ahead." The unicorn leading the way pointed at the crescent lake in front. "That's where Ling Yun lives. You go by yourself."

"Thank you." I thanked him and hurried to the lake.

Qinglong seemed to be very anxious to see Bi Ling, who was frightening to death quickly. I just felt a gust of wind blowing around me. The next second Qinglong was already standing by the lake.

"I can't stand these bosses and don't take others seriously!" Cristina complained.

"Maybe they just want to be masters." Zhenhongdao.

Gold Coin smiled and said, "Shouldn't they have that relationship before?"

"Go, Bi Ling is a male." I was angry.

"I heard that Early Warcraft was gender-neutral, wouldn't it ...?"

"The two of you are really gossip! Be careful when others hear you. Whoever comes up is not your opponent."

"So far, I can't hear you!" Gold Coin said with a smile: "Come on! Qinglong seems to have no one, it looks like he's about to die!"

In fact, people are the same. The more you know that you are about to get it, but you do n’t get it, this feeling is the most uncomfortable. Many poor students will say that fifty-nine points is worse than thirty, that's what it means. Qinglong is now almost the same, knowing that Bi Ling is in this place, but found for a long time and could not find it. Don't be in a hurry!

"Did Qinglong not find it?" I finally rushed to Qinglong.

Qinglong clutched at me as if he had a life-saving straw: "Isn't Master Bi Ling here? Why can't you find it?"

"The one who led the way only said that it was on the lake side, and didn't say where it was. Besides, Bi Ling didn't always stay at home, maybe he went out?"

Cristina quickly said: "I think this is likely to be the case. We might as well ask a Kirin nearby to ask. Although the density of Kirin is not as high as the surrounding area, but how many are there?"

"Isn't there one?" Zhenhong pointed at the foot of Mount Zhufeng in the distance. It seemed that there were many people there, as if doing something.

Qinglong saw someone over there and didn't say hello to us. The figure flickered and disappeared. Chris Dina shook her head helplessly: "Care is chaotic!"

I glanced at the crowd over there, looked at the lake again, and said, "Come with me."

Actually, I found a house across the lake, but the house was mixed with nearby trees before and it was hard to see. This original wooden house was basically built using naturally growing plants. Among them, the four big trees that are the four corners of the house are still alive, so we didn't notice that there was a house in this place before.

We leaped directly over the lake to the house. This house looks almost as far away as it is near. It is very hidden and completely integrated with the surrounding natural environment. The house didn't even have a door, just hanging some vines at the door was considered a curtain. Nothing else.

"Is anyone at home?" Biling may be living here, or it's better to be polite. After waiting for a while, there was no answer in the room, so I had to shout again, "Is there anyone inside?"

Waiting again is still no sound, Chris Dina said: "Maybe really not home."

I thought about it and shouted, "We're going in." After I shouted, I waited for a while before daring to go inside.

Opening the curtain made of arabesques, I saw a room less than twenty square meters inside. The room had no windows, but it was not dark, as the roof and walls were full of holes. The whole house is piled up with wood, and it hasn't been processed at all. There is no sense of beauty at all.

Not many utensils in the room. In the opposite corner there is a nest made of white fluff and dry arabesques. It is said to be a nest mainly because it lacks the legs necessary for a bed. The nest is oval in shape and falls completely on the ground. It is less than thirty centimeters high, but looking at the fluff on it, the nest should be comfortable.

Except for this nest. On the other corner of the room was a box made of stone, but the structure was quite rough, and I could barely see that it was a box for stuff. There was nothing else in the room except these two things that barely counted as floor furniture.

After looking at the furnishings in the room, the gold coin sighed, "This is a Stone Age house."

Cristina said angrily: "It is unfortunate to inform you that this era should be much earlier than the Stone Age, at least when humans have divided the ball into several big 6s, but now the big 6s are all Crowded together. This is the beginning of the ball in the flood era earlier than the dinosaurs. "

We were talking, and when we heard the sound of the curtain being opened, we saw two people as soon as we looked back. One of these two is female. The other is not so sure. It looks like a woman, but it is not sure. "Who are you?" The man whose gender could not be determined. His voice also sounds neutral.

"We are from a distant place. We are looking for Bi Ling, oh no, you seem to be used to calling him Ling Yun. Do you know where he is?"

"What are you looking for in Lingyun?" The woman in question was the one who could be identified. This woman looks twenty-three years old, taller than 1.7 and tall, with a white linen dress, she is very proud and glamorous. but. One thing that surprised us was that she was actually wearing clothes.

Been here for so long. There are many monsters that can transform into humans, but they are definitely rare in clothes. The six elemental creatures who agreed to join us before had no clothes, and the busy ghosts only covered the important parts with the leaves on their bodies. Even if they had just arrived on this Kirin Mountain, the guards who met Kirin just wore some skirts and sleeve-like clothing made of animal skins, which were not clothes at all. But this woman is different, she is definitely an orthodox dress, not only has the standard style of the dress, but also the special adjustment of waist and chest relaxation. of course. The material of sackcloth is quite rough, but it is also a woven fabric after all. It is very rare to see sackcloth in this era. Speaking. The man beside this woman who did not distinguish between men and women also had good clothing. Although the animal skin was basically the main one, his animal skin was obviously cut and stitched. Unlike the unicorn that was encountered before, it only wrapped the animal skin Just on the body.

Faced with this beautiful bubbling and cold and surprising woman, a few of us have a guilty conscience, but fortunately, my mental quality is very good, and my emotions are quickly stabilized. Damn, this woman is attacking with spirit! "We need to talk to Lingyun about some things, and things cannot be told to others, so if you are not Lingyun, please forgive me for not being able to answer your question."

"I'm Ling Yun, what are you looking for?" The answer to us was the one who didn't distinguish between men and women. The result surprised us.

"Are you Lingyun?" We all froze. How did Bi Ling grow up like this? Men and women do not even distinguish between sexes.

In fact, the Bi Ling in front of him is not ugly. His current situation is a bit like me before. He looks very beautiful, but the appearance of women is also masculine, so it is really difficult to confirm whether he is male or female.

The gold coin spoke quickly and asked directly. "Excuse me, are you male or female?"

Fortunately, the relationship between people in this era is relatively simple, there is no such thing as derogation. So Bi Ling didn't care at all, but replied quickly: "I'm neutral."

"Neutral?" Is it really a shemale?

The woman in white next to Biling replied: "The Biling family is like this. Before they meet their lover, they have no gender. Only after confirming their lover will they be determined to evolve to a certain gender as needed, and even after qualitative, there is still a modification opportunity."

gosh! Bi Ling is actually such a race that does not distinguish between men and women, which seems to be the case in lower creatures. I didn't expect Bi Ling to be the same. In this way, since the modern Bi Ling is male, it means that he met a female lover, so he would be characterized as male. So, shouldn't this be Bi Ling's childhood friend? So it's best to scam two people at once and bring them back together. Since it can become Bi Ling's partner, its strength should not be weak, and it will definitely be a great fighting force in the future.

I asked the woman next to me very politely, "What's your name, please?"


"Yinxue?" How did the name sound so familiar? Seems like I've seen it before. Suddenly, a light flashed in my head. Shouldn't it be her? "That ... can you take the liberty to ask your specific ethnic branch?"

"Kirin tribe, white jade unicorn branch."

Needless to say this time ~ ~ The real red behind them all start to breathe cold air together. Jade unicorn is a cherished species in the unicorn family, not all of a hundred unicorns may have one jade unicorn. As for the white jade unicorn among the jade unicorns, that is the only level genius of the whole unicorn tribe. Now we actually encounter a white jade unicorn, and it is still the same white jade unicorn of the same age as Biling. What is more frightening is that her name is actually the same as that written in the task book, also called silver snow. To sum up the above three points, the conclusion is one-she is the white jade unicorn standing on the summit of Mount Everest in the Chinese version of Genesis.

Master. I'm standing in front of the ground. There are two masters in the game that all the combat power plus the number on the ground, and it's still the type that ranks high. In my opinion, it is not counted to remove the senior mother and son-in-law of that series. The remaining people are Bi Ling and Bai Yu Qi Lin. That Chinese version of Genesis. The combat effectiveness they finally showed was actually only one step away from the higher god. Such a horrible master, actually two will appear at the same time. This is really amazing. However, today it seems that some people think that we are not surprised enough, and actually gave us a hammer on our weak nerves.

Qinglong, who ran a fork in the road, finally rushed back, but he settled after seeing Bi Ling. Three minutes later he suddenly flung to Bi Ling kneeling on the ground and holding Bi Ling's legs and crying: "Mum ...!"

Eh? ……mom? ...... Did Qinglong's head enter the water?

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