Starting from Zero

Vol 15 Chapter 3: Mountain

The guild's troops and the team in the heavenly court mixed together and rushed to the true Buddhist stronghold in the fantasy world. Because most of our guild troops were heaven soldiers bought from the heavenly court, there was basically no problem in coordination. However, both the heavenly soldiers who belong to us and the heavenly courts have been given an instruction-to hold their breath. Players in this guild will pick up the cheap all the way back, and make up the last knife for those dying enemies. This leveling method is usually rare.

There are many Buddhist guardian drapes, and there are some players and various types of Sami, Luohan, etc. In short, there are not many combatants. The people on both sides fought fiercely on the edge of the virtual world, stiffened from time to time, and actually stabilized the front at the entrance of the virtual world.

"Will there be too many casualties like this?" Polaris asked us with some concern.

Erlang Shen doesn't seem to care about death and injury. "Heavenly soldiers can give birth at will, but to die once is just a bit more effort to run back from hell, what are you afraid of?"

I also said, "Buddha is just lucky, but after all, they are large-scale strengths that have been on an equal footing with Tianting, and casualties are inevitable. Oh yes, why do you only see the Celestial Soldiers today? "After I said that, both North Star Jun and Erlang Shen looked at me with a rather weird expression, and my whole body looked straight. "What do you think I do?"

Erlang Shen reluctantly asked me: "Do you really do n’t know or do you not know?"

"Know what? Don't let me guess the riddle, I don't know! What the **** is going on?"

Polaris Jun was a little bit angry and said, "Hello, you are also the 11th Temple Yan Luo, which was sealed up by the heavenly court, and you really forgot it! When the 10th Temple Yan Luo was there, the Yan Luo of the 11th Temple was the Yan Luo who was responsible for communicating with the heavenly court. Of course, we ca n’t forget Yan Luo ’s ghost soldiers and horses for such a big thing. But we think that since you know that you ’re going to fight Buddhism, you should have already notified the ghost soldiers and horses to take part in the battle. I did n’t expect you to forget it! What is the strategy to hide the ghost soldiers and horses? "

"Ah? That's OK?" Really dizzy! No one ever told me that I was a trafficker in Heaven and Earth, and now I have such a big oolong! "Here you stand first, I'll call someone."

"Come on, come back. You will not be used until the defense of the virtual world is broken."

"Understood." I touched the teleportation ring and appeared directly at Isinger. I ran to the door of the special transfer room on the ground floor of Isinger, and the cold air was drifting out of it. A circular deep well in the center of the room exuded green light, which could not be seen at all. I jumped in without hesitation and didn't feel like I was falling. Instead, he stood directly on the ground on the other side. The smoky surroundings and cold low temperatures have shown that this is hell.

"Master Yan, why are you free to come to the land today?" A little ghost appeared near me, and he was responsible for receiving people from above. I usually seldom come here, and because the temperature is too low, it is difficult for other races to stay here except the undead, so I can only draw a large amount of undead from this guild to manage this Business.

I didn't say much to the little ghost, and I directly ordered: "It is said that the judges and the impermanence of Niutou Mamen went to the Yanluo Temple to discuss matters. In addition, a few more legs and feet were quickly sent to the other ten temples. , 100,000 in a hurry. "

"Understand." The little ghost disappeared as soon as it turned. Do not look at the undead people in the world is not very good, they are actually very powerful in the land government. There is no other talent like this little ghost. Is to run fast, can teleport freely within the range of the prefecture. Many people say that there is no limit to thought. A little ghost is a spiritual body that can't even count the soul, so you can go wherever you want. This is a talent of theirs.

The ghost differences are very fast on all sides, and I didn't wait long for the Seal of the Throne to arrive. The cow, ghost, and snake **** looking at a temple really has an evil feeling!

"Zi Ri Yan Jun. You hurried to us, what the **** is it? Is it for the heavenly court to destroy the Buddha?" The questioner was Yan Luo of the Sixth Hall.

"you know?"

Yan Luo of the Seventh Temple said: "Our ghost world is also under the earth. The ghost sends people to catch souls, and the news is naturally known. We have been wondering why this time, such a big thing, the heavenly court did not let me wait for help. Then! "

Khan, I can't tell you that I forgot it! "That ... this thing ... he's got some technical problems. But now that's over, let's not think about it. Now all you have to do is gather the ghost troops and horses, and we will go up to help together . "

"The soldiers and horses can be called at any time. But I ca n’t wait for the ghosts to see Jinwu Chiyang! I can wait for the senior officials such as Yan Luo and Niutou Mamen, but our little ghosts can't stand it! Would you like to invite the heavenly court to prepare it first? This is the work of Yan Luo, the last temple. "

by. Unfamiliar business is really a delay! "Well, I'll get in touch right away. The younger brother is new, and I don't know a lot of things yet. If you have any omissions, please bring them here. I thanked them first."

"It's good to say, everyone is working for heaven!" Yi Luo Yan Luo immediately paid back. "Then let's call up soldiers and horses, but we don't know where to gather?"

"There is a Xiuyuan City under Wutai Mountain, where my territory is now, you can come out from there and hit the mountain."

"I see, we'll arrange it, and we'll be there within half an hour."

Ghost soldiers are really fast. It only takes thirty minutes to assemble the army. From the perspective of athletic ability, the ghost army is much better than the heaven soldiers!

After contacting things here, I rushed back. These things were supposed to be done yesterday. Unfortunately, I did n’t know the rules and rushed to do it at this time. I really found myself in trouble! Rushing all the way to heaven, the Jade Emperor was very surprised to see me. "You don't direct the battle in front, what do you run back to?"

"That ... In fact, I forgot about the Ministry of Ghosts. Fortunately, Erlang Zhenjun and Polaris Jun reminded me, so I just contacted the soldiers over there. I just heard that the Ministry of Ghosts sent troops to cover the sun. There seems to be a special court in heaven. Is it the department that does this? "

Jade Emperor called a **** general. He whispered a few words, and then smiled and said to me: "You are really confused! Okay! Now that the ghosts are in the battle, I will let the Tianbei Xianbao shoot." He said that the **** next to him had already returned. There is an extra box in my hand. Jade Emperor said: "Give this to the North Star King, he knows how to use it."

"Then I'll go back first."

When I returned to Wutai Mountain, there was basically no change in the fighting situation on this side, and both sides were still deadlocked. It seems that the situation will not come out in the short term. The Polaris Jun took the box I handed it over, took out a block like a rag from the inside, and saw me silly. "Let the Jade Emperor let me bring you such a rotten cloth?"

Polaris Jun smiled and said, "Don't underestimate this rotten cloth, do you know its name?"

"It should be bullish."

"Indeed." North Star Jun nodded and took the rag in his hand. Then he said, "It's called Zhe Tianfan. How's it? It's amazing?"

"Could it be that?"

"That's right. This thing is the one that keeps the ghost soldiers out of the sun." Polaris said a spell, and threw the cloth into the sky. White cloth skyrocketed and grew larger and larger, and soon covered the whole mountain, and the rotten cloth continued to expand. There is no intention to stop.

"Fuck, it's so big!"

Erlangshen pointed the direction of the next Xiuyuan city. "Come on! The ghosts have arrived."


Polaris Jun confirmed: "Ghostly sky, Eleven Temple Yan Luo will be short of you."

"The two are busy. I'll pick them up first."

Fly down the clouds. It fell directly into the city of Xiuyuan, but at first glance the city was empty and nothing was seen except the people in our guild. "Fuck! Erlang plays me!"

"Zi Ri Yan Jun has arrived?" Suddenly, ten Yama kings emerged from my side. Different from the previous meeting place below, these guys have all put on the armor, and they also have all kinds of weapons in their hands.

"Oh, my brother is here! How about your soldiers? Why did you come up by yourself?"

Yan Luo of Jiudian pointed to heaven: "This day hasn't completely covered it yet. We natives can't come out yet."

I looked up to the next day, and the large rag was still stretching there. Although the sky has not been completely covered for the time being, the surroundings are almost the same as the dusk. Almost all players in and around the city are looking up at the sky. You should know that it is now more than nine o'clock in the morning, when the sun is shining, the sky is suddenly covered by the sky. Of course, the people below will feel strange.

We were waiting for Zhe Tianfan to fully unfold, and suddenly heard a loud dragon groan from the East. Followed by the West came another whistling sound. The two roars were not over, and a clear Fengming came from the south. Following the north was a dull Dragon Yin. (Is Xuanwu from Longyin?) Yan Luo all around me hurriedly worshipped in all directions. "It seems the sacred animal of the Quartet has arrived!"

Yan Luo of the Seven Temples asked me, "Zi Ri Yan Jun, are the Four Holy Beasts responsible for the battlefield on our side today?"

"Do n’t ask me. To be honest, today ’s battle is terribly terrible. I did n’t figure out what happened. But Qinglong probably came to help me. The emperor once said that if I hit the Buddhist gate, I would command the Holy Beast to fight. Yes, just didn't expect four people to come! "

Unlike ours, players in the nearby areas don't know what the Four Holy Beasts are coming to. Most people just know that today is a dispute between Dao and Buddha, and did not expect Tokyo to be so big. When I saw the colorful clouds in Tianting last night, everyone just thought that things might be more serious than imagined. Until today, when I saw Zie Tianfan appeared, I really understood that today's things will not be small, but still no one expected that the four holy beasts would come at the same time.

The four bosses were very scary. They almost sounded loud. Four huge figures appeared at the same time around Wutai Mountain, just in four directions from southeast to northwest, and surrounded Wutai Mountain in the middle. The players around are almost boiling. Everyone knows that there are four sacred beasts in China, but no one (except and.) Has really seen it. Today, I saw four at once. It ’s no wonder that you are not excited!

"Brother Qinglong, Brother Qinglong, I'm here!" Xiu Yuancheng is just in Shandong, Qinglong Jiu is above my head, but I don't know if they can hear my voice.

After shouting for a long time, Qinglong probably didn't hear it. I saw that he looked up at Tian, ​​and then said with a thunderous voice: "I'm afraid fighting here will hurt innocent people, why don't we go up and fight?"

Suzaku nodded, "Yes, come and help, let's fight up."

After Suzaku spoke, a red light suddenly appeared on his body, and the blue dragon side followed with a blue light. The white tiger was white light, and the basalt was a yellow light. Qinglong suddenly made a dragon chant: "The law of Qiankun-Sheng."

Just listen to the bang. There was a sudden and violent shock under our feet, and then it kept shaking. The entire Wutai Mountain and its surrounding area of ​​100 miles were shaken violently. Everyone looked in horror without knowing what had happened.

A hundred miles away from the mountain, a tearing sound suddenly came from the ground, and then the entire ground suddenly cracked a large gap, and quickly extended to both sides. This big crack is not one or two. It's all around the whole mountain. Fortunately for some people in the wild countryside, the key is that some cracks actually penetrated the city and divided the whole city or village into two. Many people walking on the street couldn't wait to get into the big crack. The whole area around Wutai Mountain is completely messed up, just like the end of the world!

The four sacred beasts are already connected by light bands. A square was formed, which just framed the mountain and the surrounding area. The cracks on the ground were getting bigger and bigger, and finally widened to more than one meter, and then the ground actually rose slowly in the shaking. I knew what they were going to do at this time. It turned out that the four holy beasts wanted to raise the entire battle area to the sky.

After the earthquake lasted for nearly two minutes, it gradually began to flatten out, but the whole mountain and the ground flew off the ground together. Neither the tree roots nor the road can prevent the entire block from taking off. The Wutai Mountain in the game is much larger than it is in reality. In addition to the hundreds of miles of land in the surrounding area, this area is completely a giant island. The Four Holy Beasts actually pulled it off the ground so stiffly. Is this too brutal?

Among the countless players and stunned, the Wutaishan plate finally slowly flew off the ground, and gradually began to rise. Soon, it flew to a height of more than a kilometer above the ground. The players below could only stare at the huge aerial territory. I do n’t know what to say.

The players and players in the sky were affected by the shock, but soon recovered. Qinglong they lifted the whole mountain and a large area around it. Participants were brought up as a whole, so there was no confusion.

After the mountain body flew up, the sky sail was finally covered. The sky was completely blocked, and the surroundings fell into darkness. If it is normal at night and the stars and the moon can give out some light, but covering the sky sails will block all the light, and the result will become darker than the night.

Now we can't see the edge of the four sides at the middle point of the range covered by the sky sail, but if we saw it, we would probably be frightened again. Because it is not the place where Mount Wutai is dark now, but more than half of Asia. The east that covered the sky sails even Japan, the north has reached the Arctic Ocean coast, the west is almost approaching the border of Tibet and Xinjiang, and the south covers Hainan Island and parts of the Nansha Islands together.

This cover sky sail seems to cover a large area, but considering that this thing has no other function than blocking the sun, it is not a high-end baby. (Doesn't that count ...?) However, the Necromancers have such a thing but can add a lot of advantages for nothing. Our guilds think so.

The sky turned dark, but the realm of Buddha's door became more conspicuous. The imaginary world on the top of Wutai Mountain is now like a big light bulb, and its scattered light is bright near the bar, but it is slightly darker than the daylight.

The soldiers and horses of the Tianyi **** unit immediately started to operate. They drilled directly from the ground, flew up into the sky, entered the range of Mount Wutai, and began to assist our people in fighting. Although the combat power of the ghost army is not as good as that of the heavenly army, there are many winners and the special attributes of the ghost army are many. For example, there is an undead war spirit, completely inaccessible to the sword, and it has a fight with the door bell of the Buddha.

"Brother Qinglong." I saw the dragon reverting to a human form suspended in the air, looking at the battlefield with both hands in his chest, but he did not want to participate in the battle.

"Oh, it's Ziri!" Qinglong turned back and said with a smile, "Thanks for letting our family reunite this time."

"I just happened to happen. What about Tianlong and Biling?"

"I've been here now and I live in my Qinglong Tower. But I suggest you better not let them run into it."

Damn, the last thing I wanted was born! The method of aphrodisiac really made the two big brothers reconciled. As a result, they unanimously opened up me! Sure enough, the couple can't help each other. They will be reconciled today after copying today, but they are not people inside or out! But I can't do anything about it, I can't complete my task without pulling them over. Fortunately, I didn't get nothing, at least I got a silver snow. Just now I have been notified by the rose, Baiyu Qilin Yinxue has officially joined our guild, and has become a full-time guardian of our guild.

According to Rose, there are quite a few restrictions on this full-time guardian beast, but one of my most worrying restrictions did not appear. I was most worried about the system cover all kinds of excuses to limit Yinxue's strength, and downgraded her to a general beast. Fighting power of snow. Yinxue was limited by the system during the attack. She could only be dispatched if a level beast appeared in the local combat troops. That is to say, only if a guy with the same strength as Zhao Zhao or Yagi Snake appeared on the day, we could send Yinxue here. However, in the defensive battle, Yin Xue can participate in the battle unconditionally. Who calls her a guardian beast!

After saying a few words about Qingling and Qinglong, I asked again, "What are you brother Qinglong doing? The whole mountain is up in the sky? It doesn't seem necessary?"

"You don't know if you look at the situation on the mountain."

I looked at the situation on the mountain in doubt, and the fighting continued, but the Tianbing and the coalition forces in our guild seemed to have taken the initiative and were gradually reducing the control area of ​​the Buddhist staff. Through the faint mist, you can see that the Buddhist staff inside the imaginary imagination are embarrassed and can't support it. Wait, mist? You ca n’t see the internal conditions of the virtual world before? In addition, our coalition has always been comparable to the Buddha Gate. Why did we suddenly take the initiative?

Understand ~ ~ I suddenly thought about it. energy. Qinglong, they said that Wutai Mountain had been raised to prevent unrelated people from being implicated nearby, but I did n’t believe it at the beginning, and now I do n’t believe it anymore. In fact, Qinglong had a very obvious meaning, which was to cut off the energy supply to Buddha. Wutai Mountain as one of the three strongholds of Buddhism is not without reason. It is important because it is right above the ground. Both Buddhism and Taoism are good at arranging battles. The second strongest formations are those large formations that support the ground. As long as the ground veins continue, these matrix methods can continue to run. The coalition forces of Tianting and our guild are much stronger than those of Buddha. The reason why I kept going in for a long time was because of this defensive formation. Now the whole mountain has been pulled up, the ground vein has completely separated from the mountain body, the defensive array of the Buddha's Gate must have all failed, so it will suddenly be unstoppable. Qinglong, they are indeed masters with rich experience in combat, such problems can be thought of. But I have to say that their strength is really too scary, if I think of it, I can't do it!

Qinglong knew that I wanted to understand, and he pointed forward slightly. "Have you seen the central hall?"

"Yes, got it."

"I sent you in directly with my mana. Although there are a few masters out there, there are a lot of good things, even if I repay you (you?) For helping me find my parents' grace." The last shot, the next second I already appeared in that hall.

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