Starting from Zero

Vol 15 Chapter 19: Secret stronghold

The wizard is really convenient! White Tiger, they were seriously out of position with the unknown character, but we found them very easily, but we could only watch them when we found them. I don't know the guy who is fighting with White Tiger, but it looks like he is a Buddhist. There are masters on the field, there are not many more than me, and there is not less one. After much deliberation, I thought it would be better to go to the treasure first, so I asked the three volunteer guides to take me to the place where the Great Pluto hides things.

Although Dalun Pluto is a boss figure, she was a woman before she became the boss, so she has a very bad habit-suspicious. The treasures that the guides took me to find are very secret, but because of their special abilities, they were easily revealed by us, but I just dared not go in looking at the cave that was wide open.

The cave was not gated, but the strong mana fluctuations from the cave's entrance were probably felt even by warriors who did not understand magic. Such a strong ban would be difficult to resolve at my level.

"Well ... how do I get in?" I asked the next three guides tentatively.

"Only that peacock can drive on its own, we don't know." The three were obviously not good at this.

After thinking about it, I decided to use the easiest method-detour. Who stipulated that the entrance to the cave must be taken? Can't we go in through the big hole next to it? Anyway, there are a lot of holes in my magic pet. It should not be difficult to open a hole from the side.

I let the Blazers out. Find a relatively soft place from the side of the cave and start digging in. Soft soil and rock are the same for the trailblazers, as long as you don't run into iron sulfate. It took only half a minute for the Trail Blazers to enter the cave from the side. It was simple and unexpected.

"Yes, it's full." I patted the Trail Blazers and sent him back to Fenglong Space.

The guides said that they were to avoid suspicion and resolutely refused to follow me into the cave. There was no way I had to go in alone. The environment of this place is so good, the surrounding walls are quite neat rocks. Looks like it was dug up manually. The cave is very dry and has no bad taste. The only drawback is that there are more bugs.

I quickly entered a large natural cave through the artificial cave in front. This large cave was also connected with countless small holes, and each small hole was filled with all kinds of strange things. I took one casually and looked at it.

This is a tadpole used for priests. The main material is jade. The pattern is also very ordinary, and at most one yuan is sold on the stand. But this puppet is not ordinary at all, because the vigorous magic shows that this thing is at least a holy spirit equipment. In addition to the puppet, I also found a large bucket of more than two meters high. The bucket is black, the material is some unknown metal, and the weight is unclear. Anyway, I can't move it alone. There are a lot of things like this, and I don't know what they are doing for a while, but I always study things after moving things.

"Scott. Move things." Opening the door of space called out my moving team, and the bell-tone knight and the unicorn warrior rushed out of the earth's gate to start sweeping the treasure house.

There are so many things here. However, I have a large number of people, and it shouldn't take long for the seal of the throne to finish. For general items, I let them directly pile up inside the gate of the earth. Only when I encounter something with strong magic wave fluctuations will I leave it to me.

"Report to the sir." A unicorn warrior ran to me for a military salute. These guys have become more and more like soldiers since they have entities.

"what's up?"

"There is a sculpture over there, suspecting it may be what we are looking for."

Because the jade emperor had said when they came out of the court, those jade may change the form, even the texture, so other places can not be used as the standard except magic. Therefore, what I told the Qilin warriors was also roughly standard. I just said that I was looking for something that is very strong and special, but did not say the specific appearance and magic characteristics. The magic of the jade land is very special. What I felt in the heavenly court was a strange feeling. I can't express it in words, so I can't tell what kind of magic fluctuations the Qilin Samurai is looking for. I can only do it myself, as long as it's weird, go and see.

This time the unicorn warriors showed me a statue of a red jade fairy, which is definitely the focus of skepticism. Although it is possible to change the material of that jade, it is only possible. Normally, it still holds the exact appearance of the piece of jade that I saw in heaven. It is the most likely, but the possibility of changing the shape is slightly As far as the material is changed, that is only the lowest possibility. Therefore, everything that is jade is worthy of attention.

I rushed to the sculpture in three steps and then pressed my hand on the surface of the jade statue. I closed my eyes and felt it carefully.

"How's it? Is this what we're looking for?" Skott asked me.

I shook my head: "It's a shame it's not, but it's weird. Little Dragon Girl, come out and help identify it."

The little dragon girl jumped out of Fenglong space and examined the sculpture carefully, and then said, "This is a gift from Tianting to Buddha's door a long time ago, I can't remember the name, it functions like a weapon of mass destruction."

"What? This thing is a weapon of mass destruction?"

"Don't get excited." Little Dragon Girl quickly pressed my mouth. "This is indeed a weapon of mass destruction, but it only targets mortal people who have no power. People like us return blood faster than it does, which is essentially useless."

"Fuck, is this thing useful for Buddhist doors?"

"It ’s because it ’s useless, so I sent it!" Xiaolong said for granted: "Heaven and Buddha are not really good enough to wear a pair of pants. In private, no one has ever thought of each other as friends, so politeness is superficial. False politeness. Buddha door had just completed a plan at that time. There must be something to send in the court's face, but something too tasteless could not be delivered, and something too strong was unwilling, so in the end I gave this thing. Use It's just like waste, but when it comes to people's weapons of mass destruction, at least it's impressive. "

"This thing is really appropriate!"

"of course."

"Sir, here again

Now. "

We are talking, and the Qilin warriors have another thing worth noting. The present thing was not far from where we were, and I quickly walked over.

"What is it? Let me see."

The unicorn warrior ran out with a coffin. "That's it." The unicorn warrior in charge of the squad pointed to the coffin and said to me.

"This ...!" This kind of thing has also been put in the Tibetan bag storehouse. The hobby of Dalun Pluto is really special! "Do you know what this is?" I turned back and asked the little dragon girl.


"Nonsense, of course I know this is a coffin. I was asking what was inside?"

Skott touched me and whispered when he looked at him: "I don't think there will be anything other than a corpse coffin."

"There are many types of corpses." I lighted Sigoth's chest and said, "Aren't you also counted as corpses? As for zombies and witches, aren't they all corpses? So corpses are also different. Since this thing can be put in the treasure house, there must be something strange about it. "

"Let's know if it's three or seventy two. Open it." Skott stepped on the coffin board, and the huge coffin rolled over a dozen times and flew to the corner before stopping. "It's strong enough!"

"Everyone said it's baby, of course it's impossible to open it so easily!"

I walked over and looked at the coffin again. This is a very old coffin style. It is not the same as the coffin structure of modern times, and of course it is far worse than that of western coffins. This thing is boxy and looks more like a huge drawer than a coffin. Its surface is not decorated, it is completely the color and texture of the wood itself, except that the wood is a bit special. The wood used to make this coffin comes from the World Tree, which means that it is a coffin made of World Tree by mouth. You must know that the world tree is no less precious than any kind of gem, so using it to make a coffin is an extremely luxurious act.

Skott came over, and he kicked a few times on the coffin. Then said: "This thing is probably not worse than the steel plate."

"Wrong. This thing isn't worse than steel, it's harder than steel, it's harder than anything you've ever seen."

Skott looked at the coffin in surprise, and then said, "How do we open it? There is no lock on it. I do n’t know how to open it. And for such a hard thing, your eternity may not Cut it, right? "

"I naturally have my way." Then I turned eternity into a hammer. Then I tapped lightly on the coffin cover, and the cover made a very crisp echo, and then I knocked on the side.

Scarlett watched me knock there with a small hammer, and asked very puzzled, "What are you doing?"

"Find the main beam."

"The staple food? Is there food in it?"

"Not the main food, but the main beam, the beam of the house beam!"

"But what are you looking for in the main beam?" Stille didn't understand what I was going to do.

"Do you know Luban Lock?" I asked, knocking.


"Stylishly, this thing and that stuff are a thing of the age."

"So you think there should be a backbone for this thing?"

I was about to answer, and suddenly there was a very special echo from the coffin board. It sounded more dull than before, and it also carried a very special rubbing sound. "found it."

"How do you know it's here?" Xiaolongnu also came curiously and asked.

"Because this structure completely relies on the main beam to lock the connection points between the various parts, the main beam will connect many parts at the same time. That is to say, the structure around the main beam is very complicated. So the echo when hitting will be very special and can I heard some slight collision sounds. Why? Do n’t believe it? That ’s proof for you. ”I said and pushed the piece of wood down. Then let go, the wood popped up on its own. I grabbed the ejected piece of wood and yanked it outward. Just hearing a bang, the top cover of the entire coffin suddenly popped out, and then the baffles on all sides fell neatly in four directions. However, after seeing the situation inside, my arrogance disappeared immediately! "Well ... this looks like a coffin!"

This **** coffin has more than one layer! Fortunately, the second floor is just an ordinary coffin without any special locking devices.

"Let's see what's in it this time!" Skott walked over and grabbed one end of the coffin cover and lifted it upwards, and the whole cover was lifted off the coffin. We quickly reached out and looked inside. The result was choked again.

This time it is not that there is a layer of coffin inside, but that the inside is actually empty. If it were empty, we would be disappointed at best. But the coffin was more surprising than the empty one, because it was actually a staircase.

After the cover of the coffin was opened, there was a large hole in the place where the corpse should be placed. From above, you can see a downwardly extending ladder, but you can't see the end. The depth of the coffin is no more than one meter three, but this ladder is at least one hundred meters or more, which is obviously not something that can be placed on the coffin.

"This is the entrance to the space!" Xiao Long Nu shouted first.

"Probably!" I reached out and touched the inside of the coffin, then looked at my fingers. "No body has ever been in this coffin, it's a camouflaged entrance."

"I don't know where this can go?" Skott said.

"It would be nice if it was another treasure place." The little dragon girl is also taken away by me now, and she wants to take advantage every day.

"Look down and see." Skott turned directly into the coffin and walked down.

"Little dragon girl, wait on it. If there is something strange about the unicorn warrior, put it together first, and wait for me to come back to see it." After that, I rolled over and jumped into the coffin.

The stairs below are very steep, and each step can only stand half a foot. There are back blades behind my boots, which require more space than ordinary boots. Now I can only stand on my side, otherwise there is no place to borrow. The passage is very dark, but it is not a big problem for me and Scott. After all, we are all dark creatures, and darkness is our best friend.

"Did you feel it?"

Ask me.

I nodded. "I feel it." There is air flow in the passage, which means that it is not a closed space below, but it is passing outside. "It's very salty, and it might be the sea outside."

"Wind?" Scarlett looked back at me in amazement. "I'm talking about the temperature of the ground."

"Temperature?" I reached out and touched the wall, and it turned out that the temperature of the wall was very high, and it was close to my temperature. "Don't worry, I'll let the darts approach the way."

The dart is small in size and fast, and the general mechanism will not start even if it is stepped on, and even if it is started, it is useless. With his degree, let alone a trap fall, even a crossbow cannot catch up to his degree. The darts explore the way in front of us, so we don't have to worry about moving forward anymore, so it will be much faster.

After walking down a short distance, the aisle became horizontally advanced, and then suddenly entered a very huge room. This is obviously a man-made place. The walls and floor of the room are engraved with a large number of reliefs, and the style is very strange. It doesn't seem to be the engraving form of any place I have seen.

The room was empty and nothing but a door diagonally across our entrance. That wooden gate was almost rotten, and the rest was just a frame. After exiting the door, the dart coughed back.

"what happened?"

The dart immediately communicated with his heart: "There is a huge ground tunnel group in front. There are many rooms around, but the contents are basically gone. At the end of the corridor is a downward ladder, but it is sealed by water."

"I see, you go back to rest first." After taking back the darts, I called out Bailang and Yeyue, and then started searching the underground world with Skott.

The channel structure in the front is unconventional. The horizontal and vertical channels divide the land around the cave into small areas. Each area is a room, which is just an underground city. Skott and I were walking to the door of a room. The long-worn door leaned crookedly against the door frame. I just pushed it slightly, and the whole door fell down, and it fell into countless pieces.

"Kekekekeke ..." Yeyue said while fanning the dust. "It seems that no one has been here for some years."

I was the first to walk into the room and saw the room was broken. It looks like an ordinary office with a row of bookshelves and tables and chairs in the room. It's all covered with a thick layer of ash, which looks gray.

"It's just a ghost town here." Scarlett swept the dust off the table, then turned around and jumped up to sit up, only to hear a loud noise, Scarlett fell directly into a pile of rotten wood. "by!"

"There is probably nothing in this place to keep it as it is." I reached out and grabbed a book by the bookshelf, and drew it gently. The book turned into a pile of white powder.

"Without magic protection, these things can't be stored for long." Yeyue bounced lightly at a wooden box beside him, and the wooden box turned into a pile of fragments. "See?"

"Every room is the same," Scott said. "What's wrong here?"

"It's probably an abandoned underground base." I walked from the bookshelf to the opposite wall, and there were still some pictures and shadows. Just as soon as I panted, it spread out a lot, but it became unrecognizable. "We move on. The secret should be ahead."

There are a lot of warehouses in front of this small residential area. It ’s just that everything inside is rotten and unrecognizable, so we do n’t know what it was before. Then the forward passage gradually converges into a relatively wide passage. Moving forward, the passage turned into a downward staircase again within 300 meters, but there were only a dozen steps, and all of them were soaked in water below.

"This is probably the lot blocked by the water," said Yeyue.

"I don't know what's underneath," Skott said.

"Look down and see." Ye Yue jumped into the water while talking, and then disappeared quickly.

"Let's go down too." Take back Bailang, put on the mask, and I jumped down.

"Wait for me." Skott followed me and jumped down.

Yeyue has a big tail. Swimming is much faster than us, and she will disappear when we enter the water. The underwater channel is still going down. And there are stairs, which shows that there should be no water here, or you don't need to make stairs at all.

Not far after we swam forward, we caught up with Yeyue. To be precise, we caught up with the blocked Yeyue. The descending stairs were completely blocked by a stone gate, and the surrounding space was empty without even a mechanism to open the stone gate.

"It looks like I have to open this door ~ ~ Scott said to me with heart contact.

Yeyue took a photo of Skort. "Are you an idiot? This is a sluice gate. It only falls when the water level crosses the warning line. You smash the door, all the water outside will be poured in, and we will be flushed back."

"What then?"

"First make a gate behind us, and then open the door. As long as there is no exit, water will not affect our actions."

I nodded. "This is a good method." Then I took Eternity out, and then made it part into a gate behind us, deep walls on all sides, so that I could resist the water pressure. After finishing all of this, I said to Skog and Yeyue: "Ready, I'm going to open the door."

Toothache is not a disease. It hurts! I have n’t been able to eat normally for three days in the storm, and I ca n’t sleep well when I sleep, alas ... the two biggest hobbies of my life are actually ended by this tooth! The dentist said that the content of the tooth is too high, the advantage is that it does not grow worm teeth, the disadvantage is that it is easy to break, this time biting a sand, it actually cracked from the top to the bottom. As a reminder, use toothpaste with caution. Not all teeth can be used with toothpaste. The worse the quality of a toothpaste like me, the worse!

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