Starting from Zero

Vol 15 Chapter 24: Lost Artifact

I did not participate in the following massacres. The battle of dragons against humans cannot be called war, but hunting should be more appropriate, because there is an essential difference in fighting effectiveness between the two sides.

The remaining troops outside the base had heavy weapons, but this had little effect on the results. The open terrain is not just for them, our heavy weapons can be used as well. When the full-band protective hood, like a four-footed egg, came out of the cargo tunnel, the pressure on our side began to drop significantly. Weapons that rely on inertial flight within the range of a strong magnetic field basically can't fly more than two meters, and the target in the mission has little power. What's more important is that the magnetic field emitted by these white "eggs" is downward, which means that all items containing iron, cobalt, and nickel will become very heavy. Unfortunately, the weapons used by these enemies attacking us basically contain a large amount of iron, especially heavy weapons.

Fortunately, he rushed to the forefront of the battlefield with his family.In the absence of the threat of heavy weapons, they were even more terrible than us. Those who are directly sprayed by the flame are better, and they are over in a moment. On the contrary, those who are too close and not directly touched are often burned with large bubbles and the skin comes off.

I was resting at the gate and watching the battlefield while resting. Suddenly, a report from a B1 army member came to my head. "General, there are a small number of reporters and onlookers outside our base. What should we do?"

Although the base is in the suburbs, after all, there is a road next to it. If someone sees the thick smoke caused by the flame or hears the explosion, it is likely to come to see what happened. Although I know they are innocent. But once the news spreads, it is likely to cause a full-scale war and civil unrest in the country, and more people will die by then. One is to kill more than a hundred innocent people, and the other is to wait for hundreds of millions of people worldwide to die. It's actually easy to do a subtraction.

Some utopian idealists often yell that human lives cannot be calculated by numbers, but I wonder if more people think they are more humane when more people fall because of the protection of several people. No matter what they think, anyway, our dragons are hardworking factions and absolutely believe in miracles. In our eyes, everything, including ethics, must be digitized and measured. In fact, most humans do this, but everyone will clamor for ethics to hide their behavior.

I signaled those who signaled: "Bring them all into the mountain, take care not to let more people see them. I will send people from the security forces to prevent more onlookers from entering."

In fact, the son-in-law had sent some security guards before, but the number was too small to form a blockade. According to the son-in-law's meaning, the people who went out were merely warning signs, and their role was to warn those people that they were not safe inside, and whoever ran into them would find them dead. No wonder others. But the son-in-law obviously underestimated the human determination to watch the liveliness, and even if it is dead, there are not a few people who want to see exactly.

The battlefield had calmed down, and no one ran away. We successfully intercepted all the enemies, and we were in an office somewhere. A general who was completely white turned off the monitor weakly. He pulled out a small pistol from the pump next to his desk, and pressed it against his mouth to gently pull the trigger.

Rose walked to a soldier on the battlefield, and found a camera on his body. "It seems that many people will commit suicide tonight!"

"It's best to die. It's better to save us trouble," Weiner said indignantly.

"Ah ..." A scream suddenly cut through the sky, and the volume was really amazing.

At almost the same time, our people turned their heads and looked in the direction of the sound. There was a large group of people there. From the perspective of clothing, they were just civilians. The source of the sound is some of the women and a few male members. As for the reason they scream, it is easy to find the answer from their sight.

"Fortunately, you are not a puppy. Don't keep smelling at others?

A person who lives in reality suddenly sees a container-sized head close to himself, and screaming is normal. Not as strange as some of the ladies lying on the ground. The first time I saw a dragon in reality, even I would feel a little dizzy, not to mention that this guy was lucky to smell the smell of others so close.

Fortunately, after listening to my words, he whispered as he removed his head: "It's smelly, there are three guys in their pants!"

I shouted to the players behind them: "Take them."

Which people are quickly pressed in front of me, most of them are well dressed. After all, this is near the high highway. People who come and go here are driving by, while most people who can see the bustle are driving. For private cars, long-distance buses do not stop halfway to watch the bustling, and truck drivers have no time to worry about the Seal of the Throne, so they are basically people with good conditions.

The sane people in the crowd all looked at me carefully. After all, my armor was the most peculiar in shape, and it was obviously the highest commander here.

"Why arrest us? What law did we commit?" A 25-year-old young man stepped out of the crowd and asked.

"I'm not a policeman. What's the matter with me if you break the law? Besides, you're not breaking the law ??

"Then why grab us?"

I used my fingers to draw a circle around those big guys around. "Because you saw them."

These people are relatively wealthy and identified, and naturally have more insights than ordinary people. When I said that, they immediately understood why they were arrested. The reason for sealing is easy to think of. "So what are you going to do with us?"

"I haven't thought about this yet. If nothing else, it will become an experimental product and then die in a certain experiment ??


A middle-aged man in a suit and leather shoes came up to the neighbour before he shouted out: "I'm the executive officer of the TBT Group in Asia. The mayor and I have a good relationship. You can't do this to me. National law, and I am an American, not a Chinese citizen, you have no right to treat me like this. "" Oh? Are you American? "I thought about this Chinese with a joke.

The other nodded: "You can't just use criminal law against me in accordance with the rules of international relations."

"Unfortunately, there is also an anti-espionage agreement in the International Standards Supplementary Agreement, so ..." I raised my left hand and wrapped his neck around him. He grabbed my arm and struggled, but he couldn't shake my arm at all. "Now I declare that you are identified as an American spy. Because of your refusal to arrest, you were shot by our personnel during the arrest operation." I said with a lot of effort in my hand, and only heard a click of the guy's head turned to the side immediately. His hands and feet also dropped quickly.

"Ah ...!" Screams rang out in the crowd.

I threw the corpse away and turned to look at the others. "The United States has more than 100,000 people entering our country every year. The missing three or five people belong to the normal range. Do n’t call them so loud. Okay, now who of you is a foreign friend, please stand up immediately and I will give you Special care. "

A woman with a very ordinary appearance stood trembling. "I ... I am a Korean student, please ... please don't kill ...!"

"Is that Korean?" I took off my helmet and threw it to Ling to help me hold it, and then I showed a very kind smile: "Don't be afraid. Are we neighbours! The relationship between the two countries is not bad, and I will not just Killing. But ... "My smile suddenly disappeared, and with the movement of my fingers, the woman's eyebrows had half an arrow tail, and then fell straight. "But it's a special situation now, so I'm really sorry."

The group of people became quiet in an instant, and even those who were screaming were quiet, probably frightened. I turned to them again. "Then the rest are natives, right?"

Those people immediately nodded desperately, for fear of being slowed down and treated as foreigners. I once again showed a kind smile, but after seeing my smile, those people all stood up as if they had electricity.

"After a while, I'm not a demon, is it necessary to be so scared?" I beckoned the young man who had previously negotiated as a representative. "You are brave. This at least shows that you have dedication. Of course, maybe you are just a measure of male hormone secretion. However, I still think you are a very brave person." Then I patted him on the shoulder, his legs He almost knelt on the ground. I lifted him up with a slight mention. "Don't fall down! What are you shaking? I won't eat you again."

Fortunately, this guy seems to have similar interests with me. Especially like the nerves of others. I was talking there, but he was licking his teeth behind his lips and licking his lips, looking very hungry, and the young man's teeth rattled.

I waved my hand back to Lucky: "While playing, the human flesh is not delicious, don't drool over there, the floor burns out, don't pay for it?" Lucky saliva is acidic, although not very corrosive, but Too bad.

Fortunately, he didn't leave, he just didn't make that look scary anymore. However, this guy grabbed an armored car over it, and squatted on the ground as if boring, tearing the steel plates on the armored car down one by one. As a result, the young man's eyes were watched.

I looked at this guy with a smile. "Don't be afraid. He scares you to play. I am actually very good at speaking, so as long as you cooperate, it will not be a surprise. Foreigners have no loyalty at all, so there is no possibility to stay, but you are different. "

Those who listened to me were slightly relaxed, and one of the girls came to me and said, "Can you let us go?"

"This probably won't be implemented right away. When exactly you can let go of it, you may not be sure, but the seal of time should not be too long."

Another girl who was very fancy wearing the ground suddenly rushed up and said, "What rank are you?"

"What do you ask this for?"

"You detained me and scared me so badly. I want my dad to withdraw you."

"Oh? Isn't your dad so young! Let's hear it, maybe we can actually withdraw me!"

"Huh! I'm afraid? Tell you, my dad is the commander of the First Experimental Force of the Nanjing Military Region." The girl reported her position with great pride.

"Oh, it was Xiao Xiangjun's daughter!" The girl froze for a moment, but I didn't expect that I knew her father, but what I said later almost made her faint. "I didn't expect you to bury your dad so soon? You waited and I asked them to put your dad together." I turned and said to lucky: "Don't tear the tank up there, go pick up Xiao Xiangjun Come back. "

Fortunately, he looked at the corpse of Manshan Road and said, "That guy's armor has burned my son! The corpse and molten steel have melted into one ball. Where can I go for you?"

I turned to the girl and said, "Ah, sorry, my hands and feet are too heavy. You look so embarrassed! I accidentally made a thick bone! Or I'll send you off, let's go today I sent so many people, and the ghost did not go through the immigration procedures so quickly. Your dad will definitely be in line in front of the Nai He Bridge. You may run faster and catch up. "Then I grabbed the girl by the shoulder and took her Throw it out. "Just a little, give you something delicious."

Xiao Budian flew up from his mother and bit the girl's body in the air. The corpse was snapped instantly, blood and viscera spilled on those faces, and almost everyone began to scream. Blood water and visceral debris. Xiaobu desperately spit out what was in his mouth after landing. "Well, uncle, you lied to me. What the **** does that mean? It's terrible!"

"Hahahaha, little tortoiseshell cat, let you talk again next time and give you a bit of memory." I said to the roses and said: "The school uniform over there, and this, this, this, that over there The one in the last row was very nice, and the rest was taken to the experimental material warehouse. "

It was not completely meaningless to make such a **** behavior just now. Now I am very upset. These guys who oppose our dragons always give us trouble. My mood is naturally very bad, and it is a good idea to kill a few nasty guys. It's a leak. Another purpose is to make these people's thinking stimulated by my behavior, so that I can judge the general emotional characteristics of these people by monitoring the peak signals of their brain waves. People with rational thinking and impulsive people think completely differently. The lines of rational human EEG are as regular as the sound waves of music, while the brainwave signals of impulsive people are more like noise signals and are completely irregular. . The ones I point out belong to relatively strong autonomic nerves. Their behaviors are extremely sane. As long as they understand the truth, they will not do anything extraordinary. This is similar to the Dragons, at least they can control their behavior.

After those people were taken away, these six people were gathered to my side. Among them, five men and one woman, of different ages, the largest looks more than fifty, the youngest is that girl, at most only ten six.

"I know you are wondering why you were left behind, but don't be afraid, I won't hurt you."

One young man in his twenties said calmly, "You killed several people after you said that."

I looked solemnly: "Do you think I'm telling lies now?"

"I'm not a fairy. How do I know what you're saying is true and false, and regardless of whether I say true or false, you can decide whether I am right or wrong. As long as you deliberately reverse it, I will definitely be wrong. I must be right when I come, so no matter what I say, it's not me who decides right or wrong. "

"Ha ha ha ha ..., really interesting person." I patted him: "Then I will not ask you, my answer is that you will live. Now tell me your name and occupation, family situation."

Several people reported their situation in cooperation. They were all very rational people, knowing that resistance would not help them at this time. I looked at the information of six people, and then said to the fifty-someone: "I'm sorry Mr Feng, today's things are a bit messy. Leaders at your level should be able to guess the inside story of some things, I think You also understand what's going on. I won't tell you what follows, I believe you know how to do it. "

The other nodded. "I've heard something about you, but I didn't expect you to have a conflict here today, otherwise I won't come up the mountain."

"You understand the best, I don't need to embarrass you, as long as you can see nothing today, you can be nothing today, understand?"


I beckoned to Skort. "Take him to install a neural eavesdropper." I turned to him and said, "This is a means of insurance. After all, we can't just rely on you to say a word. We just ask nothing. As long as you don't disclose the news, the chip will not treat you. It will have any effect, but if you violate the rules, it will use strong current to burn all your nervous system, and you will have no time to spread the information and become a vegetative. "

"Relax! I don't want to die yet."

"That's good."

To deal with this, I sent several others to install nerve eavesdroppers. In the end, there were only one man and one woman. The man is forty-two years old and is dressed casually. I said to him: "As a senior employee of the group. Your question is relatively simple. You do n’t need to install that nerve eavesdropper. Anyway, you have a group identification chip in your head. Once you are born, you will be able to access these things by two security levels anyway. It is not a big deal. So, is this daughter next to you? "

The man patted his daughter's shoulder quickly: "Say hello."

"Uncle," said the little girl immediately.

Ling and Xiaochun beside them laughed out loud together, and I scratched my head awkwardly. "I accidentally became an uncle. Do I look so old?"

"You and your dad are colleagues, of course you called your uncle."

"Can't you divide it like this? Are you sixteen? I'm only eight years older than you, and it's an exaggeration to call your uncle? The older brother is almost there.

"Who said I'm sixteen?" The lower girl said unconvinced: "I'm eighteen."

"Eighteen?" I looked at her in surprise. Then she stretched her hands and squeezed her wrists. The other hand pressed her sun and closed her eyes for a moment, then I released her hands in surprise. "Are you fortifying life?"

Strengthening life forms is also the product of biochemical technology. But not artificial people, but strengthening humans. Long Yuan's original biological research directions were many, and there were plans for the transformation of ordinary humans, but they were later abandoned. This enhanced human plan is one of them, but this plan is only fortified. The improvement of intelligence is not obvious, and there are many variables caused by individual differences, so it has not been widely promoted. Using this technology can turn a normal natural person into a sports genius with a stronger body and a superior nerve response. There will also be a slight improvement in intelligence, which is also a good plan for ordinary humans. However, in the final analysis, the enhancement of living organisms is still human, and this enhancement is not heritable, that is to say, their offspring are still ordinary humans. Unlike our dragon members, even if they have offspring, they must be dragons and will not degenerate back to human level.

The little girl looked at me and asked, "What are you talking about to strengthen life?"

I looked in surprise at the middle-aged. "she does not know?"

The middle-aged person nodded: "I don't want to make her life too complicated, so I haven't told her. This child is congenital polio, with paraplegia of the whole body. She can't take care of herself. Later, when she was ten years old, I was promoted to the position of senior director of Longyuan Special Transportation Department. At that time, when I checked the high-level cargo list, I accidentally showed that our company still has this drug, so I applied for one with my job, but I didn't expect it to be approved. After that. Later, the child not only recovered his ability to move, but also had a lot of physical ability than ordinary people, even his intelligence became very high, like a little adult. The researcher who gave me the medicine at the time said that we Fortunately, my daughter happens to be highly adaptive to this medicine, so the effect of the medicine is much higher than normal.

"I said why 18 years old looks like less than 16!" The life span of fortified life is longer than that of ordinary people. Only at the age of 30 will the physical characteristics of normal humans be 22 years old. It will be very long. Maybe you can't see any aging phenomenon before you are 70 years old. When you die, you will look like people in their 40s and 50s. "By the way, to discuss something with you. Leave your daughter here and let us study her adaptability problems. In return, we will convert her into a Dragon member."


The Dragon is our own name for this new species, and most of us don't know it. I quickly explained: "Dragons are orthodox g creatures. In short, they are artificial gods. They have infinite life, level recovery, genius intelligence, and athletic people. They also have a lot of special abilities. And people who have been immortal in mythology also have Almost, except that the myth is ethereal and ethereal, but we are real and achievable. How about it? Will I accept this suggestion? "

The middle-aged thought for a while and said, "You have to ask her, I have no opinion, but she doesn't agree with me and I won't agree."

I turned to look at the little girl, and the girl immediately asked, "Can it be pretty?"

I yelled and shouted, "Take down the helmet." After everyone removed the helmet, I asked in the stare eyes of the little girl: "You see one of us is obviously uglier than the movie Is it? "

The little girl called out immediately, "I want to join."

I immediately stretched out: "Congratulations on making a wise decision."

"Can I be pretty right away?"

"It won't be that fast. It will take about a year for the genetic readjustment to take the throne of the Seal of God. You will gradually become more beautiful, but to be honest, you are pretty good now."

"No woman thinks she's too beautiful."

"You are a girl, not a woman."

"It's the same for baby girls."

After dealing with these eyewitnesses, I ordered everyone to clean up the battlefield quickly, and the people in the Department of Public Information began to write propaganda messages that covered the facts. Although the witnesses dealt with it, the movement of heavy weapons was too great to hide. Our official explanation is a live-fire drill, and this excuse is easier to mix up.

Our enemy was defeated, and the opinions above were finally unified. Because I was afraid that the previous inaction would cause us to be dissatisfied, the subsequent things were handled very quickly. The helicopter arrived at the scene less than an hour after the battle. All the real powers arrived at the scene to commend us. At the same time, they made us a lot of vows and made it clear that they were drawing us. Although not very comfortable in our hearts, we dragons will not do too emotional things, so we did not express our stand at all.

In addition to the empty promises, it really gave some practical benefits. The loss country of the Longyuan Affiliated Base is fully responsible for the opening of the Fourth Special Zone. We can make full use of everything from the four special zones. In the end, the Nanjing base got an atomic separator for a whole train. This means that our ground-level Shenlong space battleship is expected to be completed ahead of schedule.

The benefits are not too shameless. After all, we are already losing our smiles. We are not good at making things too rigid. After all, we are not trying to break. So still can't make the relationship too complicated. Besides, in this period, there is really no time for the Seal of the Seal of God to make us play tricks. The planet killer who can end the solar system is still rushing towards us at tens of thousands of kilometers per second. It can only become a flash before it arrives The second generation of dinosaurs is not fun.

In the afternoon, my dad accompanied the high-levels to dinner and a meeting, but I took everyone back to the laboratory for a full body examination, and then connected again. Now I am not in the mood to engage in politics with them, it is still true to use "zero for the country and Long Yuan to make more money." The big move between countries that transfer economic burdens is the tried and tested stunt. If you make good use of it, you can succumb to it without fighting.

It was almost dark again on the line, and I was choked as soon as I appeared on the battlefield. "Rely on. God of destruction has come?" The situation here when I was walking around was a bunch of masters beating Tongtian God, but now the situation is a large pit, and the ground has been pared down at least seven or eight hundred meters. He created a giant crater, and there were small pits in the large pit, as if they had been intensively bombarded. The four holy beasts were all lying unconscious on the bottom of the pit. Eighteen Tianwei photos were lying everywhere, and there was actually a half body in the soil. There are only two legs left. Erlang Shen leaned on a rock outside the pit, covered with blood, and did not know if it was his blood. The tow tower king fell to half of Dakeng. His head was all upright, and his body was still smoking.

I searched for a large circle of Pluto and the Buddhism staff who were not trapped in the formation. In fact, not only the two of them, but also the array disappeared. The immortals who lined up were all there, but they all fell together. It seemed that the injuries were not minor, and they didn't respond to anything. The Master of the Heavens and Dalun Pluto were not at the scene, but I was surprised why I didn't see gold coins and silver snow. Was it caught? But not right! How many masters are there? Can you turn over all these senior figures? How strong is it? Even the master Hong Jun and Yuan Shitianzun can only meet these masters. Being sturdy, I did n’t even have a chance to fight back. Who can defeat in such a siege? This is not logical? Besides, how is this big pit on the ground? Even if the four sacred beasts are so powerful, it is impossible to bomb Come out of such a big pit?

"Gold coins, are you there?" I called out loud to the surroundings. After waiting for a long time without answering, it seems that the gold coins were either stunned or not on the scene. She is a player. Even if she is killed, she can change the trumpet back. It is impossible to find no one at all.

After thinking about it, I still ran to the King of the Tower. As soon as he touched his hand, he was struck by induction electricity. It seems that the lightning strike was a direct hit, otherwise so much electricity will not remain on the Tower of the King. Try again, this time the current is much smaller. Turning him over hardly, he saw that the face of Tow Tower King was full of wounds, as if it had been scratched by many small knives. There is also a gourd under his body, which is clearly the gourd that was used to hold the heavenly court implements. Fortunately, this thing has not been lost, otherwise the matter will be big. Although I cannot swallow the contents of this gourd, it can be temporarily used before returning it, and it should not be a big problem. After all, can I count as defending the property of the heavens!

Pushed the Tower King. "Tianwang, Tianwang! Wake up. Wake up. Wake up. It didn't respond at all. I simply pulled out the water pipe from Fenglong space and pointed the exit to the face of Tota Uranus. I twisted the valve and immediately poured King Tota is in water.

"Khekeke ...!" Tata King coughed and moved.

I quickly shut down the water and threw the pipe back into Fenglong space, reached out and raised the towing tower king to a place where it was a bit dry. "Oh, Uh? What the **** happened?"

"Water, is there still water?"

"Yes." I took out the pipe directly and handed it to him. The guy just took the water and drunk the Dalian shower with a drink to get it all done.

After he drank the water, he coughed and said, "Whoo! Thanks to so many babies, I almost died!"

"What the **** is this? Aren't you besieging the Master of Heaven? How can you achieve this virtue? Who has brought you all down so hard?"

"No, I don't know!" Said King Totta.

"Don't know? Is the enemy so strong that you have been brought down without even seeing the shadow?"

"That wouldn't be the case!" King Tota said: "The other party was more than one person, and one of them carried a baby that was about the same size as the Emperor's Bell. I started my own baby, but Shuangbao screamed, and suddenly the explosive force collided and gave birth to a big explosion. Because of the power, we were all stunned. However, no such group exists in my memory So I don't know who attacked us. "

"Do you mean that the other party is almost the same as yours?"

"Only Baiyu Kirin is slightly stronger than the other's personnel. The others are equal. Later, the magic weapons on both sides ran into each other, followed us and passed out. I don't know what happened next!"

I lifted up Tota and said: "Then you rest here first, and I'll see what the others are doing."

King Tota nodded weakly. "I'm fine."

I let go of King Tota and ran to Erlang Shen, and first checked him for injuries. Although he was covered with blood, he didn't have any injuries on his body. He had no choice but to stimulate it with water, but it turned out to be completely unresponsive.

"Ana, Xiaochun, come out to help. Check his injuries."

Ariana summoned a light blue ball of light to walk through Erlang Shen's body, while Xiaochun put his hands on both sides of Erlang Shenyang and closed his eyes to feel the martial arts. The Holy King made the sacred king to kill the god. The proudest Nine Emperor ’s strongest abandoned Shaozhou Zhou the royal family will kill the God of the Seal of the Great Seal of the Night Aojin nineth heaven ’s strongest abandoned Shaotai Zhou throne to seek the magic of the Awesome The Nine Emperor ’s strongest forces to abandon the Great Seal of the God ’s throne. The royal **** created the night killing god, the seal of the throne, and asked the demon to be proud of the world. After a while, Xiaochun first said: "His injury was very serious. Not only his body, but also his soul was injured. Seeing the situation is that he has been damaged by a very severe energy shock, even if he wakes up now, he cannot. action."

Azana nodded and said, "The result of my inspection is the same as that of Xiaochun. His injury is indeed too serious."

"Is that life threatening?"

"That's not too much, he can be regarded as a more powerful god, even if he can't recover right away, death is not enough."

"Then Arna stayed to take care of him first, and helped him to deal with the injuries on his body. Xiaochun came with me." He took Xiaochun to the Four Holy Beasts at the bottom of the pit. Then he gently touched Qinglong's shoulders, but Qinglong suddenly grabbed my arm, and scared me to flip backwards and sit on the ground. "Fuck. What are you doing? Scared me!"

What Qing Long now grasped was that I let go of my hand immediately. He wanted to sit up, but only supported it a little and then fell down without wrinkling. I quickly supported him. "How is it? Is the injury serious?"

Qinglong gritted his teeth and nodded. The sweat on his forehead kept going out, and it really hurt Qinglong. I handed Qinglong to Xiaochun to help, and I went to shoot the other three, but the four sacred beasts woke up as soon as they called. The strength is different. The King of Tota is still shocked by the magic weapon, but I have to water it to wake up, but the four sacred beasts at the center of the power explosion just wake up at a touch. The gap is still obvious.

"Hmm ... what happened to me?"

"Ah ... my head!"

"Strange. Why am I fainted?"

The white tiger climbed up and looked around, as if the person who just woke up after drinking too much alcohol was obviously still in a semi-confused state. And it seems to have headaches. Suzaku was humming around holding his head, and it was probably not bad. Only Xuanwu seemed to be completely unaffected, and it jumped up from the ground in no time.

"What the **** happened to us?" Suzaku asked me.

"I also want to ask you! I just left the Throne of the Seal of God for a while before, and whoever came back later saw you lying all over the place. And there was such a large pit on the scene."

When I said this, the four holy beasts noticed that they were lying at the bottom of the pit. After looking around, the area of ​​the pit was really scary, and the ground had clearly condensed to a high degree. This is the result of rapid cooling after high temperatures.

Qinglong patted me and said, "Go and get the Eighteen Heavenly Guards first." Qinglong apparently saw the Heavenly Guards inserted in the black gravel on his head and feet.

"Oh, let the ringing knight go."

There are eighteen guards in the sky, and I have twenty-one bell knights, enough to dispatch. Soon we brought everyone together to wake up outside Dakeng. After seeing the surrounding environment, Qinglong, they only knew how powerful the previous big bang was. I saw that besides this big pit, the surrounding area was also seriously damaged.The nearby forests fell down in a radial shape.Obviously It is affected by a fairly strong shock wave, otherwise it would not be possible to achieve such a large area of ​​radial lodging.

We brought everyone together and tried to awaken those fairies. The result is useless. These immortals are not as powerful as the four holy beasts, and they do not have the magic weapon protection of King Tota. At the time, they were all within the range of the magic circle. That magic circle had the ability to absorb energy, so the damage was absorbed by most, but the rest That part still brought these guys down completely.

"How are they?" I asked Xiaochun, who was examining the fairies.

Xiaochun said: "The physical injury is not too serious, but the Yuan Shen is more severely damaged. The future mana must be discounted. Fortunately, there is an elixir in heaven that can restore strength. They are also injured at work. There is no problem with an elixir. "

I nodded, and then asked them: "You tell me everything you know, I'll see if I can find some clues or something.", Qinglong said: "I only know the four guys who deal with us They have similar abilities to us, and it ’s useless for us to fight. But they are all wearing black tights, and there seems to be armor inside the clothes, but they are covered with tights, so we do n’t know their physical characteristics. Besides They may or may not appear as human beings, maybe they are human beings that change like us. "

Suzaku resentfully said, "If only I had time for the Seal of Throne to return to the body, at least I would not be overcast by that magic weapon."

Qinglong suddenly said: "By the way, Aunt Baiyu? Why didn't you see the gold coins of her and your guild?" Qinglong is the son of Jin Tianlong and Bi Ling, and Bi Ling and Yin Xue are good sisters, so Yin Xue can be regarded as Qinglong's aunt.

I shook my head and said, "They were not on the scene when I arrived, and I presumably went after the enemy."

"How do you know you are chasing the enemy? Couldn't it have been captured?" Suzaku asked.

"Because you are still alive."

"What the **** are we still alive?"

I pointed to the pile of humanity that was still in a coma: "When you arrived, you all fainted, and none of you awoke. If the enemy caught silver snow and gold coins again, why not kill you all by the way? Anyway? You have lost your resistance, shouldn't it be difficult to kill you in a coma with their strength? And you are still alive and well, and obviously you still maintain the first posture after the explosion, which only shows that the enemy is in I left after the explosion and did n’t have a chance to kill you at all. Apart from being hunted down by Silver Snow, there are other reasons why these masters who can compete with you are forced to evacuate. "

"So we still have the upper hand?"

"In the present situation, it seems that it has the upper hand. According to your description, the average strength of the enemy should be a bit lower than you, but they have an advantage in terms of number, so you were tied before, but Dong Huang Zhong and that The collision of an unknown magic weapon has stunned you all. This explosive power is no longer an attack of the magic weapon itself, so there is no question of attack saving. Since you are all dizzy, I estimate that the enemy is in good shape. Fainted. But since the four of you wake up at the touch of each other, King Tota wants me to splash water to have a reaction. The strong one can resist this kind of damage. The four of you are just on the critical line, so although She fainted but woke up. Yinxue was slightly better than you. Besides, she is studying energy and using power higher than you, so the impact of that shock on her may be very small, so she saved a lot of Strength. In contrast, some of the enemies also saved, but the person who was not dizzy was far less powerful than Yinxue, and suffered some injuries in the shock, not to mention the opponent, so the person had to use some sort of weapon to collect Runaway after coma companion Silver snow probably chasing the guy is gone, and as for gold, it may be to Ban Jiubing, it could be followed by silver snow chase together in the past. "

As soon as I finished speaking, I saw a cloud of colorful clouds suddenly flying in the sky, followed by a large group of people, and I knew at a glance that I was right. The gold coins ran over first, followed by the Jade Emperor and a bunch of immortals, even Yuanshi Tianzun, Lao Tzu, and Master Hong Jun came over. It seems that this time really made them nervous.

As soon as Yuanshi Tianzun came up, he motioned us not to stand up, and then walked directly to the **** Erlang and covered him with a ball of light.

"Cough!" Erlang Shen coughed suddenly. He blew his mouth out, and sat up while coughing. The master Hong Jun checked the four holy beasts in the same way, and Lao Tzu checked the Eighteen Heaven Guards and the King Tota. As for the gods, other people were checking.

After the treatment was completed, Erlangshen both recovered. Although still looking weak, it has obviously slowed down. Hongjun asked: "Did you see the magic weapon that collided with Donghuang Bell?"

King Tota said: "It also seems to be an alarm clock, probably so big." King Tota is larger than a household rice cooker. "The color of the bell body is very complex, with green in gray, and a hole on the side. There are a lot of gaps in the opening below, and there are obvious cracks on the surface of the bell body. It is almost like hanging in the wind and rain. It's the same as a broken clock for a century. "

"Broken bell?" The leader Hong Jun and Yuan Shitianzun talked to each other immediately.

I felt that there was something inside, so I asked, "Excuse the Three Immortals, what magic weapon is this broken bell?"

Yuan Shi Tianzun glanced at me and said, "That thing is called a broken bell. It is a magic weapon for the Celestial Celestial. It ranks higher than Donghuang Zhong in the upper left of Tianji. It is a very powerful magic weapon. You can survive really Thanks to King Tota, if he didn't ring the Donghuang bell in time to offset most of the power. Then you are all done. "

"Huh, good danger!" King Tota was startled. I didn't expect that everyone was almost out of breath. This is worse than death, especially for the gods.

The gold coin suddenly asked: "Who have you seen the white jade unicorn?"

I looked puzzledly at the gold coins. "Is Silver Snow still there when you go for help?"

The gold coin immediately said: "When I left the ground, Yinxue said he would drag the enemy down. I ran for help."

"So you were okay with that explosion?"

"Of course it's okay." The gold coins came out of a tree. "My guardian tree demon can absorb all the damage to Chiba. How could this pure energy shock hurt me?"

"So you saw how many people were left before the enemy left?"

"Three left. But two of them vomited blood and walked unsteadily. Only one was good, barely able to pick up Silver Snow."

I nodded: "So the other side ran away only after the gold coins left, and Silver Snow seemed to have an overwhelming advantage, so she dared to catch up, but in case she chased into the enemy base, it would be troublesome." I turned to the leader of Hong Jun. "I don't know if you have any clues? You should know the owner of the broken clock?"

Yuan Shitianzun shook his head. "The broken clock has been missing for a long time, we have never found it, and now we suddenly feel weird."

I asked tentatively: "Is it possible that it is the remnant of the Buddhist monk?"

"It's unlikely." Lao Tzu shook his head and said, "Buddha has almost been wiped out. Besides, if Buddhism has such a force, it won't be attacked by us. They will attack us enough. There is no need to pretend to be beaten by us. It ’s miserable? "

"It's not a way to guess blindly. I think it's better to let Ziri check it. His level of finding things is much better than us." Erlang Shen really enough brothers, remember to sponsor me at this time. Finding people is our strong point in the guild, and Tianting has always been generous, and it is definitely profitable for them to work ~ ~ Since this is the case, it is still up to you. "Yuan Shi Tianzun looked at me and said," You have to help me find the two pieces of jade taken away by Dalun Pluto. "

The emperor added: "The dirty jade you borrowed from us will be your reward. In addition, we can also give you a normal baby and a restricted baby, you can choose it yourself. If you agree So we decided, so what? "

Of course, such good conditions must be accepted, but I have never been too good. "Everyone, Mr. Xianchang, although it gives me a lot of benefits, but this thing is not something I can do by myself. Is it a labor fee for my guild?"

Jade Emperor thought for a moment and said, "Well, I can give you a Ningshen Dan in your guild. The personal strength will be doubled within one month after taking it, and I can permanently increase it by one level when I take it. "

Automatically upgrade the level and double the experience for one month. This reward can absolutely make any player crazy. I will say that Tianting is generous! "Jade Emperor rest assured that the bank will do its best to complete the task, but I don't know if we can advance. What about those prizes? I think improving our strength should help us to complete our tasks better? "

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