Starting from Zero

Vol 16 Chapter 3: trap?

hurry up! May looked back and yelled for me to add.

"It's already the fastest. This is a submarine and not a rocket. How do you want me to get up quickly?"

"Isn't everything in your guild fast?"

"I trust, no matter how strange it is!"

"Then what can you summon to kill the guy behind?" May asked.

"If I had a hundred ways to kill it elsewhere, I could only kill it here."

In fact, what chased us is not a high-level monster, but a bug. But you must not think of it as a small bug. The mouth of this guy is almost as thick as the entire passage. As for the length, we don't know yet, but it will not be too short because there are no giant tubeworms I have seen Only the body length is less than ten meters. This thing is not high level, but here is its home field. Creatures larger than it cannot be used here, and smaller and harder to fight in such places. The combat settings in "Zero" are very complicated. The factors such as terrain and climate have a great impact on the combat effectiveness. Therefore, it is not necessary to beat the low-level ones to the high-level ones. As long as the terrain is occupied, the dragon is killed by the worm. Not surprisingly.

Our current situation is a bit of a shoal of drowsiness. The guy behind is exactly equal to the width of the aisle. It cannot be summoned larger than it. The small one will surely be swallowed up. As for magic, this ghost place has no time for seal The throne stopped to cast.

"Look ahead." May cried suddenly.

As soon as I pulled the joystick, the little dolphin twisted. Dangerously passed a stone pillar standing in the passage. "Huh, what the **** is this?"

There was a loud noise, and the water behind was turbid, and the monster hit a stone pillar. We thought it was safe now. Who knew that a roar suddenly came from the water. Then I saw the guy coming straight at twice as fast as before. I quickly turned the switch to high-end, and the whole ship shot out like an arrow as soon as I stepped on the pedal.

In May, clutching the handrails on the boat, he shouted nervously, "You must think of a way!"

"You drive, I'll figure out a way."

"Ah? I drive? But I won't?"

"There are only a few handles in total. You should see the Throne of Seals for such a long time. Hurry up and change hands. I'll kill the guy behind."

"Okay!" May first stepped on one of the legs to help me step on the pedal, then took over the handlebars, I turned over to sit back, and he immediately took my place. "This time you have a way to deal with the guy behind?"

"Of course. It's not a mess for us to frost." As I said, I found a beer can-like metal can from Fenglong Space. Then press down and let go again, the gadget bounced off immediately, and a crystal keyboard was added in the middle. I pressed it a few times, then lifted it up and shoved it out of the hull. Our ship was fast, and the jar was thrown out of the hull as soon as it left the hull. The monster at the back swallowed the thing regardless of it.

I shouted to May: "Stabilize."

As soon as I shouted, I heard a loud bang, and our boat shook violently. Many pieces of rock flew across us and headed for us. In May, holding her joystick while holding her teeth, she could not help but look back to see if there were any large stones coming, so as to dodge.

After finally leaving the blast area in May, he was relieved and slowed down the boat. "Huh. Why didn't you get such a powerful bomb out early?"

"It was because it was so powerful that I didn't take it out. The channel must have collapsed now, and it would be a problem for us to go back. I would be too lazy to use it if it was eaten without throwing it again!

"So? So how do we go back now?"

"You started to think about how to go back before you finished the task, don't you think it's a bit early?"

"This is my plan."

I smiled indiscriminately, and then looked around. "Hey, May, is there a problem now?"

Nodded in May: "This channel is strange. The length of this channel has obviously exceeded the width of that island, which means that if the channel passes through the island, we should have come out from the other side of the island, but now we are Still in the tunnel. This is obviously abnormal. "

"Yes. Your kid is smart enough." I continued in May: "There are four possible reasons now. First, because the channel is inclined downward, we may be moving under the sea floor. Second, There is a phantom structure in the channel, and we are taking it. Third, there is compression space inside the channel, so it is longer than it looks outside. Fourth, the channel itself is a portal, and we have reached somewhere else. "

May immediately stretched out a hand to give a thumbs-up: "I admire and admire, thoughtful. But can you be sure which is possible?"

"The first type is definitely wrong, because this channel is inclined downwards. However, the **** is not large, and it is not inclined to descend to the bottom of the sea floor. If we really go straight down, we would have penetrated into the sea. "

"How do you know that the **** is not enough? With such a long passage, human vision is prone to errors. Without detailed data, it is impossible to measure how far we have fallen."

"Don't worry, we only dropped more than seven meters, far from the depth of the sea floor." I have an implanted electronic brain whose main function is to make up for the lack of accurate calculations of the human brain, so my The eyes are error-free, and trigonometric functions are calculated quickly, and no errors will occur at all.

"Are you a special feature? So sure?"

"Even if it is a special function! What about the other three possibilities? We still don't know our situation?"

"The second case is also impossible, because I have a magic pet that is the illusion goddess. I have been borrowing her anti-illusion ability before, so it is certain that we have taken a real path before, and no illusions have arisen. , My precise calculation ability also tells me that the channel we walked is actually very straight, and the angle between the entrance and the entrance is now only three degrees, which can basically be regarded as a straight line. "

"Then two are possible after that? Is there a way to determine which one?"

"It's probably not working, but the last possibility is more likely."


"Because the compressed space is usually a special ability of the system to arrange for the store facade in the city, although the possibility of appearing in the wild is not ruled out, the possibility is not high. Besides, the compressed space only compresses the space, and it is not infinite. We have followed a straight line and will always come to an end. So what is the use of arranging the compression space here in addition to consuming more fuel?

The latter possibility is relatively large, we should have been transmitted to something else

"That will be clear."

"What's clear?" May's words puzzled me.

May explained: "Did I not say that I had a magic pet and I was still telepathic?"

"Hmm, what's up?"

"After he left here, he reached a very wide red area. I haven't been able to understand what it is. If the transmission channel you said is true, then I think I know where he is."

"Where is it?" I didn't respond for a moment.

May pointed to the top of my head, and I looked up instinctively, and immediately the top of the hole appeared, but I quickly thought of what he said. "Do you mean that your magic pet has reached the Red Planet?"

"I think so. Except there, I can't imagine there are so many red areas."

It's not the first time I've been to the Red Planet, but I'm surprised that the enemies pursued by Silver Snow will actually run to the Red Planet. Are they the creatures on the Red Planet? The red planet creatures that reached Earth from the cracks in space were ugly and strange in shape. I once inferred that there should still be a highly intelligent leadership race on the Red Planet. Now it seems that Silver Snow is likely to be a member of that leader race. As for that race, it is all so powerful, or only Individuals are so powerful, it is certainly impossible to determine now.

"It seems this trip will take some twists and turns!" I said to myself.

"What do you mean?"

I looked at May and explained, "Nothing. I visited the Red Planet once before. The local level is dangerous. There is almost no non-dangerous creature. The local creatures I encountered are almost capable of combat and very aggressive. Strong, indiscriminate at all. Hit when you see. "

"Fortunately, I'm not here to fight." May said and took out a pearl. "This is my mission item. Within a certain period of time, the Seal of the Seal of God can guarantee that I am completely invisible in front of the creatures here, so I am safe. Unfortunately, this thing is only useful for mission personnel. I knew you would come over and brought you with me. Go apply for a mission, then the pearl will make you invisible. "

"Does your mission have the time and throne of the Seal of the Seal of God? Otherwise, can you borrow me first and use it when I come back?"

Shaking his head in May: "Although my mission has no time limit for the Seal of the Seal of God, I just said that this thing is only valid for the people in the mission, as long as this one. My mission companions can be invisible, but the problem is You came here only after I took the task, so you are not a member of the task, you have no use to take this thing. "

"What a failure!" I shook my head and sighed.

May suddenly called out. "Be careful."

I looked up sharply, and saw a big mouth biting head-on, scaring me to push the joystick. The bow fell sharply and got under the monster's mouth. "Huh. What the hell?" I looked back, and it didn't seem to catch up, just shouting at us from a distance.

May said: "That guy doesn't seem to be able to move, it's scared to death ..." May suddenly turned backwards to the second row of seats.

"Sorry." I leveled the boat again, and then continued: "Hurry up."

"What? Ah ..." May, who had just got up from his seat, fell down again. When he got up again, he didn't complain to me, but yelled at the front: "Be careful."

"Don't remind me, I saw it earlier, this stuff is everywhere."

We encountered a very strange creature, and we didn't know if we were seeing it all. Anyway, this thing only has a head and a neck exposed outside the rock, and the other parts are inside the rock wall. Their necks are about four or five meters long, and their heads are about the size of a car. If it hadn't been for the wide passage, we would never have escaped those guys.

In May, watching the monster left behind us said with a lingering fear: "Fortunately, I hid, my magic pet never saw these guys when I passed here."

"Maybe they all retracted their heads into the cave wall at that time. If I were a monster, I wouldn't stick my head out when Yinxue crossed the ground from here."

"That's what I said." Nodded in May, and then suddenly said nervously: "Yes, quickly decrease, I remember my magic pet passed from here is the passage that started to tilt upwards."

"Why didn't you say it earlier?" When I said in May, I had already seen the passage that suddenly turned in front. I was frightened and pulled the joystick backwards. Fortunately, the control system of the little dolphin responded quickly. Just put the bow up. I slammed the pedal all the way down, the bow rose quickly, and the whole ship rushed forward, crashing into the bottom of the tunnel that was suddenly raised.

"Ah! Water!" Seven or eight water columns suddenly appeared in the boat, but the water was not too fast. "Hey, why is your boat so weak?"

"Such high water pressure, coupled with the impact force, all ships have to leak water. The absence of a disintegration on the spot has shown that the quality of our guild ships is good."

"But it will sooner or later drown here."

"Don't be nervous, it's not a big deal. I have a knight helmet with underwater breathing function. I will borrow one for a while. The water pressure in" Zero "has no effect on the player itself, so you don't have to worry about being crushed."

"My own helmet also has underwater breathing capabilities. I just want to know how the boat is? Can I go?"

"Should still be able to move." As soon as I stepped on the pedal, the hull bounced up, and then resumed smooth sailing. "Hey, let me just say I can still move! Right, is there any obstacle in front of me? Tell me in advance, so as not to hit anything again."

"No, here you can go straight ahead to get water."

"OK." I slammed the pedal all the way down, and the boat rose again, but I don't know if the thruster was damaged by the previous collision or the water in the boat became heavy. In short, the boat seemed to drop a lot. With the increase of water intake, the hull became heavier and slower, and finally climbed almost forward. I look helplessly towards May. "I think we should still swim up? This is not as fast as I swim!"

"What about this ship?"

"It's all about recycling."

"okay then."

We closed the helmet mask together, closed the waterproof barrier on the top when full, and the sea was filled with water instantly. After the two of us swam out, I opened the Fenglong space and took the boat back. Fenglong could choose the objects that entered the space, so the sea water would not bring it into Fenglong space.

"Let's go?" I spread my wings

Fan, the huge propulsive force immediately rushed me up.

May called out in a hurry below: "Hey, wait for me, I don't have wings!"

I looked down at him, and simply went down and grabbed his shoulders from behind, then fluttered his wings again and took him up with him. Huge wings fanning under water, although very strenuous, but the propulsion generated is also strong, so we are quite fast.

"It seems to be here." May pointed to the rocks in front of him. "I remember that the place where my pet left the water was the mouth of a stone monster. Look at the four monster teeth."

As said in May, we turned around and looked after the four sharp stones. The exit of the passage was indeed a head statue of a beast, but I don't know what kind of species it is. The monster's head is under water. After we got out, we went upstream five or six meters before finally coming out of the water.

After I put my head out of the water, I looked left and right. It doesn't seem to be here, but in a cave. The space in the cave is not large, but it is very hot and humid, which is obviously affected by this water area. There is a small flat on the opposite side of the hole. Behind the flat is an oblique upward passage, probably leading to the outside, because there is a faint light on it.

"Let's go up." I stepped on the water two times, the whole upper body left the water, and then spread my wings and forced it a few times, and the whole person quickly left the water and flew up.

May followed me to the shore, and I reached out and pulled him up.

"How do you go back?"

"From there." May pointed down the aisle. I walked over immediately.

This passage is obviously not artificially excavated, because there is no step on the ground, but it is rather smooth, it would be really difficult to get up without nail claws on the bottom of my boots. May couldn't climb at all, and I was finally dragged up with a dragon's tendon. Out of the channel we can finally be sure that this is the Red Planet. The red desert that cannot be seen on Thursday is the biggest sign here.

"How do you go now?"

"That way." May pointed in one direction: "Go straight ahead, there is a burrow entrance about 5,000 kilometers away from here, and they just go in from there."

"Fuck, these guys can really run." I whistled, Fenglong Space opened automatically, and the birds flew out of it. I brought May up and jumped up. "Hurry up, be careful not to fall. Asuka, start adding."

After giving the bird directions, I let him fly. In bird's degree, 5,000 kilometers is not a big problem.

"Your pet is so fast!" May said as she desperately grasped the wings of the bird.

"This is not the limit, it will be faster in battle. Today is to take care of you, so it has not reached the limit."

"You don't need to take care of me, although the musketeer occupation is chosen. But my defense is not low, you are completely free to fly."

"That's what you said. Don't complain anymore." I patted the bird. "Asuka, use your new trick."

Asuka's voice came out immediately: "Understand, Phantom Raid."

I saw the outer metal wings of the flying bird ’s metalized exoskeleton moved on the surface of the body, and soon formed an overall shape similar to an olive nucleus. Seems like a crystal. The crystal began to spin inside the jet, and then it got faster and faster, and only heard a sound like a tear in the cloth. The bird suddenly rushed out like it was hit by a locomotive from behind. May almost missed being blown off by the wind.

"It's Mach 0.9, pay close attention, it's time to wear a sound barrier."

May and I hurriedly pressed closer to the body of the bird, only to feel that the bird suddenly shook violently. At the same time, we heard a sound similar to the explosion, and then all other sounds disappeared, leaving only a kind of bee. The continuous sound of the buzzer.

The bird's voice suddenly appeared in my head and May's mind at the same time. "I'm talking to you with the electric field induction on the surface of your body now. You'd better hurry up and add more later."

May was taken aback and hurriedly tightened her body.

Asuka's voice continued directly in our psychology: "Two Mach ... Three Mach ... Four Mach ... Five Mach. Addition is completed and the aircraft enters a stable flight state."

From the ground our degree is already quite scary. Almost immediately after seeing a small spot, he flew past, leaving behind a long white smoke band behind him. The smoke is not the exhaust gas formed by the bird's combustion chamber, but the water droplets that are forcibly separated from the air because of the bird's degree. Our degree has reached five times the phoneme, and the gas shock wave generated by the flight is enough to destroy the stability of the air, allowing the water vapor in it to liquefy and condense into small liquid beads suspended in the air, so a long white is pulled behind us line.

Five times the sound means 1,700 meters per second, and we can fly more than 6,000 kilometers an hour. The distance of 5,000 kilometers is really far away for ordinary people, but it is nothing to birds. In less than an hour we reached the mouth of May Said.

The surface of the Red Planet is red desert, and the real residents live underground, so these holes are very lively places. Since the red planet approached the earth, players have gradually appeared here, but the number is still relatively scarce. After all, the monsters here are too organized and rarely place orders. It is not realistic to rely on them to level. Of course, if you have the ability to organize tens of thousands of people to come together, then of course it is another matter.

"Is this just below?" I asked, pointing to the opening hidden behind a protruding rock on the ground.

"Yes, I can see all the tracks tracked by my magic pet. It's not wrong."

"Ok, let's go down." After that, I grabbed May's arm and jumped down together. The flying bird rushed into the open Fenglong space automatically. I did not land, but spread my wings and slid into the entrance of the cave with May spreading my wings. As soon as we passed the opening, we saw a red ball of light flying towards me. "be careful."

"Ah?" I was thrown out before May responded.

After losing my personal weight, my body immediately flew up. The light ball slid under me, but a red light bomb flew over the top of the side hole.

"The magic dragon vacuum wave." A ring of light flashed suddenly from the top of my head, and the red light bullet was bounced back as soon as it touched the light ring.

"Go to death!" A man dressed as a Japanese samurai suddenly split off from the top of my head. I turned around in the air and changed

In an upside-down state, his hands clasped the guy ’s samurai swords and kicked him together, kicking him out.

"Be careful." There was a May voice behind me. As soon as I looked back, I saw a yellow line flashing in front of me. A red light ball that should have hit me was directly penetrated and exploded into a pile in front of me. Little light spot. I looked down at the ground in the light, and saw that May was holding a peculiarly shaped spear in the shooting pose, and it seemed that he saved me.

"Pay attention to the back." I suddenly approached May, and quickly reminded him, but May didn't seem to be good at melee, but he didn't respond. "It's really troublesome!" I pointed a little behind my finger, and then pointed forward, and the ring of commandment immediately flew up. A ring of commandments disintegrated on top of my head, the core of the central commandment suspended above my head, and eight pillars of commandment surrounded me in the center to form a semi-transparent box in the form of a regular hexahedron.

The attacker in May was a little stunned after hearing my reminder, so it was slow for a while. The two moon blades separated from the commandment ring flew towards him with a beautiful arc. With a bang, the guy was cut by two and a half months, and his body was directly divided into four.

"Come back." I beckoned, two and a half months flew back and flew back, by the way two people fly.

"Who attacked us?" May yelled at the attackers around him. It was normal to be attacked by monsters on this planet, but now it is obviously the players who attack us, which is not normal. The other side directly answered Mayfield's question with a weapon. An arrow with a thunder bolt almost shot May in a pair. "Fuck, when is my gun fake?" Holding a gun in May was a shot. Originally I thought he would definitely miss this, but it was unexpectedly all-in and not missed.

"May, back out. It's too narrow here for your weapons to fight."

"Understand." May ran to the exit desperately, but two Japanese warriors suddenly emerged from two rocks near the exit.

"Eternity." Eternity turned into a whip sword in my hand and quickly spread across the road. The two samurai attacked the sword at the same time. As a result, they were cut off. "The one who blocks me is dead." I stabbed a ninja who suddenly popped out of the ground into the neck, and then shook my hand from all the halves in the middle.

"Ah!" A sudden scream in May, and as soon as I turned my head, I saw that he was holding back his **** arm, and a giant warrior more than two meters tall was approaching him with a knife.

"Animalization." I quickly became a werewolf, and my height rose a lot. Then he hit the giant warrior directly. "Get out of me!"

The warrior was not too weak, but it was far worse than me. I was knocked out by a bang and then crashed into the wall before falling back to the ground.

"What about banning ammunition?" A ninja cried suddenly.

"Here." A mage next to him handed him a moldy red crystal ball, but instead of letting go, he reminded: "This is the last one."

"I see." The ninja holding the crystal disappeared immediately. The next second has come to me. "Your doom is here. The imprisoned orb is activated."

"You die for me." The eternity of the whip sword entangled this guy from top to bottom like a snake, but the table tennis-like crystal in his hand lit up. The light is exactly the same as the red light clusters that I flashed off the ground before. It seems that this thing hit me before. It was thought to be magic at the time. Now it seems far from simple.

I shoved the sword sharply, and the ninja entwined with eternal layers became countless pieces of meat, but at the same time, his only broken hand still pressed the light ball to my chest. Without any warning of injury, the light ball disappeared into my chest like water droplets on a sponge, but I didn't feel anything.

"Huh, a false alarm!"

"Haha. Do you know if you try it?" A Japanese warrior stood on a rock in the distance and smiled at me: "That magic bead can seal the change of space around you, which means you are now It is no longer possible to use any summoning and teleporting skills. "

"What?" For an animal trainer, being unable to summon creatures is basically a complete abolition. Although my own combat effectiveness is not weak, my combat effectiveness will definitely be discounted without magic pets and summoned creatures. And it's going to break pretty badly. I quickly tried it nervously, and as he said, the summons were completely invalid, and there was no response at all.

"How? I'm afraid of it now?" The guy said proudly: "You ca n’t fly today with wings inserted, obediently wait for death! By the way, those who die here will not return to the earth. And It will be resurrected in the underground cave below, but it is now all our people. So you just wait for us to be killed back to Xinshou Village! Wow ha ha ha ha ...! "

May came to me nervously and asked, "Is it really impossible?"

I nodded. "I'll cover you in a moment, and I'll just find a way to leave."

"how about you?"

I smiled: "Just because they can't keep me. Besides, this kind of seal can't be permanent. Sooner or later it will disappear. As long as my ability is liberated, it will be them who die."

"you sure?"

"Of course." I nodded surely: "The son of the night asked you to be my guide, how can I not throw you here! Well, you flash first, I will help you block."

Knowing that May would only give me trouble, so I nodded wisely and turned to run. I quickly threw two darts forward and brought down the two samurai who were blocking the way, and then jumped up again. The sword split an unlucky egg. The passage was completely opened by me, May Xun rushed out, and I stopped at the door. "I want to chase me."

The guy who was proud to talk to me once again said: "Haha! We are too lazy to chase it! The goal this time is only for you, even if that guy runs away, as long as you don't run away. You still don't want to Worry about others, focus on what to do when you return to level 20? Ahahahaha ... "

"It's not enough for you to kill me back to level 20."

"Our ghost alliance has convened three thousand elites today, and there are allies on the red planet to help you. Your strongest calling ability has also been abandoned by us. What else can you do? Resist?"

"The tone is not small, so come on and let you know that my reputation is not blown out."

The guy waved forward, and the enemies around him immediately moved, all rushing towards me madly.

"Many people

? "When I saw them rushing forward, I didn't retreat, and the guy who rushed directly to the crowd was still a few steps away, and I suddenly jumped up and made a close contact with his knee directly on his face, immediately put his My face was bumped into it. With the force of a bump, I rushed into a static state, and after a little pause on the ground, immediately emptied, two and a half months flashed out again with a beautiful arc, bringing a row of red along the way Fountain of blood.

"Go up, go up." The commander shouted.

As soon as I rubbed the gems on the ring, the purple-black mist spread quickly. The cave was originally a relatively closed environment, and the effect of the fog was greatly improved. There are many enemies, and I have to pay attention to myself, but I have only one person. Anyway, when I see people, I am chopped. In the mist of the Seal of the Throne of Throne, the screams continue and no one can stick to me.

The size of Ziri is now 9999 full. If it hadn't been for the 1,000-level upgrade task, I would have been a thousand. However, although the 9999 level is not as good as the 1,000 level, it is a lot higher than these guys. Although the people here are elite, but it is only for the average player. Their average level should be less than 920. Even if there are some masters, the highest level is 960 and 70. It's a long way off from me. Besides, my artifact is not well-dressed. This set of weapons and weapons is definitely ten times more powerful than ordinary impractical artifacts. As long as it is not blocked in a certain place, I will never fail. . Besides, they also have one of the biggest mistakes. These guys really thought that they could seal my calling ability. They forgot that I was a double number, and they could n’t even switch to Silver Moon mode. Switching between large and small numbers is a basic function of the game system. It has a high priority and all magic effects, and it can't be blocked anyway. The silver moon mode also has magic pets, although the number is not large. But at least one spear can be used to escape. Besides, Hung Hom and Steel Tooth are not vegetarian, and they really belong to the class of weapons of mass destruction.

"Gust of wind." A loud shout rang out from the crowd, and then a strong wind rose in the tunnel and rolled out my evil mist, but the next second I was in front of him and a sword split the guy into two. Half and then again the fog disappeared into the crowd.

The voice of that commander also sounded. "A few people went up to protect the mage, and the mage then cast the fog to blow out the fog, so we were very passive."

The sound of the spell sounded again. I jumped while listening to the sound. The fog was pumped out again, but I was in front of the mage. Immediately after the fog disappeared, the people around the mage noticed me, and quickly lifted up the sword and blocked it in front of the mage.

I suddenly turned over in the air, turned into a toe, and stepped directly on this guy's shoulder. The forward force immediately took this guy out. At the same time I had stepped on his shoulder and jumped in front of the mage. "Don't let him touch the mage." A Japanese samurai flashed in front of me instantly, and a diagonal wedge cut directly to my neck.

I have nothing to stop. He smiled at him. "Evil transformation." A green magic array with a radius of seven meters lit up suddenly under my feet. Usually, there was always a shining dark demon halo under my feet. Now suddenly a bigger one was added to the surrounding people. They were startled, but the reaction was too late. When the surrounding light was dark, a large group of horrible white human heads flew forever on my land. These human heads were all fog-like things, and the expression on my face was terrifying, and the visual impact was quite strong. These heads quickly penetrated into the bodies of those in the battle. Then those people screamed at the same time, then everyone fell down holding their heads together.

People nearby didn't know when they were born, and they couldn't figure out whether to save them, but those who fell quickly climbed up again. A Japanese player leaned up and wanted to ask what happened to the person who just got up, but when he approached the person who just got up, his eyes suddenly glared, and then he looked at his belly in disbelief and saw There was a samurai sword in there, and the hand holding the sword belonged to the companion he wanted to ask.

"Hey, don't you think I can't find a helper without the magic pet?" I pointed out, "Kill me."

The people who had just fallen down immediately heard my order and started attacking their former companions around them. Many people didn't respond to what happened. Immediately, a large area was brought down, and the scene became chaotic.

The former commander cried again, "Don't be soft. Those people have been manipulated, they are not companions."

Around this time, the Japanese players reacted and started to fight back. The people under my control are fighting more aggressively than before, but their intelligence is obviously not as good as when the player controlled it themselves, so they are quickly overwhelmed by a large number of enemies.

A Japanese player proudly slashed a controlled person to the ground, but before he was too proud, he saw a white dead face burst out of the corpse's wound and hit his body, and then he immediately Holding his own neck down. Before anyone nearby reacted, he climbed up again, and started attacking his own people like those who were controlled before ~ ​​ ~ People around him instantly understood what was going on, but they There is no way to solve this problem. As soon as those under control are chopped down, the white undead within them will immediately enter the body of the nearest enemy, and then become a new dead body. On the surface, it seems that Japanese players have cut down many dead corpses, but they are actually cutting their own people.

"No, this won't work." The commander shouted. "Priest, destroy those ghosts with the light after they leave the body."

"Understand." A group of priests immediately rushed forward to destroy the evil spirits in the Seal of the Seal of Throne before the evil spirit had been brought down and the new body had entered.

To tell the truth, their trick really works, after all, evil spirits are still evil spirits, and they have almost no resistance when facing the light directly. The corpse control I made soon lost more than half, but the priests also suffered a lot of injuries and there were not many people left. But the resurrection point of this **** ghost place is at the point below. Those dead priests can quickly return to the battlefield in addition to falling one or two levels. This is simply endless killing!

"Hahahaha, see what you do this time." The commander waved his hand, and there were more Japanese players rushing out of the cave below. There were several local creatures of the red planet behind those players. Strong backup. "You're dead." The guy shouted at me.

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