Starting from Zero

Vol 16 Chapter 6: Religious lunatic

Although everything in front of me was shocked, I had to pretend that I could see nothing because our eyes were still covered at this time. Fortunately, after closing the entrance and disguising the stairs down, the Crabman quickly unfastened our blindfolds. Naturally, I pretended to be surprised and showed something in front of me.

What shocked us all was not an artificial building or a natural wonder, but a showroom like an animal exposition. There are countless kinds of creatures that we have seen or never seen in this huge and strange underground space, and the total number of these creatures has reached a level that I can't visually estimate.

We dragons all have auxiliary electronic brains, so the large number of readings is not difficult for us. For example, just grab a handful of rice and sprinkle it on the ground. Normal people want to know how many grains of rice have to be squatted there for half a day, and we can know the exact number at a glance, and we can even say the complete one according to the requirements. How many degrees reach a certain percentage. It is said that the creatures here are so neatly arranged that we can count them at a glance, but the problem is that there are so many creatures here that I can't see the edge at a glance, because I don't know how many creatures are outside the field of vision, so I can't figure it out. How many, only know that there are 17 million individuals in sight.

With so many creatures gathered together, it looks like a round animal, no, it should be a grade specimen bank, because all these creatures are motionless. I can't hear their breath and heartbeat, and I can't feel them moving, they look like cars in a parking lot.

Just before we were slowing down, the three crabmen who took us down walked together to the three empty seats. Then lined up backwards into the team. Just when I was going to ask them what they were going to do, the three guys crawled out of the backs of the big crabs together. I was surprised to see that they still had two seemingly normal legs connected below their waist, and those big crabs had their eyes blinded and motionless like the surrounding creatures after they left.

Rose and I glanced at each other in surprise. From the eyes of each other, we learned that we have the same guess-all the creatures here are their mounts. Or a travel tool. I finally understand why they are called parasitic.

Rose leaned over and whispered, "Now I know why the Japanese want to cheat their trust."

I put the rose head in my arms affectionately and whispered in her ear, "If I saw it early, I would also lie."

"Aye." Rose whispered in my ear as if in a kiss, "I will try to dig them all back for a while, this will be an extreme tactical force, one for one hundred."

"Rest assured, it didn't spit out when it got in my mouth."

May came together and shouted: "Hey! Don't you two be so intimate in front of so many people, bully me without a girlfriend?"

I looked at May with Rose, and then extended the ring of love very tacitly together. "Have you seen the double heart mark in the middle? Only real couples who have received a marriage certificate in reality can get this ring of love. What does it matter if I kiss my wife (husband)?"

Can't I disappear? "May slipped aside dimly.

Rose immediately gave me another kiss during the demonstration, and at the same time said in my ear: "It doesn't have to be a person. You can get a manipulation method."

Rose is so clever. In such a short time, the second plan used in the throne of the Sigil was thought of if the first plan failed. It seems that the way these guys enter these mounts is some kind of magic ability. If it is not their own special magic, there may be a way to learn. As long as the technology can be brought back, it doesn't matter if the finished product is needed. We can catch creatures ourselves, the key is to learn how to use them.

The three parasitic people jumped out of the big crab and immediately came to us. Their height seemed to be a lot higher than that of human beings. I stood next to him and just under his chest.

"Come with me. I'll take you to meet our patriarch now."

We nodded and quickly followed, everyone else was looking at the strange creatures along the way, and Rose and I were busy arguing about these people.

Rose made a look of ignorant girl and asked, "I see you just took off that half of the crab body. Is your body two parts?"

The parasitic person immediately laughed and said, "That's not my body, it's just a mount. We parasites can capture all kinds of creatures to use as their mounts."

I quickly stepped in and asked, "Can you change your mounts when you go out?"

"Of course." The other side replied proudly: "Otherwise do you think that there are so many creatures here that look good? There aren't so many people in our family together, these creatures are used to carry out according to different mission needs Replaced. But we generally have our own dedicated mounts, riding other people ’s mounts will owe people's favor, most of the time we use the mounts we captured ourselves. ”

"So aren't you like the heroes of the tribe?" Rose asked.

"Of course." The parasitics were apparently still young, and the blood rose immediately when they were said by Rose. "We are the few people in the clan who have caught the most mounts other than Bailey. The more mounts we have, the higher the honor. The bigger the mount, the harder it is to catch and the more we can explain our ability, the same. The combat effectiveness is also a great help to myself. "

Rose immediately saw that these guys were already excited, and immediately hit the railroad while it was hot: "How did you catch the mount? Did you rush to fight it and kill it?"

"Of course not." The parasitic leader who took the lead said: "You can't ride after being killed. You have to be alive, and you must be healthy and strong. The old, the weak, and the sick will only be teased by the people."

"It must be very exciting, tell me quickly." Rose continued to use her strong charm advantage. In fact, there is no need to work hard with roses. Young guys like to show off their abilities in front of girls. Speaking of their strengths, they are naturally more excited than anyone else. You don't let him say that he will get angry instead.

The three guys really got it right away, scrambling to say, "First you have to choose a creature that you can handle. This is very important. If you choose a creature that has too many of you, then basically It's suicide. Of course. If you really choose one of these creatures and succeed unexpectedly, you will undoubtedly become a hero. "

"It's so exciting." Rose poured a barrel of oil on these three guys' fired nerves in time to help them get more excited.

Those guys rushed again and said, "If you choose a monster, you still have to make it a single, otherwise your capture may be disturbed by its companions. Then you have to be close to it carefully, don't remember to be spotted. Since you If you want to catch this mount, then it must have some kind of specialty. This makes it difficult to deal with the target mount, so it must be approached without any precaution. Once it becomes a frontal battle, it will be difficult. Of course If you are strong enough, like us, for example, there is nothing wrong with frontal battle. "

"After that? Do you rush straight to fight?" Rose looked excited.

"Hit is to hit, but you can't hit it lightly. It is mainly control. To stabilize your target, it is best to climb to it, because you need to enter their control center from here when connecting."

"What about after climbing up?"

"After that is the hardest part. You have to put your leg on this guy's head and use fusion magic to fuse yourself into its head. But be careful not to be thrown out in the process, and some creatures If you can reach the top of your head, you have to be careful about this. Don't merge into half and get caught. "

"Did you even catch the fusion after it was completed?"

"Not exactly. Later, just like taming a wild horse, riding on it to struggle against it, using your own willpower to wash the opponent's willpower, until you completely wipe out its thoughts, even if it is completely completed."

"What if he resists so much? For example, their spirits are very strong. What if they in turn obliterate you?"

"The fusion spell is not fake. If you can't erase the opponent's mind, it will not be erased in reverse. However, if there is a creature that cannot be erased, you must run quickly, because the fusion spell can be paralyzed after you leave. The other side is more than ten seconds. During this time, if you can run away in the throne of the Seal of God, it is safe. Of course, we will choose the mental strength of the other side before the arrest. No one will be stupid enough to grasp the mental strength. A lot of class creatures? "

Rose secretly gestured to me. These fools have no sense of self-protection. It is so easy for us to take out their racial specialties.

Rose continued to work hard: "Your fusion spell is so powerful, the person who wrote it must be great."

"That's not clear, but I think so. Most people certainly can't think of such a powerful spell." The three guys said fascinatingly: "Without this magic, our race would not know how to be bullied! "

Rose was really powerful, and easily obtained the most critical information. It seems that this ability is not a racial talent, but a kind of magic, so that anyone can learn it, which is very important to us. If this is their racial talent, we must fight for their entire family, at least for most of the personnel, and can only provide limited help, if it is magic, it is different, we only need to buy any one of the entire family to know this magic People can do it. As long as we get magic and go back, we can completely teach the entire guild, and the use value will be much greater.

In the talking room, we have passed the place where the creature mounts are parked, and we pass a downward staircase as if we have entered another world. Instead of the bare rocky world above, this is a green world. The cave is still a cave, but the walls and the top of the cave are completely covered by a kind of light green vines, which looks quite dreamy.

"How is it? Isn't it beautiful?"

We all nodded consciously. "It's really beautiful. These plants light themselves, so how do they get energy?"

"Energy? What energy?"

"Don't you understand?" I was surprised. "What about nutrition? Plants need to absorb nutrients, and then get photosynthesis to make enough material, but there is no sunlight here, and they will still have light, so the energy loss is too great. What do they live on?"

"Oh. You are talking about this." A parasitic person said, "They absorb heat, and there is a lava river flowing below. Yanvine absorbs the heat of the magma ground, and then grows fruit to provide food and light. For us Provide lighting. "

"This is really a good plant!" I whispered quietly to Rose's ear, "I will find a way to get some seeds to take back."

As far as we are talking, many villagers have gathered nearby. In our opinion, their height is very strange, but in their opinion, we are also very strange, so both sides look at each other as if they cherish animals.

"This is the common residence of our patriarch and wizard." The crab man who had led the way before pointed us to a cave next to the main passage. "Come in with me."

After this guy entered the cave, the layout inside was very strange. Compared with the green dreamy environment outside, this place is just hell. There are weird animal skulls on the walls, and some dark red paint is painted on the ground. Strange symbols, anyhow, what looks like a cannibal restaurant.

At the deepest part of the cave floor were two things like doors, but only a layer of curtains covered them. There is no door panel. Speaking of which, I haven't really seen anyone with a door panel on this way. Probably the people here are honest and simple, there are no thieves or places.

The leading big man shouted something inside. The content is not in their language, it seems to be a specific language, so my translation system cannot track translations. The shouts ended, and the two curtains were lifted simultaneously. From behind the curtain on the left came a big man half taller than the guy who led the way. This guy is also an armor, but the style is completely different from the lead. I suddenly remembered. The equipment of this group seems strange. Their tribe seemed to be wearing simple knits, and obviously the industrial level was extremely backward, but the armor on them seemed to represent a very high forging process. The problem is that these equipment seem to be very incompatible, and there are almost no duplicates. Based on so many situations, I roughly inferred a conclusion that their equipment was not made by themselves, but was snatched.

This giant guy obviously should be the patriarch, but compared to his image, this one coming out of the door next to him is more distinctive. This guy wearing a hedgehog robe is less than my height. It is really special to have such a small individual in this giant family. Of course, in addition to his height, this guy's clothing and decoration all look very different, and I can't even determine his gender.

The tribe who brought us in saluted the two. Then introduced me and Rose to the two. In the introduction we finally determined that these two were indeed the patriarch and the wizard.

After the introduction, I just wanted to say the right thing, but the wizard suddenly pointed at me with a skull wand and pointed out some incomprehensible words, and then shouted in the language of the parasitic: "He is the source of evil, It's here to enslave our demons. "

With a word from the wizard, the atmosphere immediately became tense. I took a step back with Rose, and carefully blocked Rose behind me. The guy who brought us in quickly moved to their patriarch, and both pulled out their weapons.

Although the atmosphere was tense, I said with a smile: "Master Witch is kidding me? We are just here, don't you say us like this?"

As if the wizard didn't hear us, he sang strange songs bouncing on the spot, and with the strange pendants on his body, he seemed to be dancing. But this guy jumped for a while and pointed at us quickly: "The ancestors told me that these people will bring war and death, and the way forward is full of blood."

"Hey!" I shouted to the guy who brought us: "We're here to talk about ways to assist, not to fight with you, is this your way to take customers?"

The parasitic man who brought us hesitated for a moment, then said to the wizard: "Mother-in-law, they are the ones I invited to help, is there something wrong?"

Upon hearing this, the wizard pushed the guy away, then turned and rushed into the room just out. Soon she saw that she ran out with a skull enclosed in a crystal ball. When the patriarch and the guy who brought us before saw this thing, he immediately knelt down and shouted, "Ancestor!"

The shaman held the green crystal ball with a skull inside me close to me, and when she was close to me two meters away, the crystal ball suddenly exploded and ignited a blazing green flame, which was usually under my feet. The pale black demon hunting ring also lighted up a dazzling red light at the same time, followed by a booming purple and black magic flame.

The flames burned on both sides. But after all, I am much larger than the crystal ball, and the flame is naturally larger. The wizard seemed to be struggling to hold me near the crystal ball, but she couldn't push it anyway. Suddenly, she snapped her fingers and dripped blood on the surface of the crystal ball. Following the green flame on the crystal ball instantly turned into dark red, at the same time the crystal ball floated up, and there was also a green mask on the outside.

"The ancestral spirit came to life." The wizard suddenly fell back after saying so, and spit out a lot of blood in his mouth, and then passed out.

A shadow of a skull suddenly appeared outside the crystal ball, then slammed into me. I handed the rose out, then turned my hands and crossed the crystal ball in front of me, but the impact force pushed me backward for four or five meters before stopping.

"Ring of commandment." I yelled against my crystal ball with my teeth. The ring of commandments behind it slammed out, followed by disintegration in the air, and the dark demon halo under his feet also shone violently. The dark face of the black demon halo quickly became three-dimensional, forming a three-dimensional defense array up, down, left and right, and the eight support pillars on the ring of commandment also flew around to form a line of defense. Following the heart of the central discipline, a red light was shot on the crystal ball, and I only heard a crackling sound. When the crystal ball burst in the air, I took the opportunity to stretch my hands, and the skull in the crystal ball was blasted by me Flew out.

The skull did not land after flying out. It only flew out a few meters and flew back again, but now the Dark Demon Aura has fully unfolded, and it is not so easy to rush in again. The skull crashed into one of the magic formations one meter away from me. All the symbols on the magic circle lit up, and the skull made a scream as if it had been electrocuted.

"Huh, you are unlucky, and you actually hit the suction array." After the three-dimensional aura of the black demon seeker, except for the halo above and under the head, the eight magic squares around me are all rotating around me. Yes, so it ’s not always clear which enemy the enemy will run into. Just now, this skull is relatively mildew, and it just happened to hit the most powerful sucker array. This array can absorb the power of the enemy and permanently replenish it into my body. It belongs to a very vicious evil door technique. However, what is under my feet is an evil dark demon halo, and it is normal to split out such a magic circle.

With the transfer of energy, I felt that something in my body was being squeezed outwards, and the phantom seemed to be helping the energy in my body to hit this thing outward. It seems that this is not a good thing, otherwise the phantom will not Extrapolated.

Suddenly my chest was loose, a red crystal ball flew from my chest and fell to the ground. It was the crystal that the Japanese used to seal my magic pet's summoning power. This **** thing was almost It hurt me a lot, but now it can't affect me anymore, because the crystal ball has split in half after leaving me.

The skull trying to break through the barrier was immediately bounced out after the red crystal fell out, and the flames on my body also extinguished automatically, and the ring of commandment returned to me. After being ejected this time, the skull did not fly back again, but fell to the ground and did not move again. The burning flames on it gradually became smaller and finally extinguished completely, leaving only a purple cluster in the brain. Flames are burning.

The wizard suddenly pumped all over his body, then jumped up from the ground and shouted at me: "He is a Spirit Eater, don't let him touch the ancestor."

The guy who brought us jumped up and hugged the skull, threw it back to the wizard, and immediately put himself in a defensive position. "You don't want to touch the ancestors."

I took a deep breath, tried to keep the air pressure down, and then I said, "To be clear, I don't rarify your ancestors at all. The kind of pediatric soul is useless to me. What I need is this "I said, letting the king out. The king, however, was a hero that was hard-killed by the method of refining in the demon formation. Its characteristics are similar to those of the ancestors, but the combat effectiveness and murderous power are much stronger. Such a soul is only valuable to me. "See? Do you think I have such a subordinate and still care about your ancestors?"

"Then why did you attack our ancestors?"

"Ha ha ha ha!" I was laughed at by these guys. "Is there paste in your neck? I'm here to talk about cooperation. It's your wizard who starts to see me. I'm just defending. You ask me what I want to do. I want to know What the **** are you doing? I want to fight with me, I do n’t want to engage in nerves, I do n’t like to waste time with the neuropathy on the throne of the seal of God. ”

The wizard woke up weakly from the ground, pointing at me and saying, "We don't talk to the devil."

"Your ancestors are more like demons."

"But you hurt the ancestors. And you also carry such terrible heroes who are hundreds of times more murderous than our ancestors."

"What about the murderousness? You have so many creatures in the demon army. The murderousness is not much less than us."

"It's all creatures without intelligence."

"The arrogant guy." I said to the wizard: "Who doesn't evaluate wisdom, compared to me, you can basically be regarded as a creature without intelligence, so is it reasonable and reasonable for me to kill you?"

"Don't try to confuse my thinking, I will not compromise with the devil. The ancestors told me that I believe you will bring bad luck."

This wizard is obviously a stubborn guy. In fact, I am most afraid of this religious fanatic, because they have two basic understandings in their brains. 1. Your religion is always right. 2. When one's religion is wrong, consciously refer to Article 1. These two theorem of thought are kept in their minds by religious members as the most basic theory. So no matter how you explain them, they will not believe you, because their truth is not based on facts, but whether they are recognized by the religion. This wizard is obviously similar. She only believed what the so-called ancestor said. Even if the ancestor pointed to the silt dug out in a sewer and said it was eight treasures, she would not hesitate to rush to eat it. As for the information returned by her nose and eyes, she would automatically think that it was her nose and eyes that deceived herself, because in her heart only the ancestral spirit would not deceive herself.

Since it is already unclear. I don't want to talk to this religious lunatic anymore. As for the two around her, I don't think it's necessary. In such a small tribe, the shaman status is often higher than that of the patriarch. Since the wizard is a religious lunatic, this tribe is almost no longer courteous! But I didn't intend to give up the magical fusion of magic, because the value of that thing is really great.

"It's okay not to work with us." I looked at the wizard and said, "What about the terms? Let me forgive you for offending me if you agree."

"No." The wizard's answer surprised me.


"Because Zuling said he can't trade with you."

"Hey, we're talking about your life. If you don't agree to the deal, you will be dead. Even if trading with us will bring bad luck, that is a future thing. If you don't trade, you will be dead now. You think Which is more cost-effective? "

"We don't trade anyway." This old witch is a lunatic and has little communication value.

I turned to look at that man's patriarch. "As the patriarch, you bear the important responsibility of protecting the lives of the entire family. I don't think you want to see your entire family die by death?"

The patriarch immediately said to me: "The wizard said that the trade will bring bad luck, and we will never trade with you. Even if we are killed, we will return to our ancestors to enjoy eternal happiness. We There is no fear of death. "

I have to admit that although superstition will seriously hinder the development of society, it is really suitable for training the dead. These guys simply don't eat hard and soft, I really have no choice.

Rose suddenly said to the patriarch, "You are the patriarch, but you are so weak."

"Where am I weak?" Rose's words ignited the big man instantly.

Rose deliberately said in a weird voice: "According to the instructions of your ancestors, trading with us will bring very bad luck, which is even more scary than death. But if you don't trade with us, you will immediately You were slaughtered. You also saw that even your ancestors are not our opponents, so you cannot resist. But since you are the patriarch, you would rather be slaughtered than to sacrifice yourself to protect everyone. Do you say you are very weak? "

"I'm not a weak person. What can you say to protect everyone?" I have heard the meaning of the rose, but the patriarch apparently hasn't understood it yet and has stepped into this big trap.

Rose immediately interfaced: "As long as we get your fusion magic, we will no longer care about your sudden attack on us, so you only need to sacrifice it and tell us the magic yourself, so only you will deal with us. Doom It will only come to your head. Although you will suffer bad luck, but your tribe is so proud to save, what do you dare to do? "

"I dare." The parasitic youth who brought us in before the patriarch had not spoken could not help crying. "I'll tell you the magic and bear the advent of doom, as long as you let go of our people."

"We always talk." I answered sincerely, but in fact I already laughed. The people of this primitive tribe are really deceiving, a simple radical chase can be done.

Of course, the patriarch would not let the junior look down, and immediately rushed to pull the young man away, and then handed me a book. "This is my tribal spelling study book. I have given it to you, so please let go of our tribe."

While I was flipping through the book and trying to say something to comfort this guy, the old witch suddenly got up from the ground and rushed to my side to grab the book, but she was only a mage occupation, and of course she couldn't talk to me Than agile. I turned slightly for a half circle and let it pass. The old witch fell out of the cave and flew into the main passage outside without stopping.

Standing outside and waiting for the news, the players and members of the parasitic clan were frightened by this sudden situation, and before they responded, they saw me and Rose running out of the curtain. The old witch lying on the ground suddenly pointed at me and shouted: "They hurt the ancestral spirit ~ ~ This shout is incredible. All the people in the family instantly focused their eyes on us. And the people in our guild responded quickly and pulled out their arms and gathered to us.

Rose and I moved quickly among themselves, and the king I had summoned before also took out a weapon alert. We quickly moved towards the village entrance, where being surrounded by the crowd was not conducive to wielding our fighting power. It was better to exit the crowd first.

We were moving outwards, and the patriarch and the youth ran out. The wizard was helped by the crowd, and then stared at us fiercely. The situation became so tense that it could fight at any time.

Rose patted me: "Husband, isn't your calling ability liberated?"

"Well, yeah! Let these guys get me confused." I quickly unfolded the Fenglong space, and the tank jumped out of it immediately. This narrow aisle has a tank in front, so no one should be afraid.

Just when I thought the other party would back away because of the fear of the size of the tank, the burly patriarch suddenly did something that surprised us.

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