Starting from Zero

Vol 16 Chapter 8: Grab people

"This thing is poisonous." Bai Lang said a little uneasily.

Suspiciously, he took the piece and looked again. "This thing is really poisonous? I have held it for a long time, but there is nothing wrong with it!"

"What kind of profession are you?" Bai Lang asked.

"Assassin, what's wrong?"

"Of course you are fine, because you are not a mage class. This piece is a fragment of a very powerful object, and the energy contained in it is quite terrible. If a legal professional carries this kind of thing, he Will gradually penetrate and interfere with the magic power of the mage, and eventually this mage will be assimilated by this thing. "

I frowned and said, "You mean this thing is not only poisonous, but it can eat people?"

"Not necessarily eating people, but eating everything. Its magic is its toxins, which first penetrate, then assimilate, and finally eat away."

"Can physical combat classes use this thing to deal with mage?"

"Probably not, because the assimilation of this thing requires time to seal the throne, and at that time in the battle the mark of the throne cannot work. By the way, its assimilation effect is only more obvious to the mage, and it is not completely different to the soldiers. Works, so you ...? "

Xinyin was taken aback and quickly threw the thing out.

I looked at the piece of jade on the ground. I didn't know much about this kind of thing. It was not a good idea to run around. Think about it, let the magic pets out first, and then let them help me look at this thing together, I hope anyone knows the source of this thing.

Three Zhuge Liang put a Zhuge Liang on top of each other. Yeyue and Xiaolong girls agreed that this was the two pieces of jade that the Jade Emperor asked me to find, because their ground energy forms are exactly the same, so this special energy imprint is not easy to get wrong. Moreover, so many magic pets have confirmed this result.

Xinyin asked us anxiously: "Do you have a way to find the location of the subject through this thing? My task depends on it."

"My mission can only rely on it, so don't worry, I will think of a way. Ling, I know you are an energy expert. Is there a way to make a corresponding search instrument?"


Ling pulled a wand with a very unique shape from Fenglong space, but she had snatched the wand before she was so pure.

"Hey, what are you doing with my divine staff?"

"Let's use it as a detector!" Ling looked at me, meaning he asked me to ask for this staff.

Xiaochun looked at me with a little embarrassment, and then looked at the staff in his hand. At last, he gritted his teeth, and extended the staff with his eyes closed. "Take it!"

"Rest assured, it can't be broken." Ling said very well on the mouth, but she didn't take the promise just now at all. As soon as she took the staff, she took out the dagger she carried and began to pry the top of the staff Ground gem. When Xiao Chun saw Ling's move, she wanted to grab the staff back. But after looking at me, I stopped and finally, I could only chew my little mouth and get angry.

Ling carefully pried down the gem on the top of the staff, and then passed the end without the gem. "Who are you to put that thing on. I am a legal profession and I can't touch that stuff."

"Let's do it." Xinyin volunteered to pick it up and put it on top of the staff. I didn't expect that when it touched the staff, it just sucked like a magnet on the iron rod.

Ling retracted the staff and looked at it, then nodded. "That's it." With a flick of her finger, the jade at the top of the staff lit up immediately. "Rose vine. Check the brightness, I will make a circle in place, and you tell us which direction the brightness is the highest." Ling said flatly, holding the staff to start the circle slowly. No rose vines are used at all, even we can see the obvious bright changes, but we can't determine where the brightest point is, but the direction is probably not a problem.

Although the rose vine is a demonized plant, it is also a plant after all. It has an extreme sense of light, at least his phototropism is very good. As soon as Ling finished turning, he pointed out the brightest direction with his tentacles.

Ling pointed in that direction: "That's where the rest is."

Fortunately, he asked, "Don't you detect this way?"

"It should be accurate." It was the little dragon girl who spoke. "Xiaochundi Divine Power Staff is specifically used to identify the strength attribute, so it is sensitive to the energy of the same attribute. Now the bright sacred stone used as the benchmark source is replaced with this jade. The energy that is naturally searched for is The energy of jade of the same property should not be wrong. "

"Then let's chase in this direction?" Xin Yin suggested.

"It's not that simple." I reminded: "This is the underground world of the red planet, not the surface world of our planet. The road here is actually some complicated underground tunnels, and their directions are completely irregular at all. Tong The road to the left may have the entrance on the right, and the passage on the left may eventually turn back to the right, so this is not true. "

"So what do we do?" His heart asked anxiously.

"I only believe one truth at this time-the shortest distance between two points is the shortest." Then I walked to the trailblazer and patted his shell. "It's up to you to follow the road. Let's work."

The trailblazer raised his head and slammed into the ground. With a loud noise, the trailblazer plunged his entire head into the hard rocky ground, and then heard only a rumbling sound, the trailblazer's huge body. Began to advance underground. I put away most of the magic pets, leaving only sickles and white waves suitable for tunnel operations, as well as rose vines responsible for clearing debris and Ling who was responsible for guiding.

It is convenient for the trailblazers to open the road in front of us. We don't have to think about the direction of the tunnel at all, just go forward all the way. Rock has no effect on it at all. Today ’s pioneers are not as good as they used to be. Everything that has a hardness lower than steel can easily pass through, even when it encounters hard iron ore. You can barely pass after decreasing the degree, so in fact nothing really can stop him.

Every time we went forward, we stopped to make a big hole, and Ling again searched for the direction with the staff. In fact, this decision is very important. Not that the holes the Blazers dug are not straight, but that the target is constantly moving. We have been speculating that this piece of jade hidden in the heart is likely to be the pieces of the two things that the emperor asked me to find. The previous situation has proved that those two things are likely to be carried on the Great Wheel of Pluto. If the masters on the red planet rescued the large round of Pluto, then these two pieces of jade would move with them. After Yin Xue's disappearance, it was confirmed in May that Yin Xue was pursuing the enemy, so the enemy could not stop at all. Therefore, they can only keep running, and naturally the targets we detect will not be fixed. With that staff, we can always determine the position of the target, and then modify our digging direction to avoid wrongdoing.

When he stopped to correct the direction for the nth time, Ling made a few laps on the spot, and the staff was completely unchanged. Ling judged that this position was probably just above the enemy's head or under his feet, so he couldn't find the direction. After a few attempts, we really got our bearings. The original goal was just below us.

Drilling down a hole is actually far more dangerous than drilling up, because you don't know what's underneath in case you suddenly get into a hole. If the speed is too fast, it is likely to fall directly into it. And if you hit up, you don't have to worry about this. Another threat comes from the pressure difference underground. Chances are you're driving into a confined underground space. There may be a lot of toxic gases inside, even high-pressure gas layers or underground rivers. In case of entering such a place, the consequences are very serious. You can imagine that during the oil well blowout, the drill bit felt the martial arts. The sacred king made the sacred king to kill the **** and the seal of the throne and seek the pride of the world. The strongest abandoned the young King Zhou will kill the **** and the seal of the gods to the pride of the world. The strongest abandoned the Shaozhou Zhou Royal family martial arts Qiankun will kill the God of the Seal of the Night and kill the throne of the gods and pride the world nine strongest days The strongest abandoned Shaozhou the Royal God will kill the Night of the Gods Seal of the God and seek the pride of the world and the nine strongest heavens royal. Understand our current situation.

However, the goal is below us, and we must achieve it. Had to bite the bullet and drill down. For safety reasons, I asked the trailblazers to hit the spiral channel downwards, rotating like a spring and walking downwards, so that if they hit a hole, they would not suddenly fall in or be blown out.

We dropped about 500 meters at a safer pace and the Blazers stopped suddenly because his current rock formation temperature was rising. The trailblazer is active underground all year round, and he knows this situation very well. According to his judgment, there must be a lava river nearby. Although the temperature inside the planet is higher toward the center, it is in the crust. This situation is not absolute. The crust itself is free of magma, while volcanoes and lava rivers actually come from deeper parts of the mantle. Melted magma is pressed into cracks in the earth's crust because of pressure, so the temperature of cracks with lava will be relatively higher than other places. So digging down to the lava does not necessarily mean that you have reached the magma layer, but may just run into a lava river, as long as you go around it will be no problem. The temperature below the lava river is lower than above.

I let the trailblazers try to dig down first, and don't rush to turn, because some lava rivers are not all lava. You can imagine a very thick water pipe in which the flowing water is lava. Some pipes are full of water. Such a channel is an underground lava channel, while another type has only a part of water in the pipeline, and there may be air in the upper part of the pipeline. This is a semi-lava channel. Considering that Yinxue may be in such a half-lava channel, we can't rashly decide to detour directly, we can only let the pioneers dig for it first. The lava river does not appear suddenly, and the temperature will be so hot before reaching the real lava, so we don't have to worry about plunging into the lava, as long as we feel that the temperature can't stand it, then there is no problem.

The Blazers drilled another distance downwards at my request. The temperature of the surrounding rocks increased indefinitely, but it was still within an acceptable range. After advancing for more than 200 meters, the trailblazers suddenly started to drill horizontally and gave us a passage. I saw a round hole in the front of the main channel, and there was still light coming in. Even if we haven't left the tunnel dug out by the Blazers, we can already feel the intense heat coming from the front. The terrible high temperature even turned some of the surrounding rocks into dark red. It can be said that the rocks here are already in a state of magma and rock transition.

"So terrible temperature, Ziri, I'm bleeding." Shouted anxiously.

"Is there anything wrong, why is your defense so low? At this point the blood starts to drop, and we haven't entered the magma channel yet!"

"I'm an assassin, not a soldier. I can't withstand this temperature."

"You insist on it first." I opened Fenglong Space and dragged a box from it. I opened the box casually, and then my heart was stupid, and I even forgot the high temperature around me. The box with a small mouth is filled with a box full of gems. Dazzling people are dizzy. I didn't have the time to manage the hidden mood, and flipped inside the box directly in his surprised eyes. It took a long time to finally pull out a ruby ​​the size of a baby's fist. "Next." I threw the gem out.

Xinyin caught the gem in surprise, then asked with a trembling voice, "Give me this?"

I slammed into the box, and then stuffed back into Fenglong Space before turning to face Yin Yin. "Attention. It's a loan, not a gift. It's public property. It belongs to our guild, not me. So I have the right to use it, but not the ownership."

"Will we have so many gems?"

"I think you have misunderstood the financial resources of our guild. Please note that the box here is just for me to take precautions, not all the jewels of our guild. If our guild only has such precious stones, then I It's time to go bankrupt. "

"Then how many such gems do we have in the guild? Ten boxes? One hundred boxes?"

"Unclear. It's scattered except for my box, almost as many as a small hill. I've only been to the gem store once, after all, the consumption and collection rate are very fast, and the quantity has been changing. I don't know now How much more, I think it should be no less than 300,000 cases. "

"Three ... 300,000 ... boxes?"

"I refer to the stock of Isinger. Our guild does not have only one warehouse."

Xin Yin said as she put the gems on her body, "I always thought that our guild only had a relatively high output of steel. I did not expect that there were so many gem mines."

"You're wrong again. There are not many gem mines in our guild."

"These gems ...?"

"A more elegant statement is that we obtained it by force when the host was unwilling."

"I think I understand!"

"You understand the best. By the way, the ruby ​​on your body is worth 3,000 crystal coins, so you better be careful. I think that thing is worth at least two months of your salary."

"It's three months." Xinyin carefully guarded the gem. "Relax! Even if I fall into the magma, it won't let it fall."

"I mean don't let it be broken. It's a crystal of fire. It won't burn the ground even if it falls into the lava!"

"I will be careful."

"That's good. Come with me now. With that piece of fire crystal protection, you just don't have to soak in the magma for too long.

"What about you?"

I turned and pointed to myself: "Black crystal, fire diamond, ice diamond, poison diamond, I have more equipment than you, you just have to worry about yourself."

"That's what it said." Xinyin said that he had turned over and jumped out of the hole. I took back the magic pets, leaving only Ling, and then jumped out with Xinyin.

The temperature outside is at least forty degrees higher than in the cave. If there was no magic to protect us, we should be familiar now. Although Ling has no gems, she has loyalty. You can share various attributes with me, including fire resistance.

We did a test in the lava channel, and the result pointed out that the direction was just in front of us. Obviously we were looking for the right place. I summoned the birds to ride with Ling, and Xin Yin rode on his spear and followed us along the passage. Even if Yinxue's speed is fast, they should not be able to catch up with the spear.

Due to the close distance, Ling no longer needs to take the staff to test directions everywhere. The distance should be very close now. The piece of staff on the staff becomes like a light bulb, and it continues to shoot a kind of light forward. The purple light seems to have a faint connection with the subject.

Ling was holding his wand in the direction of the finger, and I suddenly pressed Ling on the back of the bird. "Catch." Asuka turned sideways, and played a beautiful roll in the passage, just rubbing on the stone pillar that suddenly appeared in the center of the passage and flew over. The pillar was very abruptly erected in the middle of the passage, and there seemed to be a corpse of strange creatures burning in the central part. It is estimated that Yinxue used a stone pillar made by soil spells to penetrate an enemy's mount. It may also be the One.

The temperature is so high here that the corpse has not been completely burnt yet, indicating that the time of the birth of the Seal of God is not long, otherwise we should only see the light pillars. However, although we know that the distance is already close, we still dare not add it. The stone pillar just killed me almost. If it weren't for the fact that the bird was in front of us, we wouldn't have passed it. The hidden spear does not have this mobility. Just now, even if we reminded him in the front, he was still very reluctant, and almost hit the pillar.

When Xinyin was guilty of the thrilling scene before, a large stone pillar suddenly appeared in front of us again. This time, the ground stone pillars were dense and numerous, and Asuka rolled her body over her side and drilled through them. The concealed spear was behind us, and rushed through.

"Huh, almost hit." Xin Yin chased.

"Anyway, you still have our guide behind me. I just rubbed the stone pillar here, but it didn't hit much."

"What? You wiped it?"

"Don't talk, be careful again!" The stone pillars on the road ahead are getting more and more, and sometimes we can see some strange creatures wearing on the stone pillars. Later, we can even see several on a pillar Wreckage of one creature, one of which is not even dead.

"Looks like we are close to catching up," Xin Yin said.

Ling told me, "I'm rather worried about what to do after I catch up."

Ling's words made me and Xinyin a little stunned. Xinyin's task reminded me to protect him, but now it seems that his target is likely to be mixed with Yinxue them. Protecting a person in the battlefield of these bosses is not as simple as protecting a person in a monster pile. At least I can block the monster. But these bosses move their fingers and I don't even have scum!

I haven't figured out what to do yet, there is a rumbling sound in front of me, and it seems that there is a strong energy hitting together. The sound echoed in the sealed channel, and my ears became numb.

"There." Xinyin yelled at the front.

"See. Asuka, plus."

A large group of people suddenly appeared in the open space in front of us fighting with one person, but the form of the battlefield was that one who showed his might, but the other side was beaten badly. There is no chance to fight back.

"Silver Snow." I yelled and immediately attracted the attention of the crowd at the scene.

"Zi Ri? I knew you could catch up." Yin Xue spoke quickly, and she said she was still fighting. I didn't mean to stop at all.

"Do you need help?"

"Here you can't help, go to the front, there are several enemies with a large round of Pluto and they run away, these people will stop here for a while and a half, you hurry up and don't let them run.

"Then take care of yourself." I patted Asuka, Asuka rushed forward immediately. Xin Yin looked at the fighting Yin Xue and followed him. Those who fought with Yinxue really wanted to stop us, but Yinxue had been engaged by them and they were so confused that they couldn't control us at all.

In fact, it didn't take long for Yinxue to block the Seal of God. So the enemy in front didn't run too far, and we soon caught up with this group of people.

"Ling, you go back to Fenglong Space first." It's time to fight. Taking two people will affect the flexibility of Asuka.

Ling obediently entered the space of Fenglong, and Flying Bird led me to chase up. The enemy has already appeared to us, but they are not as fast as we are, and they still hold people in their hands, and they can't get up. Asuka quickly approached one of the last enemies, and then several of his bone wings suddenly opened, and our speed was slow. At the same time, two bright air masses appeared on the heel of the bird. Hearing only a very loud noise, the two air masses flew out together. The enemy in front of him was hit without any response whatsoever. He and his mount rolled a few heads in the air together with his mount, and then ran into the broken bones of the wall next to it. Any collision below this height is fatal, and the bird's sound pressure weapon is just the best weapon to interfere with flying.

The bird fell a little due to the attack just now. Xinyin immediately rode a spear from our side, and then learned that we fired a sound-pressure bomb likewise, and successfully shot down an enemy again.

After we killed almost seven or eight enemies in this way several times in a row, the enemies running away finally began to slow down and prepare to fight back. At first, they held the idea of ​​robbing people to be successful, but then they suddenly realized that air combat was not our opponent at all, so they would only be shot down one by one by running. Stop and beat us down. Of course, their decision is also very risky, because Yinxue is still behind. Once the people they left can't stop Yinxue from letting her over, then these people do n’t have to I want to run away.

The ground tunnel in front suddenly split into two. One by one, the lava all flowed down the downward passage, and the upward passage did not have a drop of lava. Enemies all entered the upward passage, leaving two-thirds of the locals to intercept at the entrance. The rest took the big round of Pluto and continued to run up.

Although the remaining people accounted for two-thirds, the other party had left the most powerful people in order to intercept Yinxue. Now the remaining ones are not very powerful. Besides, there are only twenty or so enemies left. Two thirds is nothing more than a dozen people.

The other party shouted a language that I didn't understand, but I could guess what it meant. Sure enough, after I approached, a dense magic missile flew towards me.

"Pay attention to dodge." A quick roll of Asuka quickly followed by a reverse roll, and the first magic missiles flickered away. But just after we flashed away these magic missiles, we saw a red spider web flew towards us as we followed. Asuka and I plunged into the net, and were instantly tangled up. Fortunately, flying birds are jet flying. Restricted wings will only affect flexibility, and we will not lose power immediately, so we spotted an enemy and bumped it before landing.

The flying bird is a spear-type evolution. Its real head is actually behind the body, and the triangular cone in front is a highly hardened spur evolved from the tail bone. At this degree, the root itself has a bone spur with puncture properties. Its destructive power is quite amazing. Asuka slammed into that enemy, and instantly inserted it into a pair, followed by 6 mats of his body and slammed into the side wall. Although it hurts to fall. But anyway, there is also a meat cushion buffer, which will not hurt me. However, Xinyin is relatively miserable. He was caught by the magic net behind him after launching the first wave of magic missiles. Unfortunately, his spear is not as good as my flying bird technology, so he can only come. He hardened 6 times and almost broke him into a meatloaf.

Seeing us falling, the enemy immediately surrounded them, but before they started attacking, they heard a tearing sound. The net wrapped around me was instantly torn apart, and debris was flying everywhere. However, I did not attack immediately because my enemies were not all native creatures of the Red Planet. There were actually three players, and one of them was obviously Japanese.

"Let ’s go together, he is not your opponent." The ninja professional player shouted at me, and the native creatures around shouted and rushed up. These monsters have a humanoid appearance, but they look more like insects walking upright.

A long locust-like monster suddenly opened his mouth and spit out a purplish-red liquid, and I quickly flashed to the side, and at the same time opened the Fenglong space under the bird and let him fall in. The ball of liquid landed at the moment Fenglong space was closed, and the green smoke immediately burst on the burning ground, which was obviously very corrosive.

"Boss, help!" Xinyin's cry for help suddenly appeared on my side. He apparently failed to open the net and is still struggling inside.

I glanced at him, and an enemy was walking towards him. With his state in the net, the enemy could solve him with just one stroke. Surrounded by the enemy, I couldn't get over it. I had no choice but to raise my hand and throw eternity as a dart.

The sharp eternity flies directly to the enemies who are toward the heart, and the other party is not a leisurely one. Suddenly, he turned around and blocked it with a strange weapon in his hand. Unfortunately, he miscalculated the eternal sharpness. After cutting his weapon directly, he also gave him a split in half, and then straightened the rock wall, leaving only half of the hilt outside.

Xinyin is not stupid, immediately withdrew his spear to make up his own position, and then jumped up and pulled out the sword and directed it at the magic net, and only listened for a moment when the broken magic net collapsed instantly. Yin Yin excitedly wrote Kendo: "It's a good sword."

"If you have time to sigh, you might as well return the sword first." At this time, I was holding the enemy's weapon with both hands and claws. It was really inconvenient without eternity.

"Catch it." Xinyin yelled and threw the sword back at me. The enemy wanted to intercept, but did not expect that eternity changed shape in the air and became a spinning knife wheel. The person who wanted to intercept was passed by the knife wheel, and his head slipped from my body after I caught eternity. Go on.

"Be careful with yourself." After reminding me, I teleported out of the crowd directly through Phantom, and immediately entered the werewolf mode while the other party did not respond. The eternity melted in my hands and flowed to my teeth along my hand A new protective layer is formed on the blade claws, so that my teeth and the claws on both hands and the blades on the arm have eternal destructive power.

That Japanese player obviously knew the eternal characteristics. He immediately yelled at me after seeing my changes. "Beware of his claws, your weapons cannot stop it."

"Neither my sickle?" A long native creature like a big mantis spoke in Japanese, while demonstratingly waving the sickle on his arm.

"Of course not." The Japanese ninja reminded: "His eternity is a multi-artifact fusion, and has artifact destruction attributes. Any weapon and its chopping will be damaged."

"Then how do we touch him?"

"Dodge other weapons and use neutral gear to attack."

"It's easy." The big praying mantis rushed forward as he answered.

"No, be careful he's fast." The Japanese ninja's reminder had already hit me before the end of the ninja, but contrary to his confidence, I was much faster than him, but this guy was lucky because they There are more people. As soon as I cut the guy's arm, a sledgehammer next to it had already fallen, and if I continued to attack, I had to be prepared to hit a hammer.

"Bannon, orchid, and body mode. Strength increased." I turned sharply and raised my hands to catch the sledgehammer that hit my head. The other person was a very strong worm-shaped creature, but at this moment he was looking at his hammer in surprise. The guy also tried to press the hammer down, but it had no effect at all.

I grabbed the hammer and gave a swift push. The guy immediately lifted his feet off the ground and was lifted by me with a hammer, but I haven't done anything yet. Several weapons have been stabbed next to it. I had to throw this guy out as a weapon.

"We have a lot of people and everyone goes together." A native creature called. But he clearly shouted the wrong content.

"Are you sure you have a lot of people?" In my smile, Fenglong Space has opened silently behind me. Ling took her staff and stood at the door, smiling and looking at the enemies ahead. . I waved forward with both hands: "Throw them down the Magma River."

"I like sports best." Lucky Xie rushed up with a smile, because the Black Dragon is not afraid of magma anyway.

The passage itself is not wide. Fortunately, such a large body rushed over the enemy and there was no place to flash, but most people were taken down by the magma river with luck. Fortunately, there was no response after the fall, but the guys he carried away instantly disappeared into the magma. The lucky ones who escaped the assault were not much better than their companions. Yeyue took the lead in rushing into the crowd, and slashed all the enemies to the ground.

"It seems these people are much weaker than expected," said Lucky, climbing up from the magma.

"The masters are all over Yinxue, these are just porters brought by the other party." I said this is not modest, but the fact. The other party wanted to save the large round of Pluto, but they couldn't run away from Yinxue, so they had to leave some people to drag Yinxue. The guys we killed couldn't even beat us. Not to mention Yinxue. Maybe they are very strong monsters in front of ordinary people, but they are too far away to block Yinxue, so the ones who really stay are the masters, these are just the porters who beat the other side.

Xin Yin came up from the front and asked, "Are we going to chase?"

"Of course." I beckoned the magic pets back to Fenglong Space, then turned over and jumped onto the bird to continue the pursuit.

These enemies did not delay us for a long time, and soon we caught up with the enemy team again. This time it was completely clear. There are a total of thirteen individuals in this group of enemies in addition to the God of Heaven, Pluto of the Great Wheel, and the Buddhism guy, but six of them are likely to be mounts, but they are all alien creatures, so I ca n’t say for sure Is not counted as enemy combatants.

Seeing that we were catching up again, the enemies were startled, and they did not expect that those who remained were completely useless. The Tongtian Master and Dalun Pluto are all in a coma. They don't seem to be hurt, but they can't help them for the time being. Some of the remaining enemies have tried to resist us before, so they know that even if some of them are divided, they can't stop us, but they are no more than opponents.

Although these weird flying creatures riding under these guys look strange, they still fly by flapping their wings as a whole, so they can never pass the jet-propelled lances and birds.

"Heartless, you are responsible for the one on the left. I deal with the right." I turned to remind.

"Understood." The spear started to move to the left, and my bird began to move to the right. Although the enemy tried to break away, the distance kept getting closer. Xin Yin took the lead in attacking, a sound pressure bomb instantly made an enemy hit the wall of the cave and turned into a pile of rotten meat. The birds followed by firing two sound-pressure bombs in succession, shooting down two enemies. The remaining three mounts have four alien creatures and three of them, all of them belong to the overloaded state, and their degrees and mobility are not as good as their companions. It can basically be said that we can only be slaughtered.

I tried to get up from the bird's back, then unfolded the Avengers, hung the dragon's tendon on the arrow, and pointed at one of the mounts. With a slight press of the left hand, a snoring sound, a crossbow took a zipline and shot directly at the flying creature in front of it, and accurately its body. I yanked a cable. The dragon's cord immediately began to take up the thread automatically, and I jumped from the bird's back, flying directly to the creature's back with the help of the cable.

The other party has noticed that I flew over. They also tried to cut the cable, but they underestimated the stiffness of the dragon's tendon. I landed exactly on the back of this creature, and the enemy standing in the end immediately turned around and tried to hit me, but I was kicked off the mount. On the back of this alien flying creature, only me and the unconsciously large round Pluto are left. I grabbed the large round Pluto and gave her to Jingjing who just came out of Fenglong space. Then use the same method to shoot a zipline at another creature.

As soon as the zipline hit the creature in front, we suddenly left the narrow passage and flew into a very vast underground world. Unlike in the channel, the red light is replaced by a light blue fluorescence, which looks much cooler than the channel.

I have not lost time on the Throne of Seals because of changes in the environment. As soon as I pulled the cable, I flew over, but just as I was about to touch the creature's tail in front, I suddenly flew a high-rotating shuttle dart from diagonally below. The shuttle dart hit the dragon's tendon directly, and only heard a buzz, the cable was unbroken, but the cable was pulled out of the creature, showing how powerful that was. The creature stiffened with pain, and the entire body immediately hit the ground like a rock. I turned around in the air and shot a crossbow again. No zipline this time. But an explosion arrow hung, and another flying creature was shot down, and the person above fell to the ground.

I spread my wings and landed on the ground lightly, and my heart followed the path behind me and landed beside me. Jingjing stood beside me carrying the large round Pluto who was still unconscious, and Asuka had returned to the space of Fenglong. The fallen enemies have all climbed up, but they are only three people left, and two of them have to carry the unconscious wake-up Master and the Buddhism guy, only one can actually participate in the battle. As for their mounts, they seemed to have died when they landed.

It was slightly unexpected that the owner of the shuttle dart that attacked me did not stand with the enemy, but stood in one direction by himself, and seemed to be neither of us. The attacker was obviously a player, and although she could not see her face, she had to admit that she was in good shape. The opponent wore a uniquely shaped light armor, and the light armor contained a very **** stretch tights. Her tights and weapons were like ninjas, but the ninjas did not wear armor. Really looking for a similar profession, I realized that she is likely to be a ninja soldier, a profession between the ninja and the Japanese samurai. At first, her light armor and tights with a small area of ​​coverage could barely be considered a killer, but the full set of large red armor and tights was too much swagger. I think if an assassin wears this, it is definitely a mission Can't finish it.

The three parties set up their own triangles, and no one did it. The enemies with the Master of Heaven and the man in the door are already the weakest side, so they are definitely afraid to move. The mysterious woman whose body was full of red did not move, for reasons I do not know. As for me, it's better not to move until I can figure out the woman's condition. Besides, the least anxious here is me. Dalun Pluto has been handed over, which means that the problem of the two pieces of jade should be solved, and I can return to the jade emperor after I return. As for the Tongtian leader and the mysterious Buddhist staff, they were not planned personnel, and they were harmless if they were caught. Another thing is that Yin Xue's side should soon be able to kill the enemies that entangle her, so as long as I wait for a while, I will have a strong backup, rather than risking Silver Snow when I do n’t know the enemy Start again.

The evenly matched three parties refused to move, and the scene changed for a moment. It is a pity that Xinyin rarely experienced such a situation. He actually thought that we just lacked a person who broke the deadlock, so he rushed forward bravely. The mysterious woman moved as soon as her heart rushed out, she touched behind her, then shake her hand, and a dozen shuttle darts flew out together. I jumped to the invisibility of the heart at once, and flung all those darts together with both claws, while throwing my heart behind. "Be honest."

Those aliens could turn around and run when they saw us, but how could I forget them? Fenglong Space unfolded on their escape route, and Ling He Yeyue stepped out of it. "What are you doing in such a hurry?"

The mysterious woman who attacked Xinyin had arrived in front of me while the shuttle dart was flew, and the Toyo sword in her hand slashed down at me like lightning. I reached out to stop, but it was a step slower, and her knife went around my arm and chopped it exactly on my shoulder. The place where the armor and the blade touched instantly sparkled, but the woman looked up in surprise at me ~ ~ The knife was stuck in the armor and could not be cut into it. At this time, the magic dragon suit can be much stronger than usual, and it is not at all movable by ordinary weapons.

I didn't care if she was surprised or not, and raised her hand to hit her face. Although she flashed backwards, she was punched. After a dozen or so flips, she distanced herself and re-established her position, but after only a click, her ghost mask fell into a pile of pieces and fell from her face. Unfortunately, I still ca n’t see her face. This woman actually wrapped a layer of ninja-like masks in the mask. I can only see her upper half of her face, but just this half face is enough to show that she is very It's pretty.

The mask was shattered so that she did not surprise her for a long time, and the mysterious woman rushed up again immediately. She was more than ten meters away from me, but I only saw her rushing for more than a meter and suddenly arrived in front of me like an instantaneous movement. I was caught by surprise. The mysterious woman slashed my waist with a slash, and I quickly reached out to pick it up, but she turned halfway and lifted the knife and rushed over my neck. She probably realized that my armor was hard, so she wanted to pick her neck. Unfortunately, she underestimated me too much.

Suddenly looking down, I bit the other side's Toyo knife. I'm still in the shape of a werewolf. The teeth in my mouth are still wrapped in eternity, and the sharpness can be imagined. With a hard blow in my mouth, I heard only a bang, and the Toyo knife immediately broke into three parts in my mouth.

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