Starting from Zero

Vol 16 Chapter 14: Mining area

I rushed before Silver Snow exploded and said, "You're so embarrassed to tell me whether this is okay or not? What about your conscience?"

"What's this about my conscience?" My advance fire reversed to cool down Yin Xue.

I sneered. "What did you eat in the flood days? What did you eat now? What kind of place did you live in before? What kind of place did you use now? What kind of weapon did you use before? What kind of weapon do you use now? Have you forgotten? Forget where your delicious food came from? Forget who gave you the magnificent palace? Forgot who the servants who served you invited? Forget who provided the fruits of the power to enhance strength Well, if you say that you have forgotten all this, then I have nothing to say. From now on, you will walk on your Yangguan Road, and I will cross my only wooden bridge. Everyone has nothing to do with each other! "

Yin Xue blushed, "Who ... who said I forgot?"

"Did you forget?" I snorted coldly. "Don't forget that you do n’t do that, do n’t do it? So what are you doing here? Our guild will pay you no less than the cost of maintaining a large fleet. Do we spend so much money to please the living Buddha? Come back and play? "

Yin Xue is indeed very smart, but after all, she is only a **** beast from the flood and drought period. She is not as rich as I have experience in communication. Besides, I am very powerful in speaking. Most people ca n’t stand it, let alone Yin Xue. After three or two sentences, she was blushed and red-faced by me. She wanted to refute and had nothing to say. There was no place for her to feel wronged.

"But ... but ...!"

"But what?" Silver Snow didn't do anything for a long time, but I said first: "The Frost Rose Alliance is a big family. You can give your own strength to Frost, and those who are capable can do more. The weak players also I will do my part. This is a very good atmosphere. Do you know what a culture is? A climate is a code of conduct that is recognized and enforced by everyone in a social group. This is a form that has no actual form but can affect one. An important thing about the overall strength of the group. I have been trying to cultivate and protect such a culture since the creation of Frost. Do you know how difficult this is? Why is the Frostland personnel audit so strict? It is because I do not want those who have distorted values ​​to destroy I worked hard to establish the atmosphere. Yes, you do have the powerful fighting power we need. But you also carry a very bad atmosphere. For your fighting power, Frost will no longer have the spirit of virtuousness and hard work, I do n’t want to destroy my hard-built atmosphere for your fighting power. I ’ve been watching the Throne of Seals for a while You, your behavior has maintained a cautious attitude, and today, I can tolerate you finally reach the bottom line. "

"You ... what are you going to do?" Yinxue faintly felt some dangerous breath.

"It's not what I want to do. It's what you want to do."

"What am I not doing?"

"You have to make a choice now. Be part of this big family and treat all members of Frost as your family members. Or leave this family and find the land you want."

"I, I, I ... I didn't say I'd leave?" Yin Xue said with aggrieved face. "I just……!"

"Just saying that there are some things you don't want to do, hoping to get some more rewards?" Yin Xue nodded subconsciously. I said immediately: "Then you just plan to leave?"

"I didn't! When did I say I was leaving?"

"I just said that if you want to stay, you will be part of this family. Frost needs your fighting power, but I can't tolerate the good guild atmosphere being ruined by you alone."

"But I want to be part of this big family!"

"A member of the extended family can just talk about it?"

"How about that?"

"You don't need to ask me. Do you not understand what a family member is based on your intelligence level? Is there any mother who will cook for her child and charge labor for her child? Any husband will ask his wife for compensation after massaging her Are there any children who ask their mother for salary after helping them? None. Because they are family members. Family members mean that everyone knows for sure that everything they do for the family is for the whole. Family members bring benefits. Family members do not need to think about what the family has provided for themselves. Instead, they have to think about what they have done for the family. But you? I asked you to clean up the site. This is to facilitate exploration and mining for a while Stone. Who does the benefit of the magic stone mine belong to? It belongs to our guild and belongs to our family. It also belongs to everyone in the family. Clearing the site in advance can start construction in advance, which is for everyone in our family Everyone is good. So why don't you do it if it's good for you? "


As soon as Yin Xue said two words, I took the lead: "Because you don't consider yourself a part of this family, you don't think it is good for you to mine ore in advance. You think it is Frost Rose Alliance that helps to clear the site. This guild. It ’s not you personally. This shows that you have put yourself outside the guild. Now you have to quibble that you want to be part of this family? "

Yinxue was completely dumbfounded. The former momentum had long since disappeared, and now the whole person looks like a drug addict after the drug **** has passed. Appears both depressed and exhausted.

Seeing that Yinxue had softened, I also eased my breath. "You are a new member of the guild, and our guild really needs your strength, and our relationship with the Four Holy Beasts also makes us inextricably linked. I don't want to engage everyone in this matter. It ’s embarrassing to meet later, but your behavior is really chilling. "

"I ... can I change it?"

"The change is not even after talking about it. Anyone who reviews it will say that few people have done it. This time I will remember it. I will also hide it for you and will not let the people in the guild see it differently. You, but I must warn you. Everyone will make mistakes, but frequent mistakes are yours. If there is a similar situation next time, I hope you don't have to say anything, just leave yourself. "

Yin Xue desperately nodded her head. Then turn around and leave.

"Where are you going?"

Yin Xue pointed with tears on her face and said, "I'm going to clear the site."

"You don't have to do it here. I think about it and think that these things are useful. You can just do that Lake Yi."

"Oh." Yin Xue flew up, and then pointed at the lake with one hand in the air, a red light hit the lake. At first I didn't see any change. But after more than ten seconds, the lake surface began to roll up, as if boiled. The fish in the lake and all kinds of aquatic warcraft all jumped wildly to the shore. About half a minute later, the lake was completely covered with transpirational heat. It seems that Yinxue intends to directly dry the lake.

"Yinxue, get some wind to blow the mist away. It will steam faster." I reminded Yinxue loudly.

Yin Xue wiped the tears on her face with her other hand before she was completely dry, and then slowly circled around the sky with one finger, only to see that the gas on the lake began to converge to a point frantically, and then began to spiral upward . Seeing a small cyclone take shape before us and quickly develop into a waterspout. Silo's mouth surprised beside him could not be reconciled. She had heard Yin Xue from the conversation just now, but she did not expect Yin Xue to be so powerful.

The waterspouts turned faster and faster, and eventually became a giant black tornado, and the water in the lake began to fly up with the tornado. The water level on the lake also fell quickly. Seeing that the tornado is more effective than the heat energy hotline, Yin Xue simply gave up the ground ray on the other hand and changed it to control the wind with both hands. I saw more than a dozen small cyclones on the edge of the lake. Then the wind was getting louder and louder. The dozen small cyclones quickly grew into a dozen black tornadoes. The big tornado around the center of the lake began to spin, and the lake seemed to be lifted instantly. Even the silt in the lake has been pumped up together. In the chaos I seemed to see the figures of several big guys being blown away together in the whirlwind. It may be the large Warcraft here. They may be here, but they can only make themselves feel bad when they encounter Yinxue!

Suddenly, a large lake was pumped out of the ground, and the situation at the bottom of the lake made me and Siluo dumbfounded. The entire lake bed was covered with a layer of magic crystals. Its density is almost as if the bottom of the lake is composed of a whole piece of magic crystal. I had also considered the possibility of magic spar mineralization at the bottom of the lake, but I never thought that there would be so many.

Silo pointed at the lake bed stupidly and asked, "Does this mean that we are rich?"

I nodded, then shook my head again. "If there are only mines here, and nothing else like the worst case we guessed, then they are only enough for our mining costs. But if they are everywhere like this. Then I suggest you hire immediately Keep your company safe and prepared for crazy suitors. "


"Because you are already a rich woman now, there will be a lot of people to fight your ideas. Some of them may use means such as abduction, extortion, intimidation, etc. while others may launch a love offensive against you. Trust me, do it early Be prepared for you. "

"How can I be so fragrant!" Siluo smiled. "I only share a small part, and you get the big head. Actually ... uh? What's that?" Siluo suddenly appeared in a distant sky. Black dots approaching, and more black dots appeared later.

I looked up. "Don't worry, it's the Shuttle Brigade of our guild."



"A transport aircraft that can take off and land vertically with exaggerated straightness. However, the shortcoming of this thing is also obvious: it can't turn. If you want to turn, you must stop in place. Then use another set of equipment to turn, etc. You can turn back to linear motion after you have aligned the direction, and it takes about one minute to switch once. There is basically no possibility to participate in the battle. We mainly use it as a fixed route between cities and anyway, as long as you are aligned and run back and forth. , Save even turning around. "

The big guys have flew over our heads between words. These big guys who look a lot like submarines have very good fluid shapes, so they all get considerable degrees and low power consumption. Silo didn't close her surprised mouth until the big guys were completely still above us.

The first thing to fall was a large shuttle. As soon as this thing landed, the fairings on the front and back sides started to rise in a roar of machinery, exposing two huge hatches. When the fairing was fully raised, the hatch began to slowly lower outwards, eventually turning into a springboard and resting on the ground. There was a sudden start-up noise in the cabin. Two scorpion-type felling machines were opened from the ground doors at the two ends in the sound of creaking tracks, followed by the same type of logging machines behind.

The first ship has not been unloaded. The second third search has landed. Like the first ship, the hatches at both ends were opened, and some strangely large machinery opened in sequence from the inside. See Di Silo inhaling the breath in place.

"These are your guilds?" Siluo asked for a long while before she couldn't help it.

"Of course, isn't it that we can drive here?" Suddenly I showed the rose, and quickly waved to her. "Wife. Here."

Rose rode the white giant wolf I sent her to before us, and then jumped directly from the wolf's back into my arms. "How? I drove the rest of Essinger's machinery and temporarily transferred from Steel City to the mining area equipment that was intended to be sent to the flood era. This is our fourth mining team. We have so many mining areas It's too busy. "

"Can't we call more people?"

"A lot of people want to join. But you set the standard so high. How many can you come in? Too many, but can't hold us like this? Recently, the Dark Temple and the Heavenly Court refused to sell bsp;" Why? "

Rose put on her hand and said, "Last month, 15 million soldiers were killed in the war against Japan last month. Last month, an outpost was built in the United States, and more than 40 million soldiers and horses of the Dark Temple were built. There were a few people who did not die when we started the battle. But then we asked for labor, and we almost evacuated the reserve population of the Dark Temple. You recently went to the West to discuss this month. You know how much the Seal of the Seal of God died this time There are also natural losses when mining ore. Our guilds kill more than 10 million on average every month, and there are limits on how many people can sell! "

"Fuck! Then there's no way to recruit people?"

"That won't be that. But this is needed." Rose rubbed her hands, and we immediately understood.

"When did heaven say that bsp is not available;" today. But they didn't say death. Just want us to pay attention to consumption. Recently, there have been too many industrial accidents in several mining areas. This kind of non-combat reduction is so scary! "

"Then soothe. What do you say over the Dark Temple?"

"Alni said that he could sell soldiers, but the artisans said nothing. The dark temples in Europe can still provide artisans and other labor, but the limit is up to two million per month, and there is no more."

"We have so many cities in our guild. What is the number of natural calls?"

"About one million points per month, not enough."

"Isn't that useless?" I asked, pointing at the person who was unloading. "Where did these people come from?"

"Guess!" Rose smiled proudly, and I knew it must have been her figure out. Otherwise I won't ask.

I thought about it for a while, and it seemed like there was nowhere else to make people. "Can't guess."

Rose smiled. "I bought it from a second-hand dealer."


"The restriction on the import of our bank does not mean that other guilds are also restricted. I went to discuss with Feng Yin Piao Miao and Ashford, and used their remaining share to buy labor, and then passed it to us. Although the price It's a little more expensive than we buy directly, but it's better than no one is using it. In fact, we have started too many places in the past month, and there is not enough people to build a city and mine, and we can slow down next month. Now. "

I looked at the unloading engineering team with satisfaction, and then said, "It is easy to have these. As long as the area and approximate reserves of the mining area are determined, we can decide whether to build a city or only a mine. But I hope to see a large area of ​​high-density mines. I don't think there are too many colorful magic crystals. "

"Report." A frost belongs to him. After seeing us turn around, he immediately started to report: "The mining exploration team and the primary site cleaning equipment have been completely unloaded. Please indicate whether to start exploration immediately?"

"First determine the approximate mine area and ore reserves, then report to me."

"Understood." Saluting me, then turned and ran to his team and began to direct everyone to separate action, those unloaded shuttles took off and returned to us to give way.

A group of animal trainers walked past us on trolls, and those trolls carried large mechanical parts in pairs. The scorpion-type feller drove into the edge of the forest with a roar and stopped. Only the giant scorpion-shaped machinery extended a mechanical leg to push itself up, and then the two pliers-type felling mouths were respectively Grabbed towards two trees. Big pliers bite a tree and slump from the bottom up. All branches except the trunk were rolled down. As the large pliers moved to the part of the trunk close to the ground, a large roulette saw plunged in from the middle of the pliers, and then backed out. The large pliers easily set the straight trunk aside, and then extended down to the next tree. This whole process is less than twenty seconds. The efficiency is surprising.

Silo opened her mouth and sighed, "Awesome logging machine, you used to cut trees like this?"

"Almost! You know, there are more cities in our guilds. Naturally, we also need a lot of wood, and people can't pull it by just sawing it!"

"So is that the one that saw the tree over there too?" Siluo asked, pointing at the large device in the distance where the trolls were assembling.

What Siluo refers to is a tower-like device that stands about 20 meters high on the ground, and there are many things like handles sticking out around it.

I glanced at the thing and shook my head. "That's not a logging machine. This thing is much more advanced than a logging machine. In fact, it is an energy detector. It was originally a war detector, but recently we use it to find mines. It works just as well. As long as there are samples, this thing You can find all substances with similar properties within a certain range. "

"So how big is this certain range you call?"

"It depends on what you are looking for." Rose replied to me: "A substance such as colorful magic crystals with a strong energy response, as long as a grain of rice. We can detect it within a thousand kilometers. But if What you are looking for is only steel or some kind of stable element. The detection distance can only be guaranteed within three kilometers, and the precise positioning must be within two kilometers. "

"That's great too, is it faster than digging?"

"Of course." I meant the trolls who were holding their hands and moving the machine. "Unfortunately, it is as powerful as it is powerful. We had to use the Troll Guard to move it!"

A technician came to me and asked, "President, we need the samples here as a reference."

I raised my hand and pointed at the void of the dried lake bed. A colorful magic spar with a big fist immediately flew into my palm. I threw this colorful magic spar over. "Just use this."

"So big?" The mechanic looked at it, and ran back with the colorful magic spar. Almost as soon as he installed the colorful magic spar on the machine, the red lines on the entire machine instantly lit up, followed by a red circle on the machine. Spreading out like a shock wave wrapped us all in.

Several workers shouted to us: "Ready, cover your ears."

Silo didn't know why to cover her ears, but when we all moved quickly to cover our ears, we followed to cover our ears. Almost as soon as she covered her ears. The red aperture that has just spread out is closed with a sharp howling sound, and it is different from the previous light curtain. This time, the aperture is obviously more substantial, and we can obviously feel a strong airflow. Shaved from the side. When the light circle completely disappeared inside the machine, the red lines on the machine's surface gradually faded, and followed a group of workers to the bottom of the machine to catch the edge of a piece of paper just protruding from the machine. The workers carefully dragged the paper backwards, and the machine exit was constantly ejecting paper. It seemed that the thing was full. After pulling out a paper tape more than ten meters long and half a meter wide, the workers ran back and started to pull the second paper tape, and the rest started writing and drawing on the first paper tape.

Silo had never seen such a machine, and was very curious to run over to see what they were doing. But the line of paper seemed too complicated for her, and she couldn't understand what was written on it.

The workers pulled out more than twenty sheets of paper at a time before they stopped. Another group of people carried a set of folding boards and laid them on the ground to form a 20-meter-square flat ground. The workers spread the papers on the plate in order, and then aligned their seams. As more and more paper was laid on it, Silo finally saw that it was a map.

"Is this a map?" Silo asked us excitedly.

I nodded. "This is a geological fault map and elemental step map of this area. These red dots are substances that have a similar structure to the reference object. The different colored substances next to them need to refer to the catalog there to know what they are. These lines indicate It is not the terrain, but the geological density. When mining, you can avoid underground cavities and aquifers according to this map. You can also strengthen the softer geological structures in advance to avoid collapse, so we will mine minerals. Rarely there are water seepage or landslide accidents. "

"The Great Guild is different! The equipment is so advanced! Do you have a computer in this thing? Why is it equipped with an automatic printing function?"

"If you have a computer, you don't have to be so big ~ ~ Rose is a bit discouraged:" In order to complete this thing, our mage can only stack magic arrays one by one. You see this thing like A tower, in fact, it is composed of 10,000 layers of three-dimensional magic array. At the bottom of the paper, there was a triple reorganization of water system plus phantom system and fire system. Do you know how difficult it is to get a combo? "

Silo shook her head. "I'm not a map mage. I've never played such a thing."

I explained to Silo with a smile. "Actually, the map master's job is a bit like playing a jigsaw puzzle. The key is to ensure that there is no energy hedging between the magic array and the magic array. The map master has a skill called recognition, but reads out the direction of energy flow of the magic array In the case of compound normals, it is necessary to make sure that the normals of different systems flow in one direction as much as possible, otherwise both normals will be rendered useless. It is easy to say and very complicated to do, but if you are a mathematical expert In that case, there is definitely a future for refining the map master. "

"Oh, I think you'd better solve those people's problems before discussing my career." Siluo suddenly pointed to the distance. We followed her fingers and saw only the mighty procession coming towards us.

"The flies come really fast!"

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