Starting from Zero

Vol 16 Chapter 17: Liam

Fortunately, he tried a few times after carrying us, but he couldn't leave the ground at all. There are almost no gaps in the raindrops dropped by the sky. The impact of a volume as lucky as unimaginable is unimaginable. Not to mention flying, he is struggling to stand now.

"What if I can't fly?"

I thought about it and said, "Night shadow, can you bring a rope up?"

"I don't want to be a lightning rod!"

"Fuck, why did I forget this!"

"Then we ... hey? The rain stopped? The clouds also dispersed!"

"Oops, take off! Take off!" The princess yelled, pointing away.

We followed the princess's fingers and saw that in the distant valley, a Hongfeng over 200 meters high rushed towards us like a wall. This time without any hesitation, I dragged the princess and Aimenis one by one and threw them both on the back of Ye Ying, then picked up the little demon and opened wings to fly. Ye Ying quickly took off after taking two people. Fortunately, he fluttered his wings twice to leave the ground, then grabbed Yeyue and Chili with two front paws and turned and flew towards the sky. The two armors behind Everett bounced off quickly, then blasted down two flames, and then blasted into the air at a much faster rate than all of us. Phantoms and Bannons Orchids floated slowly upwards in a hurry, anyway, they could vanish, and the flood was useless to them.

Night Shadow and Everett are rising very fast, but luckily I and I had to turn around and flew in the direction of the flood, so we could take advantage of the flood-induced updraft and climb. Sure enough, before Hong Feng was about to hit us, a strong air current sent us into the sky, and the flood rushed through our ground by a minute. Almost pulled me down.

The little demon was hung in the air by me and said, "Does the weather here indicate that the Great Pluto is in a bad mood?"

Fortunately, carrying Yeyue flew to our side, Yeyue said to the demon: "If you just set up a huge business like Big Wheel Pluto, it will become nothing again, and your mood will be bad.

I was about to speak, and suddenly a whistle sounded above my head. As soon as we looked up, we saw Emmenis riding on Yeying's back and shouting at us, "Look over there."

We looked towards the upper reaches of the flood, and we saw a mountain peak standing in the middle of the vast ocean, showing how high it was before being flooded. At present, we can't fully see the top of the mountain, but from here we can see that there are traces of artificial buildings on the edge of the mountain. It looks like someone should be.

"Past, fly past, Big Wheel Pluto should be over there."

"I'll go and see first." Everett turned suddenly, then stunned out like a bomb hunter, and scared people quickly. However, he had not yet flown a hundred meters. The whole world suddenly trembled.

Ye Ying yelled at Everett: "Stop now, it's time to switch dreams!"

"what did you say?"

Maybe the flight was too fast, and Everett didn't hear what Ye Ying was calling. I was planning to contact him by telepathy. As a result, the surrounding scene suddenly changed without starting. We suddenly ran into a cave full of smoke from high above the flood. Just listening to the sudden noise in front of me, everything went quiet.

"Everett, what's wrong with you?"

"It's okay! It just hit the wall!"

"Did I not say that you have to stop when the dream is switched?" Ye Ying said, "Don't move first, we will come over to save you right away."

"No, I can do it myself." Just listening to the loud noise in front. Followed by a sound of rock breaking. When we ran past, we only saw that Everett was standing in front of a rock wall, and there were large human-shaped pits on the wall, and there were many gravels on the ground.

"What the **** is this? So much smoke?" Said the princess, fanning the smoke in front of her hands.

"This isn't smoke." Ban Nong Lan said with a grimace, "This is the energy of the undead. The purest energy of the undead, wow ha ha ha, this is the trick!"

"Don't suck." Ye Ying interrupted the absorption of Phanom Lan. "Useless, this is a dream of the Great Pluto. It's not true, you **** it for nothing!"

"Fuck, Bai is happy!"

"But why is there so much undead energy here suddenly?" Yeyue asked.

"There is only one possibility, and that is that the Great Pluto is dreaming about ghosts."

"When it comes to ghosts, is that one?" The princess asked, pointing to a gravestone that was flying towards us.

Lucky asked: "What kind of monster is this? Gravestone monster?"

"Regardless of what it is. Just shatter it." Pepper dropped a ball of light, hitting the tombstone in the front, but there was no light effect. The tombstone and lightball disappeared after the collision. "Strange, I obviously use blasting?"

"It's a strange place." Ye Yue settled tightly as soon as she said, "It seems to start shaking again, isn't it time to switch scenes again?"

"It seems to be true, everyone must be calm, don't disturb, and be prepared to react as soon as the switch is over."

The surrounding image suddenly shook, and then I saw something like a shock wave flashing around us. The surrounding environment changed with this shock wave as an alternate line. After the shock wave passed, we found that we were actually floating in the air three meters above the ground.

"Wow!" The princess fell down first, but fortunately, she reacted quickly and caught her. Everyone else kept up with the environmental changes and adopted emergency measures one after another. Fortunately, three meters is not too high. As long as there is preparation, even ordinary people will not fall out of the big problem. Besides, the following is not a concrete ground, soft It ’s pretty good.

After we landed, the ground seemed to be softer than we thought. Fortunately, as soon as we landed, we sank down half a foot deep, but everyone else was fine. The ground was not soft enough that we would all sink.

The environment here is different from that just now. Under the clear sky is a large open grassland. Some towering snow bees can be seen in the distance, but the animals here are really dizzy. We were observing the environment, and suddenly a creature like a flying fish flew past us. Then we saw a great white shark rushing over. Two fishes fled one after the other in the sky, performing the life and death of the marine life version, but ... "Why do sharks fly in the sky?" Pepper finally asked the questions we all thought of together.

We were watching the Great White Shark, and the ground suddenly shook slightly. "What's that?" It felt more keenly that the little demon suddenly appeared a new thing. We quickly turned to see. What appeared to us this time was a very cute white rabbit, but it was not a small white rabbit, but a big white rabbit, a real white rabbit.

Fortunately, he shouted, "Fuck! What kind of rabbit? Bigger than me?"

Bannon Chanlan whispered, "What kind of big man is your body? For quite a few years, I was the first dragon of the dragon family, then it was a prestige, but compared to this big white rabbit, it is between Zhongzhong! "

I am the first time I saw a giant white rabbit with a height of 500 meters and a height of more than 300 meters while squatting on the ground, but we are lucky. This guy looks like a herbivore. I saw this big guy stumped several nearby trees, and then hurried towards us. As it approaches. The ground started to shake more and more. Every time it hit the ground, we had to be bounced up. It felt like playing on a trampoline.

We all stayed there without daring to speak. The White Rabbit didn't seem to be interested in us either, but just glanced at the passing past and continued to jump forward. Although this guy is big, he is still as swift as a bunny, and after a few jumps, he jumps far away, and then slowly disappears into our sight.

We are looking up at where the big white rabbit disappeared. Suddenly I heard the princess shouting, "Oh! What bite me?" When we turned around, we only saw the princess stoop down and pick up something. Soon she saw her picking up a yellow cat from the grass that was too deep to her knees. This small animal is about the size of a rabbit. Of course, this refers to the size of a normal rabbit. Not the class rabbit that just passed. Although the creature in front of it is the size of a rabbit, it has thick yellow brown fur behind its neck. What looks like a lion is that it doesn't seem to be big enough.

"What is this? Miniature lions?"

Snapped. Pepper suddenly slaps, and then we see her **** hand opened her palm, and saw that there was a sparse animal carcass between her hands. "This thing bit me just now," Pepper explained.

"Fuck, this stuff is still full." Ye Yue waved her hand to take advantage of more, actually caught two. When we saw her holding her wings, she lifted all the little things.

"How does this look like a griffin?" Everett asked.

The princess asked, "Have you ever seen a wasp-sized griffin before?"

"No, but isn't this the dream world? Ye Ying said that everything is possible here."

"Wow! What a big fly!" Emmenis pointed at the sky.

Let's look up together. I saw a group of flies the size of bears and bears flying over us, feeling like we were standing on the airport runway, and a bomber group was flying overhead.

"Holy God, am I right?"

"I think you read it right." I pointed to the distant sky: "But I want to know if it's my hallucination!" I was pointing in the direction of a group of dragonflies the size of a dragonfighting a long A snowman with more tentacles, and there are many humans larger than the body beneath that snowman, holding a long rope seems to be waiting for something.

"Did the Great Pluto have a neurosis?" The princess asked, "she can dream of these things?"

"This is not what I can understand!" Ye Ying said: "In fact, your dreams are similar to this. I have secretly entered your dreams before, do you know what I see?"

The princess cried immediately upon hearing: "What? Have you ever dreamed of me? What the **** have you seen? Why don't I remember seeing you in my dreams?"

"Generally, if we do n’t do anything to your dreams, you wo n’t remember seeing the nightmare in the dreams, because we will be integrated with the background in other people ’s dreams. Unintentionally looking for is basically It wo n’t happen. Besides, most people do n’t remember what they saw in their dreams. A normal person will never have 30% of memories in his dreams, which means you do n’t know about yourself. Dreamed, and there are 20% of dreams you will remember, but you do n’t remember what you dreamed about. Forty percent of the remaining 50% will remember some of them Content. Only 10% of dreams can clearly remember every detail. Our nightmare is integrated with the background environment in your dreams, even if it happens to appear in that 10% of dreams that remember details You will definitely be noticed, are you normal without seeing me! "

"Then what did you do in my dream? Tell me what you saw?"

Yeying doesn't matter: "Entering someone else's dream is as simple as breathing for nightmare. I'm just entertaining. Don't you know that everyone's dreams are as fun as movies? Of course. When you have nightmares I think it might turn into a horror movie! "

"So what did you see?" Yeyue came over and asked excitedly: "I really want to know what the princess dreamed about. Usually she looks like a harmless little girl. What is she thinking in her heart? ? "

"Sorry, I'm not a big mouth. It's my habit to watch other people's dreams, but leaking is immoral."

"But I want to know!" Yeyue begged.

"Well, Yeyue, don't ask again, or I'll let Yeying tell your dreams."

Yeyue didn't dare to ask again under my threat, but we still have to face a problem, that is, we seem to be trapped. This grassland is the world of dreams. In other words, everything in it cannot be understood with normal thinking. Although we seem to be able to see the edge of the grassland, no matter which direction we go, we will not reach the end, no matter how we go, we will always be in the center of the grassland. The ground beneath my feet seems to be following us all the time, it's almost like running on a treadmill, I can clearly see it, but I can't reach it anyway!

"Ye Ying, have you encountered this situation?" I asked Ye Ying.

"Yes." Ye Ying was not nervous at all because of the current situation. Instead, he was very relieved: "This situation in the dream represents the owner of the dream land is very confused, so there will be an endless environment, no matter which direction to go. The end result is the same."

"But we still have to find the position of the big round Pluto, so how can we find it?" Pepper asked.

Ye Ying said: "The best way to encounter this environment is to stay still and wait for the dream to switch."

"Isn't that tantamount to being trapped?"

"Not exactly, at least I can take you out of this dream, but we are looking for the Great Pluto, so we can't go yet."

"Sit down and wait!" The princess didn't even know where to put a small folding chair on the ground. Then I flipped out a big umbrella and a folding table from under the skirt, and finally came out with a bunch of drinks, just like on vacation.

"It is indeed the descendant of the son-in-law Protoss. The understanding is different." Ye Ying looked at the princess with approval. "Let me take a rest, too." Ye Ying said that he actually started to deform, and after a few seconds he turned into a handsome young man wearing a black cloak. Seeing our eyes, he quickly explained: "Nightmare is basically a demigod in a dream, and being transformed is not a big deal? Besides, I will transform myself, but you do n’t know."

"No wonder!" Yeyue also changed a chaise longue and placed it next to the princess's parasol, then lay down with a cup of drink. "Ah ... this is enjoyment!"

"Hey, how did your things change out?" The little demon hurried around, but she didn't know how to change things out.

Ye Ying pulled Zhang Dasha up and said, "I have said it before. The power of belief is the absolute power in dreams. As long as you believe that there is a chair in front of you, there will be a chair here, that's it simple."

"Is this really possible?"

"Remove the three words like this, and absolutely believe that it is really possible, as long as you doubt then don't expect the chair to appear."

"Is it as simple as that? I'll try it, too." A big bed hanging with a veil suddenly appeared in front of Aimeness, followed by a pile of plush toys suddenly following the bed. "Well, it seems really okay!"

Fortunately, following Amenities, he also made a bunch of golden mountains and lay down, and even Everett created a flame magma pool. As long as you understand the principle, this self-hypnotic method is actually full of learning.

Ye Ying said: "In fact, it's also good for us to practice changing things like this. At least for a while, when you really meet the Big Wheel of Pluto, you can use various tools to protect yourself."

Ye Yingdi's words really opened up my thinking. I turned around and hit a ring finger on the grassland. A large area of ​​heavy artillery positions suddenly appeared on the open grass in front of me. And all of them are super-sized magic crystal cannons. "You guys say that if the big round of Pluto is hit by so many cannons at the same time, can you survive?"

"The key is not how many guns you have. It is how powerful you think these guns are." Ye Ying said: "But the level of Pluto's own knowledge will also affect the final effect. If you make a lot of guns, big If Pluto King thinks that she can't be blocked, and you think it might hurt her. Then maybe she can really blow her down. But if you think these cannons won't hurt her, and she happens to think that she is not afraid of them Things. That's probably useless! "

"Hey, hey ..." Lucky suddenly pointed at the sky in the distance and said, "Guess what it is?"

"Large Pluto?" I instantly recognized the group of people fighting in the distant sky, but ... "Why did I see myself?"

"Isn't that Miss Yin Xue?" Lucky asked, pointing at the sky.

"The four holy beasts are also stunning!"

"It seems that there is also Erlang!"

Ye Ying suddenly said: "I see. Dalun Pluto has been in a coma since she was arrested. She repeats the process of her arrest in a dream. It seems that we don't have to worry about it. From what she repeated, even though She will be subdued if we don't go to help! "

I anxiously said, "But the problem is that we need the key to open the space of the Great Wheel Pluto, not to kill the Great Wheel Pluto!"

"So what do we do?" Amenis asked, "can't you go up and help the Great Pluto hit yourself?"

"This is also a solution!" Yeyue said while touching his chin and thinking: "Because the master has a certain conflict with himself in that big round of Pluto's dream, we can just use this scheme for a true and false purple day, and then Pretend that we are counterfeit goods. Take the opportunity to approach the big round of Pluto, and then cheat out her space door opening method. "

"It seems very difficult!" Said the princess: "First, since the Great Wheel of Pluto has worked for so many years as the boss of the beast. It is definitely not a general merchandise. We want to get close to her to have a long time for the seal of the throne as a consumption. Even if we really become a friend of Pluto, do you think she might tell us how to start her storage space? It ’s as if you and your friends have a good relationship. It ’s impossible to keep your own safe. Give your password and key to a friend? "

"It seems reasonable to say!" Said the little demon: "It is better that we go directly to these four sacred beasts in the dream and go down to the big round of Pluto. Then press the opening method?"

Yeyue stretched out a finger: "First, the four sacred beasts and heavenly figures in the big round of Pluto's dream may not be our allies." She also extended a finger: "Second, the big round Pluto is not a little girl. Torture torture may not work for her. "

Ye Ying nodded and said, "Speaking of grounds makes sense. Once the Great Wheel of Pluto can't stand the torture, she will seek death, and the way to break the dream is to die and live. Once the Great Wheel of Pluto begins to die , That dream is over. Although there is silver snow suppressing outside, the big round Pluto will not wake up even if this dream is over. But we will be kicked out forcibly because the dream disappears, even if I can take you again Come back, but have to catch the big round of Pluto again. And in case she no longer dreams of being besieged by the enemy, wouldn't it be easy for us people to catch her? "

"What shall we do?"

"In fact, the problem is very simple." Ye Ying said: "As a nightmare, one of my abilities is to eat dreams."

"Is it the same as the legendary puppet?"

"Almost, but I'm not as powerful as it. I can only eat part of my dreams. In fact, eating dreams is equivalent to eating my memory. As long as you force Dalun Pluto to expand her storage space, then I go up and take This area is eaten, and after exiting the dream, I can start the dream of the Great Wheel of Pluto. "

"It sounds simple. The question is how to force her to open the space."

Yeyue suddenly interrupted us: "Don't you think about how we are going to face those guys before you discuss how to let the big wheel Pluto open up the space? They are already calling!"

In the dream of Big Wheel Pluto, she is repeating the memories before her coma. The four sacred beasts plus Yinxue, Erlangshen and Tota are besieging Pluto, and Pluto is also assisted by the Master of Heaven and the Buddha. Of course, except that the Great Pluto is his own spiritual projection. Everything else is her fictional image. but. In the dream. The owner of the dreamland is the creation god, even a fictional imagination. Their combat effectiveness cannot be ignored. It can be said that Dalun Pluto thinks that these people have strength. What strength they can wield.

"Just decide! How on earth do we deal with these people?" Amenis urged.

I thought about it. In the end, he gave up his intention to cooperate with that fictional self. "Let's help Big Wheel Pluto."

"Understand." Fortunately, with wings spread, it was about to take off. But he just settled in a pose to jump up. "Wait? What did you just say? Help Big Wheel Pluto?"

"Yes, help Big Wheel Pluto."

"Why not help us?" Amenis asked me curiously.

I did not answer directly. Instead, he looked at Yeying and said, "Does the strength of those characters depend on the evaluation of the Great Pluto?"

Ye Ying nodded. "Those who are Pluto fantasy exits themselves, of course, their strength depends on the recognition of Pluto."

"So, do you think Big Wheel Pluto knows himself better, or does he know the Four Holy Beasts better?"

"Of course to myself," Lucky Xun said.

Ye Ying nodded and said, "I see. The host means that if we attack those fictitious characters of the Great Pluto. The chance of winning is greater. Because most people instinctively reduce the strength of their opponents .But I don't understand. Even if we help Dalun Pluto bring down those fictional people, what's the use? "

"Can't you think of it?" Yeyue got smart this time: "As long as we help Dalun Pluto kill those who are fictional. Then we can ask Dalun Pluto for benefits. Because our purpose is It is to let the big wheel Pluto open her storage space, so there is no need to make too harsh requirements, no matter what she wants. As long as she opens the space, everything is OK. "

The princess also said: "This is a good way. Even if we help those who fictionally put down the big round of Pluto, they can't let her open the storage space. On the contrary, it is easier for her to kill her. space."

"That's the decision." I said to the demons: "Go up and help now! Remember not to keep your hands. Those are all fictitious figures in the dream of Pluto, they are not really the four holy beasts."

"Rest assured, we know that." Ye Yue promised and jumped onto the lucky back. "Take off soon. Let's go for fun."

The four holy beasts in the sky are flying out of the rainbow halo of a large round of Pluto. Suddenly someone came behind. The white tiger nearest to the ground just turned around and saw a dragon flapping its teeth. The white tiger's fighting power in the dream is only set by the Great Wheel of Pluto, far less powerful than in reality. If the real white tiger could definitely bring down luck, but now this is not the real white tiger, he barely blocked the lucky attack, but he didn't notice that there were still people on his back.

Actually this is not that White Tiger did not notice us. It was the big round Pluto that didn't notice us. In fact, these fictional people in the dream are all things imagined by the Great Wheel of Pluto, and they naturally have no feeling. In the current position of the Great Wheel of Pluto, no one on the lucky back can be seen, so on the contrary, the fictional white tiger will look as if we did not see it. Fortunately, the huge body obstructed the sight of the Great Wheel of Pluto. Her subconscious was only directing the White Tiger to block the lucky attack, while Yeyue and I went around from both sides. I cut into the head of the fake white tiger with one sword, and Yeyue opened six holes in the body of the fake white tiger.

When the big round Pluto sees the white tiger pierced, of course, he thinks that the white tiger has hung, so in reality, the white tiger that should not have been so easy to hang down actually fell off like this. The four sacred beasts are all in the form of spiritual power. To put it plainly, they are elemental bodies. Although physical damage has an impact on them, they are far from hanging out by being trapped in two holes. If it were a real white tiger, we must have ripped us to pieces now. Unfortunately this is fake, so it hangs, but we are fine.

Immediately after killing the fake white tiger, I kicked my lucky wings and rushed towards the fake self, but the fake me looked stupidly as I flew towards him without any reaction. In Dalun Pluto's thoughts, a person who suddenly sees one's appearance will certainly be stunned, although in fact, this rarely happens to me. But as long as the Great Wheel of Pluto thinks I will have this situation, then this fake I will certainly have this situation. and so. When he or the big round Pluto reacted, I had cut this fake self into a dozen pieces of minced meat.

The sudden attack just killed two people and was useless. But this is also very good. The big round Pluto and the Master of the Heavens stunned a little. Although it was very strange why I suddenly ran out of two, and later I attacked my companions, but at least Big Pluto knew that I was helping her later, so she immediately began to cooperate with our actions to disperse the power of others.

The remaining characters in the dream were dispersed into groups by the Great Pluto. I surrounded my fake Suzaku with my magic pet. Give the other lands to the Great Pluto to deal with them themselves. Anyway, I can help them share a pressure that has made them a lot easier. But even though we only deal with one holy beast. I didn't intend to go up against it, but instead adopted a trick that Ye Ying suggested.

The so-called clever trick is to take advantage of the shortcoming that a fictional character does not actually have the main point of thinking. As long as the large round of Pluto cannot see this person, he is basically a piece of wood. Under normal circumstances, when people dream, they only think on their own, other characters are fake. So we feel that the people in the dream are alive. Because our attention is synchronized with these characters. But now Ye Ying brought us in. This caused the phenomenon of dream disorder in the place where the Great Wheel of Pluto could not reach the ground.

After we cut off the fake Suzaku, we were lucky and immediately flew to the ground between Suzaku and the Great Pluto, blocking the sight of the Great Pluto. In this way, this fake Suzaku is basically paralyzed. I and other magic pets swarmed up and chopped this fake Suzaku into pieces, and then used the same method to segment the fake Erji God.

"Hey, Ye Ying's method works really well." Phantom floated beside me, watching the fake Erlang **** falling to the ground.

"Let's go around a few more guys and come out and kill them together," Emmenis cried.

"Wait. Who's there?" Ye Yue suddenly appeared again, and a group of people were coming here.

"Halo! Eighteen Heavenly Guards and that Fairy Mission."

Ye Ying immediately cried: "Hurry up and kill them when the Pluto is relatively far away, and kill them first. When Pluto approaches the Pluto, we can subjectively think about these people's reactions. "

The Eighteen Heavenly Guards are divided into groups of three, and the fighting power of each group is equivalent to the strength of one of the four holy beasts. In theory, these people are very powerful, but at present they are too far away from the Great Pluto. Therefore, they are all controlled by the sublime Pluto's subconsciously, and their reaction ability and combat effectiveness are a mess. Still use the old method, lucky to block the view. A few of us went up and down to get these backups easily. Yeyue did not start to rejoice at this time. Thanks to the help they had chosen to help Pluto, otherwise it was really difficult. In this world, only those who are close to the Great Pluto can truly wield combat power, and those who are far away from her are actually not thinking.

We resolved the backup and started to come back to continue pulling people out of the battle group. This time it was King Tota who was attracted. We not only let him down easily, we even robbed him of the tower. The things in the dream ca n’t be taken out. The reason we want to grab this thing is simply to trick the big round Pluto to open the storage space later. Give her the impression that we are here for babies, and then she wo n’t find it strange if she wants to benefit.

The big round Pluto is not too silly. After seeing that we have made several people in a row, we also know how to cooperate with us. She started to let people out one by one, and as long as we blocked her vision, those people constructed by her fantasy would become dumb, we can easily solve these guys. In the end, there was only one goal left, and that was fake Silver Snow. Before the big round Pluto was stunned, her most powerful character in her impression was probably Yinxue, so she left Yinxue at the last.

Although we did it quickly before, but that was the result of speculation. The last remaining fake silver snow has been under the attention of Pluto, which means that we can't create the situation like before. Way to take advantage. Of course, with so many of us, plus the big round of Pluto and the Master of Heaven, and the one who is not inferior to them, the siege of fake Yinxue can still easily win. However, we do not plan to kill this fake silver snow for the time being.

Big Wheel Pluto is a typical activist, but she is definitely not a good leader. Therefore, she does not have the temperament and habits of any leader, including the importance of credibility. A person who wants to do big things usually takes credit seriously, because once you succeed. Then you will become that big tree in the forest. People under such attention, even if there is a little stain. Will cause a lot of trouble for yourself. therefore. Leaders take credibility seriously, although they sometimes lose faith. But that would only happen if they knew they would never leak it out. But unlike Big Wheel Pluto, she is not a qualified seeker. She longed for power and status at the Buddhist gate, but she never really became a high seeker, so she knew nothing. She won't defend her credibility, she doesn't care about credibility at all. If I do nothing to help her get rid of the fake silver snow, there will only be two results after the battle. Situation 1: She will kill us as soon as she kills the fake silver snow. Situation two: After killing the fake Yinxue, she will completely ignore any request from us, and immediately turn her face and don't recognize anyone, leaving us here and leaving. If we entangle her for reward, we will return to situation one.

In view of the behavioral characteristics of the large round Pluto, it is best to negotiate before the battle is over. Even if she likes to cross the river and tear down the bridge. You will never tear down the bridge while you are still standing on the bridge.

Although I thought of the above question. But before you actually do it, you have to deal with something else. The fake Yinxue alone can never stop the big round Pluto three of them. So although the big round Pluto has not yet crossed the river. But at least it was on the shore. I'm talking to her now, and she is likely to make a great effort to go ashore before tearing down the bridge. Therefore, before negotiating with her, she must strengthen the power of fake Yinxue. If it is normal. It's almost impossible to accomplish, but in Dreamland. It's actually quite simple. To make fake Yinxue look strong, just hit the self-confidence of the big round Pluto. When she thinks that this fake silver snow is very powerful, then this fake silver snow made by her dreamland will be really strong. In addition, while making this premise. By the way, we have to settle this false master of heaven and the false Buddhist people, which will help us to negotiate with the Great Pluto for a while.

After the plan was completed, we began to implement it, first relying on our strength to let the power of fake silver snow improve in the heart of the Great Pluto. Based on our previous easy slaying of the masters released by the big round of Pluto one by one. Big Wheel Pluto has also improved our judgement of strength, which means that at least she knows that our cluster power can easily kill any of the four holy beasts. Now, we are going to show the difference between Silver Snow.

With my hint, luck rushed up first, then was blown out by a light ball of fake Yinxue, and rushed up with me and pepper, but was kicked out immediately. The other magic pets took advantage of the time caused by our attack, and the throne of the Seal of Gods swarmed up, but all were beaten out. In fact, we did not release water at all in this series of actions. This is the power level of Silver Snow in the Big Wheel of Pluto's imagination, but she misjudged our power level because she saw that we had killed the four holy beasts before. But now she sees that we are all less effective. Immediately realized that Yinxue did not need a normal power level.

"Fuck, this guy is much harder than the previous ones!" I shouted deliberately near the Great Pluto.

Fortunately, he flew up again with injuries, and then my words continued: "These guys were not enough for this guy before. I knew she was better than the Four Holy Beasts, but I didn't expect to be so strong! I even She can't touch her side! "

As soon as I was lucky, I saw the fake silver snow in the encirclement suddenly shouting to the sky. A circle of white light waves spread out suddenly. The strong wind pressure actually blew and we backed together for a long time. . Big Wheel Pluto looked very shocked, but we knew that our actions worked. The reason why the fake Yinxue suddenly exploded was that the subconsciousness of the big round Pluto had accepted her viewpoint that the strength of the four sacred beasts, so the fake Yinxue suddenly exploded. If it is estimated to be good, the fake silver snow's combat power is definitely much stronger than before.

Yeyue rides on the lucky back and shouts to the false Tongtian leader and the Buddhist man: "She is much better than the Four Holy Beasts. Our strength is not enough to hold her back. To use the previous tactics, you two must Go up and hold her back so we can kill her the way we used to deal with others. "

The false Tongtian leader and the man in the Buddhist door glanced at each other, and Dalun Pluto shouted to them: "If you don't go anymore, you will be finished together!"

After hearing the words of Dalun Pluto, the master of the false heaven and the Buddhist monk paused slightly. But eventually rushed up. Originally, according to the actual strength of the situation, even if Yin Xue could defeat the joint of the two of them, they would not win immediately, but the current situation is that the master of the heaven and the man in the door of the Buddha were kicked back one by one.

We were ready to wait for this opportunity, as soon as the two of them flew out, they were picked up by lucky and materialized Lennon Orchid. Of course, these two huge wings just blocked the sight of the Great Pluto. Fortunately, he looked at the Tongtian Master who was completely harmless, and then shouted to Dalun Pluto: "Tongtian Leader is no longer good!"

As soon as the big round Pluto heard it, it immediately became tense, and at the same time, the heavenly leader on the lucky claw also changed from unharmed just to a stalemate. This is how the big round Pluto's mind is changing. While she was confusing to lose a companion, Bannon Chan Lan quickly screamed, "No, this guy was destroyed by the beasts and spirits, and we have one less combat power!"

Of course, the big round Pluto in the battle did not expect these two words to be false, but in her dream. Unless it is a thinking energy body brought in like us, once a general dream figure is considered dead by her, that person will really die in her dream. So the actual situation is that we used two lies to kill the two most powerful combat forces around the Great Pluto.

I saw the opportunity to fly to the large round of Pluto, and then clamped her around with Amenis, and a white ball of light instantly appeared around us. I'm still nervous about the big round of Pluto: "Don't worry, this is my absolute barrier. Although there is time to restrict the seal of the throne, it will never be destroyed before it disappears."

Amynis immediately said, "This guy is too strong, we flash first." "But she won't let go of us."

Emmys snapped his fingers, and suddenly a colorful rainbow appeared in front of him. "Hey. Although she is very powerful, but to break my colorful Mihong, it will take some time to seal the throne of the Seal of God. Let's run away now."

With Amenis, the big round Pluto immediately believed that the fake Yinxue would not come out immediately, so he followed us and began to escape. This plan came to my mind temporarily, because the previous strengthening seemed to be overdone, and now the fake Yin Xueqiang has no control at all, so I want to run away with the big round Pluto first, as long as I lie to her to open her storage space, Then we can quit her dream. Following her here to hit that fake Yinxue without experience value and not explosive equipment is purely laborious.

My magic pets quickly followed and flew away into the distance. With the big round of Pluto, the maker of the dream, beside us, the steppe that didn't reach our heads finally let us go out. After flying over the Daxue Mountain on the edge of the grassland, we immediately found a cave in the mountain, and hurriedly flew in with the big round Pluto. As soon as the big round Pluto fell to the ground, it was as if it had lost its strength, and finally I and Hermione and I put her deep into the hole.

Fortunately for Emerson, "Aren't you the illusion goddess? Seal the hole with the illusion? I don't want to be seen again, that terrible woman is terrible!" In fact, the words of luck are also told to the Great Wheel Pluto The purpose is purely to create a temporarily secure environment to facilitate negotiations. The silver snow outside is what the Great Wheel Pluto imagined. As long as the Great Wheel Pluto thought it was safe, she would never find it. Once the Great Wheel Pluto thought she might find it, she would appear here at any time.

I squatted down beside the big round Pluto, then panted and asked, "How can you offend this kind of master? It's a complete mess, and almost lost my life!"

I said here that the big round Pluto suddenly asked, "Yes, who are you? Why are you exactly the same as Zi Richang?"

"I'm the same as Zi Richang because Emmys helped me to make magical illusions. How is it? Really true? Emmys is the most powerful illusion goddess. No one can see through her illusions." In fact, she wanted to strengthen Emmys' strength again, so that the Great Pluto would think that she had sealed the opening of this hole, and Yinxue could not find it here.

"It's very realistic, I can't see it at all." Dalun Pluto asked weakly: "Then why do you help me? Don't tell me anything except strong and weak, it's a deception for children."

"Hey, are you seeing this?" I held out a hand and stunned: "Of course, it is for the benefit of the help! Let me tell you the truth! We are mercenaries, whoever pays for the work. You But do n’t rely on it. It has to give us some benefits. ”

"Then why don't you choose to help them?" The vigilance of Dalun Pluto is not too low ~ ~ It's very simple, because we together can be enough to deal with the three of you. . But if you help them get rid of you, we can only stand if they turn their faces and don't recognize anyone. Who do you say you help? "

My words are well-founded. Of course, Pluto Dalun believed in my words completely, and she knew that we might use us in a while, so she did n’t mean to give no benefit, but she immediately asked: "Then you What good? I don't have anything! "

I immediately laughed when I heard the words of the Great Pluto, waiting for you. I don't want your prize anymore. What I want is your whole space, but I can't say that. "Of course we don't make unreasonable offers, but you shouldn't be too embarrassed. After all, what we help you to kill is not ordinary goods."

Big Wheel Pluto nodded in agreement.

I continued: "So can you please open your personal storage space and let us see what you can do? We will confirm how much benefit you should have based on what you have. Of course, the price can be negotiated until everyone is satisfied So far. "Ye Ying heard my words and was ready to devour the space. As soon as the big round Pluto opened his storage space, we were done.

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