Starting from Zero

Vol 16 Chapter 25: encounter

"What the **** happened?"

"My reconnaissance unit is now approaching by another outsider unit."

I instantly realized that the alien army said by the elven queen is actually the holy lance alliance of the **** of guns. "How many people do they have?"

"Not as many as you, but it is said that the combat effectiveness is good, and it seems that the other party has cooperated with the orcs to some extent, because their troops came with a small group of orcs."

The elven queen is a task, so she cannot know the cause and effect of the task, and naturally she can't think of too much. But I'm a player, so I know. The world ’s first guild hegemony battle is now eliminated. Only us and the Paladin Alliance are eliminated, which means that if the levels we meet in the game space are not the same, they must be antagonistic. We have an alliance with the elves, and the Paladin Alliance will naturally have an alliance with the orcs. This is a normal arrangement. I just don't know why they arrived so late. The reason is that the action of the gun **** is slower than me, causing them to lose the most precious time, the throne of the seal of God.

If this new force arrives twenty or thirty minutes earlier, we will copy our artillery positions from the back, then our battle will be dangerous. However, they arrived too late and the city has been completely destroyed, which allows us to concentrate our forces on them in turn to contain them, so that their tactics of bread and bread cannot be used.

"Just here." I said to the Elven Queen happily. "They are my enemies. What I told you before was to deal with them. I don't know ...?"

Although the elven queen is not very good at directing wars, people are not stupid, and I knew what I meant when I heard it. "Since you helped us solve this biggest enemy. We elves will not watch our friends for help and help. Besides, they are now allies of the orcs, and they are also our enemies. Naturally, we cannot ignore the ground. I will send someone to fight the enemy with you now. "

"Thank you so much."

It ’s bad luck today. His troops actually didn't know that the castle here had been captured. And I actually know why. After we arrived here, we were surprised to see that Bi Ling was actually behind the castle. The Gun God must be as unaware that Bi Ling is here. The battle situation he judged must be speculated based on the fact that Bi Ling did not exist. If he knew that there was such a class of turret near the city, he would definitely not come to this mixed water. But now he has no chance to regret it.

With the help of the elf allies, we quickly set up a siege circle, and also told the Chuang Wang about the location here, so that the guns of the Bi Ling can be used to plow the enemy team first. When we rush up, we just have to close it.

After less than five minutes, the Gunslinger Man continued to appear in our field of vision. From the size of the team, the ability of the Gunslinger to gather the troops was obviously not as good as me, otherwise he would not have just such a person.

I used the star pupil earth telescope function to see what the Gun God was communicating with an orc over there, and they obviously did not notice our existence. I turned to the players behind me and said, "The signal let the invaders fire, and the enemy has already entered the suit."


A few minutes later, the sound of artillery shells flying over us. Then I saw a huge fireball burst out of the center of the Gun God's team. This shell is obviously different from the previous shells that attacked the city. The shells that deal with buildings pay attention to the explosion pressure and penetration ability. The main focus of artillery shells on personnel is coverage.

After the first shell exploded, a large number of people fell in the center of the team, but the second shell was even more powerful. The shell suddenly split into three parts in midair. Behind the warhead, a small thing was separated. This thing also brought a parachute, and the tip of the warhead blew forward. And with this reaction force, the middle section of the shell obtained a throne of God of Sealing Time. Using this time, the throne of the Seal of God, the middle of the shell disintegrated in the air, and sprayed out a green mist.

Don't call us this time. All members of the Elf Clan have learned. "Cloud explosion!" An elf who was near me in the previous battle remembered the name and shouted when he saw it. Although other elves don't know what this thing is called, they have seen it explode before. Now all understand that he immediately covered his ears.

The rear section of that shell. The little thing with the parachute finally fluttered into the center of the green cloud. Then a sudden arc flashed on the light small things under the parachute, and then the entire cloud instantly turned white. The powerful shock wave instantly brought all the surrounding people to the ground, and many people standing on the periphery were knocked down and rolled on the ground.

Followed by a special long shell that came down behind the cloud explosion. This thing suddenly disintegrated as it approached the ground, then sprayed a large area of ​​unknown objects onto a long strip of land, and then the area was burned with a bang. A large group of people on fire were running around on the ground, then screamed and fell to the ground and never got up again.

The elven queen can't stand it anymore. After all, she is the representative creature of the life camp, and kindness is the consistent character of the elves. "Although your weapons are powerful, they are too cruel."

I shook my head: "It's not cruel. It's kindness. It's the endurance of the heart, and then I go to save more people."

"I don't quite understand." The elf queen looked at me puzzled.

"It's well understood. You think we must fight. We don't want to be bullied for no reason, so resistance is inevitable. Where there is resistance, there is fighting."

"I can understand that."

"Since you acknowledge that fighting is inevitable, the latter will be better understood. There must be casualties in fighting. If you cannot destroy the enemy, you must die. I think the Queen definitely understands this. But I personally I think that it is better for an enemy to die than to die by himself. I don't think the Queen has any objection to this? "

The elven queen nodded.

I continued: "But, although the enemy is better off than his own, I still do n’t want everyone to suffer too much, so we understand these things. On the surface, they make the battle cruel. More dead people, but in fact It ca n’t be counted like this. Judging from a single battle, the dead have indeed increased, but on the whole. We have actually saved tens of millions of people. "

The Queen shook her head: "How can dead people call thousands of people and save them?"

"Of course, tens of millions of people have been saved. You think! These people have been brutally destroyed within a short time in the throne of the Seal of God. This prevents the long-term consumption of battlefield students. If both sides use refueling tactics, Go up and fight. How many people will die? We use this method to solve the problem at once, and the other party will not have the ability and dare not send someone to fight us, so we will die a lot less. And because of fear of our force , The remaining enemies did not dare to come out and provoke, which prevented more wars from exploding. How many people can you save by saying this? "

This theory was developed by Americans. At that time, I didn't know how many people had cheated, and many people still believe in their peaceful disguise. You can see how deceptive this thing is. In fact, the essence of this sentence is that a wolf is explaining to the cricket group why the wolf has sharp teeth, but because this explanation is more deceptive, it has led many crickets to believe it. As for the results of believing in the wolf's howl. I think everyone understands.

"You're right, why haven't I thought of such a thing before!" The elven queen nodded her head seriously and said thoughtfully, "It's because we were so kind before that we always seized the slaves The ordinary helpers in the team were released, and it turned out that for so many years. Someone has always come to kidnap young elven girls, among which we and the natural environment have countless dead people. If we do n’t leave one at the beginning, no one will know There is no follow-up capture team at our address, so many people will not die at all! Oops, it was all my fault! "

Fuck, the old American theory is really easy to use, so it takes more time to believe only in the wolf, but this time I am a wolf. As for the consequences of that wolf, everyone should understand when you see my saliva .

"Queen, you really made a mistake! It's a pity that I didn't meet you long ago. Otherwise, it would be nice to remind you soon." I put away the grandmother's face and said sincerely.

"Yeah!" The Queen looked annoyed.

I immediately pursued. "Actually, you don't have to be so frustrated, queen. You can't change the past, but you can change the future!"

"Changing the future?"

"Yes. Come with us to create a better future. You can join the clan to join our guild, so you can move to us. There are no elves here, and the slavery team will not come. So you are safe They are safe. "

"But we moved to you, wouldn't they follow?"

"Of course not. Because we knew this theory very early, it was very cruel to those who offended us. Although it felt terrible at the time, it is now a thriving scene, and no one will bother us anymore Now that you have moved to us, others know that we have an elf here and don't dare to treat you, everyone can live in peace. "

"That's it! But we don't like leaving the forest!"

"Did I ask you to leave the forest? Our guild is very large, and several of them are in the forest. If you are not satisfied, you can even build another elf city, and I will help you out."

"Workers don't need it, they just need a piece of land. Our cities are all made of magically-grown plants, as long as they are watered."

"So do you agree? Being with us not only protects yourself but also saves others. We will also participate in some peace-keeping activities after the guild. You can also help together. Are you not the races that love life the most? Help Isn't it a good job for us to save the world together? "

The elven queen thought for a long time before finally nodding her head: "Okay! I accept your invitation."

I just wanted to say something happy, but the system alert suddenly sounded. "The competition organization Elf Empire is officially merged into the Frost Rose Alliance ’s queue. After the competition, the world can be tasked together. The Frost Rose Alliance President Ziri's rhetoric skills are upgraded. When all the characters are deceived, instigated, bought, threatened The success rate has increased by 10%. "

"President, you're a real cow." A member patted me on the shoulder after passing me. I just wanted to scold him, he already rushed towards the enemy with a big knife.

Because the Bi Ling was too far away, the equipment we found did not include a real-time communicator, so there was no way to fire artillery. The first round of cover artillery can only be carried out according to the ambush position agreed in advance, and the ground work can only be left to us infantry.

In the encirclement ahead, the people of the Paladin Union were covered by the first round of fire, but there was only a short period of chaos. Instead, the orc troops with them were completely out of order. From this we can see that the overall quality of the Paladin is still very good. If ordinary small businesses would encounter this situation, chances are that they have completely dispersed.

Although the Paladins quickly started to gather their troops to prepare for the defensive formation after the shelling, our people have already rushed down, and it is obviously too late to set up the battle again.

Gunslinger's eyes were so sharp that he found me in the crowd. Without any pause, he immediately adjusted his weapon to full power mode, and then fired at me.

"Wow!" When I saw him firing at me, I quickly flashed to the side. Unfortunately, Gunslinger's gun is not a normal weapon, and the speed is too fast. My body was rubbed by a bullet. Suddenly, the whole person was turned back with the rotation of the belt. The huge power of the bullet ground took me more than ten meters, and after landing, it continued to roll for seven or eight meters before stopping. I didn't expect to see them these days, and the gun power of God of Guns was much greater.

"Are you all right, President?" A member of our guild came over and helped me up.

I stood up by his strength. But I suddenly found that the God of Guns had already aimed at me again, and quickly pushed out the members around me, and at the same time activated the mercury shield and the psychic field of the queen parasitic on me. With a bang, the second bullet directly penetrated the mercury shield, and even the mental force field could not block it. The warhead moved on. Directly hit the belly position of the dragon armor. With a snap, there was a large crack in the belly of the armor, and there was a hole in the center where it was hit directly. The bullet still refused to stop after it penetrated my belly. It was not until I penetrated my body that I hit the dragon armor's armor. The huge kinetic energy generated by the bullets flew me over fifty meters before hitting the ground heavily. "Uhhhhhhhhhh!" I spit out a lot of blood as soon as I landed.

"Damn it!" I touched the hole in my stomach, and then transformed into a werewolf to increase strength before I barely supported and climbed up again.

The Gun God was shocked to see that I could still stand up, and the people standing next to the Gun God did not even know what to say. A white woman stared at me dumbfounded, "Is this guy still a human? I haven't been able to kill him with armor-piercing bombs on a battleship?"

"It's not a matter of penetrating power, the bullets shot in." After the initial surprise, the gun **** slowed down first. "Should be replaced with armor-piercing incendiary or detonation bomb!"

"Then come again."

"I'm afraid there's no chance." Gun Shinto: "The first shot was to take advantage of the surprise attack, while he was unprepared. If the second shot was not to push his member away, I would definitely not be able to hit directly. Let ’s talk about it Ammunition and armor-piercing incendiary bombs have less flight and penetrability than this pure armor-piercing shell, and may not hit directly. "

"Chairman be careful. The guy rushed over."

The gun **** jumped up alertly and threw the gun head, and he and I were instantly locked in place. My eternity rests on the throat of the gun god, only a slight movement can separate his head from the body, and the gun head of the gun is also on my forehead, as long as he triggers my head Into a pile of rotten meat. Like this smashing damage, even if I have the shared life of the magic pet, it will be killed in one hit. This is an absolute fatal injury and is not saved.

"I haven't seen you for a few days. Your gun power is good?" I said with a smile.

"President Zi Ri's defense also makes me admire it!"

"Ah ha ha ha ha ..." The Gun God and I both laughed, while the people next to me looked cold and sweaty.

A member of the Paladin Union suddenly raised his sword and wanted to attack me from behind, but when he raised the sword, he heard a bang, and followed him into two pieces and fell down to both sides. I shook my left hand hard, shook out the blood on the blade claw, and then retracted the blade claw, but the eternity on my right hand didn't move at all.

"Gun, your little brother doesn't understand the rules?"

"Then President Ziri can't disturb my people? I don't need to bother you to help me with my own family affairs."

"That's really embarrassing. I'm a activist. I've always been used to thinking first. Oh right. I suddenly thought of something." My floor hood raised automatically so that I could see the gun more accurately. God's eyes. "I have also studied the Throne Seal of the Throne for a period of time. It is said that it takes a certain time to pull the trigger from the trigger until the bullet leaves the barrel of the Throne Seal. I do n’t know if I suddenly cut off your head. Is your gun still here? Is it time to shoot me? "

Gun God's pupil suddenly enlarged a bit, and I knew he also realized that the gun had a delay in firing. Although the throne of the Seal of God is almost negligible at this time, theoretically speaking, it should be able to get away with people like us. But I'm not sure if I'm open, so I didn't plan to try it. What I want is the moment when the God of Gun is stunned, and at the moment when his pupils are enlarged, I suddenly spin back, and at the same time block the eternal widening in front of me. There was a loud noise from the local area, and the shock wave from the explosion threw me and Gunsling to both sides. Gunner's bullets were indeed blocked by my eternity, but his gun was filled with explosive bombs. That's why it caused a big bang.

The two of us separated immediately on the first day and rushed back again. I instantly turned eternal fluid into my teeth, claws, and blades on my wrists. Long weapons are not as convenient as claws and teeth in melee combat, at least these things are simple to manipulate. The Gun God also folded the gun a bit during the return. Then pointed at me with a much shorter gun. As soon as I saw him pull the trigger, he jumped up quickly, who knew that the gun **** would hold it down, and his gun went off. The sound of the bullets flew into a scream like a whistle, and the red bullet marks almost connected to a whip and waved in the air. I don't even know the gun of the gun **** actually has this horrible burst mode. Frightened, I hurried to a fall in the air, followed by bending over to roll under the trace, followed by bounced directly from the ground, turned around, and shot a flying knife from the waist.

Snorted. The flying knife shot the gun of the gun god, although he could not hurt him, he shot his gun awry. I took advantage of this rare opportunity and flew forward, the gun **** quickly wanted to shoot me, but it was too late. I turned over in the air and grabbed his shoulder, followed by a strong pull down, tearing the whole arm armor of the gun god, and at the same time also tore four meat from the gun god's arm, the painful gun God screamed and rolled aside. But this guy's response is also superb. In the process of crawling and rolling, I still turned around and gave me a shot. I was on the pursuit line, I couldn't flash at all, and shot again.

"Wow!" What a bad luck, and another burst! I was blasted by the explosion shock wave more than ten meters away, and the gun **** also used this opportunity to get up and raise the gun again. Regardless of the bleeding arm, the gun **** suddenly pulled the trigger, and a row of bullets flew over.

I knew bad luck when I flew out, so I had prepared. As soon as I got up, I raised the Dragon Shield, just blocking the bullets that came from the opposite side. In the clanging sounds, I rushed forward with a shield. The Dragon Shield itself is defensive equipment, and its defensive power is definitely much higher than the armor. The gun shooting mode reduces the power of the weapon. Naturally, I can't wear my shield.

The people of the Paladin Union almost saw their jaws start to fall. This is the first time that they still have someone able to rush forward against the bullet rain of their president. Although all the bullets hit, they could not affect my progress.

The gun **** also realized that this would not work, and he quickly pressed the gun head down and pulled the locking bolt down on the hand. The long gun automatically slipped out and became a full-power mode. The speed of recovery. The gun **** didn't hold the gun at all, but pulled the trigger when the muzzle rose to the height facing me.

When, boom. Two times in a row, I flew the gun God and also flew, but he flew as far as I did. The Gun God activated full power mode in this unprepared situation, and was knocked to the ground by the recoil of his own weapon at once, but I actually shot a shot, but this shot hit the shield . After the bullet penetrated the Dragon Shield, it penetrated the mercury shield and the mental force field, and then hit my chest, but this time it failed to penetrate my armor, just just dented it. But I am also unlucky because this is a blasting warhead. The power of the explosion passed directly to my heart through the breastplate, and it almost didn't make me faint on the spot. It felt as if the heart was pinched, which was really unbearable for ordinary people.

"Bannon Chan Lan, harmony." I shouted as soon as I landed. The huge dragon soul merged with me. The surface of the demon dragon armor instantly added a sharp blade, some corners also changed, and even the thickness of the armor had almost doubled. If the previous dragon armor was a knight armor, now this set is definitely a reloaded knight armor. Anyone who sees it will understand how dangerous this thing is ~ ~ Gun God, you really messed me up Fire. "

"You are also annoying." Gun God also removed something from behind and put it on the gun. "Receive the move. Rainbow bombs." The gun **** pulled the newly loaded item, and then slammed it up, and the muzzle suddenly shot out something like a can. The thing suddenly exploded when it flew in front of me, and then it seemed as if a group of heavy machine guns were firing at me at the same time. Numerous bullets rolled the smoke and dust on the ground around me instantly, no one could see it. That small jar is definitely filled with compressed space, otherwise there would never be so many bullets. In these three or five seconds, I had at least 100,000 bullets in the Throne of the Seal of God.

The God of Guns didn't feel addicted after one shot, followed by another pull, and the second jar flew into the smoke that had not yet spread. boom. The second jar did not have so many small bullets, but it was a big bomb, and the power seemed not to be much less than that of the heavy bomb. The dust on the ground was instantly blown away by it, but there was only a large pit in the field. There is no trace of me outside. The Gun God immediately looked around nervously, but before he could find anyone, he suddenly stretched out a pair of hands and grabbed his ankle.

"Come down and play!" I yanked the Gun God into the ground. I'm going to see how far he can go without getting him to shoot.

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