Starting from Zero

Vol 16 Chapter 36: I know I know

It seems that some organization has been activated by us. "

Ling's answer made us all retreat to the entrance of the hall immediately. At least we had time to run away in the event of an accident, but the shock soon stopped, and there was nothing happening in the hall. Instead, the system prompt sounded first.

"Congratulations to the player Ziri for completing the challenge and both Tiandi Stele are in place. Now please complete the Tiandi Stele startup process, and then the system reward will be given."

"Wait. How is this monument activated? Wasn't that activated just now?"

"Starting the Heaven and Earth Stele requires a special method. The specific operation method has already been hinted. This system cannot answer it for you. If the player is still unable to solve the mystery after 30 minutes, the system will directly start awarding rewards, and players will not be able to get additional rewards. . "

Tip: once the system is over, I will not respond to my questions anymore. I can only go back to the hall with the magic pets to start studying the steles. The system prompts that there is a hint here, but I have studied everything and I can't find out exactly what is a hint.

Suddenly, Ling said, "Suggestions are not necessarily hints hidden in the dark, and we don't necessarily turn things around."

"What do you mean?"

"The so-called hint may be on this." Ling refers to the base under the statues of the three guardian beasts. The front of this thing is full of text, if it is implied that it is really hidden here, then it is not strange.

Now that you want to find out whether this thing is a hint mentioned by the system, you have to translate the text first. Although Dingwen is also a Chinese character, this thing is purely designed for sacrifice. Each character is more than painting, more traditional characters than traditional characters, and it is not like what the current typeface is composed of. The lines of this kind of text are abstracted very seriously. You need to contact before and after the text to guess the meaning. Both me and those who already have the pets in reality have received thought implantation, so all aspects of knowledge are comprehensive. It took us ten minutes to get the full text translated.

The text on this pedestal seems to be a small story. The content is roughly those things that Pangu opened up. It also mentioned the content of the son-in-law making people, but no matter how they are arranged and combined, there is no hidden meaning. What is worse is that Until now, I am not sure that this must be the hint. In case it is not us, it is equivalent to wasting time on this throne.

In the end, I had to divide the magic pet and the summoned creatures into several separate jobs, so as to make the best use of human resources. As the saying goes, there are many people and powerful people, and three tanners top each other. I carry so many summoned creatures almost on a person-by-person basis in square centimeters. The prompt was found soon, and the so-called hint could almost stun people. If it were not for one of the unicorn warriors who happened to have the sculpture hidden on the beam, we would have been wrong.

I said before that this hall is full of sculptures. Although not as large as the sculptures of the four holy beasts and the three beasts protecting the gods, these sculptures ranging in size from one foot to two meters are everywhere. This statue on the beam is also one of many similar sculptures. The only difference from other sculptures is that this sculpture belongs to the human land. These sculptures in all corners of the hall are all kinds of monsters and monsters. Only this one is an individual. As for the so-called hint, it's something in this fat boy's hand. The fat doll in the sculpture carries a basket in his hand, and the basket contains a basket of persimmons. With the Chinese habit of borrowing homonyms, this child carrying a persimmon should be understood as a "tip".

Ling immediately complained when she saw the small sculpture. "Really, I didn't expect the reminder to be here. No wonder we have translated this inscription for a long time and can't find the rules of permutations and combinations! It turns out that they do not contain any other meaning at all."

Xiaochun held the sculpture in his hand for a long time before asking: "Although you all say this is a hint, what exactly does it suggest?"

"This is just a hint. The real hint should be in it." I went up with a sword, a flash of white light, and the stone statue was broken into two parts from the middle. But the result made me dumbfounded. "Why not?" I quickly rushed the stone statue to the ground. Dozens of swords went up, and then the stone statue turned into a pile of stone scum.

"I can't seem to understand it this way." Ling Tu thought with his chin in thought. "If the hint is not inside the statue, it means that the sculpture itself is a hint. What does a person say when he carries a persimmon?"

The little dragon girl suddenly slammed her head. "I remember."

"Do you want to understand? Let's talk about it."

"In fact, the prompt is simple. We just make things complicated. The so-called prompt is people."


"You see. There are five elements, two rituals, four phases, and gossips in the last pedestal. The night means that it contains the law of heaven and earth, and the spirit of all things is removed alone. And this mentions The persimmon is not any **** or beast, but it is a person, so the prompt is human. "

"It sounds reasonable. Let's find someone to stand up and try."

Ling patted me: "Speaking of people, we don't seem to have one here?"

I was stupid as soon as I was told. I have a lot of summoned creatures, but there is really no human being. Even I am a demon tribe, and later mixed in the blood of werewolves and vampires, it is not a human race. "That's right. Can you find someone in the guild!" I quickly started the ring of love. "Yi Gui. Where are you now?"

"Essinger, what's wrong?"

"Help me find a clan."

"Human race? Anything works? What are you doing?"

"I want to start an institution. I need a human to go to the altar."

"Do you want to use people to sacrifice the sky? Then you can't use players! In case something goes wrong, you will be finished."

"Bsp;" But I don't have any! "


"Don't be excited! I really don't have it here."

"How is that possible? How could Essinger have no Terran bsp; the voice of the **** of war suddenly inserted from the ring of love." Unfortunately, you are right, and this is to blame yourself. After the Sixth Guild Guild, Chengdu is a heavenly heavenly soldier. They belong to the sub soldiers, not humans. The remaining small ~ said ~ come o o 40% of the undead accounted for 30%. There are still less than 10% of the shares are mostly humanoid Warcraft, there are some elves, dwarves, etc.

There is no human being. "

"That freedom bsp;" The number of freedom in this city is about 17 million, of which more than 90% are undead, and among the remaining people, only a dozen semi-elves are closest to humans. There is no pure human blood. "

"How could this be?"

Wu Gui's voice reappeared. "Don't worry, I can go to another city and help you get one. But how can I get it to you?"

"Teleporting people to the Rush Frost transfer point, I'll send someone to pick them up."

"Send it in three minutes."

"Good." I cut off the connection and quickly hurried to Asuka and Jingjing: "Jingjing, you ride on the birds, where did you hear?"

"Yes, I'll go now."

The system only gave me thirty minutes to solve the mysterious throne of the Seal of God, and it took me more than ten minutes to find an office before. At present, there are only a little more than ten minutes left in the throne of the seal of God. Jingjing may have another minute to go. In the end, there is only less than five minutes of time left in the seal of throne. Second chance!

Fortunately, Jingjing returned quickly, carrying a little ethnic girl who looked only a teenager. I don't have anybody brought by ATC. Just let Jingjing take her to the base and put it away. As soon as Jingjing carried the little girl up to the base, she saw a white light on the two mirrors on both sides to catch the little girl, and then the little girl suddenly lost weight and floated.

"Jingjing, come back."

Jing quickly jumped down.

I saw the little girl slowly rising to the middle of the last row of pedestals, and the two monuments in front of it suddenly vibrated again, and then a light shot on each of the two monuments, hitting two spectacles. . The five-element ball under the third base suddenly flew up from the base, and then spun around the little human girl.

At this time, the little **** the stage suddenly burst into tears in fright. She was just free and very ordinary, so she was sent here. It was all for the reward of a crystal coin, but she had never seen such a battle before, and she was crying in fear. But although she cried poorly, I couldn't help her. Because at this time she is the core of this series of institutions, she may be fine without touching her, in case she dragged it out, she might not be able to produce anything!

In the cry of the little girl, the five element **** suddenly disintegrated, and then became five beautiful fairies. The material is still the five elements. The only one The difference is that the little girl stopped crying. The five fairies made a few laps around the little girl, and then bumped into the little girl one by one and merged with her. After the five elements and bodies were completed, the two monuments in front suddenly lighted up again, and a stronger beam emerged. The rear base flashed. The four four-phase beads suddenly floated from the four corners of the base, followed by a golden gossip array floating from the base.

The gossip array flipped in the air and pointed us at the front. Four four-phase beads quickly flew up and inlaid four points on the gossip array. In the end, the two mirrors suddenly lighted up again. The little girl and the five elements and the fairy behind her body suddenly merged with the gossip array in the back, and then the light flashed again. A majestic black stone monument suddenly appeared on the third floor base. .

"The emperor ... the emperor ... the earth! Is this what the heavenly court said about the emperor emperor?"

The front of this monument, which stands in front of us, does have the words Emperor Emperor Earth, but it is not a substance. This entire monument is an illusion of elements, and although standing there, it has a erratic feeling. Looking from here, the monument is black, looks like a stone, and is not reflective. The text on the front of the monument is composed of red flames, and it is beautifully written in blood, while the rest of the monument is covered with a layer of golden flame, which looks very majestic.

Such a magnificent monument has nothing but its own name, which is really strange, but just when we were puzzled, suddenly the monument turned on again, and the words on the front of the monument suddenly disappeared. A faint rippled area suddenly appeared in the middle of the huge tablet body, as if the water surface. Through this area we can see some pictures printed in it, just like TV.

"Isn't this a ghost-handed Nobunaga?" Ling first recognized the people in the picture.

"Who are the people talking to him?" The princess asked.

Ling said: "I don't know the one who is facing us. The one with the gun next to him is the God of Guns. The one with the back facing us seems to have seen it, but I can't remember it for a moment."

"It's a shadow dancer." Xiaochun cried suddenly. "It was the old Chinese player who was always against us. It seems that he used to call the sword to kill many people, but was later forced to delete the number and re-trained the new number is this shadow dancer. He also has a bright alliance, the largest in China A pro-Japanese force. "

"Those four are our enemies!"

"If only I could hear what they were saying." Yeyue complained.

As if hearing Yueyue's complaints, four people talking around suddenly appeared.

"God of guns, you are so miserable by Ziri, don't you want revenge?" This is the shadow dancer persuading gun gods.

The ghost-hand Nobunaga followed. "How does the Lord God of Guns also represent the United States of America? Don't you feel suffocated by Ziri riding on his head like this?"

The God of Guns sat on the stone bench as if he didn't care to answer: "Our American thinking, you Asians can't understand."

"What do we not understand?" The shadow dancer asked anxiously.

"First. We don't care who is better than whom. Zi Ri defeated me, which shows that he is stronger than me. All I have to do is to try to suppress the opponent while improving myself, but this method of suppression must not affect My own improvement. In the words of the Chinese, we will not do harm to others. Second, you seem to have mistaken my relationship with Ziri. "

"What do you have to do?" It was the guy who was talking to us, but we didn't know the Oriental, but we could tell from the language that this was a Korean player.

"Our relationship is our opponent." Gun God said seriously. But the ghost-handed Nobunaga and the shadow dancer were all incomprehensible. The gun **** looked at them with such an expression and immediately added: "The opponent does not have to be dead to the opponent, and sometimes the opponent is also useful.

Bring me here, and I won't talk to you anymore. Understand that the sun is indeed my enemy, but fight with him, we can find their own shortcomings, and the stronger the fight. This opponent can motivate us to keep going. Although being pressed down really makes me uncomfortable, but sooner or later, I will climb up and step on Ziri under my feet. As for you. It will only make me and my guild worse and worse, and eventually become second-rate and third-popular. Fighting the lion, even if I fail, I am still a lion. And with the accumulation of combat experience. I will get stronger and stronger. With your timid rabbits, sooner or later I will become a docile rabbit. I am sorry that my eyes have not been short-lived for the time being. "

"You ...!" Nobunaga's hand shot the table and stood up.

Gun God still sat there indifferently. "Honestly, you shouldn't be looking for me from the beginning, we are not all at all. You can come to me for a pure tactical plan, and strategic alliances will not look for me. I'm not interested." They rolled their faces, stood up, turned around, and went out. In the room in the picture, there are only three guys who are about to explode in anger. There they do not know who to look for.

Amynis smiled when she saw it here. "Haha, I didn't expect to fight so many times. The relationship between Gun God and us is better than with the ghost-handed Nobunaga."

Ling shook his head. "This is not a question of the good or bad relationship between the Gun God and us, but that the Gun God is very smart. He knows that adversity can hone people's will. And he does a good job. Instead of being beaten down, they are getting stronger. "

I patted Ling's shoulder in agreement. "Ling is right. Our guild has played against the Paladin Alliance for the first time to the present. The strength has expanded numerous times, but our strength comparison with the Paladin Alliance has not changed much. What does this mean? This explains The strength of the Paladin Alliance is comparable to ours. We are getting stronger, they are getting stronger, and they have not been dragged by the war at all. Instead, they are becoming more and more experienced and stronger. "

The little dragon girl also said earnestly: "The ghost-hand Nobunaga is the same as that shadow dancer. The eyes are too short-sighted. Maybe it has something to do with their paranoid personality. Their power has not only improved in the war against us. Instead, they have been fighting more and more. Rotten. I thought that when the shadow dancers were still killed by the sword, they could almost face us, but now they have become the president of the exile guild. Even the second-line players in our guild can't beat it. The ghost hand Nobunaga is almost the same. At the earliest, when Matsumoto Masaka led the Japanese players, they were much stronger than ours. At that time, we could only rely on the fact that the national war system was not open, and they could not harass them in a large area. Now they have become us. They can completely suppress their strength. This change is caused by the difference in the points of the two sides. The gun **** always wants to strengthen himself after each battle, but they think about how to weaken us. "

Ling concluded: "It turns out that instead of thinking about how to make the enemy weaker all day, it is better to concentrate on how to make yourself stronger faster."

"In this case, the gunshot response should be said to be normal." Emmenis said.

"Wait. Don't be noisy, see what else Nobunaga will discuss."

The picture on the emperor's tombstone has changed. Gun God left the whispered room and walked in again. We just don't know this guy. The guy sat down in the position between the gun gods, then looked outside the door, and then when another white man put his head in from the door and clicked a little, he turned back to the ghost-handed Nobunaga and asked: "How? Didn't he agree? "

"It really made you guess." The Korean man we didn't know said, "The Gun God was unwilling to cooperate with us at a strategic level. He said we were different."

"Actually, I think we are indeed different." It was the white man who spoke. "The Gun God is also a master of one place in our country. Even if he is defeated by Ziri, he is still a master. But you need to understand. Your Japanese are not even as high in the hearts of our Americans as the Chinese." Seeing that the ghost-handed Nobunaga was going to speak, the guy immediately preempted: "Don't be excited, this is also true. Although Americans have always regarded the Chinese as a threat, in terms of us, Americans still value the Chinese. As for you Japanese, on the surface we are indeed allies, and the relationship is very close, but Americans look down on the Japanese at all except treat you as a barrier between the United States and China. Whether it is victory or defeat is in line with American thinking, so Americans will see him as a hero. Because he is attacking enemies that Americans think. Once he announces cooperation with you, the situation will be different. . Americans will think that he is mingling with a bunch of people who don't use it. It will only do him no good. "

"Then why are you working with us?" Gui Nobunaga asked slightly indignantly.

"I am not the same as Gun God. His status is too high. In Chinese terms, he is standing on the cusp of the wind. Being in his position is actually very embarrassing. Although many things can get national support, but once he commits something Mistakes, the accusation will be as much headache as before. The public figures are like this, both good and bad. As for me ... not many people in the United States know my guild. Although our human rights administration is not strong Weak, but our previous actions have been very low-key. Only recently has it gradually become known to the outside world, so we do n’t care much about public opinion. What we need most is substantive support, not just popularity. "

"I probably understand a little bit." The Korean man suddenly touched three documents and threw them to the other three. "This is something we got from Park Yin recently. The idiots are just pig-heads. The Chinese have made it clear that they are pitting us. They even jumped into the pit. I can't help them get angry!"

"Haha, with this thing, the loss of your Korean guild is not a waste. At least we know the first-hand information of the Frost Rose League." The shadow dancer glanced over the information and praised the South Korea. people.

Gui Shouxin said, "I have always felt that many actions of Frost Rose Field are accurate and terrible. Now it seems that I still underestimated their strength. You see here, their force transfer and Material transfers are almost always just right, which means that they will never invest any unnecessary soldiers and no expenditures for a war.

, Such terrible computing power, I would like to know who is helping him calculate? "

"It's very strange to say this." The Korean humane said, "Frost had previously attacked the American guild and your Japanese guild on board 6 in a joint fight with some of our pro-China guilds in South Korea. The ability is actually quite terrible. Everyone who has participated in the battle has said that he has never seen such a command mode that is accurate to the individual soldier. The whole war is like a large-scale stage show rehearsed in advance, which one should be the enemy. The fall was completely calculated before the battle began. It is said that some presidents who were close to Park Yin also saw the advance budget report of the Frost Warrior League on the battle, and it even had casualty supplies. They have already been listed in advance. To be honest, even the calculation amount of these data will freeze, they feel that it is impossible to calculate it with the human brain. "

"It's not a human brain, but a computer." The shadow dancer said, "Maybe ... I just said maybe. There may be a computer-like device in Frost. This thing is a guild equipment. Its function is about one. The battlefield commands the computer. "

"You guys don't have to guess." The American said: "According to our insider report, the Frost American League has a guy called War God who stays in a room equipped with special command equipment all year round to direct the operation of the guild. And it is said that he is almost offline, and he is online whenever he is contacted. And he responds faster than the telecom service desk. There are so many people in their guild. No one has said that there is a waiting situation when he asks him to command. That is to say, this guy can provide point-to-point response services to tens of thousands of people at the same time. This is not what humans can do. After analysis, our people believe that the player of the army of God does not exist at all, it is just a code name, it is They made up fake characters for confidentiality. His body should be the guild equipment we guessed, and his function is far more powerful and terrible than we think. "

"So we have been fighting a computer for so long?" The shadow dancer asked with surprise, opening his mouth.

In fact their words surprised me. It seems that there are still a lot of smart people in this world, and the ghost-handed Nobunaga can guess the identity of the army **** with a little fuzzy data. Although in terms of system, the God of War player does exist. But the body of the Army God is indeed a Taiwan-level battlefield management computer. These guys can guess that although there are reasons why the God of War is too precise, but they cannot ignore their own reasoning ability. These are all talents placed elsewhere, but these are now enemies, and the enemy's talents should be eliminated first.

I was thinking about how to find these people and kill them back to Xinshoucun, and suddenly I heard the American shouting while looking at the data: "Hey?" The guy excitedly took the data in front of the Korean and pointed at it. Asked, "Is this true?"

The Korean man looked up. "Of course, this is no secret."

"No wonder! That's the reason!" The American said to himself.

"What the **** are you talking about?" The shadow dancer asked, "what did you think of?"

"I finally know what happened to that inexplicable agreement between the Paladin and Liberty Alliance!"

"What agreement? You have to make it clear!"

"Do you know the Freedom League?"

"Know, it's a guild of your Americans. It seems to be hosted by the Goddess of Liberty. Isn't the Gunslinger's Sabre Union also one of its subordinates? What's wrong? Is there something wrong with them?

"You can also say this! The Gunner ’s Divine Gun Alliance was originally just a branch of this organization. However, the situation has recently been reversed. The Gunner seems to be controlling all the forces of this organization!"

"Why is this?"

"That's the reason." The American pointed them to the article.

"Zi Ri's pet?" The ghost-handed Nobunaga turned his profile to the same place. "Kitten? Is this magic pet a treasure of Zhenshan in the Liberty Alliance?"

When they said this, we and our eyes immediately focused on the kitten, but the kitten looked at us with a doubt. "What are you looking at me for? I really don't know how important I am to them! I only know that I was controlled by the Statue of Liberty long ago, and who I was transferred to later I don't know!"

We wanted to keep asking about kittens. But watching the American on the screen talked again, I had to hold back what they said first.

"In fact, this kitten is the orc ancestor. Her blood is mixed with the blood of the top ten gods, which means ... she is the true descendant of the Protoss."

The princess and Yeyue both turned and looked at the kitten in surprise. The princess even touched the kitten's soft ear and said, "I didn't expect that we two had the same ancestor."

Yeyue just wanted to say something and then the American said again: "In fact, the kitten is a synthetic life form created by the ten gods in order to show the sincerity of cooperating to the heart of creation. Her body has ten The blood of the oath of the higher **** can be said to be the oath of these upper gods. Because the ten upper gods each control different energies, the energy in the kitten's body is in a balanced state, so she can't use any magic. But think about it the other way, although her body is in a state of energy balance. But after all, it is a living body made by the blood of God. Think about how powerful it is! "

"It turns out that you are a god-made creature?" Yeyue looked at the kitten and said, "No wonder you have a messy memory, it turns out that you have no memory at all."

"Wait. Listen to what they say." Ling said quietly.

The American was still saying, "In fact, if the power is strong, this kitten is not important. After all, for a large guild organization, this combat power can be recovered. The key issue is that the kitten's blood is Can be used to make powerful combat creatures. "

"Making a powerful combat creature? Is there a virus in her blood?" The shadow dancer asked in surprise.

"Do you think you are filming a biochemical crisis? What virus is the blood of God. As long as you can assimilate the blood of God with any living matter. Of course, direct contact cannot complete the transformation, and only simple screening and induction are needed. Effect, and the transformation of the blood of God is not to mad the creature. It is to strengthen the biological body, that is, it will not destroy the original intelligence of the creature. "

"Will not break

intelligent? Does that mean that it can be used in the bsp of the player and the guild; "correct." The American said: "According to the information I know, it seems that the original Liberty Alliance intended to use her blood for the freedom of the guild. This way not only saves costs, but also does not have to worry about quantity supply. Imagine if your city was free bsp; Nobunaga's hand immediately said: "It will be an impossible city. "

The Korean said lukewarmly: "This is indeed a good way to improve combat effectiveness, but it has not reached the point where it cannot be sunk. You haven't seen the moving fortress of Frost Ghost League, the door underneath it. The magic crystal radiation cannon is even more powerful than the atomic bomb, no matter how many of you have to be blasted into slag. "

"When it comes to that thing. I have information here." The shadow dancer said: "It is said that the mobile fortress is so powerful that Frost Rose Alliance should be able to use it to destroy all enemies one by one, but the actual situation is that they rarely use it. That thing, I believe you guessed it. "

"That thing costs money to attack?" Gui Nobunaga asked speculatively.

"Good. According to reliable information. The cost of each shot of that thing is an astronomical figure, so many times the Frost Rose Alliance would rather use people to attack the city than the thing. The only few shots are to deter the enemy in large battles. The shooting was also artificially limited in power. In addition, the space jumping ability of the mobile fortress seems to have a similar situation, just don't know how much it will cost each time. "

Guiji Nobunaga frowned and said, "From the current situation, we already know a lot of things, but why are we always led by Ziri's nose every time we fight?"

"Look at the last page," said the Korean.

"Last page?" Nobunaga's hand turned the material to the end immediately, and all were surprised and asked, "Is this true?"

"Absolutely true." The Korean took out a piece of paper and gave it to the other three. "This was just the day before yesterday."

"I knew they had the direct help of Heaven." The shadow dancer slaps the piece of paper on the table indignantly. "What's so good about them, why is Heaven only willing to support them?"

"The answer is actually very simple." This time the ghost hand Nobunaga grew smarter. "What do you think about the theology of every country?"

"The puppet that manages the country!"

"As long as management involves politics, so heaven can be regarded as a political entity, and what does Frost Rose Alliance do?"

"They've been expanding." That's what the American shouted.

Even the shadow dancers reacted. "You mean that because the Frost Rose Alliance has been expanding externally. So the territory of Heaven has been expanded in disguise, so Heaven supports them so much?"

"If a group of people helped you to expand your territory, you would also support him with no disregard. This is just an exchange of interests. In my opinion, it is normal." The American said to the ghost and then said: "Now we Having mastered so many things in the Frost Rose League, can you think of any way to deal with them? In the words of the Chinese, knowing ourselves and knowing each other are invincible, and we know that there must be so many ways to deal with them?

"It's not as simple as you think." Nobunaga's hand threw the information aside. "Knowing this is not enough, we need to know more. Do you know the assets of the Frost Rose Alliance? Do you know how much combat power their combat mobilization orders can move? What is the response time of their command system? Do you know? Who are their special combatants, and what skills do you know? These are the key issues, and we don't even know any of them. "Then he picked up those materials and raised them in his hands. "These things are only the foundation, and we need more in-depth intelligence. In addition, to plan a battle that frosts the Frost Rose Alliance, at the very least, they need to participate in a war that requires full mobilization."

"Originally, did you invite Gunslinger to hope to use his power to move this battlefield?" The shadow dancer finally understood the purpose of asking Gunslinger before.

"It's not exactly, but I mainly hope that he will top this tank. To be honest, Frost Rose Alliance is no longer a small guild of the tens of thousands before. Although there are now only tens of thousands of full members, they One of the guilds is the elite line. These hundreds of thousands of people must be viewed as a million or hundreds of thousands. It is not that I am aspirational. Frost Rose League just pulls out a fighter. We all get ten times the number. It is determined that such a dense distribution of combat power is really not something we can contain. "

The American said a little bit excitedly: "Don't you mean the gunslinger and the Frost Rose Alliance fight, and then we sneak attack on the rear of the Frost Rose Alliance?"

The ghost-handed Nobunaga nodded. "Yes. That's what I think. Only such a fight can achieve our original vision."

The American thought for a while and asked, "This method is good, but there are many questions, do you think about it?"

"what is the problem?"

"First of all, the location of the war. Ignore the question of whether the God of Gun participated in the war. I have a way to make him play, but how do you know that Ziri will definitely allow the Frost Rose Alliance to fight this battle? If they do n’t What about the jacket? "

"This is simple." Ghost-handed Nobunaga said: "Our Yamato people have a lot of splendid cultural heritage. One of them is called the inevitable to attack the enemy. Do you think Frost may not participate?"

"How do I seem to remember this famous quote from our Koreans?" The Korean objected.

"It doesn't matter who he is, it just makes sense." The American repeated: "The enemy must be saved. It is really a classic. Your Orientals are indeed better at theory than our whites. However, Even if you let the Frost Rose Alliance join the battle, what is the remaining question? How do you plan to make the Frost Rose Alliance hurt your bones? Do you want to attack Isinger?

"No. This is where we are attacking." Nobunaga's hand flew a map, and pointed at it. I recognized at a glance that it was the location of Steel City.

"Where is this?" The American obviously didn't recognize it.

The shadow dancer said: "This is the steel city, the strategic manufacturing base and the material distribution center of the Frost Rose Alliance. It is definitely the center of the center."

The American said suddenly, realized:

It is a heavy industry base. Haha, if I can really ruin this place, I still have problems this time. "

"What else do you have?"

"You all know that even if the Frost Rose Alliance sent the people in that battle, it was unlikely that they would be sent, and Steel City would definitely leave some necessary defensive personnel. In other words, if we want to attack, we have to Prepare enough people, but do you think that the Frost Rose Alliance's intelligence network may allow us to transport a large number of troops to the hinterland of China without knowing anything? "

"Of course it is possible, as long as they don't know we have this." The shadow dancer suddenly displayed a three-dimensional screenshot of the game among the four people.

"Is this ... a teleportation team?" The American asked uncertainly.

The shadow dancer nodded. "Transnational transmission array. This is a transnational transmission array."

"Same as the Frost Rose Alliance?" The American asked in a cheerful tone.

The dancer replied: "We are not as big as the Frost Rose Alliance, its transmission is limited by volume, and it can only transmit at most ten tons of objects at a time. It is the same whether it is transmitting materials or living creatures. Ten tons ca n’t be transmitted. But fortunately, our largest fighter is only nine and a half tons, which can be transmitted. As for personnel, we do n’t have to send them all at once, just move this thing near the steel city, and then Find another temporary hiding place, and within a few hours we can suddenly attack Gangcheng. "

"Haha, I didn't expect you to have this kind of thing, which is really awesome." The American asked excitedly: "How many of these things do you have? Give us a few? We can put them in the Frost Rose League. Near the various spheres of influence, and then attacked suddenly. They could care about this but not the other, and dragged them to death. "

"It's not as simple as you think!" Said the shadow dancer: "This thing in our guild was brought back for special missions. There was only one pair, one was placed in the ghost hand Nobunaga, the other was in our hands. No more, no more. The only advantage of our teleportation array is that unlike the Frost Rose Alliance, the teleportation array must have a fixed location. It can move at any time. You can take it wherever you want. However, you ca n’t use the teleportation array by yourself. So handling it is also a very troublesome thing. "

Miyoshi Nobunaga added: "There is also a bad situation that this teleportation array cannot be destroyed or closed. If one of them is taken away by the Frost Rose Alliance, they can completely attack us through the teleportation array there. Headquarters. "

"This is really a problem. Now it seems that we can only strengthen the protection of the teleportation array. Fortunately, the people of the Frost Rose Alliance do not know that we have this thing, so they will not come to grab it."

Listening to the words of this American, Ling and I were laughing beside them. He actually said that we didn't know that thing, but unfortunately we had heard it.

In the picture displayed on the tomb of Empress Empress Dowager Oniji is treating the Korean human around him: "The plan is now, and the shadow dancers will send the teleportation array to the vicinity of Steel City. At the same time, the three parties will organize themselves to mobilize The forces came to Japan to gather, and then transmitted a sudden attack together. As for the gun **** ... "

"Give me the gun god," said the American. "I'll let the gun **** help us to mess up Frost Warrior."

"Okay, everyone will do their own business, and then come back here to meet."

The picture on the emperor's tombstone suddenly stopped here. The magic pets and I can understand the real use of this monument at this time. Tianting has always had a legend about the wordless Tianshu, but as I have contacted with the protoss forces, the wordless Tianshu seems to be not a book, but another name of this emperor's earthen stele. Now when I see the real thing, I finally determine that this thing is the wordless book, because it will display all the key pictures related to the owner, which is equivalent to let you know the secret, and the function of the wordless book is to predict the future. Although in fact this monument shows not the content of the future, but the things that are being born, but the birth of many things is caused by a series of events. This picture displayed by the emperor emperor's tombstone is undoubtedly the prerequisite for our guild to be attacked in the future. If we can break the connection of the incident in this way, the subsequent attack will not be born. Therefore, the emperor's earthen stele is tantamount to predicting the aftermath.

"A good artifact." Ling sighed while looking at the emperor's tombstone: "I think this thing can only show a few things, but it is more powerful than the city-level weapon that is installed on the ground below Isinger."

"Of course. Everything is one step faster than others. This is not the gap in which weapons can be balanced. The opportunity for no more powerful weapons to be used is in vain. It seems that this time those who are in the hands of Nobunaga are going to be bad. In turn, how about uniting gun gods to overcast them again? "This is Xiao Chun talking. Recently, her character is becoming more and more like Ling. The previous pair of dead opponents now has a tendency to evolve towards one person, and all have changed. Bad.

I thought about it a little, UU read the book and then said to everyone: "Everyone goes out immediately and moves me to this Sapphire Palace back to Isinger. With this thing, we no longer have to worry about being A sneak attack. "

Immediately after we left the hall, my giant pets began to help carry this big guy. Although I have a lot of magic pets, this thing is a house after all, and it's not too big, and naturally it can't be light. Using a lot of magic pets and the unicorn warrior can only barely move it, but this degree is really scary. It takes at least a month to move back at this rate.

Ling pulled me and said, "Master, this won't work! When will this degree be carried?"

"Forget it, you put it down first." I ordered the magic pets. "Look here for me first, don't let others touch this thing, I'll go back and transfer the Giant Butterfly City by air."

Immediately after explaining the magic pets, I teleported myself to Isinger. After leaving the teleportation array, I just wanted to go to the army **** to help me recapture the city of Giant Butterfly. Who knows that the system prompts sounded first. "Congratulations to player Ziri for completing all the challenges. As the first player to reach level 1,000, he has accepted and completed the challenge. Now the system reward will be awarded. Please select two of the following three rewards before the system. Mystery prizes will be awarded. "

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