Starting from Zero

Vol 16 Chapter 44: Death test

The so-called b1k19 experimenter who has played "Zero" will surely remember that the legendary "Zero" has the highest popularity and the most popular monster in the world-the magic wolf.

The demon wolf is known as one of the four major creatures of the magic world monster system. The other three creatures are dragons, griffins, and unicorns. As long as these four monsters appear, they can basically be regarded as the magic world. One of these four creatures will appear more or less in 80% of comics, novels, games, movies, televisions and other works related to magic, and more than 50% of them will appear in two to three at the same time. This shows how popular these four organisms are. If the above four creatures do not appear in a cultural work about Western magic, it would be as bad as the absence of fox spirits and heaven in Chinese myths.

The magic wolf in the game is almost everywhere in the game, the difference is nothing more than the number and variety. The demon wolf that appeared in front of the three of them was at least one and seven meters tall with a head and tail over four meters in length. The big hairy cow was as small as a lamb beside him. This guy is covered with pure white long hair, and the surface looks very beautiful. If someone ’s dog can have this look, it is definitely one of the owners ’boasted capital, but the pet dog at home will never grow to it. So big.

Wen Rui and the three of them recognized the identity of the throne immediately when they saw this guy. Among them, Wen Rui knew the magic wolf best. While the devil wolf wasn't close to Xun, she said, "This is a polar devil wolf. Some people call it snow wolf, because it's snow-white. However, this monster's character and its appearance are absolutely unaffected. Aggressive and a hobby of playing with prey. "

"What skills does it have?" Because of the previous snot slime. Now three people believe that these monsters should be the same as the monsters in the game, so hurry to collect some useful information in advance.

Wen Rui introduced: "The Snow Wolf is the largest and most powerful in the Devil Wolf family, but its agility is not as fast as its peers."

"That means that this thing is fast?" Jane Fan asked.

Cao En cursed immediately: "Nonsense, the idiot knows that the advantages of the devil wolf are two points. One is to win in numbers by groups, and the other is to like sneak attacks."

"It looks like there is only one here!" Jian Fan said.

"But we don't know the sword skills and magic in the game!" Wen Rui said with a weary face, "By the way, remind you two, Snow Wolf has dual attributes of ice wind. It can shoot points and ice arrows."

"This is anyway the real world. Shouldn't there be magic?" Cao En said with a hesitant voice, as if he didn't even believe it.

"If it's Long Yuan, maybe it's really possible." Jian Fan said: "Shenlin said before that things here will completely subvert our understanding of the world, and it's not necessarily true that magic will occur."

"Just a joke? Something like magic is against scientific common sense. It can't exist at all." Cao Enxin vowed this time.

Wen Rui patted Jian Fan and Cao En at the same time, and then pointed at the devil wolf ahead. "I think we really encountered something that subverted our knowledge."

The two boys followed Wen Rui's fingers to look over, but it turned out that the devil wolf stopped more than 100 meters away from them. And he opened his mouth to them. Just when Wen Rui pointed them out, a blue and white light ball suddenly appeared in the mouth of the demon wolf, and the light ball was still expanding rapidly, and soon it was as big as a volleyball. After the light ball reached the size of the volleyball, the devil wolf suddenly shut up, and the light ball flew forward as if squeezed out of his mouth.

"Not good, flash."

The three people ran very fast, and the data read from the instrument in front of Rose and me broke the world record. It seems that the human potential is really great, and even Wen Wenrui, who looks so gentle, ran out of the man. The level of a hundred meters of track and field is called a fast. It was almost a hundred meters away from the silhouette.

Just after three people fled and evaded, the blue and white light ball also hit the ground at the same time. A blue halo visible to the naked eye spread rapidly around the place where the light ball fell, and the ground quickly frozen as the halo spread. With a terrible hoarfrost. When the aura stopped spreading, a terrible frozen area with a radius of more than four meters had formed on the ground. All three felt a blast of cold air blowing behind them. The slowest running Wen Rui fell fiercely to the ground, and her leg was already covered with a faint layer of hoarfrost. Fortunately, she was running just by the edge of the frozen force, otherwise she would have become an ice sculpture.

The two boys were relatively standard and did not run away by themselves. After the current Wen Rui fell, she ran back right and left to erect her and ran. Cao En complained as he ran, "I rely, don't you say that it uses ice arrows? How did it turn into an ice ball? This is third-level magic, which is not the same as the first-level magic of ice arrows. Grade things! "

Jian Fan angered Cao En and said, "Who just shot the chest and said that this is impossible magic in the real world?"

"This ...!" Cao En was completely mute.

Wen Rui interrupted them: "Don't make any noise when you're all right, let's concentrate on the escape! If we don't run again, we will have to become Snow Wolf's ice cream!"

Jian Fan immediately said, "Cao En, you will see if Snow Wolf is chasing it." Cao En looked obediently, but he almost did not take the three of them down. Jane Fan complained, "What are you doing? Want to kill us?"

"You may have to soften your legs when you look back." Cao En shouted angrily.

When Jan Fan heard it, she looked back, and it turned out that she was almost lying down. It turned out that the snow wolf behind was gathering that kind of light ball again, and the diameter of the light ball this time was more than twice the previous one. Seeing the meaning of the snow wolf, it seems that it intends to continue to expand it. Last time, the volleyball-sized light ball had frozen an area of ​​more than nine meters in diameter. This time, the light ball, which is twice as large as basketball, once it landed, can be imagined.

Wen Rui suddenly said: "You put me down and run like this. Sooner or later we will all be finished. The two of you leave me alone and immediately run to the two sides, at least some hope of survival."

Eun replied without thinking, "Throwing down the woman and running on her own. That's what eunuchs do. Even if there is something underneath in such a man, his spirit has been castrated."

Wen Rui's face was flushed and said, "You can't say that elegantly!"

o "I agree." Jian Fan said: "Even if we run separately, we can absolutely not run through the four legs of Xuelang. It is nothing more than the question of the throne of time. I ca n’t look back and fight with it now. This is the only one. Hope. Once we are separated, Xuelang will be able to bring us down one by one in three minutes. And by then, there will be no chance for a fight. "

"That's good." Cao En stopped suddenly, followed by Jian Fan and Wen Rui. The three turned together to face Snow Wolf. But instead of backing up, they rushed up. The rabbit was anxious and biting. Not to mention people?

Because of the fast running, Jian Fan and Cao En rushed to Snow Wolf first, but Snow Wolf didn't seem to have much interest in the two men. After receiving the terrible light ball, they jumped and flew over them. Landed firmly in front of Wen Rui's ground

Wen Rui, who had seen the two boys so desperately, also planned to go up to help, but she did not expect that Snow Wolf fell directly in front of her, and she was shocked to sit on the ground. But the stubborn girl reacted quickly and inserted into the wolf's mouth with the branch in her hand. Of course, a tree branch is basically a toothpick for Snow Wolf, and its lethality is negligible. The two boys turned around and they immediately turned around and wanted to get back, but they rushed away and were swept away by the tail of Snow Wolf. Although Snow Wolf is not yet our mass production weapon, it is an artificial creature after all, even a tail is not a place that humans can resist.

After a brief sweep of two people, Snow Wolf bite the branch in Wen Rui's hand into a bite, then threw off the branch, bowed her waist, and caught Wen Rui's thigh, and flung her into the air. Blood and water instantly covered the surrounding ground. Wen Rui's body with a missing leg fell on the grass seven or eight meters away, and a broken leg was still in the mouth of Snow Wolf.

The computer beside Rose and me suddenly turned on a red light. "Warning, the subject lost excessive blood. There were multiple fractures in the chest cavity, respiratory failure, and the countdown of neuron activity began." A red countdown suddenly appeared on the screen. But now it is seven minutes before the Seal of the Seal of God. The last three minutes we said to save time is the premise that the brain is completely ischemic, although according to the general medical concept Wen Rui is no longer possible. But after all, it is not true death, so there is still seven minutes to the Seal of Throne.

I directly notified Snow Wolf of the end of the performance with the electronic brain radio function. Snow Wolf immediately threw off the broken leg in his mouth, and rushed up to pick up Wen Ruixun, who had almost turned into a pile of rotten meat, and ran towards the exit. The two boys wanted to catch up, but unfortunately, they couldn't see it at all, and they could only watch Wen Xue walk away from Wen Rui. However, if they knew the truth, they should now worry about themselves rather than Wen Rui, at least Wen Rui has passed the test, and they have to be more tested.

In fact, my test is not to test the individual's resistance effect. After all, they are all human beings. It is difficult for some strong men to let them deal with the biological weapon specially opened for the special mountain troops. So, what I really want to see is their willpower and their reaction in times of crisis. In this case, talents will show their truest side. Some people who usually look good-looking in this situation will abandon their loved ones and companions for themselves. Some people who seem to be mediocre will be brave at this moment. Stay behind to protect the enemy to protect your companions. Some usually very arrogant villains will be scared and even diapers in this situation. Some usually look weak and cowardly will suddenly explode with the enemy. These are what I want to see. Yes, I want to know whether these people are buried with demons or angels.

Wen Rui was sent out of the gate and immediately put into the training room, but in the end what kind of surgery to do to her has not yet been decided, it depends on her own performance. Of course, even if she doesn't cooperate, it is at most to regain an ordinary person's body. Cloning technology is not high-tech for Long Yuan, and can be done at any time if needed.

Soon Wen Rui was sent over like Liu Yiling before, but she looked much worse than Liu Yiling. With only half her body left, she is floating in a glass jar filled with green culture fluid, and her consciousness is still in a coma. I glanced at the buttons below the training chamber. One of the buttons fell down without any contact and then bounced up. Wen Rui in the chamber woke up like an electric shock.

Suddenly, Wen Rui was in a liquid environment, but she calmed down quickly. Because she hadn't affected her breathing with these fluids. She was put in a coma, and now her body has naturally adapted to this liquid environment, so she doesn't feel any discomfort even if she regains consciousness. She soon noticed my presence, but only a bunch of bubbles popped out of her mouth.

I walked over and knocked on the glass surface of the incubator. "You don't have to open your mouth to talk. This thing has the same function as the game helmet of Zero. You just have to think about it. The speakers above it will synthesize the analog sound source synchronization sound."

"Hmm ..." After trying the tone, Wen Rui began to say smoothly: "Why do you do this to us? Don't tell me this is just a test. Now I am injured like this. Even if the test passes, it is impossible to perform any tasks, So I want to know why this is so for us. "

"The reason I want to explain is exactly what you think is impossible. This is really a test."

"This kind of test? Are you planning to let us all die and leave the last person to pass the test? In this way, no one can pass at all!" Wen Rui's voice became quite excited. The training tank sounder is connected to her thinking, so she can also express emotional changes such as anger and excitement.

I reached out and made a downward pressure. "Calm down, as a person of Long Yuan. You should remember to not let yourself lose your calm at any time."

"Longyuan people? I've been hurt like this. What are you keeping me doing?"

"I know you are very excited right now, but please answer a few questions first, and then I will give you a satisfactory answer." Wen Rui stared at me for a while, then nodded, so I continued to say: "What I want to ask now is if I give you another chance, do you think you will still sign up for this volunteer event?"

Wen Rui is slightly surprised that I would ask such a question, but she still answered this question, but just thought about the seal of the throne for a long time. "I think I will still sign up."

I stretched out a finger: "The last question, this question is very important, please answer carefully. Do you think we have made a mistake in selecting the staff this time? You can try to answer in more detail."

Wen Rui thought about it. Then said: "If there is indeed a task that requires people like us, then there is nothing wrong with selection, but your method is too wrong. No matter how important the task is, this way of selection is too extreme."

Pappa ... a few applause from our room. "Congratulations, you have now been upgraded from a civilian to yourself."

"Myself?" Wen Rui was confused by our abnormal behavior.

I explained with a smile: "In fact, the problem is very simple. It is really difficult to calm down and analyze the situation based on your current situation. We hurt you so that we intentionally stimulate you and make you panic, and you are in this situation If you can say the previous words, you have already shown that you are a capable person, otherwise you should already be hysterical like Liu Yiling. "

"Liu Yiling? She's not dead?"

"I wasn't dead just now, it's not clear now. But even if it's not dead," Wen Rui's brow frowned again, but I said quickly: "Although she's in a bad situation now, it's not because of her previous injury .As I said just now, the problem is actually very simple. The key is that you have not been able to wield your usual wisdom in the panic. "

After hearing my words, Wen Rui began to think, but she still did not expect what she had missed.

I guided her: "Since you can't remember, let me remind you. Do you remember the creature that hurt you?"

"Snow Wolf?"

"You can call it like this, but the full name of the thing should be: Specially improved version of the infantry type alpine mountain

beast. "

"Is that a biological beast?"

"Otherwise do you think it's a wild animal?"

"Say this ...?" Wen Rui suddenly opened her eyes.

I smiled slightly. Sure enough, she was not a carefully selected senior talent, so she reacted so quickly. I also stopped teasing her and answered her questions directly. "You think very well. The real core research project of Longyuan is not actually electronics and machinery, but genetic coding. We can already manipulate genes within a certain range, and we can replicate any organic organisms with reference to the blueprint. Your injury looks serious, but you are still alive, so using your gene to model the targeted cloning of the injury site is not difficult at all. But we have no intention of cloning your body. "

My words made Wen Rui startled, she was just immersed in the joy that can repair her body. I didn't know suddenly that it would not be repaired. This kind of stimulation is really too big. I quickly explained: "Don't be nervous first, I just said that I won't help you clone the body, and I didn't say that I won't treat your injury!"

"How to recover without cloning?"

"In fact, it is not recovery, but replacement."

"Complete replacement? Do you want to help me change my body?" It is unavoidable to be surprised at this receptiveness. After all, replacing the body sounds so exciting.

I picked up a pen from the table next to me, dragged it in front of my palm, and then I suddenly put my hand down. But the pen is still floating in the air. Nothing around it supported it. "I know you might be surprised to see this, but what I want to tell you is that this is not a magic show, and I haven't used anything to deceive your eyes, but please also pay attention. This is definitely not magic or any magic power. This is actually a very simple physical phenomenon. "

"How did you do that?" Although still wondering what I said about her body, the abnormal situation in front of her made Wen Rui temporarily forget her physical problems.

I explained seriously: "Actually this is very simple. What you see is just an advanced application of magnetic fields. Although the pen seems to be floating somehow in the air, the actual situation is that it is nothing but Magnetically suspended in midair. "

"A magnet in the pen?"

"No. This is just an ordinary pen, and there are no electromagnetic devices in the nearby walls. In fact, I am holding this pen, and the power comes from here." I pointed to my head.

"This is impossible!"

"It may seem impossible on the surface, but the actual situation is entirely possible." When I waved my hand, the big screen next to it turned on automatically. "The picture you are seeing is not a film synthesis, but a real experimental record." I saw a human brain being stripped from the skull and then packed into a metal skull. After the picture was over, I turned off the screen immediately. "What you see now is my own transformation process. That brain is my brain."

"Long Yuan can do a brain transplant?"

"Yes, but not all of them. In fact, it is not possible to do this to the human brain for the time being, and I ... Maybe you see no difference between you and me except for gender. But what I want to tell you is biologically. Saying that I can no longer be considered a human. My original gene originated from a virus cell code named b13. In fact, this virus no longer has the concept of a general virus. It should be regarded as a source cell with virus characteristics, and I am an advanced form of this creature. When this kind of source cells divide in large numbers, they regenerate and localize alienation, and then a life form like me is born. We name our race Dragon. "

Wen Rui was really smart. Although her major was not biology, she quickly understood what I meant. "You mean, your basic life form is actually a virus-like cell, so cutting your body is not fatal, because you are originally based on a single cell as the lowest biological basis, so even if you dig out your brain, you Really won't die, right? "

"Roughly the same, but not exactly right. In fact, even if I separate each of my cells separately, my cells will still maintain vitality, but at this time I should have actually been judged dead, because there are countless living My cell, not me as a human being. You can think of me as a country, and the nationals in this country are my cells. Even if the nationals are alive, if they ca n’t connect with each other, the country is over. .The minimum requirement for me to live is that my entire brain must be intact and not lose vitality. But I am much stronger than humans, so even if my brain is completely stripped from the cranial cavity, It can also survive independently for three to five hours without blood, compared with less than three minutes for humans. "

"So you can do that horrible operation, but I can't?" Wen Rui asked.

"No, you can." I continued: "I just said that the b13 cell has the characteristics of a virus. Its main feature is to duplicate and replace the original cells. You should know that even a college student, the human body has been performing With metabolism, your whole body cells die all the time, and your other cells will divide out new cells to supplement the vacancies of dead cells. Those dead cells will be taken to the human excretion system and excreted by the blood. Normally a A person may need to replace the whole body's cells countless times in a lifetime, so if you look at the cells alone, today you are not the same as you and a few years later, but you are still you, which means this replacement The method does not make people die. Therefore, we can inject b13 poison into the body of ordinary people, and then your human cells will be gradually replaced until you are all like me. And you are still you at this time. Like the metabolism of normal people, but the new cells after metabolism are no longer human cells. At this time you can take That kind of surgery. "

"Will I get a new body?"

"Yes, as long as you have the b13 cell ability, you can replace your body arbitrarily. Of course, the premise is that you have to give up the human identity. Don't hesitate before, I still have something to say. Although you can no longer be replaced by the b13 cell It's a human. But the actual situation is that there is no harm except for your consciousness. First of all, you also saw that we are not different from humans in terms of appearance, and because it can be brain transplanted, we can help you change it at any time if you want. Any form of body, but only if this form is at least enough to fit your brain. Also, accepting b13 is equivalent to becoming a dragon, and we are smarter and stronger than humans, and we will not get sick. Any Bacteria and viruses are not opponents of the b13 poison, even if they invade your body, they will only be assimilated. If you are injured, then you don't have to worry. As long as it is not killed on the spot, any injury can heal. Even if you are anxious, you can Change another body, and save the time for healing the throne of the Seal of God. As for those minor injuries, I can only tell you that the wounds of the Dragons are healing. Mankind a thousand times, humans need to recover one hundred days of the injury, as long as more than two hours you will be able to heal completely. Of course, the benefits do not stop there. Dragon vocal adjustable voice on what you like

No matter what voice you want, you can have any appearance, whether it is the angel's song or not, you can easily get it. "

"To be honest, the temptation is great!" Wen Rui now basically knows that she will be cured anyway, so she is no longer worried about the wound, and she is comfortable in the cultivation chamber, so she can be very comfortable now To discuss identity with me.

"So you agree with the transformation?"

Wen Rui shook her head: "I still need to know a few questions. I want to know first, can I still fall in love?"

"Love is not a big problem, but I do n’t want to lie to you, so there are still two problems. The first is that your identity cannot be exposed. Even if you are in love, you must never let the other person know that you are not human. The second is the problem of children. I know you will be a bit embarrassed to talk about sexual issues with you, but I still have to say. Although the dragons also have sexual abilities, after all, the dragons are not a race with humans, so if you find an ordinary person to fall in love, then You have to be prepared to have no children in your life, because the genes of the two of you can't be matched, and you can't have children at all. "

"Fortunately, this is not a big deal. I'm not the kind of conservative person. I want to know if there will be changes in my personality?"

"Yes, but not much. Mainly it has become more calm. Many things would have been very impulsive, but now it will become quite sane. The other basics are still your previous personality."

"You just said that the Dragons are smarter than humans. How smart can they be?"

"Any text or image information can be remembered, and unlike humans, we can selectively delete our memories, which means that some useless things can be deleted, and the information can be archived. So thinking is usually faster than humans. At the same time, the dragons have a much faster neural response than humans. We can flash bullets. From this point you should have a rough idea. "

"These are just memories and reactions. I want to ask about intelligence."

"Intellect is not easy to describe. We have tested it with the popular computer quizzes. The average person scores between 80 and 120. Anyone who has passed 120 can be called a smart person. Even those who are more than thirty are geniuses, but so far we have not found more than one hundred and forty among human beings. "

"What about you? How many points can you get?"

"Two hundred percent. And this is the upper limit of the perfect score, so we do n’t know what the specific intelligence of the Dragons is. Anyway, we can understand at a glance anyway. By the way, the intelligence of our Dragons is not entirely our own. Intelligence, and that electronic brain. "I pointed down the screen. Then project the electronic brain we use on it. "The thing you see with this skull is the electronic brain, which is made of special materials, and the hardness is absolutely beyond your imagination. Using it instead of the skull to load our brain can protect our brain from external forces, and This thing has a built-in simple circulation system, even if your head falls, it will also ensure that your brain will not die within a few weeks. There is also an electronic chip inside this skull-shaped shell, which can be directly connected to the brain after transplantation, so You are equivalent to more personal portable computers. You can also connect any external computer equipment at any time. "

"Sure enough, the advantage is huge. Isn't arithmetic simple with this chip implanted in the brain?"

"As long as you don't calculate astronomical data, it's generally fine."

"Has such a strong ability?"

"Roughly the same."

"Then I decided, I will accept the transformation. I study mathematics, and this computing ability is very helpful to me."

"Hey, I believe you won't regret your decision." I smiled and said, "See you decide. Then we will start preparing your body for you right away. This will take a month to complete, and you must fully integrate yourself. It will take about a month for the b13 cell. It will just catch up. By the way, why do n’t you choose your own appearance first? If you are not satisfied with your current appearance and body, you can change it, because the overall remodeling is just one step away. "

Next, help Wen Rui turn on the computer-assisted function, and let her and the computer determine the final appearance of the body. After she has determined, we can help her produce a suitable body. Besides, our dragon is not the only one. Our bones are downright machine skeletons, and this thing also needs to be tailor-made.

Wen Rui was there to build a beautiful blueprint for her future, and I have turned my eyes back to the experimental field. Two people in midsummer can say that I am very satisfied. They have been making weapons and traps during the conversation with Wen Rui. This positive attitude is very good. The snow wolf was called back by me. The site is still safe now. The two of them are busy to discuss countermeasures. I was thinking if I needed to continue to increase the difficulty, after all, I needed to choose one of them to send out the strongest task. It is impossible to judge who is stronger without increasing the difficulty!

After thinking about it for a long time, I finally decided to stimulate it with a more extreme method. Anyway, the two should pass the previous test, and their bearing capacity should have improved a lot. Even if they see something more terrible, they should be able to withstand it?

With the sound of a tremor, the heart of the person followed the sound of a dragon, and Jian Fan and Cao En all choked, and even the branches they had used as shovels fell to the ground. Unlike the appearance of the previous monsters, the lucky appearance is definitely shocking. Although the dragon could fly, fortunately, it did not fly, but directly knocked down the front row of trees and rushed into the grassy field before spreading its wings and flying.

"Dragon! It's really a dragon!" Cao En said, "The one that attacked us in the front may only be larvae. This is the big guy."

Jian Fan grabbed Cao En and ran into the woods. "Don't stay, we are not its opponents in the open space."

"Not even in the forest," Cao En said as he ran.

"At least it's inconvenient to move in the woods, it's better than outside."

Just after Cao En had finished speaking, Jian Fan suddenly stopped. "Damn, it's over!"

This experimental field is mainly grass type. The trees are only planted in a circle around the surrounding wall, which is the same as the isolation zone, and it is not very thick. Jian Fan and Cao En ran into the forest not too far before they hit the wall. Then I remembered that this place was not a real grassland, but a base experimental area.

"It's finished!" Cao En turned reluctantly and asked Jian Fan. "What should we do now?"

"It's useless. If you try to drop ten times, this guy has a big gap with us. It's useless to fight again."

"Then we just sit and wait to die?"

"No, we can try to run and see, but I think we are here today to explain!"

Jane Fan was lucky as soon as she finished speaking. With another dragon chant, following Jane Fan and the two of them, they saw the flames of the sky blasting at them. The two of them ran away from each other immediately, but the flames still kept them Behind him, they immediately began to roll.

Cao En killed the flames first. But the flesh that had been burned behind was blurry, and his pain was so painful that his dead heart was there. Although Jian Fan was slow to extinguish the fire, he had good luck. He was burned to hide behind a tree before, so only the sides of the body were on fire. The back and front were not too large.

But the area of ​​such burns is already quite large.

Although both of them are hurting, no one dares to lie down and lie on it, because they don't think the creatures in front of them will show mercy.

Fortunately, stood around and looked around. Then he turned and chased after Cao En. But Jane Fan was not safe, because Xiao Budian flew over to him.

Although there are few trees in the experimental area. But Jian Fan still did not give up the use of trees. He kept running along the wall in the woods. This did cause some trouble for the chase. Although it is relatively lucky to be small in size, it is not small in comparison to humans. The denseness of the woodland is enough to affect him to a certain extent. At least he can only run with his legs but he can't fly, because the gap between the trees is not enough to spread his wings to fly.

Fortunately, Cao En was able to complete the task with little effort. Cao En was trying to lead luck to the previous trap. However, the little pit that was dug out was okay to deal with human beings. It was not worth mentioning in the face of the dragon. Fortunately, the feet could not even be put in. It is even more impossible to turn the whole dragon in. However, Cao En ran out of the woods in order to bring luck here, but luckily he flew up from behind and slammed the ground with a flame. Although lucky for deliberately controlling the flame intensity, Cao En stopped his heartbeat at that time, and the computer in front of me immediately jumped out for a three-minute rescue countdown. Fortunately, he knew it was too hard to start, and quickly grabbed Cao Enfei, who had been burned and rolled into a ball, and went to the exit. Thirty seconds later Cao En was thrown into the training cabin. The timer in front of me also stopped at the same time. As long as I didn't die when I entered the cabin, there was nothing wrong after I entered it.

Fortunately, Cao En turned back to stop Jian Fan. Fortunately this time, he did not dare to spit fire at Jane Fan, but sprayed a group of flames in the forest in front of him to burn an empty isolation zone. Jian Fan now has no way to escape. Had to turn to the grass field, but fortunately was already waiting there.

As soon as I rushed out of the woods, I saw a dragon standing outside, and Jan Fan mentioned his throat in one heart. But I have to say that this boy's psychological quality is really surprisingly good, and he made a decision instantly. I saw him suddenly turn around and rush towards Xiao Budian, but just as he was about to contact Xiao Budian, he suddenly flashed from the other side of a tree beside Xiao Budian. If it is a general creature. It's really possible to let him slip through this time, but Little is not an ordinary creature. Even if he is young, he is still a biological dragon.

The little body that had already rushed over his head suddenly swept across his tail. Jane Fan didn't expect the other party to respond so quickly and was swept into his arm. With a bang, Jian Fan's entire left arm was cut off neatly from the middle of the upper arm, and even the underarm was cut out of a superficial wound.

Jane Fan can no longer scream, he just unfastens his belt while running, and then tries to tie the broken arm with his mouth while running to stop the bleeding, but this action is too difficult, even if it is still. It may not be easy to concentrate on doing it, not to mention running.

Although surprised by the boy's perseverance, he was lucky to burn out a large area of ​​isolation belt in front of the fire, and this time Jan Fan had to leave the woodland and rush into the pasture again. He was greeted again with a lucky big tail. Jane Fan was swept out by one tail and bumped back after hitting a tree trunk. Although the intensity has been controlled, the lucky tail is not an ordinary thing after all, and Jane fainted on the spot.

"Ok, that's it. Medical staff, take him to the training room, and I will do the final review."

The test was successfully completed, and Jane Fan's performance was outstanding, and Cao En was pretty good. Although it was ridiculous that he finally got lucky to step on the trap, he couldn't blame him. In fact, no one is entitled to make fun of him. Just change yourself to his position and think about it. You should understand that in that case, those who still have the energy to escape are already outstanding people. If you remember the resistance, it is definitely Elite. As for Jane Fan, he is basically the dragon among the people who choose one by one.

Cao En and Jian Fan were quickly sent to the training room like Wen Rui. I waited outside for a while and let Wen Rui communicate with them about the situation before I entered. After seeing me, Cao En was the first. "Shenlin, you guy is a downright asshole."

"Are you angry?" I walked to Cao En's training chamber and knocked on the glass shell. Cao En left with only a brain floating in it. His body was burned 97% of the surface, organs and visual organs. There are serious injuries, and only one brain can be used, so we simply strip him completely and use an artificial circulation system to maintain the survival of his brain. Anyway, the culture medium in the incubator is more useful than human blood. Oxygen and There is no shortage of nutrients, there is no need to worry about microbial attack, it is absolutely as safe as inside the skull. However, what he sees and hears are signals provided by electronic instruments. His own eyes have burned and his ears have been damaged by the pressure. All external feelings can only be achieved by the camera and pickup.

"Are you asking me to be angry? I burned you into a ball and you try?"

"I know it definitely doesn't feel good, but it's all for the task. You two Wen Rui should have talked just now. Any ideas now?"

Cao Shen said, "My idea is that technology is amazing, and you are a bastard."

Jian Fan was much calmer than Cao En's answer. He asked calmly: "I just want to know what task we are going to take this time, and we actually need such a test."

"Someone will explain this to you in the future, but before that you have to decide whether to join the Dragon Race."

"Join, I refused because of bad brain!" Cao En answered quickly.

"What about you?" I asked Jane Fan.

"Like Cao said, fools will refuse."

All three agreed to join. This did not surprise me. After all, they already knew a little about their personalities. I talked to them for a while, and Cao En kept scolding me asshole, but you can hear that he either really hates me or he is a little bit grumpy, just a few days ~ ~ Jian Fan It is much calmer, but I can hear that he is actually angry with me. After all, it makes me so miserable. Personally, they will be angry. If they can do this, they will have a big belly. If most people are like Liu Yiling, Already.

Because they want to accept the Dragon family transformation, they can't get out of the training cabin within a month, so under my suggestion, all three people have connected the game circuit.

"Well, you can play the game right now. When you end the game and exit in a month, you will have a new body. Now tell me the name of your game, I will find you soon after I go online."

"My game is called Fangcao." Wen Rui said first.

"My game is called Cao Cao." Cao En shouted.

Jane Fan said directly, "I use my real name."

"Well, I will be looking for you when I go online. During this time you will follow the throne of the Seal of God, so that I can inform you of anything in reality."

After discussing the meeting place, we went online separately, but as soon as Me and Rose came online, they bumped into two people.

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