Starting from Zero

Vol 16 Chapter 61: I am disaster star

I struggled with the coagulant for a long time, but it didn't work. The hardness of Zuilu Academy's coagulant is imaginative, and the struggle has no effect at all. Frost wanted to help me out with low temperature, but the enemy did not give her a chance. The enemies that had been entangled now all came together. They shot together. Frost and Snow could not stop so many people, even if they were even more powerful. They could only be defeated and defeated. There was no time to help me out.

"Don't waste your energy, you will never make it."

"Well, even if I can't get out, you can kill me at most once. It's a pity that it won't have much effect on me if you drop a level. What's your pride?"

"What you think is simple. Since we have designed such a troublesome capture method, of course, we will not simply kill you once and finish it. You will know what we are going to do in a moment." The woman said to others: "Take them all away."

Frost was quickly caught under the siege of dozens of people, but the enemy did not kill her. Everyone knows that these are my magic pets. It is easy to kill them, but after a period of time, the seal of the throne will restore the ability to summon again. At that time, I will be restored to freedom, so these people did not kill my magic pets at all. Instead, they took us all together.

Actually, I'm not really trapped now, and let them take us away just to know what conspiracy they are planning. Before I heard them, these coagulants were originally prepared for the elite group of our guild, which means that they should have some way to make players lose their combat power for a long time or even permanently. This method is really very poisonous to the player, and it is likely to be irreversible, so I must understand the situation in advance. If it is really dangerous, it must be dealt with as soon as possible. As for my own security, this need not be considered at all. Because I now have at least five ways to get out of trouble.

The easiest way to get out of sleep is to cut these coagulants with eternity. My eternity can change shape at will, so even if I can't move, I can deform it to cut these coagulants. As for their throwing coagulants, there is no need to worry about that. Before, we were recruited because we didn't know. Now I will definitely not get caught again.

The second method is also very simple, just call King Kong out. King Kong is a soul-controlling spirit. I didn't summon him in the previous battles. Now he can summon it completely. And King Kong fights with extreme strength, crushing these coagulants is not a problem at all.

The third method is also very simple. Just switch to the trumpet. Yinyue is not as big as Ziri, and the coagulant loses its stickiness when it dries. As long as the body can move, it is easy to break up this layer of things.

The fourth method is slightly more cumbersome. Directly start the full set of the magic dragon suit, and instantly turn yourself into a giant dragon that is one circle larger than the normal dragon. The explosive force at the time of transformation was enough to propel this shell.

Even if all four methods fail. I also have the ultimate skill in recruiting-absolute order. This is a self-explosive skill, so I have never used it before, but once I use it. There will be nothing left within a two-kilometer radius around me, and the affected people will drop ten levels at a time. Of course, there are many such perverted skills, and the most annoying is to use one hundred levels at a time, so I would rather hang it than use it in an extreme case. Once dead, even if the resurrection fails, it will drop two levels. This one hundred level is enough for me to die at least fifty times!

Because of my summoned creatures a lot. It was the Japanese who tossed into the middle of the night to get us back to base camp. It may be because of the trust in the effect of the coagulant. These Japanese actually sent us to a small square to guard us and left us in a small square. All of my summoned creatures in drunken college have contact with me. So you can communicate even if you ca n’t move. Before they were arrested honestly, it was my arrangement. That coagulant can indeed block our actions, but not all the magic pets can't break free, but I didn't let them move.

Now after receiving the signal that I am ready to start, the magic pets began to prepare carefully. The Japanese who were guarding us all gathered around me at this time, and did not notice the movement of the magic pets at all.

"Hey, this guy is Ziri." A Japanese player patted my face arrogantly and said, "Aren't you usually very good? Why isn't it right now?"

It's an insult to most of them, but it doesn't really hurt me in my current situation. My body is covered with coagulant as hard as steel. Even if he hits me with an iron rod, I will not feel it, let alone the palm of his hand. But insulting is insulting after all, and it won't be different because he didn't hurt me.

My eyebrows frowned slightly, and the eternal swiftness of the spheres on the back of my hands melted into a liquid form, then swam under my wrists and moved up slightly. With a faint click, a hole was made in the coagulant on my wrist. A small red ball ran down the small hole on my wrist and rolled all over the floor. As soon as the small **** hit the ground, they combined with each other to form larger balls. Then, they searched for Japanese people who were close to their targets, and when they touched them, they turned into liquids and climbed up their bodies along their legs.

"Well, what is this?" A Japanese man showed the red liquid winding up on his friend.

"Ah! You have it too!"

"This too!"

"It's everywhere!"

There was chaos around, and the liquid rushed up to the top of their heads and penetrated into the eyes, mouth, nostrils or ears. Immediately after being penetrated by the liquid, the people tried to dig them out in panic, but there was nothing they could do. With my thoughts, those liquids instantly deformed into thorns inside those people's heads, and the long spikes even broke through many people's heads and reached out of their heads.

All the screams and twists ceased instantly, the spikes slowly regained their heads, and then these people immediately fell to the throne of the Seal of God. Red ground liquid began to flow out of the corners of the bodies or mouth, ears and other places. Eventually gathered into a big ball rolled back to me by the way, suddenly left the ground and hit my body. The coagulant on my body shattered like glass.

As soon as I reached out to the ground, eternity immediately flew into my palm. "Huh, this kind of shabby trying to trap me is a dream!"

"It doesn't seem to be their stronghold here?" Ling was already at this time] brain interview. Break free from the bond and walk to my side.

"Perhaps the thing they say can deal with us is nearby, maybe." Everett said.

"Wait. Someone is here." Yeyue reminded us.

I turned around and shouted Amenis. "Is there a way to pretend us?"

"It's simple. You can just stand in the same position as before. I created the illusion that the coagulant still exists on the surface of your upper body, so that no one will notice that we can move freely."

"Quick, they are coming."

Almost as soon as we finished the disguise, someone came in. The other side scanned the environment first, then it seemed that the guards were gone, so we started looking for guards everywhere.

After coming in alone, I winked at Yeyue, who had just passed by Yeyue at this time. Yeyue had been moving slowly and silently. Zulu Academy's sharp snake sword passed across the other's throat silently, then disappeared quietly. The other party softened slowly.

I said to the magic pets: "Yueyue, darts, and Amenis follow me outside to see, and the rest are here to get out the sealed unicorn warriors."

"Don't you follow me?" Ling asked over.

"Just stay here to direct."

Nodded in disappointment.

I took Yeyue and they carefully touched the edge of the square. Speaking of which the building is quite special. Such a large square has only one entrance. And it was terribly terrible, and three people side by side couldn't get through.

Before arriving at the door, Emmys added stealth to all of us, and then let the darts reach out and glance first. After confirming that there is no problem, we went out. Outside is a small group of buildings. After crossing the building, it is a square, but unlike ours, there are a lot of Japanese people here. I looked around and looked at it, at least 20,000 or more. All of them were surrounded by an altar. A stone platform was placed on the altar. Several mage-type figures around Shitai didn't know what they were busy with, which was probably not a good thing.

We carefully moved towards the crowd. Emmys has removed our stealth and replaced it with camouflage. Now in the eyes of Japanese players, the three of us are three ordinary Japanese players, and the dart is squatting directly on my shoulder. He is a small magic pet anyway. Most people don't think of me from him.

After the disguise was completed, we approached the crowd carefully. The Japanese at the back seemed to feel someone behind them, so they looked back. After seeing us, he just glanced at him casually and turned back. There are more than 20,000 people gathered in this place. Of course, they cannot know each other. Of course, there is no doubt when they see strange faces. Besides, in order to hide their identities, the three of us have specially disguised themselves as Japanese occupations. In the eyes of Japanese players, Yue Yue and I both wore Japanese samurai armor, while Emmys was a Yin Yang division costume. If we wear ordinary clothes, Japanese players may not even know that we may think of foreigners, but we wear professional Japanese clothing, they naturally do not expect us to be enemies.

Amenities' skills are now very different from the original, not only can illusions, but also entities. People who are near us will not have any problems even if they hit us. Unless the attack is likely to break the camouflage, even low-level real-world spells don't want to see through this camouflage.

Through this layer of camouflage, we gradually squeezed into the center of the crowd, mainly because I wanted to see what was going on at the middle altar, which I really couldn't see from this side. It was easy to get close to the edge of the altar, and I hadn't seen what the altar was doing. A Japanese player next to me suddenly said to himself: "Everything the ghost fairy has to do something every time I do n’t know this time. Will they blow us all up! "

I thought he was asking me, and it scared me. Fortunately, another Japanese person said, "Why don't you stay away?"

"I heard that this time the things we did can **** out the attributes of the people on the altar and fill the people around. In case we succeed, shouldn't we follow a little light?"

After hearing their words, I boldly said, "More than 23,000 people, even if they succeed, how much can each person get?"

Although the two Japanese people next to me didn't know me, they were already chatting. I don't care if I know you. The man who was far away from me asked, "Why are you still standing here?"

"Hey, as you think."

The two people nodded together after listening. In fact, everyone nearby knows this meaning, that is, everyone thinks that even if the attributes are extracted, the closer the person is, the more they are assigned, and we are more naturally absorbed in the first row, as for those who are behind Overcrowding can only show that you are not as good as others, no wonder others.

In fact, as long as there is no direct interest relationship between people, it is easy to get in touch with each other, especially when everyone is very open. Now that I have said a few words, I will just continue talking to them. Using my powerful logic analysis ability, I quickly got a lot of things out of their mouths. There is no order at this place. Naturally, it is a master who can squeeze to the front. The masters are usually important personnel. So these people know a lot more than those ordinary players later.

As more and more people from around our conversation joined in, I learned from their mere words that this ritual was not the first time it took place and that it did succeed several times before. It is said that the origin of the ceremony is also related to Nobunaga's hand. It seems that the ghost-handed Nobunaga felt that the current strength of players in Japan is generally too low, so he wanted to find a way to mass-produce advanced players, and finally found it to find such a method to absorb attribute points from the enemy and assign them to surrounding players. On the body, although the attributes do not improve much once or twice. But a few more times can have obvious results. More importantly, the added attributes of this method will not affect your upgrade. In other words, the attributes you usually improve are still the same, these attributes are just additional rewards. Player leveling does not directly improve attributes. Attribute bonuses are only available when upgrading. Getting attributes directly like this is much faster than upgrading each time, and it is more cost-effective. Besides, this method has another advantage, that is, the enemy who has been performed this kind of ritual is equivalent to being completely defeated by you. If you defeat your opponent on the battlefield, kill him once and lose two levels, and most people can resurrect successfully, so generally you can only drop one level as long as you are not too bad luck. After the resurrection comes back, although the level drops and the attributes decrease, the first level will not play much role, and you can rise back after more training. However, the attributes absorbed by this ritual are not the same. The attribute level is still there. Even if you want to upgrade, it is difficult to get up to the current level. There is no other choice.

Of course, such a poisonous ritual cannot be used casually. It is said that the system requires that the other party must be caught alive and brought to the altar. Moreover, how many attributes can be extracted each time is a random number, all depends on luck, even a little. I have been born. Also, this attribute extraction seems to allocate points based on the number and distance of nearby people, so everyone is anxious to squeeze forward, because the closer you get, the more points you get.

In addition to inquiring about the above content, I also heard a very amazing news, that is, Nobunaga's hand made several separate rituals for himself. In other words, he extracted all the attributes of several people and absorbed them by himself. At that time, no one shared attributes with him. No matter how many times he smokes, how can he have more than one person's attributes? Fortunately, I heard that this kind of ritual can not be absorbed indefinitely, each player can only absorb it a few times and can no longer absorb it. It is purely a dream to want to concentrate a large number of people's attributes on a person without restrictions. Thanks to such attributes, otherwise the ghost-handed Nobunaga has been sucking this way until the next time I meet him. Looking for teeth all over the ground?

I was thinking for a while and suddenly heard a roar from the stage. I looked up in confusion, but now the person with the extracted attributes on the altar actually broke the belt and sat up. , Actually failed to hold him. This practice caused relatively large harassment. Several soldiers jumped onto the stage to help hold the person, but in my opinion this is undoubtedly an opportunity.

Although the soldiers wanted to help, the people in the distance couldn't see clearly. They could only see a few people jumping on the altar. I shouted at the opportunity: "They want to have exclusive points, everyone rush together!"

My throat has three effects. First of all, the people on the altar stunned God collectively, the second was that several people near me who had just spoke to me all looked at me in surprise, and the third was the result I expected, and the players behind were exploded. Although I don't know what was born, who doesn't want the attribute points? When I shouted, someone wanted to rush up. Although only a few people were confused at first, the emotions were contagious, and some people who did not believe soon also believed me and started to rush up.

Although the scene has been chaotic as I expected, I still have to make another fire. Draw a circle of eternity and chop down all the Japanese around me, and then shout again: "Be careful, there are Chinese among us!"

This sound was even stronger than the one just now. People around didn't know what was going on, and it became even more chaotic in an instant. Yeyue and Aimenis understood my intentions and began to chop left and right, but darts were the best effect. Relying on the speed, darts bite around in the crowd, and the bite will immediately attack nearby people. As long as there are people in the crowd, it ’s hard to explain anyway, so everyone around them starts to stand up, in fact, they are all beating themselves.

Taking advantage of the chaos below, Yeyue and I jumped onto the altar. Yeyue got wrapped up with several soldiers, and I kicked all the mage down one by one. Holding the player on the altar, I reminded him near his ears: "Follow me." After speaking, the wrist flipped out, and the blade claws popped out, and the belt was completely cut off. The tied guy didn't respond too slowly, and rolled over when he rolled over. In the melee, Amenities did not forget to add a layer of illusions to him, so that apart from a few nearby people who saw the illusions appearing, everyone could not tell that he was the previous sacrifice.

I was pulling this person and Amenis together and they rushed out together and used Lingnan to contact Ling to inform people to come out to cope ~ ~ Here the Japanese themselves have messed up, and the people who maintain order have no control at all Live scenes, plus I also took Yeyue to make trouble for them everywhere, the scene will not stabilize at all for a while.

Ling was also a thief. After knowing the situation from my mind communication, he specifically told everyone not to speak, and as a result, my summoned creature slogged into the crowd without shouting. In fact, the chaos in Japan should not last for such a long time. It is still unlucky for them to say that when they were engaged in such a ceremony, it would not be the same as if they had arranged the division of personnel slightly. But it was too late to say anything at this time, Ling took my summoned creature and killed him all the way.

The square of more than 20,000 people let us kill until dawn, but the Japanese were not wiped out, but the team was organized. Now my summoned creatures and the remaining Japanese have distinguished themselves from each other, but depending on the situation, we must go immediately. One night the Japanese of the Seal of the Seal of God should have received the news. It would not be easy to leave without waiting for the large troops to arrive. Of course, there are few who can stop me because of my strength, but it is not worthwhile to make such unnecessary sacrifice.

"Zuri, can you really get me in trouble?" I wonder when Nobunaga's hand arrived at the scene and stared at me after seeing the corpse on the ground, as if preparing to swallow me up. .

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