Starting from Zero

Vol 16 Chapter 63: New Dragon

The Holocaust went well because the strength of the two sides was too much worse. The princess manipulated these lower creatures as if they were playing without pressure. The Japanese people faced the army of ants and could only be continuously slaughtered. On our side, only Zambour may be more depressed, because even if he is watching here, it is not good to take. The setting of "Zero" is not to say that you can divide the experience by standing next to the group after watching the excitement. If you do not participate in the battle, don't want to share the experience value. The significance of forming a team is to improve the experience value of the enemy, not to share the experience. For example. Suppose a monster has only a thousand points of experience. If I kill one, I get a thousand points of experience. But if I look for a personal team, I can get 1,100 experience by killing one. If I continue to practice this way, of course, each of them can get 1,100 points, but as long as the person who teamed with me does not take the shot, he will not have experience. Even if he takes the shot, the experience is impossible. Divide, but calculate experience based on his damage output. This is why the same combat team, the mage always upgrade faster than the soldiers. Because the soldiers are usually used as meat shields in a team, and the mage is mainly responsible for damage output, naturally the mage always rises fast in the end. Of course, the above situation excludes other factors. If all the factors are taken into account, the system of "Zero" is actually very average, each profession has its own advantages and disadvantages, and no one will take advantage.

In any case, it is not much experience for Zambour to stand there. It looks like we didn't bother, but my magic pet and I are not in a team relationship. Even if I do n’t shoot, the experience value they generate will still be passed on. Players do not have to share experience points with magic pets. The experience value generated by killing a monster is only effective for the player. The experience of the magic pet is related to the monster, but it is not directly related. Therefore, the player and his own pet don't need to share experience. I can stand here and wait for the upgrade.

Zambou didn't respond at first. He saw that I was standing next to him, and it wasn't until more than an hour after the battle that he remembered asking me why I didn't try to wait until he knew I was a trainer series. The professional almost didn't cry afterwards. But he put up his tears quickly. Turn grief and indignation into strength to kill Japanese players.

The actual slaughter actually only lasted for two or three hours. Later, Japanese players also reacted. Such a battle is meaningless at all. It is nothing more than giving us experience and staying here can only be slaughtered, so they directly chose to quit the game instead of resurrecting after hanging. Although not allowed to withdraw during the battle. However, the system will not be forced to resurrect after hanging up, and you can of course opt out.

Due to the large number of offline players in Japan, the number of people at the scene is getting smaller and smaller, and the encirclement is quickly compressed to a small range. At first I was still wondering if the remaining Japanese had problems in their brains. They had to stay and let us kill them, but when I reached the front line I immediately understood what they were doing.

I looked down from the top, and now the altar is actually filled with various magic symbols, and the Japanese who remain unwilling to go offline are divided into two groups. One of them was desperately fighting the massacre of the Ant Corps. The rest of the people are desperately destroying those symbols. If these people have the size of a normal person, it is easy to know that these symbols are actually very simple, but now everyone is smaller than an ant. It is definitely a big project to destroy the symbol like a giant stone inscription. The Japanese are certainly not stupid. They knew that they could not be completely removed, so they did not intend to destroy them all. Instead, they started from the most important part and erased the connection points of some symbols and the place where the error occurred. It is difficult to recover. And it needs to be tried slowly like playing a jigsaw puzzle. This kind of boring work players are naturally not interested in doing it. The Japanese wanted to use this to make it impossible for us to restore those symbols.

Seeing that the Japanese are destroying more and more, I quickly activated the screenshot function to take pictures of pictures. But when I opened it, the symbol part was completely blank. It seems that these things cannot be saved through screenshots or videos, and another way must be found. Fortunately, I am a dragon. In addition to the auxiliary control of the body, the chip in my head can also be used as a calculator and a video recorder. With the powerful information entry ability, I hardly memorized the symbols with the naked eye, but unfortunately what I saw was no longer a complete picture and text, and I did not know how to put back the lost parts.

Although the video is complete, I will not tell the Japanese, but let them continue their desperate destruction there, and notify the princess to let the ants step up to kill. Since Little Japan insists not to go offline and would like to protect the secrets even if it is n-level, then I am not good at stopping their patriotic enthusiasm, right? I want them to be heroes, and I let them be. Do I occasionally do things like helping others?

While the princess is helping me to score points, I myself seize the time to restore the map of the seal that the Throne of the Seal of God has aside. With this thing, you don't have to worry about improving your strength. Although it is limited to only a few times per person, it is better to use it than not to use it. Besides, I would not find ordinary people to use it as an absorption source. It would be more cost-effective if one could catch an expert such as a ghost-handed Nobunaga or a gun **** to absorb one time than to absorb others ten times.

The restoration of the map on my side has not yet been completed. The princess has killed no one. The Japanese who guard the map may think that they have been destroyed enough, so they are not willing to stay and be abused. One after another to avoid, after a while, no one was here. Seeing that there is nothing cheap to take up, I simply called Shang Zanbul to leave here first, anyway, it would be useless to stay, and no one would kill us here.

Things in this world are all the same. When you don't think of them, you will feel amazing. When you think of them, you will not be surprised at all. Before, we were worried about how to get out of this area. Now thinking of the princess's control ability, it becomes easier immediately. The princess's manipulation ability has not been weakened, so she can manipulate any free creature that is no higher than her. We first found a crow and flew with us. A golden eagle was encountered halfway along, so I changed transportation. Although these two are just ordinary creatures. Not even World of Warcraft, but they are normal volumes, and they are flying creatures anyway, and the speed is not slow. Two hundred kilometers is so far away for us to shrink, but for them That is more than an hour.

Almost when we just got out of the control of the magical **** bead, the communication crystal on my side rang. There were countless communication hula. All of them came in. It seems that I lost power ~ the time of the brain access to the ap contact. Many people came to me. I said to Zambour first: "I still have something. Now that I'm out, I won't send you anymore. Should you have a way to leave?"

Zambour pointed us in the direction we came from: "The magical orb is still there, and I can't leave now. I will go back to the magical seal when the time comes to the throne of the seal. You don't need to worry about me, you go first. Next If you have a chance to go to India, remember to find me. "

I laughed. "Are you sure you really want to meet me in India? I'm the king of war, no matter where I go. My guild will follow wherever I go. It wouldn't be good if there was a scuffle inside India!"

I was swallowed by Zambol, but he quickly responded. "I believe you."

"Hahahaha, I don't even believe in myself. You believe me. You are so simple and lovely! Well then, I will go to India in the future when I have a chance. Goodbye."

After bidding farewell to Zambour, I immediately connected to the guild's communication. The main crystal called my information record. As a result, all the information I received was from Jane Fan, and the contents were the same after careful inspection. They all called me offline. After confirming that there was nothing to deal with in the guild, I quit the game.

"Fuck, isn't it?" As soon as I cut off the connection, I was disassembled into an electronic brain. Fortunately, the external devices were connected, so I could see and say. "What are you doing?"

A trolley-sized battery car ran over. Then came the sound of roses from above. "Where did you go before? We can't reach you by any means. Now you are using the wireless connection to connect to the game. Without a helmet, we can't even find the call bell, and we can't force you to log out!"

"What the **** is this doing?" It was only at this time that the Roseland electronic brain was installed on the battery car, and I was also on the same battery car. I am familiar with this kind of battery car. This is the device we use to change the body. This trolley can not only move. There are also internal circulation systems and electronic eye and sound pickup systems. Can meet the basic communication needs, can be regarded as a simple body. What surprised me, however, was that three similar battery cars were bumping around like bumper cars. "What are they doing?"

The camera on the top of Rose's battery car turned around and looked over there. "Oh. Those are Jian Fan, Wen Rui, and Cao En. Their electronic brain has just been converted. They are not familiar with this kind of temporary body yet, so they are not very flexible to manipulate."

"Did they complete the transformation of the dragon race so quickly?"

"It would have been a few more days, but recently the laboratory has just completed the exchange promoter, so it was a few days ahead of time."

"Then why did we do this too?"

"I heard that it is necessary to replace us with a new body. The base has just completed a completely new design and construction that can greatly improve our survivability. This time we are offline. One is to let us adapt to the new body, and the other is to let You teach Jane Fan how the three of them use the functions of the electronic brain and the new body. "

"I see. What about our bodies?"

"The body is still preparing, you first look at the electronic manual, you can try it out when you put on your body."

"To understanding."

As soon as I promised, I received the electronic information sheet wirelessly transmitted by Rose with the electronic brain. According to the same comparison of the catalogue, most of the other things just strengthened some of the values, and there was only one item that really improved greatly. -Micro-mechanical technology. In layman's terms, a large number of nano-robots are implanted in our bodies.

After I read the manual, Jane Fan, they finally got used to the temporary body, but unfortunately they are going to change to a new body soon, and it is estimated that they have to get used to it again for a long time. I was a b13 embryo before I was born, so I did n’t have any physical fitness issues. But Jane Fan had been using human land before, and suddenly they could not adapt to the dragon body for a while and a half. But this one is just like a bicycle. It just doesn't work at first, as long as you use it naturally, you will get used to it.

Under the guidance of researchers, we arrived at the weapon experimental field. My magic pets and the more than 10,000 unicorn warriors were all waiting here. Jane was startled when she saw so many people. "This this ... this is your summoned creature? Are they all dragons?"

"And me." Fortunately the thunderous voice suddenly appeared above us.

"Ah!" Wen Rui sat on the ground with a frightened butt. "it is……"

"Yes, he was the monster that attacked you before. But he is also one of my magic pets." I turned to Lucky and said, "Have you changed your body?"

"Not yet, my body is relatively large. I have equipment to help me change my body over there. I just come here to see. My son will soon be replaced with an adult body." Bigger! "Rose joked.

"Of course, do children always grow up? Okay, I'm going to change my body."

After we left fortunately, we also started to change our bodies. In fact, it is not too much trouble for us to change our body. In an emergency, we can change it by ourselves, but we may have to redo the special cleaning procedures such as disinfection afterwards. Now we are ready to replace it. Naturally do not need to do it yourself. We have one researcher for every twenty people. The researcher only replaces two of them, and the rest can help each other. Jane Fan and the three of them are the focus of attention, so Rose and I brought three researchers to help them replace them.

After nearly an hour of tossing, we finally completed the replacement work. Although the new body has been greatly improved, it does not feel much different from the original body in normal use, so we veterans quickly became accustomed to the new body.

We left Jane ’s three of them to the end. I asked the Kirin warriors to adapt to the new body, and I worked with Rose and the magic pet and the bell knight to help Jane and their three bodies change.

The new body is soaked in culture fluid. We took out the new body and put it on the holder. Enter the password to open the head connection switch, and then put the three electronic brains into them, and finally lock the connection is completed.

"Well, the three of you are now trying to move your fingers."

En first moved. But instead of moving his fingers, he moved his arms. With only a squeaking sound, the metal lock holding his arm was instantly broken, and then forced to the sides. Cao En himself was startled, and He was totally at a loss.

"Yes, I asked you to move your fingers. What are you doing with your arms raised?" I couldn't help but train Cao En. "All three of you have listened to me. Your body has been dealt with before. Now this body is your new body. But you must be clear. From this moment on, you are already Dragons. Not humans. "

Cao En nodded strongly, but the movement was too large, and the back of the head hit the backrest plate. He bumped the stainless steel backrest into a large piece.

I was really defeated by this guy! "Can't you be careful?"

After Cao En was scolded, I realized that I had done something wrong again. I quickly turned around and found a large piece on the backrest, but he turned around and moved other parts of the body. As a result, the waist and neck The metal retaining rings also broke.

I reluctantly pressed my face with my hand and said, "Forget it, you still have to drop all the fixtures! If you continue this way, the fixed bed will be scrapped!"

Wen Rui and Jian Fan smiled secretly beside him, Cao An said angrily: "Did you laugh? Didn't you not move? If you don't believe me, you move, I promise you will break the bed. This stainless steel bed It ’s just like paper, it ’s really bad! ”

After listening to his words, Wen Rui didn't rush to refute, but fumbled with his fingers to the button panel under the palm of his hand and gently pressed it. The fixing device of her whole body popped up at the same time instantly, and then the fixed bed automatically started to slowly rise, placing her accurately on the ground in a standing posture. On the other side, Jian Fan completed these tasks at the same time, and only Cao En was depressed there.

Wen Rui said with a smile: "The control switch is originally under your hands. You can only say that you are too stupid if you don't pay attention to it! Also, if you break the fixed bed, it is not a quality problem of the bed. It is your problem. Shenlin said just now that we are no longer human. You ca n’t use human standards to measure things around you. For humans, stainless steel is hard enough to twist and destroy by its own strength. Not too thick metal can be destroyed. "

Papapap ... Our applause rang out. Rose stood up and praised: "Wen Rui is right. You are now a member of the Dragon Tribe, and the power of the Dragon Tribe is different from that of humans. In this state, you must relearn how to control your own power. .It's okay to break a fixed bed now, but if you keep doing this, what would you think if I let you out to do business? Shake hands with others and twist their hands into twists? Last car pulled the door down Want to eat an apple and make apples into applesauce? Want to turn on the light and press the switch into the wall? How do you go out to live like this? "

"It's really dangerous to say this!" Cao En finally understood how important it was to control power.

I said again: "Actually, the learning control power is not as troublesome as you think. The Dragon race is a new race improved on the basis of humans. Since it is improved, it will definitely be stronger than the original. Of course, it also includes the ability to learn, but you It ’s best to understand your body structure before you become familiar with the body. Do n’t move now, I will let you take you to the teaching room and wait for the theoretical knowledge to be put into practice. "

Wen Rui and Jian Fan nodded, but Cao En, a daredevil, did something idiotic. The guy asked, "Why lift us over?" He stood up and took a step forward. In the end, because the single leg was too strong, he jumped out obliquely and kept flying up to more than two meters before falling to the ground again. Although it's nothing for the Dragons, it's not something to be proud of.

After getting the actual lesson, Cao En didn't dare to move anymore. Now he dare not move anywhere except his mouth, so he just obediently let us carry him to the teaching room. The so-called ground teaching room is not actually a teacher. Longyuan has its own children's school, so there is no need to set up a classroom in the experimental base. This was originally the product showroom of the base. Because all the equipment needed was complete, I was temporarily requisitioned as a classroom.

After I brought them all up, I let them all stand in the middle of the field, and the nearby things were far away from them, lest they control them for a while and then break something. The work of the ringtone knights and magic pets is also completed here. I took their leave and let him play for himself, but Ling still volunteered to be my assistant. Only Rose and I and Ling and their three "babies" of the Dragon family need to be educated.

I first showed them a personal nervous system model. "You should all know this, and you should have learned it all in the middle school biology class. The top one is like your brain like a walnut, and the next small ball is the cerebellum. Here is the brainstem. As for this cricket, the spinal nerve. In fact, this is the subject of our self-awareness, a person. If we remove all other parts and only these are left, then he can retain consciousness. Of course, as long as these parts want to maintain vitality of life. What we call just is The layered shell has nothing to do with our self-awareness. It's like you are still you after you have received a visceral or bone marrow donation in the hospital, as long as the brain is not replaced, no matter how large the replacement part is, you are still you. "

"We all understand this," Cao En said in a noise.

"It's good to understand. Then I'm going into the part you don't understand now." I took out another electronic brain. "Have you seen this metal object? You should have seen your electronic brain before. Yes, our consciousness is now housed in something like this, but this one is empty in my hand." I said lightly When you press the switch lightly, the metallic electronic brain pops open halfway, with only dense metal probes inside. "Before you said that you know the subject of consciousness is the brain, but what I want to say now is that our subject of consciousness also includes this electronic brain. Don't look at this thing looks like a cashew nut, in fact, it is not just a container. The outer layer The metal shell is made of the hardest substance that our group can manufacture. It is anti-corrosive, explosion-proof and high-temperature resistant, and it is difficult to be destroyed. It has the protection of your brain. Your life will be guaranteed to the greatest extent. "

Jian Fan suddenly asked, "Can this thing stop bullets?"

"As long as you don't get hit with your anti-equipment sniper gun against your head, it shouldn't be a problem."

"So sturdy?"

Rose interjected: "One price is one price. Just the price of the metal used to produce the shell of an electronic brain can make a small and medium-sized business bankrupt."

"So expensive?" Wen Rui was startled.

"Money is not a problem. As long as the quality is good, everything is worth it." I added: "In addition to being hard, the electronic brain is also responsible for expanding your special capabilities." I nodded to Ling.

Immediately after seeing my gesture, Ling stretched out a hand to evacuate, a metal container in front of us immediately floated off the ground. Cao En's three chins fell off immediately, one by one wondering what to say.

I continued: "This is not magic, but you can think of it as a special function. Its basic principle is electromagnetic induction, but the specific operation will be more troublesome. You don't need to know the detailed working method. Just know how to use it. Yes, but you need to practice more if you want to manipulate like Ling, because the object holding the object is an electromagnetic field. If it is not well controlled, it will be easy to fly it to the sky, or it will not fly. It is not easy to stabilize the suspension. . "

Jane Fan nodded excitedly. "You can't practice this ability any more."

"In fact, humans have similar abilities. However, human brain waves are really weak. It is impossible to manipulate substances in vitro, and precise control of electromagnetic waves also requires a large number of neurons to assist. With the structure of human brain, it is impossible to complete such a huge The result of forced use of data processing is either thinking breakdown or cerebrovascular burst. But we are different. Our brain is replaced by the b13 virus replacement. After this process, a special organ will be added to our brain. It is specially responsible for this special Ability to handle. In addition, pay attention to this electronic brain. Its shell is actually very thin. The reason why you feel it is thick is because there are interlayers in it. Special microchips from the fourth special zone are embedded in the interlayers. They will be responsible for To help you process some data that requires accuracy or extremely boring. We all know that the human brain does not process data such as length and size very accurately. You can't basically visualize the exact length of an object, but with these chips, It ’s different. Our dragons turned out these chips, just a glance can confirm The size of the body. It can be accurate to one micron when the distance is less than two meters. Of course. This chip not only helps us measure the length, but also can be used to calculate the time seal of the throne and the distance and complex mathematical problems. Although it can be calculated after special training. After all, the number of digits cannot be too much. Moreover, human innate input and output are limited. Even if you are fast enough, it will take a long time for you to tell the results to others. But we Not the same. With these chips, we can directly connect most electronic devices and directly exchange data by radio. This determines that our degree of calculation is much higher than that of humans. "

"Does that mean we will be smarter than before?" Wen Rui asked.

"It will be smarter than before, but not because of these chips. These chips just provide us with some auxiliary capabilities. What really makes us smart is the brain structure transformed by the b13 virus. Our brain structure is modeled after the son-in-law, which is the base The main computer is designed, which is itself a biological computer, so the method of processing various data is better than humans, and the information exchange is faster. Folks often say what God ’s forbidden area is, and what percentage of the human brain has been impossible. I use it and think that as long as it is opened, it can make people change. In fact, it is just a group of crops who are discussing the technical difficulties of the space shuttle. Its function is to store memory and control nerves reserved for limb control, which has nothing to do with thinking ability. "

"Isn't it?" Cao En asked, "I read a lot of books saying that God's forbidden zone can enhance human capabilities!"

"Many people are not necessarily the truth. Five thousand years ago, we thought we were living on a land with a round place. Five hundred years ago, we thought that the sun revolved around the earth. Fifty years ago, we thought that it was just a The delusions of others, even the core scientists of Longyuan thought that the space folding theory was just a scientific fantasy. Six months later, you will be sent to an alien planet. Do you think that the common sense of folk land must be correct? "

"That's it too!"

"So. Truth is often only in the hands of a few people, and this part of the truth is really the elite. The human brain is actually like a computer, and the cerebral cortex responsible for thinking is equivalent to a computer chip. You think a computer can Continue working with more than half of the chip gone? "

Cao En shook his head desperately: "Of course not." "The human brain can't. When you think about the problem, your entire cerebral cortex is actually working, instead of only part of it as you think, which really affects your intelligence. It is the activity of the cerebral cortex, not how much brain tissue is involved in thinking. As for the idle part of the brain, I have to say that those things are useless. "


"Because part of the idle part is responsible for memory. The part is responsible for limb control. The part responsible for memory is like a computer hard disk, only to record data. Even an ordinary home computer will not be faster than a class computer if it is connected to a class storage terminal. Because the capacity of the disk has nothing to do with the degree of computing. The reason why a person does not use those brain memory areas in a lifetime is because what you need to remember in your lifetime does not take up that much space. What's the use of more storage space? Let's say those limbs control the nerves. This is also the useless part of the human brain, but do you know how those things come? "

Three people shook their heads together, and they certainly did not understand such a professional thing.

"Let me tell you how these extra control nerves come. Because humans are stepped from lower organisms in one step, we still retain the characteristics of ancestors. At first we shared with all mammals on the planet Earth ancestors, these ancestors should be aquatic animals, and they have many limbs that we do n’t have, such as fish gills. When our ancestors went up from the water to six grounds, their bodies evolved to be suitable for breathing lungs in the air. The gills have degraded, but in our ancestors ’heads, the nervous system used to control the lungs was a new tissue that evolved with the lungs later. The nervous system that controls the gills did not disappear. So this part is still there. . Now that we have no gills, do you think this neural system used to control the gills will still be used? "

The three shook their heads again.

"Same. Our ancestors had tails, hairs that could be controlled to stand or fall down, ears that could be turned freely, and there were many organs that once appeared on the bodies of our ancestors but we didn't have them. These things need to be dealt with Control module, but some of these modules have been degraded. Some of them have been retained. These retained parts are what you call God ’s forbidden area. If you can open all those parts. Congratulations, you You will learn how to shake your tail and breathe with your gills. "

"It turns out there are so many useless things in our brains?" Jian Fan couldn't help asking.

"Correct it. It's not your brain. It's the human brain. These redundant parts of your brain have been cut away, and the empty parts have been used by us to place more thinking neural circuits to enhance your intelligence and Memory, but we have not only moved but expanded our memory area. "

"Why expand if you can't finish it?" Wen Rui asked curiously.

"Humans can't use it up. It takes more than a hundred years for a person to live up to the sky. How many things can the God Seal remember at this time? But you are different. Dragon mitochondria telomeres will not wear out, that is, Say we wo n’t age, although we do n’t know how many years we can live, but it is definitely longer than humans, so human beings do n’t mean we ca n’t use them. To be honest, I have been worrying about our lifespan It ’s infinite. What will happen to our brains afterwards? ”

"Yeah, didn't you remember anything by then?"

I shook my hand: "Don't worry about this now. As far as your current brain capacity is concerned, tens of billions of years of memory should not be full, and our electronic brain can be connected to external memory. Frequently used memories are moved to external memory, which is equivalent to unlimited capacity. In addition, our scientists are planning to design a thinking sharing system, that is, to share things like scientific knowledge that everyone has to remember. This eliminates the need for everyone to have an identical memory in their heads, as long as it is reserved for the personal part. Other shared information can be put into a dedicated memory and used in a wireless network manner. "

"Well, now our brains have become network operating systems!"

Rose said: "Not so fast! Even if we successfully develop, at least you will not use it until your brain is full!"

I clapped my hands to refocus everyone's attention, and then continued: "The electronic brain is not only the shell of your brain, but also your portable computer. You can use it to look at a lot of things. Now you have to follow me and do it. Well, focus your attention, and then give a command in your heart and tell the electronic brain to show the throne of God's Seal now. "

"How to show it?" Jane Fan asked.

Wen Rui also asked, "How do I order the electronic brain?"

"The easiest thing to do is to give the electronic brain a name. Then call his name in your heart and talk to him, but don't say a voice, just think in your head. But I don't recommend this method because If you shout your name every time you use it, it will be very troublesome, and it will delay time. The throne of the Seal of God. This will affect your work efficiency. The electronic brain is actually part of your thinking, so as long as you know that you are in Talk to him and he will understand what you mean, because you are him, and he is you. Your electronic brain is equivalent to your second personality to you. "

"Ah, I saw it." Wen Rui cried suddenly. "I see a dial, this surface is so beautiful!" Wen Rui said as she stretched out a hand in front of her eyes. A few seconds after she shouted, Jian Fan and Cao En also saw the display of the throne of time, respectively, but they said that the way they saw it was different. Jane saw the green digital display on the ground. And every year and every year, Cao En only saw a black liquid crystal display, and only the time, God of Throne, and no date.

I explained to them: "Okay, do n’t touch it anymore, there is no dial at all in front of you. You do n’t see the throne of seals in the earth now. In fact, your eyes do not see anything. These seals of time in throne The display is the image signal that your electronic brain outputs directly to the optic nerve. It is not a true dial at all. As for the different styles, this is actually caused by your subconscious mind. I said that. The electronic brain is your second personality. When you want to look at the throne of time, you think of different things, and the things displayed are different. Jane Fan definitely understands the date as a part of the throne of time. So you will even show the date . Wen Rui is a girl, and she pays too much attention to the beautiful appearance of Taobao Women ’s Tmall Taobao Mall Taobao ’s Women ’s Winter Coat M, so she finally made a gorgeous dial. ”

"Do you know what we saw?" Wen Rui stared at me in surprise.

I clicked my head: "I have the highest-level electronic chip installed here, and the b13 cells in your body are also split by my mother here, so I have absolute authority over you, you can consult, even modify Your thinking. I know this may violate you, but I want to tell you three things. First, Long Yuan is a military industry group, not a humanitarian agency, so do n’t talk to us about humanity. Second, the Dragons are strong, The united group, we do n’t need to hide anything from our peers, so it does n’t matter. Third, today is to teach you to use the electronic brain, otherwise I will never take the initiative to enter your thinking. It is actually very dangerous to snoop on the thinking of others. With the progress of snooping, there will be a corresponding simulation of thinking between the snooped and the snoop. As a result, the thinking of the two people will get closer and closer as time goes by. I thought that there was a mutual understanding of each other, but then there would be a serious overlap of thinking, which means that the two people would become one person. At least they thought would be a man. So, unless it is necessary I will never enter your mind, which you and I'm not a good thing. "

Wen Rui nodded: "I see."

I continued: "I just talked about the time you saw the throne of the Seal of God. The picture shown is not actually what your eyes see. Normally, when a person sees an object, it should be like this. First the light shines on The surface of the object is reflected, and part of the light enters your eyes, and is projected on the retina of your fundus after the eyeball is zoomed and deflected. The photoreceptor cells on the retina are stimulated by light to generate electrical pulses. Then these pulse signals are transmitted by the optic nerve Into the brain's visual area for processing. Here the eyeball is similar to a computer camera. You can directly transfer the pictures taken by the camera to the monitor. But the pictures that appear on the monitor do not necessarily have to come from the camera. The electronic brain can directly send pulse signals to the optic nerve without going through the eyeball, and the brain can't distinguish where the signal from the optic nerve comes from. As a result, the brain will default to this signal from the eye, and in the end you will Thought you saw something, in fact you have nothing in front of you. Facts You can also connect this way any electronic device with an electronic brain, and show a variety of things need to look directly in front of their own land. "

Jian Fan asked, "That means that we don't need a monitor in the future, right?"

"In fact, you don't even need the mainframe, because the electronic brain itself is a computer, and you can run all kinds of software on the market."

"Ah? Then how do I install the game when I buy it? I don't have a CD-ROM!"

"If it is a compact disc carrier. You can put it in any player that can read such density discs, even if the player cannot recognize the files on it, it doesn't matter. You can use an electronic brain to forcibly connect the player's identification chip, and then Manipulate it to read data. If your software comes from the network, it is even simpler. You can enter the electronic brain directly by using a wireless network or connecting the network cable with the interface behind your neck. "

"Originally, you said that the electronic brain is the equivalent of a portable computer! This is actually a portable computer!" Cao Enma Daha said. "Installing such a strong electronic brain for you is not for you to play games! Your head is now no worse than the computing power of the top large computers at Dragon Edge. Their functions even surpass the giant computers of some countries, only Dragon Edge and a few countries. Level computers can surpass your electronic brain. "

"I see. Anyway, it's good to be strong."

I nodded and said, "Since you can display the throne of time, you should also be able to display other things. Then I will tell you another function of the electronic brain-information assisted processing. You now inform the electronic brain. Start the combat mode. "After I said it, I took the pistol from the side shelf and raised it. "What did you see?"

Jane Fan said: "I saw the various data of your gun, including the name, caliber, range, connection, penetration, magazine capacity, and so on. There is an ellipsis at the back, wow. I Just looking at the ellipsis actually popped up more detailed information. "

"That's right, you are now in combat mode. In this mode, any weapon that appears in sight will be marked by the electronic brain with a warning box, but the way of marking each person may be different. This can be done by yourself. Modify. In addition. Weapon information will also be displayed near the weapon, and the electronic brain will display it according to the tension on the battlefield and your knowledge of the weapon. If you know this weapon, then only a name will be displayed at that time, so that you can Save your time. The throne of the Seal of God and the space of the picture. So as not to be full of data. In addition. Do you see a red line extending in front of my muzzle? "

The three nodded together. "Yes, got it."

"What you see now is the trajectory curve. Although the line looks straight on the surface, it is actually a curve. This trajectory is based on the performance characteristics of the weapon, the direction of the muzzle, the gravity of the scene, the wind direction and wind, and the vicinity. The magnetic field, temperature, and other properties that can interfere with the trajectory are obtained after cross calculation. The first calculated trajectory usually has a small error, but it is generally not too large. In the battle, the enemy will shoot the electronic brain according to the impact point each time. The data is corrected, so the more shots the enemy has, the more accurate the trajectory. "

Jian Fan asked, "Even if we can see the trajectory, we can't avoid the bullet, right?"

"First, the trajectory is not only for the enemy, you also have it." I threw the gun to Jane Fan, and immediately after catching it, the weapon in his hand also appeared in a trajectory. "You don't have to trajectory to hide bullets, at least you can use it to aim. But the Seal of Time on the battlefield is life, so I suggest that you give the aiming task to the electronic brain to assist, as long as you open the authority to the electronic brain, and then it will Can assist you to control your arm. In this state, you only need to look at the target with your eyes and aim at it in your heart. The electronic brain will help you control your hand to automatically aim at the target, and in this way, the electronic brain will Automatically take into account the movement modes of both of you. This can also calculate the amount of advance, ensuring faster and more accurate than your own aiming. If necessary, you can even ask the electronic brain to aim at the deadly or non-lethal position, This will allow a more precise determination of the effect of the shooting. "

Wen Rui then asked, "What about the second function?"

"The second function is still to help you hide the bullets. Jane Fan is right, we really ca n’t fire the bullets. The dragons are more responsive and explosive than humans, but the bullets are too fast, and it is impossible to blow them away. Yes, even if you have a bullet in flight, there is absolutely no way to flash off its trajectory. But ... "I deliberately dragged a long note to emphasize:" The bullet does not flash, but why do we flash the bullet? The bullet is dead, it won't chase you by itself. There must be someone operating a gun to shoot at you, and the bullet will fly to you. Since we can see the trajectory and the reaction is much faster than humans, then we can just do it Avoid the trajectory. The trajectory is controlled by the gunman, since you are faster than the opponent. As long as you ensure that you and the trajectory do not overlap when he pulls the trigger, is it absolutely safe? I want to tell you that the bullet is really fast However, neither the person who shoots the bullet nor the gun is fast. In fact, the time between the bullet's exit from the muzzle and the hit of the target is only one-eighth of the time. The time of the Seal of the Seal of God is 16 times that of the time of the bullet. The Seal of the Seal of God is 16 times the time of the bullet. So even if he has pulled the trigger, the time of the Seal of the Seal before the hammer hits the tail is enough for you to escape the ballistics. .If you activate the dodge function in the battlefield auxiliary function of the electronic brain, you can even rush forward to the bullet like a movie hero in the rain of gunfire. It seems to others that it seems dangerous for you to do this. In fact, only you You know, you've never been targeted throughout the process. So it's impossible to get a shot. "

"Fuck, aren't these features amazing?"

"Sometimes the technology comes, and it is not difficult to do it. Calculating the trajectory by firing the yuan is not new, and others can't do it because we don't have such a fast computing system to update the trajectory information quickly. If you The enemy's trajectory was calculated after a few minutes. I was already sieved. Is there a fart? Also, even if someone else has such a fast computer, I can't tell the user in time. It is not easy to display the trajectory. It ’s because it requires three-dimensional display capabilities. Besides, you ca n’t let soldiers on the battlefield fight with their monitors on their backs? Finally. Even if the first two problems are solved, humans respond to nerve and muscle strength. You think they hide Do you open the opponent's trajectory? So other than us Dragons, others ca n’t use these devices. ”

"That's it."

"Okay. The electronic functions of the electronic brain are introduced here for the time being. Other functions are similar. You can use your own query function for querying. This requires you to become familiar with it. Now I will familiarize you with the emergency function." I pressed As soon as the switch was turned on, eight slender metal legs suddenly popped under the empty electronic brain in his hand. "See? This is the emergency function. Normally, our bodies are very sturdy, so we generally do not suffer fatal injuries, but there are always accidents. In case of force majeure, special emergency functions are needed. If you are unfortunately injured, you can use the eject function when your body is really unable to move, and then your body will separate and eject the electronic brain. There is a fusion battery inside the electronic brain, and the small circulatory system can ensure that the brain will remain after it is separated from the body. Maintain normal survival for several months, and these eight legs are your last moving tool, relying on them to quickly escape the danger. "

"It's really thoughtful." Jian Fan said: "I've heard that one of the thirty-six schemes is called golden cicada shelling. If we use this function, we will be the real golden cicada shelling."

I nodded: "This feature is useful to say, but I hope you'll never use it, because if you need this feature, it means that your situation is extremely dangerous, so it's best not to use it Second. "At this point, I turned back to Ling for help, Ling Xun pushed over a metal box, opened it, and took out a metal skull.

"What is this?" Cao En asked.

"Have you seen the movie" Terminator "?" "Yes."

"It's similar to that thing. But here is open space." I opened the skull's head, and it turned out there were only some special connection slots inside. "I told you the function of the electronic brain before. Now this is our skeletal system."

"Aren't our bones made of calcium?" Wen Rui asked in surprise.

"Of course not. Human bones are made of calcium. That structure is more than enough for ordinary people to survive, but we are different. The dragon's muscle tissue is too strong, so it needs harder bones. The set of bones you see now It is a new type of alloy whose main components are vanadium, titanium, iron and silver. Although it is not as good as the material used to make the electronic brain, it has better flexibility, resistance to compression and deformation, and high hardness. The materials for the electronic brain are a bit lower. "

"Although it's a bone, how does this look like a robot?" Cao En asked.

"You say it's a robot, but it doesn't have a control device. You see that there is empty space inside this skull. These spaces are reserved for our electronic brain. As long as you put the electronic brain in, this metal skeleton can Exercise. "I said to Ling again. Ling immediately took an electronic brain from the nearby table and packed it in. The skeleton-like metal skeleton immediately moved.

"Who is this in?" Wen Rui asked me with some fear, after all, this thing looked like a skeleton.

"No one is there. The core of artificial intelligence that was just installed is different from our electronic brain. Our electronic brain is a metal brain that surrounds a biological brain, but this artificial intelligence core is full of electronic parts."

"Rely on, metal skeletons and electronic computers. Isn't that really a terminator?"

"That ’s why I said it ’s similar to the Terminator. But we use the same bones. These bones are universal, and the core of artificial intelligence is a robot. The electronic brain that is loaded into ours is the dragon family. The mechanical skeleton itself carries Energy and power equipment, single-arm towing power of more than 2,000 kilograms, two hands together can easily lift a five-ton thing. "

Wen Rui suddenly had a problem. "Wait. There are so many parts in the chest and abdomen of this mechanical skeleton, what about the internal organs of the physical part?"

"This ... In fact, our stomachs are basically empty. There are not many internal organs at all."

"Ah?" The three were stupid again together.

"That's all for now, you come to see this." I beckoned, Ling pushed back to push a bed, there was a complete body lying on the bed, there was nothing but a brain. But its belly and chest were cut off. So the front is completely exposed. "What you see now is the added body. From the opening here, you can also see the part of the mechanical skeleton. As you can see. Our stomachs are like this body, basically there are few internal organs. . "

"This, this ... why don't you even have a heart?" Cao En asked, looking at the open chest.

"The heart is the core of the human circulatory system, but after analysis, it seems that it is nothing more than a biological water pump. Its only role is to allow blood to flow. So we we removed the heart."

"But without a heart, how does the blood flow?"

"Relying on blood vessels." Rose explained to me: "The heart relies on systole and diastole to pump or draw blood. Our dragon's blood vessels have special petal-like structures that can close the blood vessels segment by segment, and our blood vessels will follow The natural contraction of a certain law makes the blood vessel itself the heart. The blood moves through the opening and closing of the valve and the contraction and relaxation of the blood vessel. Naturally, the heart is not needed. "

Cao En looked at it again and compared it on the body's chest: "But ... but here, why the lungs are gone?"

"Because we rely on the skin to breathe. We exchange air through the micropores on the surface of the body, so that not only can we breathe normally on the 6th floor, even in water, but also reduce the loss of water caused by breathing, which keeps us dry It will last longer. "

"What about the digestive system?" Wen Rui also asked, "How can one intestine reach the end? The liver? The gallbladder? The pancreas? And why the intestines are straight? Shouldn't the human intestines circle in the stomach Is it piled up? I remember as if the entire abdominal cavity should be filled with intestines! "

"The accessory organs you say secrete digestive juice. As for the long intestines, they are used to increase the surface area of ​​the intestinal tract to enhance the absorption capacity. However, the intestines of our dragons can secrete all the necessary digestive juices, so Those extra organs are also occupying space. Moreover, because our absorptive capacity is strong, the intestines should not be too long. This is enough. We don't need other digestive organs except the stomach and intestines, so they are all removed. "

"You are so cruel!" Cao En felt his stomach a little later, "I feel uneasy when I think of almost no internal organs!"

I shook my head: "Who said there was no viscera? There was just no traditional viscera." I took out a large part of the abdominal cavity of the instructive body. "What you see is very similar to a small pillow. It is actually a small fusion reactor. You can think of it as a portable nuclear power plant. It will provide you with almost endless energy. And this." I turned it out again A weird little thing. "This is a micromachine factory filled with nano-robots. If our body is severely damaged by an attack, the nano-robots inside will come out to repair the damaged parts, and they will come into contact with you or eat into your mouth. Find the appropriate elements in all the materials for repair, and the process is completely automatic, in your own feel like an undead body with automatic recovery ability. If there is damage in the work of the nano robot, other nano robots They will repair each other, and if it is necessary to repair the damage in a large area, the nano robot will also cooperate to produce the same kind to expand the number of the entire heavy group, and then increase the amount by a huge amount. Damage, it can replicate a large group of nanobots, and then they can repair any damage to you. "

"So powerful!"

"The reason why these functions can be achieved is because the special body of the Dragon family reduces the number and volume of internal organs and frees up space to house these things ~ ~ If a human wants to put these two pieces of equipment in his stomach, Then his stomach is definitely more scary than a pregnant woman who was pregnant in September. "

Cao En suddenly asked: "By the way, the mechanical skeleton in our body can hold two tons of multiple objects with one arm. Now with the muscles, how many things can we lift with our two hands?"

"Our pure muscle strength can hold 35 tons of weight. We tested this before when the mechanical skeleton was not used. Now counting the mechanical skeleton's power, it should be able to lift up to 40 tons. But There is a problem to remind you. After all, our feet are only so big. If you lift a forty tons of weight, each of your feet will bear 20 tons of pressure. Of course, your bones and body are fine. However, the ground may not stand. Therefore, when you use power, it is best to pay attention to the ground, and don't move yourself into the ground and it will be troublesome. "

"We're not fools, how could we do that ..."

Before Wen Rui's words, Ye Yue suddenly rushed in. "Master, come over and see, something happened!"

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