Starting from Zero

Vol 16 Chapter 83: Traitor's Favor

"Don't." A sudden voice made us slightly distracted, but the fat rabbit who claimed to be a baby had no intention of stopping, and a beam of light suddenly flew from the rabbit's front paw. At first glance, the direction of the beam should not hit anyone, but the strange beam suddenly turned in the middle of my head. Just when everyone hadn't reacted, I suddenly felt like I was all over. Tightly, he fell to the ground with a plop.

"Fuck, how did you become a cookie man?" I won't say before being turned into a ragdoll. Anyway, I can still run around wearing a magic dragon suit, now it's OK, and I'll be a cookie. Although the magic dragon suit still maintained the normal form, I was too fragile to become a biscuit. Just now the dodge action was too large, and I actually broke my leg. But there is also a benefit to biscuits. It is that the injury does not hurt, even though I have broken a leg, I feel nothing.


"Leave me alone, I'm fine, go and kill that **** rabbit."

When the players heard me, they immediately surrounded the rabbit and vowed to smash it into pieces. Unfortunately, the rabbit's combat power was not as simple as it seemed. I saw that fat rabbit suddenly jumped up, followed by a huge swelling of his body. We did n’t have to be afraid even if he turned into a big rabbit, but the problem was that the guy made a circle as soon as he landed and waved with a single claw: "Big Sky Wheel Slash." They swept over us. Others are okay. I ca n’t even move now. I can only hold my head and lie there hoping not to get hit.

The members of this guild originally planned to go up and catch him, but they were swept down by seven or eight sword qi, and the rest of the body's body was slightly beaten, and a large amount of sword qi flew on, all of them scared me Lie on the ground.

The cauldron next to me held his head and yelled at me: "Boss. Isn't that your skill? Why does this dead rabbit use it?"

"You ask me, who do I ask? Hurry up and take him down."

"But ..." The cauldron rice was covered by a large storm of blades before it was finished. "Oh ..." The cauldron rice didn't hang up miraculously. Just now he was bombarded by a dense bomb. We thought he wasn't saved. Who knew that the smoke and dust had climbed up before the dust spread. "Well ... I knew his mother had dentures. Don't be afraid, this dead rabbit is not as powerful as the boss. It just looks like it."

Those who can stand here are all masters. Upon hearing these words, they all moved their eyes to the people who were swept down for the first time, and it turned out that those people just hummed on the ground, and none of them hung up.

"Mother, do you intend to scare Lao Tzu? This time you want to look good." A senior member of the guild rushed up holding the handle, but the rabbit surprised us again.

"Animalization." The fat rabbit shouted out such a sentence, and as a result, the fat rabbit that had already become a lot bigger actually grew quickly and became bigger, and the height that was originally larger than one meter was still less than one meter. Mi San, and the protruded claws of his mouth became longer. But look how awkward. His skill is obviously a werewolf transformation, but the problem is that the werewolves are tall and brutal with murderous body, but this guy is not the same. This guy was originally a funny shape with long hands and short legs, and his face was originally flat, but now his mouth has become longer but not as regular as a war wolf, but a little wrinkled, and the tip of his nose is slightly bent down. Looks like an old coyote. And this guy's hind legs. The werewolf's hind legs are based on human legs and have added a joint so they have become a lot longer, but this guy's original legs are terribly short, which will still be short. Even more funny is his belly. This is the first time I have seen a werewolf with a general belly, and because his legs are too short, this guy's belly is almost piled on the ground. Seeing how funny and engaging.

"Fuck, what kind of monster is this?" Da Guofan commented after seeing the fat rabbit turned away. "How do I think this guy looks like a kangaroo with a coyote head?"

"Kangaroo has a long lame leg. This is still a martial arts version of Kangaroo!"

Although none of us were optimistic about what this kangaroo could do, the guy suddenly slammed at us, and the first player was thrown without a response. Although the figure is funny, this guy ’s degree and attack power increased significantly. The player was bitten by a large piece of meat immediately after being thrown out. Although the person next to him saved him, he has basically lost it. Fighting power.

"Beware." A sudden reminder let the second-row player flash away the new rabbit, but we all focused on the reminder.

"He's the owner of that rabbit." A player who had seen him before called out.

"He is the owner of the rabbit?" The player is better not to say, I am even more confused when he says. Fight with his own pet. I also reminded the other party, isn't this a brain problem? But it seems true that he is the owner of the rabbit anyway, so ... hmm ...

Immediately, my figure rushed to the player who reminded me. The rabbit might notice my intention, and turned back quickly and blocked the player in front of him. In fact, there is no problem if he can't return. Anyway, I ca n’t run if my leg is broken. I just jumped forward with the strength of my arm for a while, because I just want to see if he really will come back to protect himself. the host. It seems that this is no problem now.

"Everyone's attention. That guy is the owner of the rabbit. Focus on fire to kill him. This guy has no loyalty. His magic pet left his combat power to be at least three levels lower." I reminded others while taking my own Fenglong space Open up and release all the magic pets.

The player saw the situation and ran back in fear, but the rabbit did something that surprised me again, and saw him suddenly jump to the player and shouted, "Absolute barrier."

All kinds of magic and weapons hit the mask like a torrential rain, but in the end all failed to work. We have so many advanced pets and the concentrated firepower of advanced players. Even the city walls should be knocked down, and the general absolute barrier is that the defense is stronger and it is not absolutely impossible to break. As far as I know, there is only one absolute barrier that is truly invincible, and that is the absolute barrier that comes with the skills on my wings. Although there is time to restrict the Seal of Throne, it is the only true invincible existence. Before the rabbit could use the big sky wheel to cut and transform into a werewolf, I was already doubtful. Now it is completely confirmed that this guy copied my skills, but the question is why only I have been copied? Is it just because I am the strongest?

The answer is obviously not that simple, but before we can figure this out, we must first find a way to restrain the rabbit. The next player and the magic pet stopped attacking continuously and the rabbit actually pulled that player several times in a row and distanced us. I shouted angrily: "Catch up, don't let him run away."

The players and my magic pet all rushed up, and I quickly switched to Silvermoon mode. But the result made me very depressed, I did not expect that even the trumpet of Yinyue was also food!

"Fuck, Rainbow, come out and help."

An indescribably large tree of beautiful Taobao Women Tmall Taobao Mall Taobao Mall Women's Winter Outfit m suddenly appeared in front of me, and there was still a beautiful fluttering beauty sitting on the branch. Everyone in our guild has a big tree as its own guardian tree demon. This is one of the guild guards given away by the demon. Because I have two numbers, each number has a tree demon. In front of this tree is the silver tree guardian tree demon ---- rainbow. Compared with the ordinary tree demon, the biggest feature is that it has strong illusion skills, but I just want her to help me bring me. The body becomes biscuit and I can't move at all. I had to find a strong hug and run. Although the tree demon is a female planet, people used to be trees, and their strength and hardness were extraordinary.

Hearing my calling, the rainbow immediately jumped down from the tree, followed by the rainbow tree into a colored light spot and flew to her palms disappeared, and then she came over and picked me up and chased out.

To be honest, being held by a woman is not very elegant, but I now look like a big cookie. So this can be ignored for the time being, but I have overlooked a problem. "Ah ... let me down!"

I was so depressed that I thought it would be okay to have someone hug me, but I forgot that the biscuits were fragile. How can I start tossing and climbing to the ground? Rainbow took me far away and my waist broke. It's necessary to continue running like this, but I soon got worse than just one, because there was a player lying on the ground in front, but he also became a cookie man.

"Fuck, what's wrong with you?"

"The trick!" The player immediately saw me appearing and said, "That guy used that trick on me just now, and then I became like this. But it's strange that the dead rabbit didn't know how to do it. I actually use my skills. "

"Your skills?" I froze, and then immediately asked without answering, "Whose other skills does he use besides yours?"

"No." The player answered with certainty. "We know all the skills he uses, either yours or mine. It's strange why he used our skills!"

"I think I know."

"you know?"

I nodded. "Now you and I are the only ones who come to chase us. He and I have become biscuit men. If it can be used by both of us, why not turn everyone into biscuit?"

"Is there a skill limit?" This player was not stupid, and immediately understood it.

I nodded. "His skills must be limited by the cooldown of the Seal of the Seal of God. It cannot be used anyway, so he can only use them one by one from the most threatening ones, and his skills are likely to come from people like us who become cookies .He used only my skills when you didn't change cookies before. "

"That's really true! But knowing this is useless!" "Who said it was useless?" As soon as I reached out, the gate of the earth suddenly opened up beside me and ran out with a large number of unicorn warriors. I commanded the unicorn warrior to borrow two beds from the goddess of the earth, and then carried me and the member to run. In this way, the body will not fall apart if it is supported.

Because the people in front have to fight while walking. So we ca n’t get much faster, and we soon catch up. The fat rabbit is fighting with our people. I ask everyone not to move forward first, anyway, my magic pets are standing there, so many people cannot go together. You can only stand outside to avoid affecting your own fighting. However, I didn't just watch, but summoned a large number of candle bees from the wings behind me and flew to the field with each player following a small swarm.

None of us know why I arrange a group of summoned creatures on top of their heads, but after all it's my thing, they don't care. $$ Just after the battle continued for a while, the fat rabbit suddenly shot a beam of light that could turn a person into a biscuit. But this time things changed. Earlier, I arranged that the candle bee above the head of this player suddenly rushed towards the beam. Although the beam can track the target automatically, it cannot avoid the candle bee that hits it actively. When one of the candle bees hit the light beam, the light beam disappeared immediately, and the candle bee turned into a candle bee-shaped biscuit and fell to the ground.

Seeing this, the rabbit froze and ran away. Our people have also reacted. It turned out that this beam can only turn a target into a biscuit, so as long as some unimportant creatures can block the attack, and the rabbit turned and ran away, it showed that he really couldn't shoot continuously Otherwise he can just throw a few more beams out and turn us all into biscuits. Why should we be chased by us?

Now that you know the method, it's easy to do. My summon candle bee started to fly around the fat rabbit. As long as he intended to use that skill, I could immediately command a candle bee to intercept it. Anyway, I do n’t expect to hit us at all, but the problem is old Running after him like this is not the way, we can't always have so many people playing hide and seek with a rabbit, right?

"Catch that guy." I suddenly remembered that the owner of the rabbit was still there.

After seeing me rushing past the rabbit, he immediately jumped over again and shouted, "If you bully your baby again, your baby will explode."

"Explosion?" I suddenly remembered that explosion is one of Candle Bee's main skills, and this rabbit is obviously a skill that can be copied by him into a cookie target. So he should have just had the ability to explode. You have to know that the explosive force of a candle bee that is less than one-fifth the size of this rabbit is enough to make a master such as Gun God have a headache. As well.

"Don't move, he may really explode."

"What then?"

"Everyone stepped back and used a long-range attack."

"Don't, please don't." The words were shouted by the man protected by the rabbit. But we are getting confused. Before this guy reminded us to be careful about the skills of rabbits, but now he begged us again. If the rabbits have been protecting him, I really doubt they are on one side!

"Hey, what do you guys mean?" A member asked loudly.

The player protected by the rabbit explained very depressed: "Please don't kill me. Although this rabbit is my magic pet, it is completely out of my control! I was originally a Tianji League person, but mine The magic pet was bought by the Japanese, and I was kidnapped at all. "

"What? Is there something wrong with my ears or something wrong with your head?" All of us gave a determined expression of unbelief. As long as it is normal people should not believe it. I have seen the disobedience of the devil pet, and I have encountered it myself, but disobedience is only a bit inconvenient in command. For example, the devil pet sometimes resists the command or passively slows down. But I have never heard of any magic pet who would be facing the land with the master, let alone the fact that the magic pet and the enemy of the master are allied to join another camp.

"Hey, what the **** are you talking about?" I said to that player. "I'm also an animal trainer, so don't want to mess around with me."

The player saw that we couldn't believe the eager tears were coming down. "No, President Ziri, I really can't control him! And you don't want to attack me! It doesn't matter if I die once, the rabbit will absorb the master's experience as soon as the owner dies. It will be more difficult for you to deal with him. "

"What? Assimilate the master's experience? You will talk about it in detail."

"You are not allowed to speak." The fat rabbit suddenly jumped up and put a large piece of adhesive tape on his landlord's mouth, and then said to me, "Want to inquire about my weakness? Tell you. No way."

"Then let's open a window." I waved forward. The princess slowly walked to my ground. "Cute little rabbit, come to play with my sister?" Said the princess and smiled extremely beautifully. Even the weird bunny froze for a while.

The eyes of the rabbit were dull. The princess immediately gave me a ok gesture with a small hand behind me. I nodded backward, and the ground suddenly shook slightly. The rabbit was awake immediately when it felt the vibration, but it was too late. Although his skills are very good. But after all, it's just one person, not to mention that we are not ordinary people here.

A bunch of green rattan opened the ground instantly and pulled the player into the ground. The rabbit immediately wanted to jump down, but when he jumped up, he saw a big mouth drilled from the hole, and he was frightened. Twisted and flashed. The big mouth snapped close to him, almost biting him. The cooperation between the trailblazer and the rose vine successfully brought the goal over. The rabbit was very anxious, but we were too helpless to get through.

When Rose Vine sent that guy to me, I immediately asked, "You tell me what I can do to stop him before I say anything else."

"This ... this ..." The player seemed very embarrassed.

"What's going on?" Don't want to say? "

I didn't expect that guy actually nodded. But he quickly replied: "Actually, I don't want to, but ... this ... oops, I die! In fact, I grabbed the pet from others, only later did I know the one The rabbit has already changed n masters earlier. This is a very amazing creature. He can evolve through the death of the master, and he will continue to absorb the master's experience during the battle. "

"Assimilation experience? What is the absorption method?"

The player said bitterly: "Say this! There is no magic at all. All the skills he releases directly consume my experience points. If my experience points are less than the minimum requirements of this level, I will Will be downgraded, and then he sucks. In fact, when I first owned this magic pet, it was close to a thousand, but now you should also see that I am almost down to 800.

"What? You forced him to **** off more than a hundred levels?" Everyone couldn't help but glance at the rabbit again. To be honest, we are all seeing such terrible creatures for the first time.

The player said more sadly after saying this: "Actually, this is not much. What is more annoying is that this magic pet has his own character and thinking. His loyalty is very difficult to improve, but if he does not do well, It will drop quickly, and once loyalty drops below thirty, it will become what it is now. Not only does it not listen to me, it often threatens me. "

"Wait, wait, don't you say that he can be promoted through the death of his master? Then why should he protect you? Wouldn't he gain more power by letting you be hacked to death?"

The player quickly explained when he heard: "Although it is theoretically the case, he will have a one-minute pause at the moment of death. At this time, the Seal of the Throne of God will become very fragile. Therefore, he will not let it in ordinary combat. People kill me. "

"That's it. So what happens if you die when nobody is there?"

"He will not be subject to any restrictions. This guy does not have to follow the master to downgrade, his level can rise above me, and is completely independent, except that we cannot directly or indirectly attack me. There can be no restriction between us at all. . "

"It's a disobedient magic pet."

"You know what else he has, tell us all."

The player said quickly: "And there is this magic pet that has a 100% summoning success rate in the Seal of Throne before the owner's resurrection. That is to say, as long as the owner is absent, someone will force his success from you. The rate is 100%, which is why he had many masters before. His masters have been taken by him to run around. Then when his master died, he would fall into a state of static for a minute. At this time, the other party He will choose to arrest him. This is the case with me and his master on the ground. After his master was killed by a sneak attack, I will not move him. Then I wanted to try if I could summon him as my magic pet. It was a success, but afterwards ... 唉 ...! "

I also understand the meaning of this player. This rabbit is particularly outstanding in battle, so it is difficult for ordinary people to defeat him, so others will consider killing his master first. Under normal circumstances, unless there is a loyal heart like Ling, the magic pet will die as soon as the owner dies, but this rabbit will not die with the owner even though it has no loyalty. Instead, there will be a short pause for the Seal of the Seal of Throne. Do you think that at this time as long as you have the capture skills, will anyone give up such a good opportunity? It's as if you are fighting with another person, but the other party is holding the submachine gun and you have been strangled to death with your knife. Would you leave the submachine gun alone? Normal people's way of thinking is definitely to pick it up and try it out. As a result, this rabbit happened to be 100% successful. So as long as the person who owns him hangs once, most of the rabbit will be taken away by the other party, and this process will instead stimulate the rabbit to develop a stronger ability. After this, the rabbit himself realized that this method was good for him, so he began to actively look for this opportunity to change his owner, until the unlucky egg in front of him owned the magic rabbit.

Although the words said by this player have arrived, I still like this rabbit. Although this guy has a lot of problems, one thing that can't be denied is the actual combat value. This rabbit can turn our large group of elites into full play to see its terrible fighting power. As for his shortcomings ... It seems that as long as he has the strength to suppress him, there is no problem at all.

Although this rabbit is very disobedient, he is still a magic pet after all and is still restricted by the highest rules. He cannot directly attack the master, but can only rely on his own strength to force the master away. Then if I am strong enough to suppress him, then he will not be able to trouble me at all. As for the problem of being disobedient ... I think the value of my charm should not be a problem.

After seeing us listen to our host's introduction, the rabbit is now very nervous, because his biggest handle has been pinched in our hands. Yes, he is really great. The problem is that his owner is completely ordinary, and any player here can handle him with one hand. If we kill his master without summoning him, then he will enter a minute of rigid time for the Seal of the Seal of God, which is enough for us to kill him. He hadn't been killed before. It wasn't rigid time that the Seal of Throne could not be killed, but because the enemy's greed didn't kill him. But we know that his situation is unlikely to attract his mind. He will only kill him over and over again. The result is that the strength that he has accumulated so quickly disappears.

"Zero" is actually a fair game. Although some people are strong, they all follow two rules. The first is that strength equals dangerous rules. As long as you dare to take risks, you can get the corresponding strength after victory. These strengths may be given to you in the form of magic pets, equipment, and attribute points, but anyway, as long as you dare to gamble again and again, you will definitely grow up. Another rule is the balance rule, which is to suddenly get a certain level of outstanding ability without any effort, but this rule will cause you to gain a huge weakness while gaining outstanding ability. The second crow in the world rankings and the rabbit in front of him belong to the winner of the balance rule. They are characterized by lameness. There is a particularly strong capability and a particularly weak weakness. The strong ability can easily defeat any enemy. For example, my world's number one has been overcast, and the weakest weakness is so weak that as long as others know that you have no way out, such as the rabbit situation. As long as we kill the player in front of us, we can slap this rabbit at will.

"That being the case, then you have to sacrifice it once." A member of our guild ground sharpened and looked at the player in front of me.

Seeing him scared back, I quickly stopped the member who wanted to kill him and discussed with him. "You saw it, now if we don't kill you, there is no way to deal with this rabbit, so killing you is the only way." Seeing him continue to move backwards, I snapped my fingers. Rose Vine immediately rolled it up and returned it to me. "You can rest assured. Although I like to maximize profits when doing business, as long as it is not my enemy. I will not deliberately invade the interests of others. Therefore, I want to negotiate business with you."

"Do you mean to compensate me after killing me?" This guy wasn't stupid.

I nodded and took out a red elixir and a money bag. "This is a magic coagulation medicine that can enhance magical attack power, but you need to bet your luck. If you are lucky, you can increase it to 10% at the most, but at least 1%. You ca n’t buy it outside if you have money The level has fallen. As long as there is time for the Seal of the Seal of God to rise, this thing can permanently improve the magic attack, so that each level is higher than others. How about it? Is it a good thing? But you Do n’t worry, there is still a bag of money here, and there are 10,000 crystal coins in it, enough to make up for your loss? ”

"Enough is enough." These things are very precious to the average player, not to mention I can help him get rid of that nasty magic pet, he has no reason to pick it up. "Well, you kill it, don't you just die once? It's worth it."

After getting the consent of the other party, I immediately shot and prepared to kill this guy. Anyway, I was a class red name, and I didn't worry about adding another evil value at all. The rabbit over there had been planning to rush over before, but unfortunately it was blocked by my members and magic pets. Now when I see that I want to kill his master, he is desperately rushing, and the result is nothing more Just a few biscuit men.

Because the other party actively sought death, I easily solved this player, and the rabbit really stopped suddenly like he said. The Seal of Time and the Seal of God are precious. I didn't waste much time on the Seal of Time. I quickly used the capture skills to capture the rabbit directly. As the previous player said, as long as the owner dies, his capture success rate is 100%, and I only used that once to get the rabbit.

"Fuck, what's this?" There are usually two cases of successful capture. The most common is that the creature directly ovulates into the initial form. The more advanced one may directly become a magic pet without incubation. It seems not normal.

We actually exited the illusion while capturing the success, but the elite players and I have already appeared outside the city, that is to say, the movement in the illusion is effective, and the chocolate trees that were destroyed by us before are not There is no damage, that is to say, destroying things in a fantasy world has no effect on the objects in reality. But it's not these things that need to be concerned about now, but the pieces or things or creatures on the ground.

I really don't know what to call this thing. He or it is dark, looks like dark chocolate and smells similar. However, this thing has the appearance of the fat rabbit before, it looks strange.

"Is this the magic pet egg?" A player carefully leaned forward and stabbed with a stick ~ ~ How could it be a chocolate bar? "

"Well ... this ...! It seems that I don't know too well!" In the game, I not only have the first combat effectiveness, but also the absolute best knowledge of the magic pet. After all, I am the first animal trainer in the game. I have the largest number of magic pets and many magic pets I have contacted with, so I know most of the knowledge about magic pets, but this is too different. "

The previous daring member helped me bring the chocolate rabbit and asked me, "How is this thing hatching? Is it also dripping blood?"

"Wait a minute, let me see first."

Although the shape is a bit weird, the magic pet eggs usually have attributes displayed. Although you can't see all the attributes of the magic pet before hatching, at least you can see tips on how to hatch. But even if I didn't look at it, I could probably think that it would not be an ordinary way.

Sure enough, I almost didn't faint after reading it. The rabbit's hatching method turned out to be ...

Guess how to hatch such a superb pet? It's definitely not right to eat anyway.

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