Starting from Zero

Vol 16 Chapter 86: Giant group

"Blink, it's the guard of the giant rock!"

In fact, it was a little late when Rose recognized the creature in front of her. Giant Rock Guard is an evolutionary creature of the Stone Giant. Unlike the bulky Stone Giant, the Giant Rock Guard has a lot of agility and has a larger volume. At the same time, thanks to this huge volume, the Giant Rock Guard has the power of the Far Stone Giant. And destructive power, and even the defense is much higher. Seeing the land rise rapidly and be overthrown, the soldiers under Park Yin quickly dispersed to avoid the giant monster.

The guardian of the giant rock stands up to 70 meters tall after being completely upright. The average stone giant is only below his waist, let alone these ordinary players. It was obvious that Park Yin could not sit still as he watched his people scatter wildly.

"Do you have a way to bring down that guy?"

"There may be some problems, but we can try." Rose didn't dare to pack tickets for the big guys like Guardian of the Rock. After all, the big guys were scary enough. However, the combat effectiveness of our guild is also considerable.

With the appearance of the guard of giant rocks, our semi-mechanical life forms surrounded them. They held various weapons in their hands and attacked the guard of the giant rocks. Unfortunately, although the guard of the giant rocks was hit by the stones The crumbs flew but could not affect the operation of the guardian of the rock. This guy ’s body is composed of earth elements. As long as there is land, he can continue to recover his body, so unless he causes enough damage at one time, his self-recovery ability is enough.

After the semi-mechanical life form failed, Rose immediately called a player in the guild and whispered a few times, and the player quickly turned and ran out. Park Yin looked at the rose in doubt. "What did you let him do?"

"Go tune up our guild's secret weapon. You'll see it in a moment."

In fact, the so-called one-hour spent almost an hour, and during that time, the huge giant rock guard almost reduced Park Yin's troops by one tenth. Although this horrible sabotage king has no large-scale magic, he can use his volume, even if lying on the ground and rolling, it is enough to change the battle situation. Park Yin, who has always been in an offensive position, was forced to enter a defensive state by this thing.

"When will your secret weapon arrive? If this continues, my people will die!"

"It's almost here. But it also proves that our calculations are correct. The Japanese did make advance preparations here. I don't believe that such a large guard of giant rocks was called out temporarily. It must have been completed before. The summoning just stayed there and didn't start. "

"I believe what you said. But when will your secret weapon arrive?" Park Yin was already in a hurry. The big guy will have to announce his withdrawal before he kills him. Her troops must be beaten to death in this way. "Believe me soon."

"But we can't stand it."

"Come here." Rose yelled and excitedly pointed at the distance, only to see a small black spot appearing in the sky far away and expanding rapidly.

"What you say is your giant butterfly city?"

Park Yin has also been working with us for a long time. She knew very well what was going on in our guild, so she recognized the big guy even when Giant Butterfly City was far away. Park Yin knew that this thing had little attack power except for its big one. However, this thing can be used as a bomber, but it is slightly inaccurate when facing a moving target.

Rose explained to Park Yin: "Our secret weapon is relatively large. Giant Butterfly City is only responsible for the transportation area. The real things are inside and let your people stand up. We will assemble the secret weapon immediately."

"Hurry up as soon as possible!" Park Yin reluctantly ordered that the guard of the giant rock must be prevented from approaching at all costs. In fact, their people are still playing a supporting role until now. The real semi-mechanical lifeforms of our guild are in front of them. Although these guys cannot bring down the guards of the giant rocks, their powerful attack power and The horror's mobility has greatly hindered the action of the guard of the giant rock, otherwise the battle would have been solved with the destructive power of this battlefield meat grinder.

The Giant Butterfly City flew to the top of the roses and hovered there immediately, followed by him and began to descend, but did not land, but kept a certain distance. As Giant Butterfly City descended, people soon noticed that there were still four huge boxes hanging under this guy's stomach. These things look like ordinary containers, but if they are containers, they will be able to load the container freighters. Because they are really too big.

The Giant Butterfly City gradually declined. Eventually, all four giant containers were placed on the ground, followed by several grappling hooks under the Giant Butterfly City. Then Giant Butterfly City started to rise slowly but left the container on the ground.

"This is your secret weapon?"


"Are these things able to stop the Guardian of the Rock?"

"It should be possible. But you can rest assured that the contents of the four containers are not the same. We are just doing an experiment this time. Even if one or two are not working, the remaining two can definitely get the guard of the giant rock."

"I hope you don't make any oolongs!"

"Rest assured, when have we had an oolong?"

"Are there still few oolongs?" Park Yin said angrily: "You will lose contact with the whole city at such an important moment when the previous war is about to explode. Such a big oolong hasn't said it has ever done it?

"That was an accident, not this time." Rose said that the Giant Butterfly City over there had begun to turn around and leave, and the covers on the tops of the four containers were opening upwards. In the eyes expected by a large group of Korean players, a large amount of steam was suddenly ejected from the four containers at the same time, and everyone could not see what was happening inside. Suddenly someone shouted at the smoke. "Look, something comes out."

boom. A big foot suddenly stepped out of the steam ball and stepped heavily on the ground, and the whole earth seemed to tremble for it.

"so big!"

Anyone who sees this foot can already think of the size of the back thing. Sure enough, a huge figure followed him out of the smoke. Everyone who saw this big guy couldn't help but took a breath.

"This, this ... What the **** is this computer gamer?} What a surprise?" Park Yin said in surprise. It's not that she has little knowledge, it's all because the things in front of her are too sturdy. The shape of this big guy is actually not new, and its appearance can be said that everyone is very common. Because this thing looks like I am wearing a magic dragon suit and put down the helmet mask. To say this guy is different from me. That can only be volume. My height is definitely not high among ordinary people, and it can even be said to be short. But the guy in front of him had a height that was no less than the guard guarded by the opposite rock, although he looked slightly thinner. But because the height is higher than the guard of the giant rock, the overall feeling does not seem to be too small.

"What is this, this, this thing? Did Ziri evolve into a Titan?" Park Yin no longer knew what to call the thing in front of her.

Rose explained with a smile: "Of course this is not Ziri, and players ca n’t say how big it can be! This thing is actually a Taiwanese puppet, but it is relatively large. We are not the puppets of our guild. Have you seen this? This is an experimental improvement type, and special settings have been added to exchange for absolute destructive power at the cost of abandonment. Specially used for siege, basically equivalent to a demonic siege hammer. We will do it in total With such a machine coming out, the demand for this thing will not be too great. Even if we siege the city, it is unlikely that we will attack multiple cities at the same time, so having such a machine is almost enough. "

"But how is this thing going to fight? Rush to the wall and kick it? Unless his height is Isinger, he would step in with the ordinary wall, what kind of gate would he tear down? Push the wall directly That's it! "

"That's different. Although this thing has a strong attack force, it can't replace the infantry after all, just like an aircraft can never occupy a position. This thing can only be used to attack. The real occupation depends on the infantry, so his The task is to destroy fire points and roadblocks. "

"Does he still use destruction? Just lie down and roll away! Other cities don't know. Anyway, the walls of our guild place can't stand him rolling!"

"The situation you are talking about is probably not going to be born."


"Because the price of this thing is really high, and his body has been specially designed. If you let him roll on the ground, it is basically the same as using a mobile phone as a brick pad for table feet. It is pure waste. Stand like you said. What are we doing to make such a big thing? Just cast a large mill with a diameter of 100 meters from molten steel. The crushing force is definitely stronger than this guy, and it is cheaper. "

"So is it. So what function does this thing not have?"

"You have more functions than stones. He has more functions than rollers." Rose asked Park Yin a little bit. After all, all our guilds are engaged in technology. Park Yin is still a half-old child and a girl, so The knowledge of magical machinery is almost illiterate, so it is not easy to ask Rose to explain to her what functions this big guy has.

Park Yin might hear that Rose didn't ask any more, but just continued to comment on the giant demon. In fact, after this giant puppet came out, another model machine followed him, but this big guy was not human.

"Oh my God! Is this a mechanical mammoth?" Park Yin recognized this big guy at a glance this time, of course, and it was mainly due to the obvious mechanization of this guy's structure.

The four containers just dropped by Giant Butterfly City are actually not the same. The two on the left are significantly smaller than the ones on the right. The enlarged version of the puppet is contained in a relatively small box on the left, and the large box here is filled with mechanical mammoths. The height of this big guy is basically the same as that of the mechanical puppet, even slightly higher, but considering that the mammoth is on all fours, its volume is obviously several times larger than that of the humanoid puppet. In fact, you don't need to move at all, it's scary enough to stand there.

"What's in the other two boxes?" Park Yin asked suddenly.

"Look at it yourself. Coming out."

With Rose's words, the side panels of the two containers at the back fell suddenly, followed by a loud noise in the larger one, and a strange object opened.

"Is this a bulldozer?" Park Yin was in front of the thunder that was obviously like a bulldozer. The middle part of the ground in front of me is completely a downed cylinder, and the front is a sharp collision angle. The lower part is supported by two wide tracks. Although the height of this thing is not as good as the mammoth and humanoid doll. But this guy is definitely much larger than the former. But since this thing doesn't have any external structure, everyone can't figure out what it is used for.

Rose did not answer Park Yin's words but waited for the objects in the fourth box to come out. In fact, the contents of the fourth container soon came out. The structure of this gadget was much more complicated than the previous three guys. But this thing is the best to recognize, because almost everyone can confirm without hesitation that this is a turret. But tracked turrets are indeed rare. Besides, this guy still repairs a pyramid like a crawler.

"Just some of your secret weapons?"

"Of course." Rose pointed at the foremost puppet: "This is a giant puppet, which is specially used to deal with large creatures, whether it is a dragon of the type or a titan of the power type, as long as it is large enough, you can send him. And there are many secret weapons on this guy. Definitely a killer of the four battlefields. The mechanical mammoth next to us is the assault weapon made by magic machinery technology. His main role is to frontal collision and open the way. There is a little behind the guy. The complex mechanism can be deployed, and it is still in the storage mode so it can not be seen at all. After he expands, you will know how terrible this thing is. As for the thing that looks like a bulldozer, it is actually a troop carrier. The guy is in front of pure steel. It ’s a solid collision angle, so it ca n’t be destroyed at all. After using it to directly penetrate the city wall, you can rush into the city center all the way, and then open the hatch at the bottom to release the troops inside and then occupy the city. In a general siege battle The enemy will concentrate their forces on the city wall, so in general, as long as this thing moves into the city center, it has already won half. The last pyramid-like thing is actually a city, but its advantage is that it integrates defensive weapons and offensive weapons together. It has an urban defense system and a teleportation array inside. It ’s just that there are more weapons outside, so look at Looks like a battery. "

"The people in your guild are really crazy!"

"It's not that we are crazy. It is that our researchers are crazy. These things were originally led by a researcher in our guild. Before he joined us, he was engaged in research on giant puppets. This time it is fully satisfied with his requirements. Anyway, these things It looks practical. It's a big technology display. It can be scary. "

"You Chinese are thinking strangely!"

"It's not we that are weird, but you are weird." Seeing Park Yin want to refute the rose, she stopped immediately. "Stop, we won't discuss this at first. You immediately call your people away. The power of these big guys must be extraordinary. Your people will certainly be injured by being caught in the middle. After breaking the city walls, I will count on you. People go up to clear the enemy's remnants! "

"Okay, I'll order it."

Rose and Park Yin started to give their own orders. Korean players quickly moved to the sides of the battlefield and gradually withdrew to the rear of the position. Our personnel carrier opened the hatch and waited behind the position. We plan to use this. Dongxi dropped the Koreans directly into the enemy's city center. At that time, as long as the elite soldiers inside are released to cause chaos to the enemy, subsequent troops can penetrate into the interior.

Due to the withdrawal of South Korean players, the guard of the giant rock naturally lost its interference. Although our semi-mechanical life is still fighting the guard of the giant rock, it is impossible for them to hold such a big guy alone. Rose beckoned at the giant puppet, and then pointed at the giant rock guard in front of us. Our giant puppet immediately rushed towards the giant rock guard in front.

The giant puppet began to change postures as it ran, eventually turning into a one-shouldered collision posture, feeling like a posture used by a rugby player in a collision. The opposite side of the giant rock guard was showing that the giant demon rushed to the ground when the two sides were very close, of course, this very close is in terms of their volume. In fact, the distance of three hundred meters is four or five steps for the giant doll that is sprinting. Almost immediately after the guard of the giant rock had made a defensive action, the giant demon hit his two arms with the guard of the giant rock with his shoulder, accompanied by a loud noise. The debris was flying in the air, and the guard of the giant rock was knocked up. The huge body rolled backwards and fell over 500 meters, and then slammed under the city wall. His head even hit the back behind him. The city walls have made a gap. The nearby ground is full of fallen players and players, as well as houses in the city. What may not fall now may be the city walls and the town center. The two buildings are protected by the system. Except for direct damage, general indirect damage is partially offset by damage.

The second contact between the two giants was clearly what most people expected. The people at Park Yin were scared by the changes on the field and didn't know what to do. In the end, Rose shouted a few times before calling those leading players back. After that, Korean players started to resume operations.

Although the giant rock guard in the field was hit by four or five hundred meters, his height was at most equivalent to a normal person flying ten meters out. Although this distance can be considered a heavy fall for ordinary people, the guard of the giant rock is a demonized creature. Besides, this guy is still a guy known for his defensive metamorphosis. How could he be finished because of this injury?

The giant rock guard on the ground struggled slightly, and then left again. But our giant puppet immediately ran over. He rushed to the guard of the giant rock, followed by a sudden shot to grab the feet of the guard who had not yet risen, and pulled his leg up, and then the giant puppet began to drag back hard to just support the guard's upper body just now. Pulled down again. Following the giant demon began to work hard to pull the guard guard of the giant rock to spin up, this big guy actually just used the centrifugal force to slowly add the guard guard of the giant rock to throw away.

It didn't matter that he made such a circle, but the people nearby were nervous. Neither of these two guys is light, and if it is dropped, it will definitely be another earthquake. The people in the battlefield ran desperately in all directions, even our large troop carriers and mechanical mammoths had to step back a bit.

The giant puppet pulled the guard of the giant rock faster and faster, then suddenly let go, the giant guard immediately flew out like a hammer. Everyone only saw the guard of the giant rock flying all the way to the nearby Tizuo hill. Then accompanied by a loud bang and sky smoke. The guard of the giant rock actually smashed the mountain halfway.

"It's fierce!" A South Korean player standing beside Ai Park Yin couldn't help but exclaimed, but as a result, he got a group of glaring eyes. Rose certainly saw their expressions. But nothing was said. The Chinese are also a face-loving nation, but we are far worse than the Koreans. They have reached a state where they can never lose their blood or lose face. Although the giant puppets they saw before were really powerful, the Koreans would never admit that he was powerful, because it was a shame to them. Of course, the group of Park Yin is relatively pragmatic. The group of Korean talents who rely on the Japanese are really face-saving people at all costs.

When the giant rock guard here was thrown and flew, the enemy Korean forces in the opposite direction immediately messed up. They were not Park Yin's opponents before, but they turned to the offense entirely by the guard of the giant rock, but now the guard of the giant rock was thrown directly out of the battlefield, but our giant puppet still stood there, plus three more A big guy who hasn't participated in the war, there is no need to think about what will happen in the future.

"Charging, what are you still doing?" Park Yin responded quickly at this time, but other Korean players were not too slow. In fact, when Park Yin started shouting, they had changed from running away to charging. Although due to the previous chaos, Park Yin ’s formation has been completely messed up, but after all, our attacking forces are all there, so the formation is not very useful.

The giant pyramid unfolded in situ, and nearly a thousand artillery pieces of various sizes began to cover the wall without interruption. As their own personnel approached the range of the artillery, the range of the artillery began to move forward. The mechanical mammoth stopped in place and did not participate in the charge. This thing was not used to deal with this type of city at all, so it was not very useful to rush up. As for the troop carrier, it is of little significance now that the troop cannot be transported, so it was not loaded, and it was driven out empty. Now its task is to knock out a few more passages on the wall.

The sudden change in the battlefield situation made the opposite Koreans not expect that the so-called military defeat would fall like a mountain, but they never thought that they would fall so quickly. After confirming that there would be no ups and downs on the battlefield, Rose immediately directed the giant puppet to the hill where the guard of the giant rock fell. At this point, the hill had fallen halfway, and the guard of the giant rock was trapped into the mountain in a large shape. There were many cracks in his body, and the guard of the giant rock guarded him. Until now, there were no obvious signs of healing suggesting that he had been injured to such an extent that he could hardly recover on his own.

"Husband, what are you doing?" Rose did not hesitate to start the ring of love and connected me. "How about just killing a big guy? What's the situation in South Korea?"

"Like you, just brought down a big guy."

"Big guy? How old?"

"How big are the guardians of the rock you said?"

"Guard of the Rock? Is that monster that claims to be stronger than Titan's physical attack?"

"Yes ~ ~ It's weird to have this kind of thing in South Korea! Doesn't that thing only exist in the mountainous areas of tropical regions? Why is there a giant rock guard in Korea's cold and tide?"

"It goes without saying, of course, it was sent from somewhere else. By the way, I almost interrupted you. I almost forgot the business. Is there anything else on your side that needs your help? If not, I'll call you over?"

"What are you doing? Didn't you put down the Guard of the Rock?"

"I was looking for you just because I fell down. This giant rock guard happened to be beaten to death. Now the success rate of capturing him as a magic pet will be quite high. We will capture the highest skill level for you, and your The charm is also the highest. Come here to help turn it into a magic pet egg, no matter how you use it, this is also a level creature with more than a thousand levels! "

"Understood. You summon me directly, it's all right here."

Rose just wanted to call me and suddenly I heard my shout: "Wait, emergency!"

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