Starting from Zero

Vol 16 Chapter 88: Cloud bug

"How do I feel like I heard this voice?" I said to myself in wonder.

Ashford nodded. "It seems to be the sound of wind, and it's like the howling sound of high air flow, and the sound of water boiling." "No, it's magma!"

The last sentence was shouted by the two of us together, because the mouth of the underground cave had started to smoke out. The pale yellow gas mixed with the smell of rotten eggs sprayed crazily from the hole on the ground. At the beginning, it can be seen that it is half-wavy. At the back, it will simply change into a cylindrical jet like a rocket exhaust. Seeing a large rock hit a few kilometers with the air current and hit it somewhere.

With the increasingly horrifying high-pressure steam, the soil near the entrance of the cave began to spall continuously and was rushed into the air by the air. With the disappearance of the dirt, the openings on the ground began to grow larger, but the increase in the outlet did not reduce the intensity of the airflow, but the jet became more and more scary. The airflow at the entrance of the cave has begun to make a harsh noise, due to the high-pressure jet, nearby creatures have begun to retreat as far as possible, and even those corpses have manipulated the corpse to run backward, but the big guy has not seen anything.

The ground was shaking more and more, and the dirt and stones on the nearby ground began to bounce up on the ground. There was a sudden loud noise, and a ball of football the size of a ball near the previous hole suddenly flew into the air, and a hole of a large size appeared under the ball. High-pressure steam spurted out of the cave entrance and gradually expanded it, but now no one pays any attention to it anymore, because new cave entrances appear one after another in succession. Centering on the previous large hole, a large number of small holes continued to appear, and the additional holes not only showed no signs of pressure drop, but sprayed faster and faster, and the air was filled with a smell of sulfur.

"What did your Zerg Army call out?" Ashford asked nervously, looking at the scene in front of him. "Will there be a small volcano? I don't want my subway cross to become the second one." Pon Philadelphia! "

"I honestly don't know what's inside, I think there should be no danger, after all, my Zerg army knows that we are defending one side, so no matter what bugs are sent out, they won't hurt you. "

It was almost as soon as I finished talking that there was a tearing sound on the ground, and a crack appeared along the ground. With the emergence of cracks, a large amount of magma began to emerge from the ground. Asheford saw the magma and started tumbling round, I don't know how to explain to him. You can only comfort him first. Fortunately, the emergence of magma fields is not fast. With the further expansion of the cracks, the magma suddenly burst upward and then fell to the ground again. At the same time, the large red rocks in the ground began to roll to both sides. The magma was tumbling like it was boiling. Suddenly a black line appeared in the magma, then the black line rose quickly and squeezed the magma to both sides. We quickly confirmed that it was the back of a certain creature, but it was definitely not a common product to come out of the magma.

The black spine is smooth and shiny. As it rises, the nearby magma slides to both sides, and we soon see a large black ridge, which is smooth and even reflects people's images. The viscous magma has no adhesion at all on this smooth spine, and we only see red sparks falling down from the spine.

With the back raised, the supporting legs finally came out. My first reaction was surprise, because this thing is very similar to a ladybug. The entire body is completely a hemisphere. The head and body are tightly connected without the neck.

The black ladybug quickly got out of the ground, and everyone only saw a flash of red light on its head, followed by the nearby magma to quickly condense into rocks, and only a few places were still hot. I didn't expect that a monster coming out of the lava was actually sweat and ice. The method of just cooling the magma is obviously frozen.

The enemy camp is also paying close attention to the creatures in front of it. They also want to know what the big guy is capable of. For tentative purposes, the other party quickly sent a small group of corpses to make a tentative attack. However, when these worms came to the monster, they suddenly inexplicably steamed. It does not disappear in the general sense. But really steamed. Nothing left but a plume of smoke.

"Is this thing flame or ice?"

"It looks like a dual line!" I snatched the Ashoford sound reinforcement array and shouted at the front: "Run up. Burn the corpses and ash."

The big bug really is something that the queen breeds. Extremely sensitive to my voice. Almost as soon as I shouted, two small horns suddenly stuck out of his head. Followed by those two horns began to shine a dazzling white arc. That little arc of ground flickered between the two horns. Then suddenly a small black hole opened in the middle of the arc. As the arc flickered, the cave began to expand rapidly. In the end it became a large hole with a diameter of more than one meter. The big bug aimed the hole at a large corpse. Then suddenly the body lay down. That hole suddenly turned white at the same time. Everyone saw only a dazzling beam of light directed into the corpse. Everything that was white-lighted to the ground, whether it was a creature or a land, disappeared instantly. Nothing can shine on this guy to insist on the Throne of the Seal of God for even a second.

"What a terrible power!" Ashford opened his mouth and wondered how to boast about it. If it weren't for this thing, it wouldn't be fired. It is estimated that the enemy should choose to retreat. After all, such a powerful weapon is too exaggerated. If the big worm moved the body at that time, the beam of light would sweep across a fan-shaped area, and it would definitely bring down a large enemy. Unfortunately, it can only shoot straight beams. And the time of the Seal of the Seal of God is over in just over a second.

Although the power is too concentrated. However, the powerful insect's powerful attack still frightened the enemy. Then the other person instantly gave up the plan to deal with this big guy with corpses. They began to send long-range heavy arms to launch a heavy bombardment of the large bug.

Although the large insect's attack power is very strong, its defense ability is not good, and the attack method seems too simple. In the enemy's artillery, it seemed quite helpless. It could only fire back with that white light again and again. Although it was extremely powerful, it was too small to interfere with the overall battle. I can also see that the shortcomings of this big guy are almost as obvious as his advantages, and he simply asked the Queen to summon it directly. This kind of thing can only be used to frighten the enemy. It is really uneconomical to waste on the battlefield.

With the large bugs retreating, the army of corpses and worms began to pound again, but new creatures soon appeared on our side. The magma layer on the ground suddenly exploded again, and then saw a lot of black smoke bands emerging from the ground.

"What's coming out again?" Ashford regarded the black smoke as the smoke coming out of the ground. I reached out and called. Then a cloud of black smoke suddenly broke out of the other black smoke and flew to my hands. I reached into Ashford and let him look at him before he screamed in surprise. "This is a bug."

I nodded. "This is a kind of worm. My parasite just told me that these small things are called cloud worms. Because they are much smaller than normal ants, and they are too large, so when they come together, they will It looks like a large cloud, hence the name Cloudworm. "

"What's the use of this thing?"

It's simple: "They eat everything and they're fast."

"I think I understand their usefulness."

Just as we talked, the cloud bugs that had been drilled underground in the throne of the Seal of God had gathered in the air into a large cloud of black clouds, and the black hole in the rear hole continued to bubbling outward. These little guys don't fly fast in the air, at most they are almost as fast as people running. If the agile Warcraft can run away, but the number of these guys covering the sky is really scary, most people are easily surrounded by it, and once surrounded, it is no longer possible to run.

The army of corpses in the front is still rushing forward. They are also races that win by number, so they don't care about these clouds, but the abnormal changes occur when the first row of corpses touch the black clouds. I saw that the corpses controlled by the corpse rushed in front and suddenly disappeared, as if weathered. First, the epidermis of the corpse disappeared, and the muscle layer began to thin rapidly. The worms in those corpses still stretched out their heads to see what had happened, but as soon as they stretched out their heads they shrank back like an electric shock. But at this moment their skin had been peeled off. The corpses controlled the ablation of the corpses quickly, and finally fell to the ground because the muscles could not support the skeletal movement. Those corpses that had nowhere to hide would start struggling violently as soon as they were exposed to the black cloud, but the bodies they controlled had no place to cover their bodies. So their struggle will not help much. Fortunately, this struggle does not usually last for a long time, because a corpse exposed in the dark cloud will not have much more than fifteen seconds.

The army of corpses quickly disappeared in the dark clouds, and Ashford yelled excitedly to cheer the clouds. The corpse's brain was eventually forced out, it began to spit out a lot of acid, and the effect was very good. A lot of cloud worms were destroyed. However, the number of cloudworms is really horrifying. Although the corpse worms can instantly kill hundreds of thousands of millions of cloudworms, such a lethality is still not fast enough for cloudworms. I have just checked the properties of cloudworms. The classification of these small things is actually not a level but a hundredth. However, this hundredth level is not an individual cloudworm but a cloudworm community. There are no units such as cloudworm individuals in the system attributes. They are based on communities as soon as they are born, but only one community is included in the attributes, and there is no specific number. The cloud worms on the battlefield are now charging in units of millions of communities. So there is no point in destroying millions of individuals.

The black clouds are rapidly changing. Consuming creatures is not without effect. Cloud worms multiply during the process of devouring creatures. By their nature, they absorb the enemy's health and reproduce themselves. The health value of a cloudworm community is 10,000. And as long as they swallow and reduce the enemy's health by 20,000, they will split into two communities, and the more enemy lives they consume, the faster they will reproduce.

The personnel in the British and French coalitions soon realized that the corpse worms could not deal with these black clouds at all, and they quickly withdrew the female worms. The remaining corpses began to run backwards instinctively without command. However, the cloud worms did not stop there. They followed the corpses toward the British and French positions.

The dark clouds over the British and French coalitions rolled over and there was some confusion. Long-range strikes were useless to these little things. The arrow of the archer can indeed kill a lot of cloud worms along the way. However, the number of stricken areas compared to the total number of cloud worms is so small that it can be ignored. Therefore, shooting is equivalent to not shooting. As for the artillery with an explosion, the killing effect is good, but how many cannon **** can be wasted in this way is a question. In contrast, the mage's attack effect is pretty good. Especially small but powerful spells, such as the shock wave of the air system. This spell has very little effect on the average player. But it is very effective on cloud insects, and it can kill a large area in one release. But the problem is that this kind of magic club that seems to be very impractical in the past has too few people. Only a few wizards who can use this trick can't kill such cloudy insects at all.

Asheford watched the dark clouds roll over the city wall, and he was happy when he was facing the enemy, but he did n’t dance. It has been experimented that the properties of such extreme things are also extremely extreme, and they have an extremely good effect on general enemies. But it was extremely fast to die after encountering the nemesis, so I didn't expect the cloud worms to drive all the enemy forces away, at the very least, they could just harass them.

In the sidelines of both of us, Yunzhu finally successfully got involved in the enemy's front. The front row of horses and spears have no meaning at all for these small things. Of course, the heavy shield hands can't take the cloud worms. On the contrary, their weapons and armors disappear quickly in the dark clouds. A lance pierced by a soldier in the dark cloud disappeared into the dark cloud like a pencil in a plane, and the metal tip was completely stung.

Due to the lack of counterattack ability against this horrible attack method, the hearts of the British and French coalitions began to become very unstable. Some people in the front row wanted to use large-scale spells to kill cloud worms, but they were not allowed in the queue at all. Spells, because the most people who die once used are definitely their own.

As the cloud worm progressed, the panic quickly swept through the enemy's entire front. As the armor was quickly consumed, some people's bodies also began to be attacked. Worse than before, corpses were attacked. Players immediately felt bitter pain as soon as they were bitten. But since the player won't die before being choked, it's not surprising that the screams that followed. However, this miserable cry greatly affected the emotions of the following people, and the entire army began to become confused.

"This is really good." Ashford patted me on the shoulder and praised.

"Don't get too excited, I feel that there is an abnormal energy concentration behind the enemy army, and a big move may be needed. The number of my army of bugs is linked to energy, so I will not let them fill this with life if it is not necessary Pit. "

"It's up to you to do it anyway. I'll be fine as long as the city isn't lost." Asheford understood me very well. After all, he was a long time ago, and he was very clear about these things. In general guilds, anything that can be used for combat will not be free. Everything except personal combat power must be linked to money. The more powerful the combat power, the more money is spent. This is basically the law. The only thing you can do is to choose the most cost-effective one from many products, just like buying goods, and our presidents are basically doing this kind of thing every day, so I do n’t know if you want to know.

Sure enough, my guess was fulfilled soon. The enemy's mass destruction spells soon appeared. With a red light flashed. The large cloud of burning fire rolled up almost against the enemy's head. The black cloudworm is too small. There is no fire resistance at all, and it was burned to ash almost immediately when it touched the cloud of fire. In order to completely remove cloud worms. The enemy did not hesitate to let Huoyun roll over from his own team. However, due to the fast advancing of Huoyun, players were only slightly burned and did not affect the action at all. Died in the air.

"It seems that your cloudworm can help us so much." Seeing this scene, Ashford could only helplessly let me recruit the cloudworm army in advance.

I didn't say much to directly recruit all the cloud bugs. Although the Queen's arms are easy to use, they cost too much money and waste time on the Throne of Seals. I have not planned to let them participate in the war on a large scale for the time being. As I conveyed my intentions to the queen, the dark clouds on the battlefield immediately turned back and disappeared into the ground again from the previous hole.

Seeing the black cloud disappear, the other party finally took back the fire cloud. We can see from the city walls that the enemy army is changing fast, and the entire row of heavy shield infantry is moved to the forefront of the battle array. These guys who are all wrapped in steel are just canned iron cans, of course. The advantage of this is that unless they are bombarded by artillery, ordinary spells and bows will not cause them any harm. Following these humanoid cans is a heavy infantry array with a sword and a shield. This unit has good defense and attack. The only drawback is that it is slower and belongs to the higher defense category in the entire army. One.

Ashford felt strange to see the enemy in such a formation. "What are they doing?"

"Standard siege formation. Why? You can't see it?"

"No. Of course I know what this is, but why do they pose like this?"

I looked at Ashoford in amazement. "Don't be nervous, enemy neurosis!"

"What happened to me?"

"Please, you are Europeans, okay, don't you learn our Chinese tactics all the time?"

"What do you mean?"

"Don't you show up?" I deliberately looked at Ashoford in surprise. "It's been a long time since the Seal of the Seal of Siam was played. You should also notice that your opponent did not use your most common attack method in Europe. This battle was strange from the beginning. The first attack was very abnormal, Although you in Europe also say that you are attacking, you do not have the habit of using cannon fodder arms to mix high-level arms ~ ~ This is a typical eastern strategy. There are subsequent attacks. You see that your enemies have used What tactics? Surprises from start to finish, do you see any European attack? "

"Do you mean the other commander is Japanese?"

"I do n’t know if it ’s a Japanese, at least the other party has received a considerable degree of oriental culture. But you do n’t have to worry about this, because from the current situation, the other party seems to be changing command. The previous continuous defeat has made this commander The tactics of the British and French forces have changed back to the European style. I did not expect that your adaptability is so good that you can adapt to the Eastern attack in one fell swoop. strange."

"Hahaha, don't you say that I really didn't notice, does this seem to be our most common battle formation!"

"No, that's not right." My smile suddenly converged and pointed quickly to Ashoford. "Look over there. They didn't change command at all. This **** actually wants to confuse us. Huh, it's not so easy to imitate our Chinese war theory. Since you want to play, I'll play with you."

"What the **** are you talking about?" Ashford looked at me and waited for my explanation.

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