Starting from Zero

Vol 16 Chapter 96: All artifacts

"Who is it?" The sudden sound made me immediately alert. $$

That voice wasn't too tense. On the contrary, it is very lazy. "Is it very important to know who I am?"

"That's what I said." The reason I didn't rush to ask was that I didn't really care. But I already guessed who the owner of the voice was. Although I still want to actually see this guy carefully sealed by Tian Zhao. ) But since he is willing to talk to me. That means he is not malicious to me. At least it doesn't look hostile. In contrast, I think it's still the first thing to get these things in front of you. "You just said that this is a pillar of seal established by the power of the higher god. Do you know how to open it?"

"I want to open unless there is a seal key of Tianzhao. Or it has the power of a higher god. But it seems to me that you don't have both."

"Is there any other way?"

"of course."

"Can you tell me?"

"Very glad." The voice didn't ask for any benefit. Instead, he said excitedly: "In fact, the easiest way to open these things is not to resist them."

"Don't resist them?" I frowned for a long while before suddenly reacting. "Ah. I see."

"Yes. You're smart. You can think of the answer so quickly."

Explaining with a smile: "I just know more than others. ╰ →) But I'm surprised why you didn't ask me for a benefit and would like to tell me how to open these things. And it sounds like you are very happy . "

"Yes. I'm really very happy. Because I was sealed here by Tian Zhao. These things are all Tian Zhao's things. As long as these things are stolen by others, Tian Zhao will definitely be angry. And I will be happy . "

"I see. But now that I get your benefit. I won't forget it. In return, after I get these things, I will study whether it is possible to release you."

"I don't have much hope for this. The one you broke above is just a very simple seal. The one that seals me is much more complicated. I don't think you can open it."

"It may not be there. Anyway, I will try it. Even if the seal cannot be opened. Remember where I can find a helper to help."

"Okay. I also hope you can let me out. If I get a reason. I will definitely repay you."

"It's all about."

After saying good to save this mysterious creature, I began to solve the seals in the way he said. Things are always easier said than done. Although I also know what he meant by saying not to resist the power of the seal. But it's not that simple to do. The so-called non-resistance is actually impossible. Because the seal itself is a very strict energy system. It excludes all attributes that are not physical. That is unless I use the same power as it does. Otherwise, it is impossible to enter the inside of the seal. But the transformation of this power is not so simple.

Start with the first beam of light in front of you. The voice reminded: "These eight pillars of borrowing all borrow the regular power of the fire element. So if you are not good at this aspect, don't expect it."

"Is the fire element?" I was slightly relieved to hear this answer.

"If anything else, it may take a bit more work. But since it is a fire element, it is much simpler." Accompanying my words. A black whirlwind rose from under my feet. Instantly rolled over my whole body. The colorful vow set scatters dazzling magical light.

"Oh? You are a two-in-one? It is so rare!" The voice also seemed very curious about my Silvermoon trumpet.

"This is nothing." I said while holding up the stick of the sun in my hand. "The sun calls." Boom. I suddenly turned into a burning humanoid fireball. At the same time my hand has reached the beam of light. This time the beam of light did not respond. Let me put my hand in like it doesn't exist.

After summoning the body of the sun, I am equivalent to the human element of fire. Under the rules of fire. This form is tantamount to being part of the rules. So it is not excluded at all. Because this state cannot be maintained for long. So I quickly pulled out the set of Japanese Samurai armor inside. At the same time, the state of sun summon is eliminated. There will still be seven beams of light to break through. It's always good to save some magic.

After canceling the call of the sun, I started to study the equipment I just got. I did not expect that this thing was still unidentified. Thanks to a grandmaster in my affiliate profession. Otherwise, I must die. Immediately after identification, the attributes of the equipment became apparent.

This set of things is called Yan Gui suit. It belongs to the Japanese Samurai special equipment. And this thing is like my magic dragon suit is a full artifact set. The only difference is that it is not a growth gear. Now it looks like the attributes are lower than the Dragon Set. The gap will widen in the future. The Dragon Set is a growth item. As long as you wear it to participate in the battle, it will accumulate a set of equipment-specific experience alone. Then it will be upgraded. Not only will basic attributes continue to rise. From time to time, some new additional attributes pop up. but. Even if this Japanese samurai armor is not as good as my magic dragon suit. Its attributes are absolutely superb.

To be honest, if such a set of armor appeared in the hands of the Japanese, it would not be a good thing for me. But if I have mastered it then it is another matter. After researching the first set of armor, I continued to take out the equipment in the remaining seven beams. The eight sets of equipment include two sets of Japanese samurai armor, two sets of ninja suits, three sets of ninja suits, and one set of completely unknown types. But all of these eight sets are all artifact sets. And that set of equipment that can't figure out the type is actually a growth-type full artifact set.

The worst attribute in this set of equipment is the three sets of ninja equipment. Although it is an artifact. But the attributes are only slightly stronger than general equipment. For the average player, it is really much to be desired. To me it's almost like garbage. As for the attributes of the two sets of Japanese samurai armor and two sets of ninja suits, they are basically on a horizontal line. Its effectiveness is low with my magic dragon suit. And they all have the biggest flaw is that their original weapons are far worse than my eternity. So relatively speaking, the magic dragon suit is much more powerful. As for the last set of unknown equipment, it is strange.

The name of the attribute of this last set of equipment superscript is the Emperor Guangming's novel. But according to my understanding. Emperor Guangming actually meant Tianzhao. Could it be said that this thing is Tianzhao's equipment? It looks like Tianzhao didn't wear any equipment when he fought with Tianzhao before. This can be understood as he disdain the **** body to wear equipment and fight with us. But this time even the Lao Wo was carried. Why didn't he still wear equipment?

Although I can't figure out why. But this did not affect my research on this equipment. There are so many parts in this set. The coverage is almost the same as that of my dragon suit. Even the face was covered with a ghost mask. Don't even show your eyes. It's basically a sealed can.

The overall appearance of the equipment is similar to the Japanese Samurai armor. But the structure is slightly different. The main feature is that the diamond corners of the shape are relatively clear. There is almost no curve structure. It seems to be a splicing of many diamond-shaped cross sections. And this set of bright emperor's armor is much larger than ordinary armor. You need to be at least two meters tall to look at your appearance. But the result of my experiment is no matter how tall you are. As long as you put on this set, it seems to move and enlarge your body. You feel like you're just wearing a well-fitting armor. other people.

In addition to its tall appearance, this set of armor has two more obvious features. The first feature is that the appearance of this thing is actually silvery white. And with shiny silver dots in it. It feels like a humanoid platinum sculpture. The second characteristic is that there are many strange gems on this bright emperor's armor. These gems are set on the protruding points of the armor. It seems a bit uncoordinated. Feeling is not an ornament. It's a pity I'm not Ninja or Samurai. Therefore, this set of bright emperor's armor can be worn but cannot wield special attributes.

When I roughly researched the equipment in front of me, I suddenly thought of a bigger problem without space equipment. After I fell into this space, the big door and Fenglong space could not be opened. And I usually do not have storage equipment for Fenglong Space, a 10,000-ton giant ship. Therefore, none of the storage equipment before Fenglong Space was brought. Those outside the weapon rack may not be necessary. The eight extra artifacts in front of me now cannot be given up. It really made me feel so depressed. The tortoise meets fresh fish but has no stomach to eat. Such a stingy thing can make me run into it. Really depressing!

"Then ask if there is space equipment for storing items here?" Anyway, there is a mysterious creature here. Maybe he doesn't know what space items are here.

really. That voice was quick to answer. "Did you see a mural on the wall on your left?"

"Hold something to collect monsters."

The voice reminded: "Smash the thing in that man's hand with force. After the breakdown, there is a mechanism behind you. You can see me by pulling it. There are still some things around me. One of them can be used as space equipment. Although it ’s not special equipment. It ’s okay to put it in temporarily. ”

"Thank you." I quickly walked to the wall and took a punch. I thought the wall must be stiff. So I put a lot of effort into it. I didn't expect a punch to hit the paper. With my fist penetrating through the wall and killing me, I should put my whole arm into the wall. "Fuck. What kind of tofu project?"

"It's not a problem with the wall." The voice said, "Although it is sealed here, I always want to let go of trying to get out of this side. The wall was eroded by my own power for thousands of years before it became like this. You never show up again. Give me another thousand years and the Throne of the Seal of God should be able to open the wall in front of me. "

"So it is." I said as I felt a metal wire in the hole. ╰ →) Pull out firmly. Just hear a click. I thought the institution was about to open. Who knew that the line was broken. "Is this too corrosive?"

"Sorry. I didn't expect that the Seal of Throne of Time has become corrupted, and even the startup device of the organ has become this way. In this case, it is still troublesome for you to completely destroy the wall in front of you!"

"Speak early!" With a whirlwind, I have switched back to the purple sun form. Slightly moved my hands and feet and made a simple preparation exercise. "Violent cracking is my strength." As I said, I was punched in the wall. That wall had been eroded by the guy inside for so many years that it had been like tofu dregs. The power of Ziri form and Yinyue are not on the same level at all. One punch goes not only the entire arm. Even half of my body was inserted into the wall. I don't think the wall needs to be punched since it is so soft. He shouted directly: "Half a month." Two waves and two and a half months floated from my back. Then they swung left and right and hit the wall. I only heard the bang flying with the debris. The wall in front of it finally collapsed and completely collapsed.

Immediately after the wall was shattered, the conditions in the back came into my eyes. Not the same as before. The environment here is almost like having just experienced a world war. Countless strange equipment piled on top of it. There are also many remains of unknown creatures nearby. But all that remains is the bones. The walls and pillars around the room were scarred with scars. One of the four-steel pure-steel pillars was slanted into the face by Niu, just like twist. Even if the destruction king like me looked at it, he felt frightened.

"What? Scared?" The familiar voice suddenly shifted my attention to the center of the room.

I don't know. A look of surprise. In the center of this huge room lies a giant bird-shaped creature. However, the image of this guy is a little strange. At first glance, this guy looks like a phoenix. Red feather, bird, colored tail, eagle claw. This is no different from ordinary Phoenix. But this guy has nine heads. And the colors are different.

"Are you a ghost car?" I hesitated and guessed again. "No. You are not a ghost car."

"Oh?" The giant bird in front of him asked, "How can you be sure I'm not a ghost car?"

"Although the ghost car has nine heads like you. But the world has been beheaded in the past. There should be only eight heads left. Besides, I heard about the ghost car before. You are not the ghost car. Is it? "My eyes widened suddenly.

"You're right. The ghost car and I are the same race."

"Isn't the ghost car a mutated phoenix? Where's the same family?"

"Who told you the ghost car was Phoenix?"

"Of course!" Said various research materials on my network. Suddenly remembered that those things were all made up by people. "Zero" is already a game. It's not necessary for the script to copy all those things. Is it true that the ghost cars in "Zero" belong to one family?

"Why not say that?"

"Because I suddenly thought that even figuring out your racial identity didn't make much sense to me." I ventured to the sight of the legendary catastrophe and unknown unknown bird. But the guy in front of him didn't have any power fluctuations. Was it suppressed by the seal? Looking closer at this big guy doesn't seem to have the same spirit. Nine heads are always upright. But his eyes were half-open and half-closed, and he didn't wake up. And it is said that the ghost car was separated by the Phoenix clan. Even if the game script changes at least the basic settings will still be there. Therefore, there should be surging flame power on the ghost body. This would not even be visible to Mars. "It's better to study how to get you out than to care about your origin."

"Do you really want to let me out?"

"I have no resentment with you. You are finally released as a friend. Besides, your greatest enemy, Tian Zhao, is also my enemy. Even if you do not help me. As long as you go to find this old enemy, the trouble for me It's good. Why not do such a good thing? "

"That makes sense."

Now that I had reached an agreement, I began to study the situation of the suspect in front of the ghost car. In order for me to see what he is doing now. He struggled a bit in the battle. Who knows that the seemingly empty space was suddenly covered with shiny red magic lines at the moment when he was struggling. At the same time the arc began to flash. The big bird that cricket is electric doesn't stop screaming.

"Okay. Don't move. Let me see if there is any way to penetrate from the outside."

"You don't have to try it. This seal is restricted in and out. Anything can come in without hindrance. But it is difficult to go out again."

"That's it!" I thought, holding my chin. Then asked: "Is the seal underneath just one layer on the face or the whole underneath?"

"I don't know. I was fainted and brought in."

"Then I'll try it."

Actually my idea is very simple. Since this seal cannot be opened for the time being. It would be better to move the whole side of the seal array directly. This method is not rude. It is the truth that I have come up with after many practices. "Zero" quest levels always like to recommend players to use abnormal means to break through. In other words, the most stupid way is to do things according to the general processing method. The wise man will think of evil ways. For example, encountering a locked door. Most people think about finding keys. A little smarter just hit the door. The smarter simply hit the wall. Not even the door left. The seal in front of it is similar. It may be impossible to open it without a certain strength. But it is not impossible to move it all. At least this method is much simpler than opening the seal directly.

I have to do everything without a magic pet around me. It took a lot of effort to dig a not too deep hole in the face. As a result, it was dug a foot deep and couldn't go down. The bottom seemed to be protected by an energy seal. There is no way to start.

"Doesn't it seem like the guy setting the seal is a complete fool!"

"If I had a simple seal, I would have run out. How can I wait till now?"

"It's okay. You can't use the simple method, let's use the stupid method. Right. Where is the space equipment you said before? I'll put away the pile of things outside before talking."

"It's right next to the corpse at your feet. That's the gourd."

When I heard the ghost car, I immediately looked down at my feet. Sure enough, a gourd was caught in the hands of a corpse. I bent down to pick up the gourd. Who knew that the corpse had just turned into a pile of powder as soon as it came across. "What's going on with these people?" I asked, pointing at the corpse.

The ghost car said a little sadly: "Part of them are my friends. They chased here and tried to rescue me. Who knows that the guards here are too strong. As a result, the two sides have a scuffle. In the end, both sides fought a whole army.

"Your friends are too useless." I said casually.

The ghost car was very angry at me. Immediately questioned me: "How can you say that? They are all senior demons. The power is not under you. If they don't use you, they will shit!"

"Senior demon? Power is above me?" I looked at the corpse again in wonder. "But Tianzhao's men are very weak. Your friend actually did the same with this junk character. This is also awful? Even my men who deal with Tianzhao swept a dozen people by themselves!"

"Who told you these were Tianzhao's men?"


"of course."

"But didn't you say you were sealed here by Tian Zhao?"

"Yes. I was sealed here by Tianzhao. But those who died here were not Tianzhao's men. If it was Tianzhao's men who died here, you think he would not clean up the body of his own. Is the remains decaying here? "

"That's what it is. But what are these people if they are not Tianzhao?"

"Speaking of which you should know. They are people of the Divine Realm."

"Divine Realm? Which Divine Realm?"

"How many gods are there in Middle-earth?"

"Nonsense. There is more divine realm halfway. Who knows what level of divine realm you are talking about?"

The ghost car asked in amazement: "Did there have been many gods in Middle-earth after I was sealed?"

Shook his head. "I don't know what you're talking about. Anyway, I know that there are many divine realms. The Hongmeng realm where the leader of Hongjun lives can be counted as one. The Laojun mansion of Taishang Laojun can also be counted as one. Of course . Both are relatively small. The sky world where the heaven is located is also one. "

"Heaven?" The ghost car thoughtfully said, "Maybe the heaven in your mouth is the divine realm I said. But when I was sealed, there was no saying of heaven. But Yunxiao Shrine is right."

"Fuck. When did you get caught in? Haven't the heavens been set up yet? It seems to be the Hongmeng era?"

"I don't know what you call that era. Anyway, I didn't say so much before being sealed. I have been isolated from the world after being sealed. I don't know what happened outside."

"Then the people in Tianting help Tian Zhao seal you?" I asked as I walked outside and started using the gourd to pack those equipment. This thing feels similar to the purple gold gourd that can collect monsters in the Journey to the West. But it is used to hold things. However, it seemed that it was used by a certain fairy to hold wine. As soon as the lid was opened, there was a rush of wine. After a long time, the Seal of the Seal of God has not deteriorated at all. But I don't have any other equipment to hold things now. Had to take this gourd to dress up.

Here I am listening to the ghost car while loading something into the gourd. "Actually, it was Tianzhao who sealed me. But Tianting was looking for me at the time. They were found here afterwards. After that, my friend came to rescue me. The two sides were hostile. Although they came to me. But the purpose is different. When they meet, they fight. On the contrary, they let Tianzhao collect the benefits of the fishing boat. At that time, if the two people only came to either way, I would not be here now! "

"You are really out of luck!" I packed my equipment and walked back to the large room here. By the way, I started to examine the things scattered around the body. Not to mention. There are really good things. I was very surprised to pick up a blue bead from it. This thing is about the size of a table tennis ball. Its appearance is as smooth as a mirror. It feels a bit stubborn when held in your hand. But there are no burrs on the surface. It feels like a constant electric shock from a low voltage current. I looked at the properties of this thing and asked: "Since Tianzhao had collected fishing profits, why didn't he take these things out here?"

"Because I'm here." The ghost car's answer was quite strange.

"Aren't you sealed?"

"Yes. But my weapon is still outside the seal array. My friend loosened the seal even though he couldn't rescue me. I can infiltrate a little strength. Although this strength is not enough to directly hurt people But I can use my weapon to attack.) Tian Zhao couldn't deal with my weapon at all. So he didn't dare to come and pick up these things. In the end, he could only completely close the place and never care about it again.

"You're not entirely right. At least Tianzhao often flies around here. It just doesn't come down." I said, lifting the ball in my hand.

"Right. What is this? Why can't I use it?"

"That is Thunderball. It has a seal on it. It can only be opened with the master's mana."

"Its owner is dead. Hasn't this thing become waste?"

"That won't happen. You can change the owner by using the secret curse to unlock the seal."

"But I don't know the secret spell!"

"But I know!"

When I heard the ghost car, I immediately begged him to tell me. The ghost car also told me generously. I only saw the properties of this thing after turning on the simple secret curse to re-confess the Lord. The equipment level actually shows that this thing is an artifact. The method of use is to directly input a little magic and throw it out to smash people. It is something simple. However, the properties of this gadget are too simple. Except for the method and level, there are no labels.

Since the attributes are not clear. The easiest way is to try it out. I immediately started to enter magic. It turns out that this thing really can be activated with a little magic. I just entered a five-point magic value and it was saturated. You have to know that the newcomers at level one have twenty basic magical powers. Five points of magic is just a tad to someone at my level. But it is different from low consumption. Immediately after I entered the magic, the thunderbolt lit up a dazzling blue light. At the same time, a dazzling blue arc flashed on the surface. . Now that this thing is activated, of course I want to throw it out immediately to try its power. But the ghost car screamed as soon as it saw my movement. "Don't throw it."

It is a pity. He shouted too slowly. In fact, it took only one or two seconds before and after I entered the magic to throw the thing out. This degree of others is of course unbearable. When I saw the ghost car, I threw the thing out and yelled at me, "Run fast. Use your fastest speed."

"Ah?" Although I didn't fully respond, why did I run? But since the ghost car said it, I decided to run first. Come back later. But the ball fell after I didn't even take a few steps. Then I saw a blue light curtain burst instantly. But the light curtain was not a shock wave. At least not a physical shock wave. My body doesn't feel any strength. But the things that followed were really tangible.

A huge arc passed through my body instantly. The powerful electricity makes me slam a lot. The muscles became stiff for a moment. I fell down like a stick. Following this first strike, the dense arc began to sweep across the space frantically. Walls and roofs fall apart in terrifying energy. Even the seal array of the seal ghost car flickered violently.

In fact, that's all I have seen. The reason is that I hung up. For a long time, I was killed in a complete state. And it is still the type of accidental injury. One can imagine what the consequences would be if they were hit directly.

When I regained consciousness again, I was already standing in a temple of resurrection. He was still holding the gourd of temporary equipment. Sudden scene changes made me sting. Following me was awakened by a riot. Because I just discovered that I was actually resurrected in a Japanese city. None of the Japanese players in front of me knew me. Suddenly there is nothing wrong with my big devil? Almost all the surrounding Japanese players instinctively pulled out their weapons. At this time, my contact with the magic pets suddenly recovered completely. The call of the hearts of the magic pets kept ringing. I felt the turning teleportation ring disappeared in the Temple of Resurrection. At this time, it is better not to conflict with these Japanese. I didn't come here to fight. You must first understand the situation.

The coordinates just transmitted is Fulcrum City. As soon as I got out of the teleportation, I immediately connected with the magic pet's communication. The first to speak was Ling. "How did you get killed, Master?" The magic pet and the master can sense each other. So since they can communicate with me, it means that they can sense my position. Of course I won't ask where I am anymore.

Instead of answering Ling's question, he asked instead: "Where are you all? Have Xiaochun and Yeying been found?"

"Everyone has assembled. Now we are all rushing to your side. It will be here in a while."

"Did you see Tianzhao?"

"I don't know. After you were trapped, we lost our sense of contact with you. Because we can't help you if we stay there. So we all left that side and returned to Tianzhao Province. We found the well and returned here Side of the normal world. "

"I see. Come back first."


After the communication was cut off, I was very depressed and walked to the bank where the fulcrum was located. After I found a room and closed the door, I started to sort out the contents of that gourd. By the way, waiting for the return of the magic pets. That's really depressing. It wasn't until just now that I wanted to understand what was going on.

Of course, the thunder ball I threw out was a one-time item. That's why I blasted myself back. Generally, the equipment in "Zero" will have the basic attribute mark. The Thunderbolt just had an instruction manual and a grade mark. This shows that it is not general equipment at all but typical disposable equipment. The reason I won was because I didn't expect it to be a one-time item. After all, artifact-level equipment that can only be used once is too rare. There are a lot of disposable equipment in "Zero" ~ ~ but they are basically low-level items like feather arrows. I have never heard of disposable artifacts before. But in general, disposable equipment can only be used once. Therefore, the attributes are generally higher than the equipment of the same level. It's like the sword and detonation crystal in white gear. White equipment's long sword attack is generally only five hundred. The highest one has only heard of more than 700. However, the base damage of the initiating crystal of the same white equipment level is almost three thousand. This comparison shows the power of disposable equipment. The thunderball just said is a grenade. It is an artifact of its own. Plus it belongs to disposable equipment. ╰ →) So the power is far more general artifact. As a result, I seriously underestimated its power. Eventually he was killed together. I knew it was a one-time artifact and I was not willing to throw it! You should know that the black market price of current artifact-level equipment has been copied to nearly ten million crystal coins. This is still garbage in the artifact. Do n’t even touch it if you do n’t have one billion crystal coins or more like this level of my dragon set. But the thought of throwing out nearly ten million crystals as soon as I thought about it, and once I had killed myself, I was depressed and wanted to vomit blood.

"It's okay. And you are here." I packed my heart and said to the gourd in my hand. Think about it, it is better to take things out and transfer them to Fenglong Space. How to say this gourd is not a thing to put equipment. Don't bother with any problems. In the way the ghost car said before, I turned the gourd over and spoke the spell. Then he yanked the stopper. Who knows that the equipment did not come out but first sprayed a liquid with a strong smell of wine. The liquid level in the room had not crossed my ankle before I reacted. "Fuck. Isn't this the equipment of Bacchus?"

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