Starting from Zero

Vol 16 Chapter 108: Underground maze network

After a good price, I started to wait at the cave with the little guy. | Why wait? Don't we need to clear out the caverns that are clogged up?

My guardian steel claw temporarily acts as an excavator. Who calls this guy good at big holes! After a while, the hole was cleared out. It can be seen that the collapse was not just a small area outside, but the internal situation was also very bad, but compared to the hole, it was barely passable. After retracting the steel claws, I started advancing into the hole.

For me with dark vision, the dark hole does not cause much trouble. The more troublesome is the ground gravel and the narrow cave wall. I have to drill in this kind of thing to continue deep. It took us more than half an hour and we only advanced less than 300 meters. This **** place is really unbearable.

"How deep is this ghost place?"

"I don't know. I have never been here before, so I saw it for the first time like you!" The little guy's explanation made me helpless, and I just shut up and continued to explore.

Thanks to my magic dragon suit, even gloves, in this kind of place, if the average mage class must be exhausted, and the clothes will be broken by the broken edges of the rock. In contrast, armor like the Dragon Set is much cheaper. At least I can smash everything that blocks the way, and even if there is a bump, it will not cause much damage to the armor.

After continuing to move forward for about thirty meters, the cave became more spacious, at least now there is no need to crawl, and you can walk normally by bending a little waist. Due to the improvement of the road, our progress has increased significantly. After another half an hour, we ran across the nearly two kilometers long underground tunnel in one breath and suddenly appeared a relatively wide area in front.

"Wow! What a beauty!" Although the little guy is an illusion, he is aesthetically similar to humans.

The space in front of him is almost as large as a small airfield, but it is not all rock. The road under our feet looked forward into a lot of bifurcations, extending regularly and irregularly like the veins of leaves. There are clear flowing water between the road and the road, but I do n’t know why the water is green. The green light makes the whole hole look like a dream, it is very beautiful. Women's winter coat m.

"Why is there still water here?"

"It's probably an underground river," the little guy guessed. "Isn't there a lake outside our forest? Maybe these two places are open to the ground, maybe."

I nodded. Then I watched more than thirty cave entrances across from us and asked, "What do you do now? Do you have a way to make sure that the right way is?"

The little boy immediately shook his head like a rattle. "I'm a phantom and not a seeker. Things like finding a way are not my strengths."

"Really. You have to rely on yourself at the crucial moment!" I reached out. A little black hole unfolded in front of me. A large number of ghost beetles swarmed and scattered towards each hole. I turned to the little guy and said, "Now wait for news here! We will know the general structure of the place in a moment."

The way the ghost worm finds its way is very simple. Because they keep in touch with me. So we can roughly determine the location of the other party through the perception ability. In this way, when these little guys left, my immobile center became the basic coordinates. Then based on their route, I can quickly build a three-dimensional model of the hole in the brain. If any bug encounters a dead end, it will be the end. Then when all the bugs have detected the route, I will have a map of the entire hole. Because the number of bug land is amazing. So even if there are more roads, I can come over. This is the equivalent of walking through every fork.

After waiting for a while, there will be several ghosts appearing in the dead end. Then there were three groups that actually merged after being separated. Other crews are continuing their exploration. After a while, most of the bugs encountered a dead end. And the remaining seven road bugs that did not encounter the dead end actually went around the same road. I follow the shortest memory route in my brain. Then we quickly reached that huge meeting point.

This place is a hole larger than the previous space, but it is not as beautiful as the previous hole. This huge hole is circular, with a water puddle in the center that covers almost a third of the area. The dark green pond water is very strangely illuminated by a fluorescent plant growing on the top of the cave, and there are many forks around the periphery of the pond, some of which are the road when we came, and some others I don't know where to go. I still dispatch the bugs to find the way the same way, and I waited here with the little ones, but the bug happened to me as soon as I walked.

I was talking with the little guy about how to deal with the strongest illusion in a while. Suddenly I heard a loud noise next to me, and a dozen water columns exploded in the water pool. Because this place is so big, no one and I have run away, they all poured it through, but fortunately, the little guy can atomize, and then return

It fell. I was impermeable because I was wearing armor.

"Fuck, what is this?" Although we were shocked by the water, we quickly noticed the monster in the pool. This is a monster I have never seen before. It is almost as large as a large villa. The whole body is oblate like a crab body, but there are dozens of thick tentacles under it. The whole thing is dark green, the surface of the potholes looks abnormally disgusting, and the whole body has a small dense mouth and a huge big mouth, all of which have teeth in them, and they are all sharp and abnormal.

As soon as the disgusting monster came out, he rolled over at us with tentacles, and the little guy reacted fast enough to turn into a mist. The monster's tentacle swept back and forth on him several times and couldn't catch him at all, eventually all rolled over at me.

"Half a month."

Two and a half moons detached from the ring of precepts and then guarded me separately. I originally thought that those tentacles would be cut into sections by the flying half moon. I did not expect those tentacles to turn in a fierce direction in the air. The top of the cave went up. Apparently this guy noticed for half a month and knew it would be hurt by this thing, so he changed his strategy. However, this guy does not seem to have an organ similar to the eyes, and it is estimated that the goal is achieved by vibration or the like. Just now that guy changed my strategy in half a month, and this guy is still very cunning. He didn't attack me, but he used the tentacles to pull the top of the cave directly. As a result, the rock on the top of the cave fell like a rain. . Although half-moon was sharp and sharp, it was absolutely impossible to fly directly when it was hit by a large rock. As a result, half-moon that protected me was smashed under the stone.

Immediately after the obstruction disappeared, the monster rolled up the tentacles again. I lowered my head and flashed off one of the tentacles. I followed the original position and rolled over 360 degrees in the air. After landing, I flashed the other three tentacles again. The monster immediately called for more tentacles to roll over, but this time he was not so lucky.


The huge body of the tank smashed into the hole, and the monster's tentacles quickly entangled the tank's body, but the tank was covered with hard armor, and molluscs like this monster could not take him at all. The tank didn't hate these disgusting things like me. He directly used the forelimbs that assisted in feeding and stuffed his tentacles in his mouth and ate. The monster didn't expect to encounter such a fierce one, and he started to devour his body directly, scared him to hide behind, but unfortunately the tentacle could not be pulled back by being dragged by the tank, but before this time The ghost beetles that I discharged also crawled back. I saw a black sea of ​​insects hitting the monster, and in the sound of a rustle, the monster completely disappeared before our eyes.

"Your pet is terrible!" The little guy floated back and said to me, "If you often let them go out like this to scare us, we can imitate this kind of thing to scare us later."

"Although these little guys are strong, they are group strengths. Individuals are actually very weak, so you better not become them. It would be a shame to be trampled to death."

"I'm just talking! By the way, have you found a way?"

"Yes, but we have to go the other way first."


"That's why." After ten minutes, pointing at a large piece of shiny black crystals, I answered the little guy's question ten minutes ago ~ ~ My original intention was just to let the ghosts help me explore the way, Unexpectedly, they found me a natural black crystal mine. Although the range of this mine is small, the quality is surprisingly high. Essinger ’s defense with a giant magic array now requires a large block of high-quality black crystals as an energy conversion device. I did n’t expect to find it here.

"These things are useful to you?" The little ones are special creatures. Although these black crystals are like delicious food to undead creatures, they are almost like garbage to them.

I briefly explained the purpose of this thing to the little guy, and then unfolded the gate of the earth directly in the mining area, so that this guy is really right. We have walked at least seven or eight kilometers deep from the entrance to the cave. In the end, I don't know what this guy thinks, even digging such a big hole.

In the next few hours, the throne of the Seal of God and I spent the constant exploration and advancement. We ran a total of nearly 30 kilometers before and after we finally found the clue of the magic. Right in front of us is an ordinary passageway. The difference is that the picture of this passageway will flicker twice from time to time. Obviously, this is an unstable illusion, which means that the magic demon lives inside. The little guy and I glanced at each other, then stepped in together.

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