Starting from Zero

Vol 16 Chapter 138: Accidental secret discovery

Why don't you know where you are? "

"Because we were pulled in."

"What is deadlifting in?"

Rebecca explained helplessly: "We were tracking Venus, but she teleported to a huge ruin, and then we followed in, but it was like a maze, and we followed without knowing how to go Where did it go! "

"Maze? Ruins? Shouldn't you be in the wet ruins full of Mayan writing and plant vines outside Paris?"

"Well, what are you doing, master?"

"Dizzy! Don't worry, I know where you are!" Venus, who I sent for a long time, actually followed us into the ruins above the Sigma Sea city, and tossed for a long time I had to Running back is really depressing!

When I returned to the city of Sigmars, this area has become a busy large construction site. Countless underwater creatures and various large machinery are busy with construction. Despite the installation of several powerful filters, the entire city is still The water was turbid and turbid. Basically, nothing was seen beyond 20 meters. However, for the time being, the water quality problem could not be managed for the time being, and the water in the whole city would be changed again in the future.

Without saying hello to the person in charge here, I directly found the elders of the Sigmars, and they were very surprised to see me go and reverse.

"Are you okay?" Several elders asked me, looking at me.

"I think you build the ground above the ground?"

"Buildings on the ground?" One of them replied old and confused: "We Sigmars can't leave the water. How is it possible to build a building on the ground? Who can use it once it is built?"

Said the same! Sigmars are not ashore like mermaids. They are downright aquatic species. What is the purpose of building a 6-story building? "So the above building is not your land repair. So how did you get here? Seeing the result here seems to be the underground part of the above building! It feels like the two sides are unified and unified structure. It does not make Jiadi Ah! Could it be that you moved in later? "

"Yeah!" The veteran nodded surely. "We found this place after being separated from the mermaids. Afterwards, we accidentally touched the authorities and closed it permanently. Then we couldn't go out. But it was strange to say."

"Strange? What's strange?"

"We fled from the bottom of the sea at the beginning. Later, there was such a thing as a cave and it came in. Then we touched the agency and sealed the exit by mistake. We were still happy at the time. After all, the exit was blocked. No, but we ca n’t stay here when the throne of the Seal of Time is long? Then we made a drilling equipment to make a hole. The hole was penetrated. The result surprised us. When we first entered the ground, we were at the bottom of the sea. That is to say, we should be surrounded by water. But after we penetrated this thing, all the outside turned into rocks and dirt. At first we thought that the digging direction was wrong. So we just Dig up. As a result, a drilling rod actually penetrated the ceiling and saw the sky. It also means that our ground position has changed to 6.

I immediately understood what the sigma-hai elders wanted to express. "You mean that the ruin has moved as a whole after you entered?"

The veteran nodded. "What's even more surprising is that we didn't even know when it was moving during the move."

After listening to the elders, I suddenly thought of a rather absurd possibility. Isn't this ruin a spaceship? Or it is a city that can move like Isinger's Mobile Fortress, and this thing is also equipped with at least a space jumper, otherwise it is impossible to move from the bottom of the sea to the 6 grounds in France without any movement such as vibration. Variety. No matter how stable the transportation device is, as long as the physical translation is born, there will definitely be an addition or subtraction process, and the change of the movement state is easy to feel. Besides, climbing such a big thing from the bottom of the sea to the 6th floor and driving into the jungle zone near Paris, how wide a ditch must be? How could anyone know so much? The only explanation is that this thing can make a space jump, otherwise it is impossible to move silently from the bottom to the 6th floor. Besides, the relief on the surface of this thing, I know at a glance that it is a product of the Mayan civilization, that is to say, if this thing is not good, it was not originally at the bottom of the sea. It may have been in the South American jungle at first. Later, I did not know how to move The bottom of the sea, and then somehow took the Sigma sea tribe to the 6th ground. Before I entered here, I observed the size of the ruins. This thing should not be much smaller than Isinger's Mobile Fortress. It may even be a similar thing. If such a big guy is really a moving fortress, the value is not ordinary. Like that. No, this is not a trivial matter.

"Shut down."


"Shut down now and go and call the designers."


"I'll explain when someone arrives. Now I'll stop the work first, but fortunately, the main project has not started yet."

Although I do n’t know what I mean, I am now the new owner here. My elders of the Sigmar Sea order were executed immediately, and the construction team stopped shortly, and the heads of all departments were called by me. together. Looking at the man in the room in front of me, I began to explain. "Let you

There is a reason. I just came up with a problem. This is a large floating fortress with space jumping capabilities like the Isinger Mobile Fortress. It may even be an urban spaceship. "

As soon as my words came out, it immediately became a mess, and even the people of the Sigmars began a fierce discussion. There is no need to explain the next thing. It is not a fool to be a supervisor. If it is really a mobile fortress, then it is obviously not suitable to build underwater buildings here. Spatial jumping is converted by mass, which means that if you jump with so much water, it will cost nothing and consume a lot of energy, which is too conversion. And once this thing is really moving, then it will definitely be put into the battlefield as the main force of the first-line battle, and the Sigmar Sea race is obviously not the main race, and it is obviously not a good idea to bring them to the front line. In this way, everyone understands why I don't let them continue construction. In case my guess is true, then the current construction results have to be demolished and restarted. Instead of wasting it, don't make it at the beginning.

"But the president," one of our guild designers asked, "what time shall we wait now?"

"You don't have to wait." I explained directly without waiting for them: "The method is very simple. Whether it is a mobile fortress or a fixed city that cannot be moved, there must be some infrastructure here, so you can start with these things. Construction, and I think you can come up with two sets of plans, put together the things that will be used in the two plans, and wait until I determine the situation here before you carry out special construction. "

"President. Although your approach is feasible, the design style of the two structures will be very different, and there should not be too many identical things, so at best we can only work for a short period of time. The Seal of Throne is too long and we must stop. "

"You can fight for the Seal of the Throne a little bit at a time! It won't work. You don't have to stop first."

"Since you said that, let me do it first."

The elite policy that the Bank has been pursuing has brought a good command execution rate, and everything can be executed quickly within the throne of the Seal of God. There is no need to hold a marathon meeting. Everyone is a smart person. Most of the questions have been finalized in a few words. Let's talk about the rest first. If not, go back and discuss it.

Although the plan can only be done in this way, the pressure on my side has become relatively greater. I thought it was a simple thing, but now it seems far from simple as imagined, and because I don't want to delay the construction progress, I must move fast. In this way, relying on me alone is a bit unreliable, we must find a way to call someone. But now I start to suffer again! Our guild is still in a state of war. I am already out of the battlefield. It would be awkward if we were to draw people from the guild, which would affect our overall strategic layout. Both sides are light and heavy, but I still weigh it out. But where am I going to get so many people? Can't you just rely on my summons?

Thinking about it, I suddenly thought of the local snake. This ghost place is considered to be in France. Although the European Temple of Light was forced to be divided into two because of the last war with our guild, it has now basically sorted out its forces. The so-called hundred-footed insects die but are not rigid. The power of the Temple of Light in France can be described as ingrained. After having cultivated for such a period of time, the Throne of the Seal of God should be able to help me with tasks.

Immediately after thinking of the Fa, I was going to find someone to borrow from the Temple of Light, but I was caught by people as soon as I was ready to leave. "President Ziri, I finally found you!"

"It's you!" It was the former female archer who pulled me, but after seeing the sigma sea tribe, I was so excited that I forgot her out of the clouds. If I hadn't returned now, she didn't know What should we do. The creatures in this place can't be moved, and I'm not paying attention to her at all.

"I finally saw you." The female archer hurried to complain to me, and I had to apologize, after all, did I forget her!

"Sorry, sometimes people like me can easily miss things as soon as they get busy. It's really embarrassing. Since you are here, just go with me to the Temple of Light."

"The Temple of Light? Why go there?"

"Go borrow."

"Borrow? Can anyone in the Temple of Light borrow it?" The female archer didn't believe it.

"You can't do it, but I can."


I pulled the female archer and walked directly into the teleportation array. I clicked on the number of the transmissive array inside the Temple of Light in Paris. Then I saw the information that required authentication. I put my magic mark on it and the authentication passed immediately. After a flash we have appeared in the teleportation array in the Temple of Light Temple. As soon as the female archer came out, she looked around in amazement. After all, this place is the main hall of the bright temple. Most people are not allowed to teleport directly here. Others can only teleport to the simple teleportation array on the lawn outside the hall. Then we climbed up the nearly one thousand steps to the temple, but we went directly to the inside of the temple without even passing the doorman.

"How did you get in?"

"Thanks in here!"

"I know, just ...!"

"I have the privilege, so I can directly connect to this internal teleportation array. The average person must be a mage or priest who has reached a certain level of the Light Department. Of course, if you are a Light Festival

You can use this teleporter regardless of your level. Okay, now ask West, don't lose with me. "

After I finished speaking, I started walking towards the back of the main hall, and everyone in the main hall quickly gave way to both sides after seeing me, and even those bright knights saw me and quickly gave way to the side of the road. The female archer saw that her jaw almost didn't fall, but she couldn't help but asked. We passed through the main hall and reached the gate to the backyard. The four bright Templar knights, who were not idle at first glance, guarded the gate. The fierce armor and the holy light on the body looked quite imposing, female arrows. Immediately after seeing my hand, I pulled my arm a little scared and hoped that I would not go there. After all, this is a thousand-level advanced guard. Legend has it that any player's advanced level can be placed in the monster area, which is ss-level existence. And it's not the usual little ss. However, I was not as timid as she was, and I walked over directly. What surprised the female archer was to see me coming. The four knights not only asked nothing but slammed a knight ceremony. After the ceremony, The two knights leaning on the door also offered to open the door for me. As for me, I went straight into the back yard without even looking at them.

The female archer walked through the door a long way before she called up the courage and asked, "I always thought you were the No. 1 on the battle list, and that you were the boss of the amazing Frost Rose League, but I didn't expect You are so powerful. Why do those guards respect you so much? "

My feet kept on, and my mouth explained: "If the British come to your country, what will happen to your government security guards when they see him?"

"Of course you will be greeted very respectfully!"

"I'll be here too."


"But you just ..."

"Is the president of a guild?" The female hand didn't answer, but her expression obviously acquiesced in my statement. "Although I am only the president of a guild, our guild defeated the Temple of Light."

"What? You bashed ..."

I covered her mouth. "What's so loud? We Chinese have a saying to beat people not to face, to curse people not to expose them. Do you yell here to let the people in the temple of light kill you? They are afraid of me or not you." The scared female archer really quieted down immediately. "Well, follow me honestly, don't talk anymore. We'll see the goddess of light for a while, I'm ashamed of you!"

"God of Brightness?" The female archer remembered the banned voice as soon as she called out four words, and quickly covered her mouth. "I am silent, I am silent."

I glanced back at her, and said nothing about her little daughter-in-law. She was not under my control anyway, and I was not qualified to educate her. "Okay, keep up!"

As we proceeded along the way, we met some master priests and maids along the way, and there would be more senior angel guards at the intersection. But here they only have one attitude towards me, and that is respect. Everyone flashed aside as soon as they saw me, and I didn't look at them at all. After passing through most of the palaces, you will reach the second half of the Temple Mount. There are basically no ordinary humans here. Looking at all the angels, even the maids are of the angel family.

We finally stopped in front of a very gorgeous gate. The decoration of the gate here is obviously different from the outside. The gorgeousness is even too luxurious for the female archer, a French native, but she still remembers that I do n’t want to. Asked to speak, so said nothing. Standing outside the gate are six angelic gods with golden armors. These guys are all dressed very gorgeously. If you didn't know that they were exaggerated seniors, you would think they were wearing artwork instead of armor.

"Where's the goddess?" Naturally, I have to save face on others' grounds, and it's not easy to call Philindy's name directly.

"Please let us know." One of the angels responded to me and immediately turned around and entered the briefing, but he quickly ran out and said that Flynndir invited us in ~ ~ After all, just go Form, Felin Deere didn't dare to see me. In addition to her temple in Europe now, there is also a light temple of Marilyn. As long as my side is tilted, the other side is definitely not confused.

After the angel came out to respond to me, several other angels immediately came up to help push the door open, and the female archer and I went straight in.

The gate closed suddenly behind us, and the female archer was a little uncomfortable because the light inside was too strong. "Why is it so bright here?"

"Please, people are coming from the God of Light. Since it is the Temple of Light, there cannot be darkness in nature, so the permanent light technique is here. Is the light everywhere? But I personally think that the Temple of Darkness is more environmentally friendly At least, they knew to turn off the lights. "The female archer was obviously amused by my words, but she did not dare to laugh too much, and the result was a flushed face. "If you want to laugh, just laugh! You don't have to pretend to be here. There is no one here, so you don't care about etiquette."


"Of course." I said that I had reached the middle of the room, and behind the veil, there was a beautiful woman sitting. "Villindir, your palace is getting more and more luxurious?"

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