Starting from Zero

Vol 16 Chapter 151: Gather together 1

Starvation is the easiest way to kill these bugs. Taya said that + 's life is derived from energy, and its own consumption is actually quite large, so as long as they are not allowed to eat, they will be starved quickly. And there is an advantage to doing this is that these bugs In the early period, although the defense was very exaggerated, other attributes can be said to be very bad. Even if you clamp them, you can easily control these guys. In our era, the Kushen people were pests during the war. Throw it into the area we didn't notice first and let it breed. When we are now these guys have reproduced | Variable is quite difficult to control, so it will be so horrible. The benefits of this hunger eradication method were initially killed They are all frontal generation bugs, and killing a second generation of bugs is equivalent to reducing the number of whole swarms by half. If you can kill one generation, you are destroying the entire swarm. "

Venus followed immediately: "It really makes sense to say so. It seems that Ziri is using the most correct method now, but you must not let them run out! Is there a way to block it?"

"I'm afraid not!" Taya said, "I can only help you delay their escape. Although the pests are not strong, their mouthparts have the characteristic of ignoring all defenses, and they can bite through any defense. Therefore, even if you lower the defensive wall, it is nothing more than blocking them. If you want to trap them, you must target them specifically. Before these guys grow up, what they really do is mouth defense. Just be careful not to start from its back. You won't be asked if you are bitten. "

When I heard this, I hurried: "Anyway, you lower the defensive wall and block it for a while, but pay attention to the defensive wall in case the worms pass, don't keep us behind."

"To understanding."

With Taya's control, a series of isolation plates began to appear on the wall in front of the channel. These isolation plates quickly closed the channel, and the bugs began to bite the channel wall as the Taya said. Originally, according to our thoughts, even if a bug can bite through a wall and drill through it, it should not be too fast. With such a delay, it can definitely be caught by eternity, but when asked, we ignored the intelligence of the bug.

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