Starting from Zero

Vol 16 Chapter 164: Super form (on)

Chapter 164 of the Sixteenth Volume from the Beginning (Part One)

ok, I'll see you perform next! Immediately after the gun was spoken, they ran all the way to the outer area of ​​the barrier. Anyway, now they are in team mode, even if they run far. They can still get the experience value after killing the worms. Seeing them Immediately after I ran away, I started the final skill. Divine Realm-the ultimate complete body. "The area around me suddenly suddenly. Following all my summoned creatures suddenly appeared one by one in the surrounding space and quickly turned into a ghost image rushing towards me and eventually disappeared into my body. Immediately following my body suddenly turned into a white light group and disappeared instantly.

As I disappeared. God is standing at the top of a high-rise building in the fringe area of ​​the hood, watching my changes through the collimator shot by himself. At this moment, God whispered while watching: "At present, it has only improved a lot. I basically only see one light here. It seems that this is not his limit."

The black widow said, "How much strength will you hide from Japan?"

"I can only tell you that he is hiding more than we are. As for how much, then ask yourself."

"Let's wait and see!"

During the discussion between the two guys, he had been shot at a lightning bug in front of a big bug. The Gun God also picked up the telescope at this time and planned to see how I fought. But what happened next scared him. Gun God failed to wait until he expected to fight. He only saw the light group I changed hit the bug. Then it's like hitting a table tennis table. The light group I changed rebounded again and flew to the next target. The bug I just passed has disappeared.

The black widow also held a looking glass and said, "I didn't see the experience value Ziri overflowing when the worm was killed. It should be sealed in a similar way to the target."

"But the problem is that this degree is too fast! If you say that a streamer is moving, that's a good explanation. After all, it's straightness. But the process of catching a bug is a very complicated movement. How could he be in Completed in such a short time in the Seal of the Seal of God? The skills in the game gave him the degree to complete all of this, but after all, we are all human. Do you think you can do that kind of behavior after giving you that degree? "

"It may not be true. Actually you don't have such a degree now." The widow thought for a while and added: "Of course. There may also be Ziri in reality is a monster with human-like reflex nerves."

Although the black widow is just guessing. But the fact is that she is not far from the truth, even if someone tells her the facts, she would not believe it. Besides, she could not tell her this fact. As Dragons, our thinking is n times higher than that of normal people, just like the microcomputers used at home and the giant computers in state-level laboratories. Not an order of magnitude at all.

In the time when the Black Widow and Gun God blindly guessed, I had flown over countless bugs. And all of these bugs disappeared in situ. In fact, this effect looks amazing. It is actually a very simple matter.

You can imagine it. My current degree. The bugs are almost negligible, which means that to me, the bugs can basically be regarded as completely stationary. And want to catch a bug that won't move at all. Then all I have to do is to take out the imprisonment device and put the bug in, and then throw the insect imprisonment device into the dragon. The reason they seem to the gun **** is that I lost a worm when I flew over it. I totally thought I speeded up the above action by 10,000 times. So in their opinion, I flew over the bug and the bug disappeared.

The Gun God couldn't guess how I did it. But he could guess my intention to drive them out. I said before that I was afraid of accidentally injuring him, but now my fighting style is basically limited precision strike. There were no accidental injuries at all. The reason why he said that was because he didn't want him to see my actual actions. To say that accidental injury is just an excuse.

"Shall we follow up now?" The black widow asked suddenly.

The Gun God thought for a moment or hand stopped the action of the Black Widow. I do n’t think it ’s okay. If you do n’t stay away from the beginning, it ’s okay. But if you rely on it again, then Ziri has a 90% probability that you will be killed directly. "


Will get you near him. "

"Of course. And you don't think that Zi Ri's current situation is his hidden strength. This guy has not done his best at all. I see that his skill has time to seal the throne

It should be true that when the throne of the Seal of God is about to arrive, it should be able to wield its own strength. We just have to wait. "

Gunslinger's guess is actually very accurate. After catching a lot of bugs in succession, I started flying towards the core area where the bugs gathered. This bug gathering area might have been a lively shop. Then when the insect disaster broke out, many people in the hardest hit area were thrown here. And bugs chasing food naturally gather the most here.

Seeing that I finally flew to this area, the gun **** immediately struck twelve minutes and started staring at me. He and Black Widow's hole cards are now seen by me. So he also desperately wanted to see my hole cards. Even if it's not as big as my hand. At least you can choose to give up after knowing your hole cards. But if you do n’t even know it. That would be a big deal. However, the idea of ​​the gun **** is too common. So I naturally knew what he was thinking. But I just didn't want him to see my hole cards.

Flying over the bug gathering area, I stopped suddenly. That group of light groups also instantly reduced to human form. But the Gun God was a stun when he saw the human form.

"Who is this woman?" The widow rubbed her eyes in surprise. What a beautiful face! "

"Fool. That's purple."

Keep staring at me. Is Ziri so drifting? "


"Have you seen it?" The black widow answered suspiciously.

"Well. What's wrong?"

"The technique that Ziri used just now is to make all of his summoned creatures into a person together with his own size. Usually Ziri's large size has been modified in his own appearance. That small silver moon Naturally, it is reversed. Ziri looks relatively men. Yinyue is too feminine. From this, it can be judged that Ziri is a big man who has strengthened his male characteristics in his original appearance. So now this It is probably his true face in reality. "

"Is Ziri?"

"No. It is exactly the same. He is a man. Even if there is any change in appearance. Personality cannot be disguised. Zi Ri is definitely a man who just grows beautiful! You should know. The yellow race is born thinner than our white people. Closer to the female image than our whites. Ziri itself is more beautiful. So it looks like a woman. But what I care about now is what tricks he intends to use to solve these bugs? Come on! Come on! Let me see The true level of your number one player in the world! "Gun God said that he was basically talking to himself afterwards. After all, this moment is so important to him

Suddenly floating on the swarm at this moment, my whole body suddenly turned red. Followed by a huge red magic wheel appeared in front of me. Neither Gunslinger nor Black Widow knew this thing. But if there is a subordinate **** at this time, he will definitely recognize this thing. Because it is the wheel of commandment. The true wheel of commandment has been sealed in the city of commandments of our guild. And what I'm calling now is just an enhanced version of the ring of commandments. Because it has the attributes of summoning creatures. My current strength is leaps and bounds. In this state, all skills have mutated ~ ~ Among them, the circle of commandments has evolved into the wheel of commandments. The biggest difference between the Ring of Commandments and the Ring of Commandments is that the Wheel of Commandments is complete. It is free to choose the commandments rather than randomly.

Just less than two seconds after the appearance of this huge disciplinary wheel. A golden magic circle with a complex magic pattern came out of the center of the commandment ring and formed a complete magic circle with it. The outer circle of this magic circle is the ring of ring that is rotating clockwise. The inner circle is a golden magic array that rotates counterclockwise-the wheel of destiny. In fact, noodles are the wheel of fate of Victoria's signature skills. Only because now we are in harmony. So I can use all of my summoning skills.

Just as the two light wheels formed, I suddenly turned sideways with my left hand and stretched out a vertical false grip. A large number of golden light spots surged in the space and formed a long golden bow in my follow. I followed my right hand to the bow of that bow and slowly pulled it back. With my hand open. The bow actually pulled out a golden light arrow. What's strange is that the tip of this arrow actually has a Taiji figure rotating slowly.

"Haha. Zi Ri is going to make a big move!" Gun God exclaimed excitedly. come quickly! Let me see what skills you have hidden. "

When the gun **** shouted, I also shouted the skill name. The death of the law of destiny is constant. "

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