Starting from Zero

Vol 16 Chapter 196: Repelled!

The succubus was about to run away. Who knew that Xiao Chun suddenly came out from the front, a holy lightsaber slashed in the head, and scared the succubus, but she passed the holy light in a dangerous way. Immediately afterwards, she used a charm spell on Xiaochun, and very badly, Xiaochun was in the short state of weakness after the spell was released, and she was immediately hit. Xiaochun, who was controlled by charm, directly lost a resurrection to the succubus, and as a result, the injury that caused the succubus to have a headache was healed. The wound that Shenlong left was not so easy to heal, but the problem is that Xiaochun's ability to treat is also sub-god. As a result, the pain that has been unable to heal was suddenly healed, even the succubus himself. Hesitated for a moment. At that time, the charm of Xiaochun was just her subconscious reaction. She was only trying to solve the enemy in front of her, but she did not expect to have a class healer.

"Hahahaha ... today is really lucky!" The succubus who was running away suddenly turned and turned to face us, but Xiaochun suddenly struggled and fell after she healed the healing technique. The succubus hadn't recovered her appearance when she used Charm just now, so the effect was discounted, and she could control the existence of this level of Xiaochun for more than ten seconds, but now her injury has completely recovered. This is not a simple problem.

When we chased near the succubus, we just saw her turn and greet us. Before we could react, we saw that she pressed on the seam of the armor on her chest, and the armor on her body seemed to pull off the satin. The gift box that came with her suddenly broke down and fell from her. Until this time we were not able to see her true face.

The succubus in front of you can basically be considered a humanoid with wings. Among the most well-known winged humanoids are angels and demons, but the succubus is different from them. She has a pair of huge wings like angels, but not the same as angels. Her feathers are not solid, but colored. Most of the angel's wings are white, and there are some who will wear other colors because of the special genus, but they are all one color anyway. This succubus' wings are like peacocks, and they look as if they are long on their backs. Like two pairs of rainbows.

But even if her wings are dyed in a color, no one will think of her as an angel, because there will always be only two types of angel clothing, either a solid-colored robe or metal armor, and the angel's facial features are all It is such a pure and peaceful appearance, even if it is very beautiful, it will only be cute, but this succubus is very dressed. She wore a pair of large red over-the-knee boots, a seven-inch high-heeled heel and a tight-knit boot that stretched her two legs very slender, and it looked like it could provoke a man's original impulse. Above the red boots is a section of snow-white thighs. Since the skin of the succubus is very white, plus the background of the boots, the thighs are even more dazzling in comparison. On the top of the succubus is a red tight leather coat similar to a swimsuit. The waist of the leather coat has golden armor similar to a corset, which not only outlines the succubus's waist very sultry, but also plays a certain role. Protective effect. The lower part of the leather coat is similar to the briefs, but there is a circle of translucent tulle skirt at the lower edge of the waist, and it is still asymmetrical. The front of the skirt is shorter than the short skirt. It can only cover the bottom of the important triangle just a little. As long as the succubus is moving, the skirt will occasionally float out of the bottom of the briefs. The back of the skirt is exactly the opposite of the front. It is even longer than the legs of the succubus. If she stands on the ground, the back swing will definitely drag the floor. The upper body of the succubus is the red tight body. But this thing is a strapless style. The upper part is just obscured and it is gone, and the design of this stuff is obviously a bit of work. The area of ​​the obscuration can cover all the important parts but can be seen. Imagination. The back of that dress is even more exaggerated than the front. The top is almost only at the waist, and only the front is covered by the chest. It can be said that most of the back of the succubus is direct except for a few straps. Outside. Above this dress, there is a golden neck ring on the succubus's neck. The center of the neck ring is a huge ruby, and the lower edge of the neck ring is connected with several golden thin chains that extend to both sides. On the golden cuff on the arm. On the forearm of the succubus is also a pair of large red leather long gloves. The back edge of the glove has a gold metal lock. The front of the glove extended into a line of red and black metal claws. That metal claw looks similar to a glove, but the tip of each finger is extremely sharp. It is obvious that it is weaponized equipment. It is really strange to be caught by this thing without leaving five bloodstains. Compared with the set of powerful equipment, the decoration of the succubus head is much less. This succubus has a beautiful face, but that face and nobleness and cuteness are not touched at all. The word seductive probably describes her appearance. Speaking of Matsumoto, his wife Ma Gong Athena looks like a succubus, but Ma Gong Athena looks charming, but in fact it is an iceberg, and the succubus is apparently the same. The perfect melon seed face is slightly sharpened, and a pair of large eye-catching eyes is surrounded by blue and green eyeshadows. The small mouth that is red to **** is slightly upturned. With the small nose, it is very attractive. Easily fascinated by it. A faint blue head hangs straight below the waist, and the only one on the head hangs three gorgeous red feathers.

In addition to the above, the colored wings of this succubus actually carry a ring of aura, which looks almost like a rainbow, which is pretty indescribable. With this appearance, let alone cast charm, even if it is not charm, probably a lot of people will find it difficult to raise hostility towards her.

"Oops, her injury is healed!" I knew the problem was big when I saw her suddenly throwing off the armor of the cover, and after seeing her appearance, she even firmed the idea.

The succubus suddenly took out her hand after taking off the armor of the cover, and even pulled a small harp from the void, and then played it in her arms. At the same time, her beautiful Taobao ladies Tmall Taobao Mall Taobao The small mouth of the women's winter coat m also began to open and close quickly. A song sung by an unknown language rang. The beautiful melody is unusually beautiful, so you just want to Stopping all the work on my hands and listening so quietly, but when I almost fell asleep, I suddenly woke up.

"No, she's attacking with sound waves!"

The succubus's seductive method is more than just appearance. Her eyes, her movements, her voice, and even her scent can all have a charm effect, and now she is using sonic charm, a wide range, but relatively good way to deal with charm. However, this is only relative to the other methods of the succubus. It is not to say how bad this seductive charm is, but it is slightly better than other succubuses. Besides, is the charm of the god-level succubus so good ? Although my shout played a certain role, not many people were really awake. And it seems that polarization has emerged since then. The awake person was completely awake, and the half-confused person continued to enter deep sleep. For a moment, I saw my magic pet and the calling creature hula going down, and my unicorn warrior in the forest below. Almost all the knights and ringtones went to sleep. In the eyes of others, the huge unicorn warrior legion that can independently attack the city is hypnotized collectively without resistance. What's worse, I can't wake them up! The god-level succubus really doesn't have to be loud!

The succubus was also very happy to see that he had brought down most of the creatures, but this joy was broken before it lasted long. Because a crisp and sober flute sound was suddenly mixed into the song, the entire rhythm of the song was disrupted, and those who had fallen asleep suddenly woke up as if they had a nightmare collectively. Seeing this situation, the succubus consciously stopped singing. She knew that this was useless at all, so she did not plan to continue to compete with the flute sound ~ ~ anyway, she had no more powerful tricks.

"I didn't expect you to have a magic sound master." The succubus said in a sweet voice that made the whole body bones crisp, "but your good luck ends here." She suddenly looked at me as she said it At a glance, I just felt that my head was being slammed with a hammer, and immediately Venus splashed almost in front of me. But the succubus over there wasn't much better than me. She also seemed to be running high and suddenly hit a wall. The whole person bounced back a bit, and the flapping of the wings was much slower, almost falling. . She covered her forehead and said in surprise: "I didn't expect your mental defense to be so strong! You are lucky, but ... I don't believe that your magic pet has the same mental defense as you." The succubus immediately turned to my pets, and I knew it was going to be unlucky.

This time the succubus uses a one-on-one spiritual charm. Its effect is many times stronger than the wide range of skills such as sonic charm. Except for a few masters in this area, my magic pet can hardly resist it. The first unlucky thing is my four dragons. Fortunately, although their mental resistance is very strong, they are far worse than the god-level succubus. They were instantly controlled and followed my other pets. Under control, there were nine magic pets beside Ling, Chili, Yeyue, Princess, Aimeness, Everett, Brigitte, and the phantom of Victoria and maintaining harmony with me. Just relying on these magic pets to block my other magic pets, and to deal with that succubus, this matter is really hanging!

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