Starting from Zero

Vol 16 Chapter 204: Super team

Although I thought of this possibility, thinking and solving are two different things. I just know that this thing is not easy to deal with, and I don't know how to deal with it. Looking at the current situation, obviously, summoning one or two magic pets can't do much. What's worse is that the thing in front of me is still occupied by my magic pet's body. Even if I kill the tank, it may not be the thing that killed it. Is the most annoying thing.

After thinking about it for a long time, I finally decided that it would be better to use extreme methods. Anyway, all the consumption of this training space will be canceled. I simply took the blue dragon against the scales. "Qinglong turned." After a blue light flashed, I disappeared directly into place, and a blue dragon with claws appeared in the air, but when I was planning to start, the surrounding area suddenly changed. The tank in front stopped. Then I myself was forced

The system has changed back to the body, Qinglong You Nin scale is still in my hands, and my state is full.

The ball of light suddenly jumped out from the side. "A meta-force was detected and the test was forcibly terminated."

"Can't this be used?" I asked, looking at the light ball in doubt.

"It's not impossible, but my test is meaningless after this thing appeared. Next we need to divide the training into two phases for testing!"

"In two stages?"

"I will generate a Tier Trainer to test your actual combat power in Tier Mode, and then start the second test. You will be banned from using Tier Force, and then I will use other general test trainers to test your other strengths. . "


The explanation of the light ball is very simple, and I naturally cannot understand it without reason.

Is it necessary to challenge a powerful existence first?

"Yes, please wait a moment and start generating test trainers right away."

With the words of the light ball, my front suddenly brightened again, and then returned to normal. I looked puzzledly around nothing, and then looked at the light ball again. "Where's the trainer?"

The light ball didn't answer my question at all, and I immediately realized that the misleader would be invisible. Because the light ball will enter silent mode only after the test starts. The problem is that it seems a bit late for me to react. As soon as I realized that the training group guides had appeared, I was knocked out without knowing anything, because this test space is completely free of obstacles, so I He flew out of the air in a breath before falling heavily on the ground. As soon as I wanted to get up, I suddenly felt an unbelievable power gathering quickly behind me. I immediately lay forward, and then saw a purple light ball flying from above my head. The space was blasted out. A large crack.

"Wow ...!" I just wanted to go a little farther, and then suddenly hit my face again. The whole man suddenly flew up, and flew out of Laoyuan and fell to the ground again. But this time, I couldn't get up at all. Just now, my life was almost gone. "No, it will be killed in this way!" I suddenly thought that any consumption here would be restored after the training, so I immediately took out a **** fruit and ate it. After eating the **** fruit, the upgrade light appeared, and my various attributes were fully full. At the same time, I started the blue dragon inverse scale again. Instantly I turned into a blue dragon coiled over the training ground.

Almost at the same time as the transformation was completed, I saw a humanoid object appearing not far below me. Although he still couldn't see his true face, he finally knew his approximate location.

"Go to death!" I dived down in the blue dragon state, and stepped on the unknown creature with one claw. The other side was obviously very surprised at being spotted, and flashed to the side immediately, but my movement was faster and the claw was sideways Sau struck him down on his paw. The guy was struggling to run immediately after being caught, but where would I give him the opportunity, I threw him straight into the mouth.

Qinglong's mouth is not just meat like ordinary creatures. Strictly speaking, Qinglong is a semi-energy creature. He does not need to eat anything, so his mouth is not connected to the digestive system. It is an energy black hole. Anything swallowed by him will directly enter the energy black hole and be decomposed and digested. Don't turn the river in his stomach.

I now have all the characteristics of Qinglong after being transformed into Qinglong, and naturally I can digest anything I eat. When I swallowed that invisible creature, the sound of the light ball was zero, and my hands rang. "It seems that this trainer is not strong enough, please stay transformed, I will start the second misleader immediately. After the generation is completed, you will be restored to the most attributes."

I have n’t come to the table to see that I suddenly have a body in front of me that looks like a dragon, but looks like a yak creature. After seeing me, that thing didn't talk, it just lowered its head and scraggled the ground, and then rushed towards me. I did not expect that this thing not only looks like a cow, but even the attack method is exactly the same. But this is more convenient for my battle. If he is closer to the characteristics of a cow, then the fighting style should be relatively simple, and I can really kill him by skill.

Pulling back a distance, followed by my mouth and spit out a light blue thunder ball with numerous arcs wrapped around it. The bull didn't respond to the thunderball that I spit out, and he still bumped into it regardless of it. Followed by a boom, the thunder ball burst instantly, and countless arcs raged between heaven and earth, but the cow passed through the thunderstorm center just like nothing.

"Fuck, this defense is too abnormal, right?" I complained and stepped back, but although the cow had a poor additive nature, the sustainability of the addition was excellent, but it kept the momentum of increasing, I thought He couldn't increase it any more when he reached a certain degree, but he didn't expect this thing to be so fierce. But I can't deal with such things. Just before the cow was catching up with my accompaniment, I suddenly turned to the side, and the cow immediately rushed past me. I was proud of myself, and suddenly there was a space crack in front of the cow, and then the bull rushed in like a train. I did n’t care much about drilling the space crack, but the guy got into the problem Then he suddenly got out of me and hit me with one head. If it wasn't for Qinglong's body, which was harder to be stressed, it would definitely knock me out.

I had opened my body when that cow bumped into my colleague, and immediately tied the cow with my own body. Immediately the hoof with immovable hoofs lost balance and fell to the ground. The cow finally stopped after a violent collision, but the problem was that the throne of time had passed thirteen seconds, and I automatically retreated from the blue dragon state.

I didn't think that the bull would get up and kill me after my transformation. Who knew that the light ball suddenly appeared. The test results have come out. But the Time Seal is too short. If you encounter the same level of existence, then you will definitely lose, because you cannot kill your opponent within 13 seconds, and you will be killed immediately after 13 seconds. As for ordinary creatures, meta power is an absolute spike. There is no room to fight back at all, so this training space recommends that you give up the use of order strength training, after all, you have too few opportunities to use it. "

Please do not insert the building ~~

I nodded in agreement with Lightball. In fact, photosphere analysis is what I think. The transformation of these beasts is simply a desperate skill. I ca n’t beat them when encountering the existence of a higher level, and the lower level is direct spike. The skill of training without training is actually the same. It is better to concentrate on strength to train more practical things.

After analyzing the light ball to me, I continued: "The second stage of the test will begin. I will temporarily ban you from using order power, but you can use other skills and summoned creatures at will. Then. Let ’s start generating trainers. Because before You now have a large number of summoned creatures in the test. So the number of trainers in this test will be plural. The current test trainer level is 1400. "

"What? Fourteen hundred levels? More than one?"

Although I was shouting loudly, the light ball did not hit me at all, because the training creatures in front had refreshed, and all the states on my side were restored to the state before entering the space, and even the **** fruit just eaten was restored. Come out.

The trainers that appeared this time were more than one like the light ball said, but they were not a single species, but a large group of various undead creatures mixed together. I saw the death god, the great lich and the spirit dragon in it. Senior undead creature.

Needless to say, the **** of death, this kind of undead creatures with scythes all over the black cape has always been a model of the undead, because they kill the fastest, especially the death field that comes with their bodies. Creatures below level 100 are simply weapons of mass destruction. And it's the type that moves with him. However, this death field does not have a great lethal effect on such advanced existence as me, but it will cause my vitality to be consumed quickly. In this regard, I have to thank the Dark Demon Halo under my feet. If the average player is here, it will not only be a simple increase in life consumption, but will also be chased by many strange attributes, and then killed by them.

The appearance of the big Lich and Death is closer. Both are suspended in midair, and both are wearing large capes, but the Lich does not have a sickle, and the cap on his cape is also worn behind his head instead of his head. Of course, the biggest difference between them and Grim Reaper is that Grim Reaper is actually a skeleton, while the Lich is a white soul, which looks no different from a real person. However, it is important to note that although the Lich is not as strong as physical death. But these guys are much faster than Death, and their spell attacks are absolutely first-rate. Any mage who encounters these guys must weigh their strength and say.

The last psychic dragon was more annoying. Normal dragons will become bone dragons after death. This is an undead creature that is more cattle, but they are actually weaker than living dragons. After all, Bone Dragons do n’t have that powerful muscles and scales, and they ca n’t even use vomiting and magic, which has a great impact on them. The upgraded product of Bone Dragon is the ghost dragon, which basically restores the basic strength of the dragon family. While possessing physical attack power, they also have the ability to blur themselves to avoid physical damage. In addition, the ghost dragon can use part of magic and can spit out with a breath of death, which is basically a dragon.

But that's more fierce. If the ghost dragon is trained again, it is a dragon lich. The combat power of this kind of thing is second to none in the undead. After all, this thing has all the advantages of the living dragon and the big lich at the same time. Dragon Lich can fight like a dragon. But he is not afraid of physical damage, and he is stronger than the Lich's magic resistance, so there are not many things that can really hurt them. But few people know that there is actually a level above the Dragon Lich. That is, we are now seeing the heroic dragons of the Zero Bar. This thing is like a hero on the battlefield. In addition to having all the capabilities of the Dragon Lich, there is also an extremely scary talent-Long Wei murderous. This is a large-scale effect-type skill that mixes Longwei and murderous power. Its direct effect is to comprehensively weaken all the positive attributes of all creatures within its range of effect. After a normal person stands within the scope of Longwei's murderous power, Even a person with a disabled limb may not be able to beat it, and although a master like me will not be weakened so much, the impact will still be very large. However, I don't worry about the dragon in front of me today, because my soul-controlling Lennon Orchid just happens to be the Spirit Dragon, or Bannon Orchid is actually a higher-level existence than Gobi Linglong. He is an elite individual of the spirit dragon, and it should not be difficult to deal with ordinary spirit dragons.

In addition to each of the three top-level creatures above, there is a large group of three of their same but lower-order creatures behind them. For example, behind the death god, there is a large piece of agent death god, and behind the big Lich is a piece of ordinary Lich, and behind the heroic dragon is a group of ghost dragons. Not to mention the first three, the group of things behind them is not easy to deal with.

Probably the light ball also knows that there are a lot of things brushed out this time. After the battle started, they did not directly attack, but stood there without moving. It seems that it is necessary to wait for my side to attack first before starting the battle. After all, there are too many of them this time. If they come out and chase me like they did before, then they do n’t have to play, and I will have to step on them if there is no chance of calling.

Since they didn't move, I didn't start fighting immediately, but I prepared a few things first, and naturally released all the summoned creatures. After all, this was a group battle. I rushed up alone to commit suicide. After summoning the creatures, I still didn't move, but let the demons under me first see the enemies opposite them and discuss the coping strategies with them.

The number of ghost dragons in the three large groups of fighting creatures opposite is relatively small, only twenty, but in fact this group is the main force of the opponent. Although the number of the Lich and the agent of death is more than five hundred. But than these ghost dragons I am not too worried about this side. As for the first three leaders, it is estimated that they can stand up to the few of my demons. The summoned creatures usually let them three be finished in an instant.

After discussing the tactics, we probably moved the charge, and the opposite creatures also moved after we entered the charge. Like us, they also started to charge fully. After all, there are too many melee creatures on both sides. It's impossible to fight together.

Our side is still charging submerged tanks and Emmenis using absolute mirroring has been developed into two fixed turrets. Before we both ended, they had each come for three companies. The magic crystal shells hit a large area of ​​ordinary creatures in one shot, but the power of these pure advanced biological groups is obviously not good. In addition to the shells falling in the agent death team, except for the several agent death agents flying near the ground, the only gain was to kill the direct hit targets. As for those who stand a little far away, the bar is a little bit. No impact has occurred. This mighty attack is not enough to sweep a large swath of advanced creatures. The three artillery shells fired by Aimeness all entered the ghost dragon group. One of them was directly blocked by the heroic dragon that took the lead, and the effect seemed to only scratch the skin. The other two shells all hit a ghost dragon in the back, which was a good harvest, and directly bombed the ghost dragon. There are only twenty Ghost Dragons in total, and one less is considered a big problem for us.

Because the opponents were very fast, the tank and Aimeness came and played once. The three of us ran into each other. The team chaosed them and it was inconvenient for them to carry out high-powered shelling. Aimeness simply restored Become your own image and then use absolute mirroring to transform yourself into Ling and support it with spells.

What is really fighting together is actually my summoned creature and general magic pet, and the ones that can fight the best are beside me. The reason we didn't move was because the three bosses over there didn't move. If we were too early to be consumed by those soldiers, the battle behind them would be a problem.

I am currently assessing whether my own arrangements can defeat the other party. After all, these three are in the presence of 1400, and their strength is higher than me. My unicorn warriors have been dragged by their younger brother. However, I ca n’t rely on the tactics of the sea to consume their strength. I really have no confidence in hitting it hard, but I have made certain adjustments for these three guys. The magic pets that are now with me are reserved specifically for the three of them.

The battle lineup that I arranged for death is King, II, Jingjing, Lingling, and Yeyue. Although the death gods can fly like the Lich, they basically don't fly too high. They can be seen as special ground units floating on the ground. Therefore, I did not send flying units to fight. The king itself is a hero, and his fighting skills are relatively strong. The most important thing is that he is also an undead. He is not afraid of the nasty special attributes of the **** of death. After all, death and death are enough for the **** of death. Played by his negative state. Second Life is actually my clone. His attributes are exactly the same as mine. Although Death will double the damage when they attack them, but in turn they are also very deadly to Death, especially Lingling. Bright holy sword, the thing that cuts to death is almost the same as the red iron bar and ice cube, the effect is extraordinary! The last one is that Yeyue ’s arrangement is purely to make up for the lack of combat effectiveness. After all, Yeyue ’s resistance to all attributes is very high. At least she can wield normal combat power in the face of death.

In the middle, the combatants I arranged are Sha Yezi, Xiao Chun, Ling, Ye Ying, Xiao Xue, Chili and 魑 i) charm (), 魍 g) 魉 (ang). The feature of the Lich is that the physical damage is invalid, so ordinary creatures can't hurt them, so I arranged such a combat team. Sha Ye is himself a high-level ghost, which is actually a similar species to the Lich, at least not. Sink attributes exist.

Chun and Ling are the main force of this team. Both of them are bright and dark, and they are all spell-based. It can be said that they completely suppress the traits of the Lich. It is not unexpected that their group should be the first to complete the task. of. Yeying and Xiaoxue are not fighting creatures themselves, but they are highly motivated. I arranged them for Xiaochun and Lingdang as mounts, so that the big Lich can't get close to Ling and Xiaochun. Although the Lich's physical attack is invalid, they are very good at using physical attack, so Ling and Xiaochun must keep a distance from him. With these two mounts, the Lich cannot catch up with them anyway. The enchantment and the enchantment themselves are king's companions, and they can directly hold any enemies regardless of distance and degree, and they are almost invincible. Although they basically do not have other fighting methods other than holding legs, they always hold people It can limit the movement of the opponent to a certain extent, and they will slowly absorb each other's life and magic, which will cause a lot of psychological pressure on the other party. After all, taking them means that the battle must be decided, otherwise time The Seal of the Seal of God has not been killed by the masters for a long time but was sucked dry by the two of them.

The latter is the one I am most afraid of. This guy has the highest combat effectiveness among these three collars, and it is not a little above a star. The same level does not equal the same strength. It is also the level of 1400. This heroic dragon is much more terrifying than the two younger brothers. In order to deal with this guy, I have the most trouble. First I arranged for Bannon Kalan and King Kong to help me deal with him. Due to the large size of the Spirit Dragon, ordinary small creatures may not be able to fight against him even if the level is high. King Kong's size and brute force are all first-class, and his suppression can at least contain more than 30% of the hero's fighting power. Bannon Jialan is an psychic dragon, but his attack is fine. With him and King Kong, at least 60% of the dragon's combat power can be suppressed. The remaining 40% of my combat power was planned to be my five dragons. Fortunately, plague, crystal, three or four dragons plus the dragon dragon girl, the five dragons together should be able to drag the remaining 40% of the combat power of that guy. of course. These are just dragging the opponent's fighting power, and the steel teeth hidden behind are really responsible for killing. Steel Tooth is the pet of my trumpet Silvermoon, but I can mix commands anyway, so I let him out. The Steel Tooth is King Kong Unicorn, and his body is inaccessible. Apart from not being magical, it can be said to be invincible in melee. As long as my magic pets suppress that heroic dragon, Steel Tooth will go up and focus on blasting. He should be able to get him.

In addition to these magic pets, myself, darts, Victoria, and Frost Snow, Ariana will be the overall power behind. Among them, darts and Frost are harassing units. The darts are fast, but the attack power is low. It can be seen that stitches attack the opponent's weak points to play a harassing role. Frost's extreme freezing ability can freeze part of the target's limbs at critical moments to restrict the opponent's actions Further disturbing their normal combat effectiveness. Ariana is in charge of treatment this time. Whoever is injured in the battle must rely on her to rescue in time, so that our fighting power can always remain at its peak. Victoria's mission is relatively simple, but she is quite busy. Her job is to make up for the three leading monsters. I have to say that I have to say that Victoria's Wheel of Destiny is really a perverted but weak skill. Sometimes it is not good but it will not help but it will help you. The more trouble,

I have to say that the wheel of Victoria's destiny is really a strong, perverted, and weak to inadequate skill. Sometimes it will be upside down and it will help you get more and more troublesome, but it is not impossible to take the **** and directly pump it to the opponent's level. . Anyway, this luck is not totally unreliable. In the end, my own work was in addition to directing and dispatching the entire team. In case I can't stop there, I can be used as a mobile unit to help the past. As long as I participate in the past, it is estimated that beware.

After the arrangements were made, we stared at the opposite battlefield. At those three times, it was obvious that whoever started first would lose quickly. After all, the team was sandwiched between the two sides. It's inevitable that you rush all the way to fight with those creeps, in general. The master's earning ratio is the slightest difference, so no one moves.

As we watched the battle in the middle of the battlefield, we both evaluated the final result, but it seemed as though my side had a better chance of winning. Although the average level of the other party is relatively high, after all, there are not as many as us. More than 500 Liches plus more than 500 Agents of Death and 19 Ghost Dragons, they are dealing with more than 10,000 unicorn warriors and 21 Lingyin knights. In addition, many of my magic pets are still in the team. Acting as intermediate powers, their level advantage is not much exaggerated under this amount.

The battle on both sides became more and more fierce with the passage of the Seal of the Seal of God. Although the level of the agent of death was too high, my unicorn warrior was also frightening to fight. Several unicorn warriors rushed together to pull the agent of death from mid-air Go to the ground and greet with a dozen spears short-lived. Even if the agent of death kills several unicorn warriors, their unicorn beasts will continue to fight, so those agents of death will not remember the mounts. Although the Lich have no actual body, their advantages are not reflected in the presence of the unicorn warrior. The Lich should be considered a spell attack creature. In addition, they are not afraid of physical damage, so it can be said that they are very powerful mages, and then Qilin warriors are also good at long-range attacks. Their bow and arrow skills are not slower than the Lich spells. The Liches first wanted to distance themselves and attack with spells. As a result, after several rounds, it was obvious that their side lost much faster than the unicorn warrior. Afterwards, they discovered that the arrows used by the unicorn warrior all had yellow Taoist symbols. Although this thing was a Chinese Taoist thing, it dealt with these Western witches. Demon is as effective. So in the end those Liches had to rush directly into the battlefield and start close combat in the battlefield, at least this way they will not be shot by the bow and arrow group. But the Lich was not much better after approaching. The attack that Kirin ignored seemed to be of a physical type. As a result, when they approached, this guy was considered a demigod creature of the undead system. Not only could he attack the undead, but he also had a bonus damage. When I was personal.

The Lich and the Agent Death were suppressed, and the Ghost Dragon didn't get any good. Although the fighting power of the ghost dragon alone cannot be suppressed by the unicorn warrior's quantitative advantage, I still have a bunch of magic pets in the team after all. A total of twenty Ghost Dragons were bombed before they even took part in the battle, and the remaining nineteen were badly cared for as soon as they entered the battlefield.

Only the ghost dragon rushed to the front of the unicorn warrior and waved a huge forward grab. It was a sweep, and the unicorn warrior who was too late to escape was taken out with their mounts, but before he could take back his claws, he suddenly saw flying in all directions. A dozen flying claws came up, catching his belly and front paws, respectively. The Ghost Dragon didn't care about it at first, but when he wanted to blur the flying claws from his body, he was surprised that those flying claws could actually catch him, no matter how he vanished, the flying claws still hung on him. Just don't come down. The second batch of flying claws flew up without waiting for him to make any more reflections, and a lot of ropes were hung on him in an instant. The ghost dragon tried to swing his claws backwards to grab the ropes, but as soon as he raised his claws, there was a lot of resistance from the claws. Looking down, it turned out that dozens of ropes had been wrapped around the claws, and dozens of unicorn warriors and their mounts were desperately pulling back at the other end of each rope. Because the ghost dragon has no muscle tissue and its strength comes entirely from the soul, it is not as powerful as a real dragon. Although it can still move after being dragged by so many unicorn warriors, each movement becomes extremely laborious and the movement is terribly slow. He furiously shook his head and gave it to the No. 5 hand, and the above unicorn warrior was immediately thrown into the air like a string of moles, and when they landed again, they were immediately dropped, but they fell off in pieces, but Before the Ghost Dragon took the opportunity to break free of the ropes, there were more Kirin warriors pounced on and pulled the rope tightly and dragged backwards. The Ghost Dragon's head could not be controlled for a while and was pulled down. A small red figure suddenly appeared next to this time, but although the figure was very small and fast, her color was so gorgeous that the ghost dragon noticed her all the way.

In the ghostly dragon's doubtful eyes, the red figure quickly rushed to his side. Although he didn't know what she was going to do, the ghost dragon knew that the appointment was not a good thing. Let's fight on the No. 5 hand, and he struggled to move. , But the ever-increasing ropes were pulled by more unicorn warriors, and the action became more and more difficult, almost unable to move. I could only watch the red figure rush to myself and paste a small yellow charm To his chest.

In fact, the red figure is my trumpet silver moon's magic pet, the red prince. As the ancestor of Sky Fox, her strength can be said to be one of the best in my magic pet, but she has an agreement with me. I do n’t usually Will casually direct her to fight. The reason she joined the battle today was because she knew that this space could help her improve her strength, so she took the initiative to help by fighting for herself.

After attaching the special bursting note, Hung Hom immediately turned around and waved his hand around (fox's hand?). After seeing the action, the Kirin Warrior who had been prepared for a long time suddenly released the rope and turned to jump on himself as discussed. The horse ran away in an instant.

The ghost dragon was still struggling, but suddenly all the people around him ran away, and there was suddenly a large uninhabited area on the throbbing battlefield. This anomaly naturally attracted considerable attention. It's just that the dragon has no time to think about this anomaly. In fact, he didn't have to think about it anymore, because the answer was soon revealed. Along with a loud bang, the dragon suddenly gave birth to a big explosion. It wasn't that the rune sticking to him exploded, but he exploded by himself. The power of the explosion was hit by the No. 5 hand. It was almost as if the whole dragon was made of explosives. Far enough was still swept down by a shock wave, but fortunately it was just pushed down when it was far away. Didn't cause much damage.

The red amulet is actually a special explosive symbol, its main purpose is to detonate the soul of the creature to which it is attached. The ghost dragon itself is a ghost body, so sticking the charm directly on it can take effect. The reason why this power is so large is because the dragon is relatively large. If the average person explodes, it will not be so powerful.

There were suddenly no dragons on the field, and the other ghost dragons naturally showed up. They were handed out, but they now encountered a situation similar to their companions. The tricks of the Zero Bar group to provide flying claws and restrict the action with ropes are very effective against these big guys. After they are controlled, my powerful magic pet will pass to complete the final kill.

Probably it can be seen that my own troops can't stop my magic pet, and the three can't sit still.

"They moved, shall we go?" Ye Yue began to get impatient immediately when she saw the three battles over there.

"Not in a hurry, how much will it cost to wait for them to rush over? We can easily gain the initiative without imposing momentum."

"Oh." Yeyue listened to me and waited beside him.

I turned and nodded to Victoria, then slowly rose into the air. A huge golden roulette appeared in front of her and began to slowly spin up. It was handed out, and Victoria's hands pulled a golden bow that could not see the bow. "Arrow of destiny, go." A golden streamer suddenly appeared on the bowstring, and the fifth player struck forward and then radiated forward through the huge golden roulette and rushed directly at the forefront of the big Lich.

After Jin Guang hit the big Lich, the big Lich stopped suddenly as if he had been fixed. A black halo flashed along with it, and then the black light suddenly flashed suddenly. The big Lich actually turned into a little starlight and disappeared into the air in front of the two behind.


Both of them were on the spot, and I was on the spot. Although I said before that it ’s okay to take the **** and get the death attribute, I can offer it by hand, but I really do n’t dare to miss it. After several seconds, I heard Lingling yelling excitedly. Then he said, "Long live, Victoria, you are too good!"

The three teams that plan to deal with three actually have one less target, which means that the other two groups can get additional support, so the battle will become much easier. And the good luck that just started also scared the two over there. They never thought that they would be stunned. It was too scary to be offered by the handball group. Isn't the fourteenth-level Lich a big one? Can't stop people from doing a trick! This is too exaggerated, right?

Victoria probably wanted to take advantage of it. After a second, he started aiming at the **** of death. The death **** was dumbfounded at the moment when he saw his companion momentarily, and now the dangerous member in front of him actually aimed at himself again. Immediately scared to the side to fly wildly hoping to escape the arrow of the calcium carbide flare. Everyone knows that Victoria's arrow of fate is 100%, as long as she wants to shoot you. You can only pray that you are lucky enough to get good attributes, and you have no hope of blocking or hiding.

In the chaos of the guy's panic, the second golden light shot straight out of the center of his chest, and the **** of death stopped immediately, but he didn't do it because he got the death attribute. Scary. He was now looking around on himself, fearing that his body would suddenly flash black to make stars. But he waited for a long time without any change.

I also saw that no death attribute was drawn this time. And ask Victoria. "What attributes did you get?"

Victoria replied with some disappointment: "Unfortunately, it has drawn health! I have removed the two favorable attributes of birth and joy. I did not expect to find a favorable attribute.

Ling was comforting beside him: "Don't be sad. Being able to directly kill you is already a lot of expectations that we have expected. Anyway, your health is only capable of recovering from injury, and that guy is not injured. Let's fight by hand. It is equal to not in."

"Well, I see." Victoria finished giving him another arrow while the dragon hadn't figured out the situation yet. The dragon did not hide, but he put a strong attack skill to offset that golden light, but unfortunately his skill could not stop the arrow of fate at all.

After the Yinglong Dragon was recruited, before we asked Victoria, she shouted in excitement: "Haha, I have the disease attribute!"

The role of the disease attribute is to make all the skills of the target fail and cause the attack power and mobility to decrease by 20% respectively. It can be said that the negative attribute is the worst except the death attribute. If it is a mage-type creature, it will be almost the same as death. After all, all spells are skills, and the disease attribute will make all skills fail. This is equivalent to blocking the spellcasting ability of the mage. A mage who cannot cast spells has a fart, but the heroic dragon in front of him is not a mage. He is a dragon. Although he is a dead dragon, at his level, it can be carried out even by the soul body. Direct melee, and the combat power is much stronger than the average living dragon. But no matter what he was, he was not afraid now. Can't use skills ~ ~ The attribute has also dropped by 20%. Now this dragon and Bannon Orchid may not be able to snooze, let alone so many of us went together. The three major players who are still threatening now have that death.

"I didn't expect that the offensive and defensive situation would be reversed in an instant. What are you waiting for?" I watched the death **** who was still there carefully checking for fear of disappearing suddenly, and said to the magic pets around him.

Because there is one less target, and the strength of the heroic spirit dragon is suppressed, the fighting method of the Zero Bar Fighting Team is naturally different from the previous one. Now my new arrangement is like this. The magic pets that deal with Death are still dealing with Death, but the magic pets that deal with Big Lich are directly involved in the battle against the Spirit Dragon. My plan is to deal with the heroic dragon that is easier to deal with, and then everyone will bully that death together.

The psychic dragon probably realized that his condition was suppressed, so he didn't rush over immediately, but flew towards death. Obviously he wanted to join hands with Death to resist our attacks. Although his plan is good, we will not let his plan succeed. The Spirit Dragon was pretty good at first. Now it has dropped by 20% after hitting Victoria's Fate Arrow. Naturally, it is impossible to compare them with luck. He was blocked even though he moved first.

"Give up! You have no chance of winning."

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