Starting from Zero

Vol 16 Chapter 213: Met again

"Is this ...?" The demon in charge of the review reacted coldly for a long time after seeing what I had brought out. "Is that fainting is the legendary demon to Baolingquan Nectar?"

I nodded, indicating that this was indeed Lingquan Manna. The surrounding demon was a chilling sound. This thing is different from the stuff I gave to Matsumoto Masa. Although Matsumoto is holding something, it is very useful to the demon. But it's just an auxiliary practice, but this thing in front of you can directly improve the power of the demon. Is this the same effect? In a comparative metaphor, Matsumoto Masaru's demon pill is equivalent to eating it, which will allow you to have an unforgettable ability in the throne of God Seal for a period of time, and then you eat it and read a book. Naturally do more with less. However, this Lingquan Nectar is directly drinkable without even reading a book after drinking it. Compared with that unforgettable ability, this is more exaggerated.

"The previous thing was wrong. This is the birthday gift I want to offer."

"Ah, this thing is so valuable. Please keep it first, and then hand it over to the host in person at the birthday party!"

After listening to the other party, I ignored them. Take back that Lingquan Nectar and walk directly to the main hall behind. The demon who showed the way to me looked at me and immediately went to the front to continue the way. Soon we saw the palace that we had scouted before. This place looks relatively close to the ancient Chinese architectural style, especially the general building, which is a replica of a Chinese building without any modification.

We followed the little demon leading the way through a tall courtyard wall, behind the gate of the courtyard wall was a screen wall, after passing from the side, it was a courtyard. After crossing the courtyard, there is another wall in front, but there are three doors on the wall, which are opened in different directions. We were taken to the door on the left and walked through, which basically came along in the style of garden architecture. Except that the building feels crowded, it is roughly the same as Chinese garden.

[Ng1234 hit hand! !! 】

Please don't interrupt! !! !!

After walking through the garden, we went outside a large house, and the inside was noisy at this time. Obviously, many people or monsters were already inside. We were taken outside the house, and then the monster that led the way gave us to a beautiful little girl who came out of the house, but from The tail of the strip behind her could see that it was also a monster.

"How many gifts do you ask?" The little maiden asked us first when she saw us.

I took out the bottle of Linggan Spring and shook it. The little demon girl didn't even step forward to check, let us follow her in directly. After entering the room, bypassing a paper screen, we saw all kinds of demons in the room focusing on the room. The number of miscellaneous items can be compared with the monster exhibition! This is also due to the special structure of the Japanese house. After opening the middle partition, the entire floor becomes a large room, which can hold so many monsters. However, the little demon did not let us sit here, but took us directly through the noisy monster area to the stairs next to the opposite wall and transferred us to another more beautiful demon girl Go upstairs.

Obviously, the visitors here are divided into three, six and nine. As soon as we went upstairs, the environment above was very different. Compared with the bare hall on the first floor, the decoration here is much more gorgeous and different from the demon on the first floor sitting on a futon. The demon on the upper floor is sitting on something similar to Banden. It's just that this kind of thing, which can be regarded as a bench, is also more strange. It is longer and wider than the small benches we commonly use. But it is very short, only at a height of less than twenty centimeters. It is more suitable to sit on it than to sit on it. Probably only children in kindergarten will feel the height is right! But compared to the demon kneeling in the futon below, this position on this floor is at least slightly more comfortable.

We were taken to a desk about the same width as the school's double desk, but only half the height of the desk, and then a few witches brought us the bench. There are already many demon here at this time. Compared with the various layers of various monsters that are long below, this layer of monsters has at least a relatively normal human form, which also shows that their strength is better than their hands. The demon is stronger.

After sitting down, I looked around the audience. It seemed like someone I didn't know, but Matsumoto Masako, who was not far away, gave me a wink. I followed his gaze and looked at a guy who was obviously different from everyone else, because there was a magician among them.

The host here is a ghost and god, and the ones who wish to live a long life are naturally related to him, so we will see so many demons. Being a magician is considered a Western occupation. In some functional institutions in cities in Japan (not seeing the word), there are wizards in Japan. The yin and yang masters or mana monks are not masters, and they can appear here. The only possibility for a mage is that the opponent is a player.

[Quiet hand fight]

Probably I noticed Matsumoto's eyes, and they also appeared in the R players. The son of the night came up and whispered, "There are indeed R players here, thanks to our separation from Masamoto Matsumoto!"

"Shhhh ... hhhh." I banned the son of the night, because the R player on the other side noticed us. Obviously they were also very surprised to see me, but they did not make any excessive moves. I guess they also have their own tasks to do, and don't want to mess up the tasks because of us.

Although those guys don't dare to do anything now, it doesn't prevent them from using their eyes and movements to show their strengths. It ’s just that I do n’t take it seriously when they act. Anyway, if you stare and die, you will die and stare at anyone? However, although we were too lazy to beat them, they did not have such good gas cultivation skills. Immediately, the various silent movements were compared and drawn back, and the two sides did not speak to each other in a silent way.

They are physically attacking each other over there. Suddenly I saw a woman walking in. My pupils shrank instantly. "Red Lotus Phoenix?"

"Why is she here?" Ye Zi also immediately appeared to her.

It's almost astonished by us. After seeing us, Honglian Phoenix was also a stunner. Obviously she didn't wait for us here in advance, so she was very surprised to see us. But then she noticed that Matsumoto Masayoshi was also there, and now this made her feel a little surprised. However, she recovered quickly, and then sat down among the group of Rs across from us.

When Honglian Phoenix sat down, she began to say something to Masamoto Matsumoto, and then they discussed. Maybe she was asking Matsumoto Masa about us. I don't worry about that. Anyway, before we come in, we have prepared all the rhetoric in case of meeting R himself. Probably I believe what Komatsumoto was congratulating. After speaking for a while, Honglian Phoenix turned her eyes back to us, but just before she showed up, a demon came in.

[Ice Hand Stone]




"Everyone who has come to wish for a long time has waited. My host asked everyone to move to the flower pond for a feast." Now that the feast has begun, Honglian Phoenix will naturally not be able to do anything more. Idiot.

This so-called flower pond actually does not have many flowers. Unlike Chinese gardens, there are many people in Japan, so the building structure is relatively compact. This so-called flower pond is actually not as large as the fountain in the streets of some cities. This pool

There is a large performance martial arts court next to the child, but now it is full of tables and chairs. It seems that this is the main banquet hall.

When we got here, there were already a lot of demons. It seems that those demons with relatively low power, because they have more or less maintained the physical characteristics of some animals. We senior guests were taken

I sat down at the center, and there were about a dozen tables here. The number was not large. However, there is not only one table for a table. The table here is similar to the table used in the place we waited before.

The table is just slightly wider. The only person who actually took the lead at the table was the one who took the lead. For example, I was sitting behind the table. The others were sitting behind me.

On the side of Zhenghe, he was sitting alone at the table behind Miya Athena, just sitting on the side ~ ~ After we sat, there was a group of soldiers wearing armor holding soldiers The demon of the blade seems to be similar to the army and has a little momentum, but it really needs to be the guard or the sky of our guild.

Compared to the court's heavenly soldiers, that is the standard of a non-brand army.

After this team of soldier-like demons came out, they followed many long and very charming female demons. They carried various foods and started to serve dishes on each table. Then they waited until they finished serving and then withdrew. To a

The long, very burly male came out from behind. This guy doesn't look any different from humans. Standing about one meter nine, he looks relatively strong. The skin is relatively white, and the appearance is very heroic, but I do n’t know

Why do I always feel that this guy has a familiar feeling, that is, I can't remember it for a while, but the next situation made me feel a little bit surprised, because although I did not recognize the guy, he recognized me.

[Xuanyuan hand fight]

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