Starting from Zero

Vol 16 Chapter 223: Armed

When the sirens from far and near reached us at the intersection more than ten meters away, they screamed and rushed past. After waiting for a few seconds, we actually saw the signal of Skott, and then we saw the gate in front of them rising, Te and the other two ringing knights Merida and Lan Xun got in.

"Hum, those guys are just like dogs, chasing after them, and throwing them away when they don't think of such trouble." Merida complained as soon as he came in.

"Boss, when did you arrive?" Lan asked.

"We've just arrived for a while." Ling helped me answer the question, and then asked the old man in charge of the liaison station: "Are you alone here?"

"No, they all went to sleep, after all, we still have to go to work during the day!"

Ling nodded and asked him: "What about our equipment? I want to leave here as soon as possible, otherwise it is difficult to guarantee that those people will not chase again."

"Everything is in the warehouse. Come with me."

Follow the old man to the warehouse behind the repair yard, find a part on the pile of full parts rack slightly turned, the car repair lifting platform on the ground suddenly began to sink down into the ground, and stay there A big hole was made. The old man took the lead and jumped down in groups, and we also jumped in. There is a horizontal road on the side of this one-meter deep pit, but it is relatively short, and you must lower your head to get into it. However, it was full and needed a step to get to the secret warehouse. There are a lot of mess in the secret warehouse here, of which five boxes are particularly obvious, because they are the cleanest compared to the other things here, and they are obviously not shipped until recently.

"Equipped in the box, you can take it yourself, I'll get you the wind up there." He said, took out a walkie-talkie and shook at me. "Can you receive a signal for this thing?"

"Just turn on and let me lock the channel."

After confirming the frequency of that walkie-talkie, the old man went up to help us look at the wind, and we began to open the boxes. Because it needs to be transported into the United States and the United States, it is not used in the transportation box dedicated to Longyuan, otherwise it will not be self-inflicted. The wooden box was disguised as a mechanical parts transport box. After smashing the cha pins on both ends and opening the lid, you saw a whole piece of black sponge. After opening it, the lower layer is actually the same layer. The partition is still a sponge after removing it, but it is not a part that appears in front of our eyes after removing this layer of sponge, but a hard plastic cover. I saw this thing and I was right. Let ’s do a three-and-a-half except two and remove the wooden box with camouflage on the outside, and then pull out the plastic inside. Each of these hardened plastic boxes has that kind. The double-door refrigerator with left and right doors is so large, it is almost two meters and five meters in height, and its weight is also extraordinary.

After lifting the box out, we found a metal hole with the thickness of a finger on the side, and then we all protruded from the bottom of the wrist with a silvery metal wrist and foot just like when Xiaochun invaded the base computer. After the entire hole of charu at the front of the wrist and foot, the red light flashed in our eyes, and the cover plates of those boxes automatically popped up one by one.

"Ling, this is yours." The box I opened myself was not my equipment.

"Boss, your stuff is here." Merida shouted.

"Merida, your equipment is with me." Skott also stood up.

Everyone went to their own equipment and started to inspect the equipment. The box has a groove made of foam plastic, and each piece of equipment is fixed in a groove that matches it. The middle of the box is our armor, but it doesn't look like the one we wore before, because our equipment was made according to the height of 1.72 meters. Now we suddenly "grow" so much, if it is It turns out that the set definitely can't be worn. Zero, although I changed a set, but the shape of the armor has not changed much. My armor is still exactly the same as the dragon suit I wear in the game, and I read this after reading the book in the armor. Things actually have many similar auxiliary functions to the armor in my game. Next to the armor was a special sword. The shape of this sword is similar to that of a European wide-edged epee, but it is slightly longer than a normal sword, so it looks thinner. The spine part of the sword seems to be made of black crystal, which is almost black to light, while the blade is a kind of dark golden yellow, but it looks very beautiful to be real. Right as soon as I held the sword handle, I felt the electronic signal from the sword, and then I understood its characteristics. The hilt of this sword also has a similar class of battery in our body, and the hilt itself is actually an experimental compound weapon with high frequency vibration blade and laser cutting sword dual attack characteristics. The blade of this sword is actually very complicated. It is made by twisting together countless tiny wires. The core of these wires is a fiber yarn drawn from a special optical silicon material, and an electrosensitive ceramic is wrapped on the outside. Because the thread itself is very thin, it is very flexible and can be bent at will. The hand can pass light normally only when it maintains its original shape. Once it deforms, it will cause the internal laser beam to leak out. The laser cutting sword uses this principle. When you use this sword to chop things, the position where the blade touches the target will be deformed. Although this deformation is so small that it can't be seen at all, it will leak the laser beam, which directly irradiates the contact point to play Effect of laser attack. However, the simple laser cutting sword is only a theoretical weapon, although it can melt the molecular structure of the cutting point, but it does not have much hardness, so it is damaged too quickly. But now this sword has added a layer of electro-sensitive ceramic to the surface of the laser fiber, which solves the hardness problem. The electrosensitive ceramic itself is a whole, but after the laser is energized, it will be polarized due to the electric field effect of the light quantum. That is to say, these ceramics will always be active after the optical fiber inside them is activated, and their molecular structure will change. Is extremely unstable, and photons can easily pass through its gap, which makes the original opaque ceramic into a transparent ceramic, but although the molecular structure has been dispersed, due to the confined electric field in the sword ridge, Therefore, these ceramic particles will not fly away from the blade, but will make a uniform circular motion in the outer layer of the blade along the tangent direction of the electric field, which is equivalent to forming a layer of numerous layers outside the blade. A small abrasive wheel saw composed of several molecular clusters has a principle similar to a plasma vibrating blade and has extremely powerful cutting capabilities. How does the surface of the molecular substance melted by the laser beam leaked from the laser fiber undergo such a cut? So this sword will finally get the invincible terror cutting power, and any material will become the same as tofu in front of it.

Although it is an experimental weapon, it looks like it has already reached the stage of practical use. At least it seems that this thing is very practical now. It has basically no shortcomings except that it consumes a little power. As long as we turn around and react with the wooden hand, as long as the characteristics are activated at the moment of cutting the target, it is not necessary to start it normally. This limited power can support the God of Throne for a longer time. It is absolutely enough to fight one or two battles anyway used.

In addition to this sword, there is a big guy beside the box. This is a gun. Although our physical fitness can obtain very strong lethality even with only melee weapons, but anyway, long-range weapons have unparalleled advantages in terms of lethality, so we generally use long-range weapons as the main fighting method. This gun is slightly different from the model we used before. The whole body is covered with an integrated shell, which looks quite sci-fi style. Similar to the robbing we have used before, this gun is also a multi-purpose weapon. In addition to basic ammunition and medicine, it also has flamethrowers, grenades, shotguns, and electric particle beam functions. The shell of ordinary ammunition and medicine is filled with the most commonly used rifle ammunition for turning wooden hands, and every third ammunition and medicine is also equipped with an armor-piercing ammunition. Flamethrowers are auxiliary weapons, which can be very effective when the enemy avoids corners and other places where it is not easy to shoot. As for grenades and shotguns, this is also quite common. One is aimed at enemies hiding behind obstacles, and the other is used for comprehensive suppression. Although there are not many ammunition and drugs, they are very useful. The last electric particle weapon is quite special. This should be regarded as a technical weapon. It shoots a metal jet with electric particles. Because this bullet can be added to the level of light, although the mass of each bullet is not much (how much? ?), But the kinetic energy is terrifying, and at the same time has a strong penetrating power. In addition, because the bullets fired by this weapon actually carry a large number of aggregated electrons, they will discharge to the surroundings when they encounter obstacles, which has a strong destructive power on electronic equipment. However, the reason I like this weapon most is not its lethality, but the ammunition and the amount of medicine. The metal ejected by the metal jet is not as large as the needle tip, so the ammunition and medicine preset in the bomb bay can be used for a long time to seal the throne. Basically, as long as you bring two or three magazines, it can be regarded as an infinite bomb Already. As for its power requirements ... are there any secondary batteries on our body to worry about? Besides, we can also add electricity from the outside at any time and any place. Anyway, this is a city, and there is a grid everywhere.

Two pistols were placed next to this large gun, one of which was the most common gun, which can be bought everywhere in the United States. Its advantage is that ammunition and medicine are easy to find. The power of dealing with humans is enough. The other pistol is quite special. This is a radio gun that shoots high voltage current. It is basically a non-lethal weapon. Of course, if you adjust the voltage to the highest level, it can also kill people. It depends on your needs. set. The benefits of this thing are also infinite bombs, as long as there is electricity, and for us to find a basic is equivalent to unlimited ammunition and medicine. In addition, this thing also has the feature that it is basically not affected by turning wooden hands other than metal to hit obstacles. The general body armor or wall basically does not have any protection against her, such as the American favorite Kevlar's armor was completely unable to stop the attack of this thing. Although the armor was very unlikely, those who hid behind would suffer.

Several weapons are placed next to the armor, and a large row of flying knives is placed under the armor's feet. This is probably prepared in consideration of our reach, and was thrown out with our strength and control anyway. The flying knife is probably not worse than the armor-piercing projectile fired by the sniper rifle, mainly the ordinary weapon ammunition, medicine and electric particle metal bomb of that rifle, and two grade batteries, one for the rifle and one for the electric pistol. There are also four air-fuel bombs in the form of grenades and eight high-explosive grenades.

After we hung those things up, our appearance was different immediately. Although the armor in the zero-handed group game is also very rigorous, players generally don't like putting on masks, but our set of battle armor is different. The masks are completely different. It is closed, except for the eyes where there is a one-way light transmission. The bar is sealed tightly. This is mainly because the armor has the function of a three-proof suit. If it is not sealed, it is not. Measures to protect against nuclear biochemical attacks.

"Well, let's leave here as soon as possible!"

After leaving the hidden warehouse and saying hello to the old man, we left here. The three of them did not leave us this time, but acted together. According to the plan, we were attacked by more than one target,, and I did not plan to operate at night. People who watch movies often think that it is best to infiltrate the base at night. In fact, if you really do that, it's almost like sending death. After all, a movie is just an artistic expression. Its main goal is to make the audience feel B-truth, but whether there is a gap between B-truth and the truth is not something the director needs to worry about.

Because Long Yuan also has a base, I know the defense settings of the base very well. Because people's activities are more frequent during the day, many electronic induction alarm systems will be turned off. As long as they are not monitored by human eyes, there is usually no problem, but at night, they will enter the best working state when they are detected. And the guards in places like the military or important research units also know that you can't neglect at night, so if you do a surprise attack at night, there is no benefit at all. Instead, a daytime attack can have an unexpected effect. . Moreover, the target of our attack was still in the city. We must know that the big cities in the United States will have a very common social phenomenon-traffic jams. How long do you think it will take for the other party to arrive if we attack targets located in the city during the rush hour?

"Boss, which target should we attack first?" Skott asked me while looking at the electronic map while standing on the roof of a building.

"Here." I pointed out a goal. "Wildfire Project Research Base."

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