Starting from Zero

Vol 16 Chapter 226: Secret force

In fact, New York City is now a mess. The previous traffic accident itself caused a large area of ​​traffic jams on the ground and paralysis of underground traffic. Now even traffic lights and urban trams are paralyzed. The entire New York traffic is basically completely paralyzed (what words?), There are also many accidents caused by power outages, but the most important issues are not these. If today's New Yorkers choose to restore one of the problems they encounter to normal, they will definitely choose to resume work on electronics first. New Yorkers who have become accustomed to high technology suddenly return to the state of the early twentieth century, and this gap has left many people confused. Bugs and TV fans are overwhelmed by the dark screen, and business elites are dumbfounded by the completely unresponsive mobile phone, PDA, fax machine and notes. The electronic door locks used to swipe consumption completely fail, the electric door of the mall cannot be opened, many people are stuck in the elevator, the electronic door lock of the hotel completely fails, the electronic ignition car cannot move, the mobile phone has no signal, the network is interrupted, etc. Wait, all this makes New Yorkers feel at a loss.

"Get started!"

With my order, the units began to move closer to their goals. The target of this attack is mainly divided into several points. Our group of five people attacked the wildfire plan research headquarters. Relatively speaking, this base is a relatively loose defense base, because his research project is not highly valued by the US side. It is not their research materials that have helped us to study Long Yuan. We will never attack such a low-security research facility.

"That's the target?" Skott asked, looking at a building ahead.

The location of this institute is strange. It turned out to be located on the fifth floor of a very famous commercial building. The ground floor to the fourth floor of this building are parking garages, and the research base is down. The single-storey area is more than 400,000 square meters. However, although the single-storey area of ​​this base is relatively large, it has three floors in total That's it, so the total area is not exaggerated. In addition, compared with the general strict defense advanced test base, the security measures of this base are also loose. Although ordinary people do not know what it is doing here, many people know that there is a military research institute below. For a military research unit, letting many people know that its existence is already a lax security measure. A regular military research base should be a place where people do n’t even know the name, let alone the research institute. Specific location.

"Master, don't you think it's strange?" Ling suddenly said. "It's a bit." Although she didn't say it explicitly, we all knew what Ling was referring to when she mentioned it. With our intellect, this obvious problem naturally makes no sense.

What we are talking about is the security of this institute. According to the information, this is a low-security research institute, and from the information we scan the consciousness of ordinary people working in this building, it is not that few people know that intelligence is a military research institute. But why do you say that a research institute that the military rarely cares about is built underground in a commercial building in the center of the city? Wouldn't it be safer to set up an institute on the edge of the city or simply by the barracks? It ’s not only unnecessary to spend a lot of money to build underground buildings like this. From the US's usual style, they will not spend money in such an unrelated place. At least we will not let them do such an idiot. .

"Do you think this is an accident or something?" I asked Ling.

"Exclude the possibility of accidents," Ling answered firmly. "I think there should be some of these factors that we didn't expect."

"Boss, I think what we should consider now is not why Americans have such a weird institute, but we should judge whether the privacy of this institute has an impact on our actions." Merida said sharply.

"That makes sense." I nodded, and then asked a few of them: "Do you think the special circumstances of this base will affect our actions?"

Ling shook his head. "My intuition tells me that this should be a key question, but my logical thinking tells me that I can't find a connection at all!" I thought about it: "So then. Plan temporary changes, we delay the attack plan After the other groups of people have completed their task, we will join them to attack here. Even if there is no danger here, it is nothing more than a waste of fighting power, at least no mistakes will be made. "

"This is a more entrusted approach." Scoter agrees with my approach.

After deciding on the way, we informed Wei Na of their plans using our own radio network. In the next time, they will start to attack their original targets in the Throne of Seals. During this time, our group will seal the Throne Nei will be responsible for sabotage specifically in New York City to attract the attention of Americans and make them have no time to control the several places that were attacked.

"How's the situation?" A group of officers in the Pentagon was following the Secretary of Defense to the conference room. As the Minister of Defense walked, he asked about the situation of the people behind him.

A general in black military uniform handed in a document. "All we know now is that New York City has been attacked by an abnormal force."

"Is there any other information?"

"The news we know here is that there are not many people on the other side. Last night, a department on our side tried to attack them first, and then the other side seemed to escape, and directly caused the 38th base to be completely destroyed!" It is a man in a suit. While talking, he was squinting at a general on the other side, which obviously meant that he was blaming the other party ’s actions that directly caused today ’s incident.

After listening to the accusation of the man in a suit, another general also helped: "Now we can basically determine that we were attacked by a group of special combatants from China, and the purpose should be to retaliate against the two we planned in China before. However, by convention, such underground competitions between governments should not involve civilians, but the above rules are only valid in the case of active attacks, and the defending or fleeing party may not comply with such attacks in the event of an active attack. It ’s customary. It ’s very obvious that what happened in New York today was that some people ’s actions gave each other an excuse to start with civilians. After all, it ’s now our first move, and their offensive behavior has become self-defense. Even if they do something extraordinary, nobody will say anything! "

"General Lawrence, I wonder what exactly did you do to them last night?"

The general called Lawrence couldn't wait to eat the two guys who said bad things about him directly, but that would have to wait after answering the defense's short words. "In fact, we took action after receiving the information of the other side's entry. In the end, we successfully captured them all to the 38th research base, but we did not know why the other side ran out again."

"I don't know why?" The Secretary of Defense's words clearly showed signs of fire.

"I don't know why! Base 38 is completely paralyzed, and we don't know how they escaped!"

At this point everyone had entered the secret meeting room, and the Minister of Defense sat down and knocked angrily on the table. "Very well, you can capture such an important hostile force without saying a word, and in the end you mess it up, and now you still say more than how they ran out. Very well, I want someone like you to stay What are you doing here? Get out of my office right now and you're fired! "The Secretary of Defense asked the others after the bad general had been bombed away:" What about you? Who can tell me what's going on in New York now? "

As soon as the Secretary of Defense had finished questioning, the generals' eyes were lowered. Obviously, no one wanted to be a leader. Just before the Secretary of Defense was about to run away again, the door of the conference room was suddenly opened, and a 35-year-old woman in a professional suit was unusually hot and walked in. "I think I can answer your question, Your Excellency, Minister."

"who are you?"

"I'm from the Homeland Project headquarters, and we have taken over this at the moment."

"Yes." The woman took out a document from her folder and passed it. "This is an order signed by the President, asking you to cooperate fully with my work." Just when the Secretary of Defense finished reading the document and what did he intend to say, the woman had come to the electronic console by the wall of the conference room and put a note Received on the console. It sounded with a slight beep. The large screen on the wall suddenly lights up, and on it are displayed a few sketches of human structures in proportion to real people. "What you see now is a comparison of our enemy and our body structure. I think the generals must have seen something."

Originally, those people still wanted to argue with the woman about the ownership of the command, but now she asked her to focus her attention on the picture. "This ... they're all human?" A general finally revealed the problem. "No, it should be said that they are composite life forms, not human beings. The robots you are talking about are mechanical life forms with a computer as the core of control. Even if humans have biological living bionic cells on their outer sacs, they can only be regarded as having Robots with a certain camouflage ability, but this time it was not the robots that attacked us. They were the research institutes of the Longyuan Group. It took nearly 100 years to decipher the technology in the "Ark" of the Throne of the Seal of Insignia. Life form. Please note. "The woman clicked, and the sketches representing us in the picture were immediately broken down into several parts. The woman pointed to one of the big question marks and said, "The question mark you see now represents a biological virus, codenamed B13 Angel Virus. Its original source was the artificial God program initiated by Europe and China. Later, Because Europeans feel that this kind of investment that is huge and does not produce short-term benefits is not worthwhile, the overall plan is handed over to the Chinese researcher, which is now the Longyuan Group. The Longyuan Group obtained Europe at a very low price Information, and then started this plan independently. Do you remember the sudden disappearance of a tenth of our armored soldiers in the Middle East seven years ago? "

This woman was talking about the sudden attack on the first infantry division of the United States in the Middle East, which attracted worldwide attention at that time, but the people all over the world only knew that an American mechanized infantry division suddenly disappeared. But the real parties all know a more amazing news, that is, this division was later found larger. It is an exaggeration to say that a division missing in the desert should not be so strange since it was found, but it was strange because it found it, because what they finally found was an infantry division that was lost. More than 10,000 people in the whole division survived, and it was obvious that after a great battle, the Americans found a large number of cutouts in the wreckage of their tanks without any trauma left by a hot weapon. Everyone in the entire mechanized infantry division was forcibly opened by the enemy to open the shell of the armored vehicle and entered the interior to kill a cold weapon. That is, the opponent used a very special method to make their mechanized weapons fail to emit any. effect. Of course, the above is only the information obtained by all parties. The Americans know for sure more and more details. In fact, the Americans were fortunate enough to find several battlefield recorders that can be used. The pictures and sounds extracted from them let the whole The US side was frightened, because the attackers of the division actually used a dagger to get a mechanized infantry division with more than 10,000 people. Is this a nightmare? Americans can hardly believe what they see is true. They would rather believe that a battlefield recorder mistakenly recorded the content of a certain United States rather than believe that it was the real scene. Of course, in order not to cause panic, this incident was finally suppressed, and only a few high-level personnel knew about it, and these people happened to be in this range.

"It was the Chinese B1 army that attacked that infantry division. We do n’t know the total number of this army. We only know that there are definitely no more than 1,000 people. They are called B1 troops because they all use the B1 virus. Fortified people. "

"So this B13 virus is the successor to B1?"

"It's far from simple." The woman explained: "If the B1 virus is a single-celled organism, then B13 represents humans. Although they were evolved from a combination of substances, one is only the starting point of evolution, and the other One is approaching the end wirelessly! People who have been strengthened with B1 can still be called people, they are just ordinary people. The reason that the infantry division was overthrown was because their weapons could not cause the B1 virus-infected fortified person. Enough damage. Due to the enhancement of the body, these people are equipped with single-level individual protective equipment in combat. This armor-like protective device can withstand the attack of large-caliber infantry weapons. The disadvantage is that it is too heavy for ordinary people to wear. Normal operation, but these people can wear it as if flying. "At that time, although the first armored infantry division German soldiers fought back, their guns could not penetrate this armor at all, and missiles and artillery shells could not aim at these extremely flexible people. Therefore, in the end, the entire division will be killed. However, you should note that this is only B1. The B13 angel virus that attacks us now is a new improved species. It is modeled after human genes. Then absorb the genetic characteristics of various organisms in the world, read out useful fragments from them and save them, and remove the useless parts, and finally get these grade organisms. But this is just the beginning. Strengthened humans are still human. However, B13 can no longer be regarded as a human after fusing a large number of foreign organism genes. They should be a combination of all biological advantages on the forehead. They are smarter than humans, have almost a level of thinking, but they are not as rigid as computers. The brain-shaped objects you see now are their brains. Our enemies will completely peel the brain that has been completely fused with B13 from the flesh, and then replace the skull with a metal shell with a certain electronic control ability. According to our information, they can even survive independently for a long time in this brain-only situation. "

"Can you only survive with your brain?"

"Yes. Because this metal case does not provide simple protection, it actually has various devices to maintain the function of the brain, so it can exist independently for a period of time, even if it is completely detached from the body. Look here now." She It also points to the skeleton skeleton isolated on the big picture. It is made of a material that we don't control, and its structural strength should be any material we know now. It itself is basically equivalent to an active robot, but without a head. Our enemies connect the metal-encased brain to this metal skeleton.

A general asked: "That doesn't mean that the bones in the other person are actually stronger than the metal?"

"Not only is it solid. This set of bones is also powered by itself, it is equivalent to a robot, but because of intelligence problems, we do n’t know yet how much output this set of mechanical bones has, but we ca n’t say that it ’s better than The small jacks installed in your car have less power. Also, outside this set of mechanical bones there is a set of body tissues that are exactly the same as ordinary humans. This part is also made of biological cells combined with B13, and its muscles I am afraid that the strength is greater than any earth creature we see. In simple terms, they have human-like power. When this set of muscle tissue and internal mechanical bones work together, the output power will be very horrible, judge them by our intelligence Probably can easily overturn the tank. "After the sentence, the woman looked at the generals, and now their chins are not closed, she continued with satisfaction:" In fact, the problem is not just that. We just now The sketches you see just introduce their general body structure. The bodies of these guys are actually planted. There are a lot of weapon devices, but we do n’t know the specific operating principle. We only know that they can produce similar capabilities. Below you will see the pictures of our people shooting on-site. ”The next picture that woman plays is us. Just after running out of the base, I crushed the rocket in the air. The generals all looked silly.

"What you see now is not a Hollywood fantasy movie. This is a live scene without any treatment. The other party has mastered a technology we do not know, and it has obviously reached the stage of practicality and can be reduced to It ’s so exaggerated enough to fit into the human body. You can imagine what would happen if they increased their size. Based on the above, do you think that your troops can still participate in such battles? ”The woman ’s last sentence Although it hurts, the generals are really afraid to speak anymore. Except for the general of the strategic air force, the generals of other departments can only be regarded as conventional force. Of course, it is no problem to deal with ordinary people. However, they can only stare at monsters who are not afraid of missiles and missiles. "What you see now is not a Hollywood fantasy movie. This is a live scene without any treatment. The other party has mastered a technology we do n’t know much, and obviously it has reached the stage of practicality, and it can be reduced to It ’s so exaggerated enough to fit into the human body. You can imagine what would happen if they increased their size. Based on the above, do you think that the troops you are fighting can still participate in such battles? " Although the sentence is more damaging, those generals can only be regarded as conventional force. Of course, it is no problem to deal with ordinary people. However, they can only stare at monsters like us who are not afraid of stealing missiles.

After a moment of silence, the Secretary of Defense asked: "I admit that they cannot fight such enemies, so what do you have against them?"

"That's it." The woman showed some body structure pictures on the screen again, but this time it was more detailed. "What you see now is our class soldier plan. First, we also made something like

The other kind of body bones, and we believe that it is not worse than the Chinese. In addition, the opposite body tissues are still human structures, but have been strengthened to a certain extent, but our biotechnology is not as good.

Longyuan Group ~ ~ so the level of reinforcement is relatively low. But we still have this. "She was a little bit on the screen, and the picture immediately changed to something else." This thing, which looks like a robot, is actually a kind of single-armor armor.

Force devices and computer-assisted systems, told about two meters and six meters, were driven by a soldier with a large number of weapons on the outside. Although our people can't compare with those guys in terms of muscle strength, but relying on this outerwear to try out battle armor, they

The combat effectiveness should be able to directly confront those Chinese. "

"Very well, I now authorize you to mobilize US domestic combat forces in addition to the strategic air force. You can let them cooperate with you at will. Be sure to drive out these invading Chinese, and it is best to arrest a few of them or All. "

"Yes." Although the woman had been ordered by the president to call the American fighting force, the Secretary of Defense would not be able to do so if she did not cooperate, so she has now accepted this assignment very seriously.

Just after the Pentagon set its battle plan, the battle on our side began to get into trouble.

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