Starting from Zero

Vol 16 Chapter 229: Cyber ​​war

When I heard Xiaochun ’s call for help, I did n’t immediately pull her because suddenly disconnecting from the connection itself is also very dangerous. "Is the storage virus or data?"

Modern military computer viruses and civilian viruses are different. There are two different classifications. One of them is called a storage virus. This thing is basically similar to ordinary civilian computer viruses. It should be a data virus. This virus does not store information in your computer system. It is relatively easy to deal with at a later stage. As long as you disconnect and restart the system at that time, there is usually no problem. But do n’t think that military viruses are so good at dealing with them. On the contrary, compared with civilian virus systems, military viruses are more destructive than weaker. The data virus looks like it is very good to deal with. Just restart it, but its real destructive power is not in the late stage but in the early stage. Its characteristic is that it will preempt your system before you deal with it. The main reason for storing data on your computer is that your computer is completely dead after being attacked by it, and it is useless anyway. This machine can no longer be started. However, this data virus also has shortcomings compared to the storage virus. First, as long as it fails to breach your line of defense, it is relatively easy to handle. Second, this virus is too explosive and does not have latent characteristics. Basically, you are poisoning. At the same time, the system is finished and there will be no reaction time. In addition, because a data virus does not store information on the attack target, it must have a subject to carry it. Therefore, you must have a powerful computer to host the virus before you can use it to attack other people's computers. This feature caused two problems, one good and one bad. The advantage is that others can't analyze your virus because it doesn't store data on the target computer. The other party can't get the virus sample at all. If you want to crack the research, you have nowhere to start. But the disadvantage of this feature is that your host computer must be powerful enough because military computer systems use a complete defense system. Once they detect an attack, they will immediately enter the active counterattack mode. This is very different from civilian computers. If you yourself Do not use this data-type virus if the performance of your machine is not good, otherwise it is basically equivalent to killing.

Although Xiaochun was attacked by a virus, she was not a complete robot after all. The main body of our dragon family should be the biological brain. The electronic brain is only an auxiliary platform and does not dominate. So even if the other party uses a military virus to attack, it still fails to instantly bring down Xiaochun. After all, her biological brain has its own logical judgment ability. All the hazardous information with logical errors submitted after the electronic brain poisoning was actively rejected by her, so the virus would not work at all. Its only effect was to completely block Xiaochun's internal data channel, causing Xiaochun's mechanical skeletal system to completely paralyze. The sharp decline in ability can only be achieved by physical force. Of course, even if the machinery department of our Dragons is completely shut down, it is much better than humans.

"The host attacked me with a data virus. The other party used a large computer group to attack me. The electronic part of the attack was completely counterattacked. Now the mechatronics part is completely paralyzed. They also stole part of the dragon's edge from me. Confidential information, but I cut off the connection between the data storage area and the network. They only extracted some data fragments and should not analyze anything useful. "

"Hum actually dare to strike us. I want to let them know that we are not a mess." I said to a few ringing knights. "You are optimistic about these guys. Others connect with Xiaochun's computer system to start the Dragon Clan network group. Fight back. "


The ringtone knight quickly pressed the attackers to one side and pointed them with a gun, and Ling went to Xiaochun and pulled their electronic touches out. They were connected to the data transmission interface behind Xiaochun's neck. At the same time, we turned our eyes Closed and began to concentrate on participating in Xiaochun's data offensive and defensive battles.

Just when we connected Xiaochun's data system, the alarm screen in a secret base in the United States suddenly became a masterpiece. The main screen on the wall of a giant operating room similar to a movie theater suddenly turned red. A huge warning dialog occupied it. After the entire screen, the female electronic synthesizer in the base also sounded. "Warning that the virus colonized system has been reversely invaded. Please decide whether to cut off the external data connection. This defense system can persist for ten seconds and ten seconds. This system will lose the ability to cut off external connections."

A general asked immediately: "Is the other party connected to an external network?"

"Confirm the external network connection but no idle computing power is currently available for intrusion. Five seconds, four seconds countdown ..."

The general shouted immediately after listening: "Don't cut off the connection and start the backup computer swarm Queen Bee. I authorize you to start the hive system."

The electronic synthesis sound suddenly changed from the rigid female voice to a majestic female voice. "Hello Admiral Hart, I'm the queen. This system enters standby mode. Opening the hive requires the highest security permission. Please close the insurance and give permission."

After listening, the admiral nodded to the people around him. The two groups of soldiers immediately walked in with two suitcases and walked in from the aisles on both sides. They went to the two consoles on the left and right sides of the room and opened the boxes. A strange device with a handle was taken out from the inside. This thing looks like a portable torch, but there are no light bulbs on the front but a dense row of solid gold contact pins.

The soldiers pulled out a drawer-like thing from the console, and then put the thing in the box and gently wiped a bunch of cards with a sound. The thing and the drawer-type structure were completely locked and automatically retracted into operation. station.

The Queen's voice sounded again. "Confirm that the security insurance release data switch is connected. Please enter a security password."

The admiral immediately heard this prompt and pulled a key from his neck and inserted it into the operation table in front of him, turning it slightly. A bang suddenly opened a cover on the console in front of him and a small keyboard popped up. A string of up to 20 digits of the mixed password was quickly entered on it, and then his hand was pressed on the other side of the induction panel that popped up. After the last green light flashed under the induction board, the queen's voice sounded again.

"Finally, the security protocol was fully activated through the Queen's system and started to connect to the hive group worker bee system to enter combat mode."

On our side, immediately after the queen started, she felt tremendous pressure. The other computer group was too scary. Its computing power reached thousands of times and we robbed us of the invaded area. I gritted my teeth and shouted, "Request to connect with the son-in-law host to open the backup system and request power transfer."

Many people in the Longyuan base on China's side were suddenly slamming the alarm, and many people didn't know what had happened. The son-in-law's voice rang throughout the base. "The external connection request starts the data connection to find the transmission channel and completes the system connection. The digital connection mode is switched. The binary computing mode is switched to the hexadecimal mode. The matrix computer group is turned on. Please warn that because the system is fully activated, the power transfer within the base will be performed. The department noticed that the system will start to transfer power after five seconds. Five, four, three, two, one, and conversion started. "All the instruments in the base suddenly stopped and even the lights became dim a lot except ventilation. In addition to the normal operation of the constant temperature system, all excess electricity was transferred to her by her son-in-law.

Dozens of communication satellites belonging to the Longyuan Group in space suddenly activated all the antennas in the full-power mode. The antenna on the surface of the satellite suddenly extended outward. Some of the communication chips inside the satellite that were not connected also automatically stopped the entire satellite. The transmission capacity was instantly increased by more than ten times.

In a secret warehouse in the U.S. base at this time, countless computers are running crazy like these basketball-like things are the real body of the "honeycomb". At this time, these computing cores soaked in liquid nitrogen are fully open. The horsepower was running crazy, but the staff outside jumped up one after another.

"The Queen's calculation mode is too crazy. The cooling system is almost unable to suppress the temperature rise!"

"Start the backup cooling tank right away."

"Three minutes ago, the queen had started the backup cooling tank by herself, but still could not control the temperature rise. Now that the temperature is close to the critical line, and then rises, the hive may be burned!"

"Let them go to a nearby base to pull this coolant over. In any case, they must maintain the Queen's working condition. As long as they can break through the Chinese defense network this time, they can get most of the Chinese research data. That will be able to buy four points. One of the wealth of the earth! You guys will give me a solution right away ~ ~ Yes. "The colonel who reported was only instructed to leave but he did n’t know what else he could do to control the temperature .

Our side is different immediately after the son-in-law is connected. The queen's computing power is indeed several thousand times that of our dozen dragon members, but the son-in-law's computing power is tens of millions of times. Not a level. Even if the network transmission delay and data loss caused by congestion, the son-in-law is nearly ten thousand times stronger than the queen. The queen lost her combat power almost instantly when she faced the son-in-law.

The colonel in the US base heard a huge prompt before he could think of a way to cool the queen. "Warning. The external data connection has been counter-suppressed. The system cannot be actively defended and will soon be lost ..." Even after the warning reminder, the voice of the queen changed as if it was a tape cassette. It finally disappeared completely and completely before. A different voice suddenly appeared in the broadcasting system of the entire base. Of course, this voice belonged to son-in-law, but the Americans did not know it. "Dare you dare to invade my database? You are not too brave, and I will leave you some memory."

"No, our system is completely occupied!" A technician yelled.

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