Starting from Zero

Vol 16 Chapter 233: Mysterious Channel

"What did you find?" I shouted as I jumped. After passing through the large hole that was broken by Skott, it continued to fall for more than ten meters before hitting the ground. It is surprising that this is actually a mechanical room in the elevator room, which means that at the position where we are standing now, There is an elevator next.

This power room has a set of equipment for retracting electrical cables. There is also a large electric motor next to it. Dozens of cables are dragged to the four corners of the room through pulleys and winches, and then pass through the space below through four holes on the ground. in. Obviously this is a small cargo elevator, because the elevator specially equipped for people does not need such a large space, and the large cargo elevator does not use a cable suspension structure but a mechanical gear drive.

"You all come down." After I shouted at them, the people above jumped down one after another, and I and Skott found a metal cover on the floor and lifted it. This cover is about the same size as the manhole cover. Below it is a vertically downward hanging ladder. Looking down from here, it is hundreds of meters deep.

"What do you think will be down there?"

"No matter where they are, it must be important." Xiaochun said.

Wei Na suggested: "I think we should first get the information we need before we continue to explore the environment below."

"There shouldn't be much defensive power over the data, Ling, you and Yeyue and Xiaochun went to get things back and come back as soon as possible."

"Understood." Ling Ge and Xiao Chun, the three of them received the order, followed the path we just jumped down and jumped back two times, and we observed the situation below. Although the elevator shaft is relatively dark, this does not affect us.

"I'll go and see first." Lingling grabbed the handrail of the cover and wanted to jump down, but was pulled by me. "Let Bailang and Xiaobai go first. We have an advantage in this place."

After hearing my proposal, Xiao Bai and Bai Lang immediately tore a huge crack in the hole on the ground, and then jumped down. Although the elevator shaft is vertical downward, Xiao Bai and Bai Lang can run along the wall like on a flat ground with their strong sharp claws. If you turn the camera to the side, you can't see that they are vertical. On the wall.

After Bai and Bailang went down, Lingling immediately jumped in, and Skott and I quickly followed. This channel is very deep below, but instead of climbing ladders like ordinary people, we bounce left and right along the wall. Each bounce can drop more than ten meters. After more than ten bounces, we finally land.

Below this is not a solid ground, but a small freight elevator. This elevator has no ceiling and no walls. It only has a layer of wire mesh floor and several supporting beams. The four corners of the elevator are connected to four steel cables, which have always passed through the power room where we were just now. Although we got to this elevator, we didn't find the elevator exit. We have already seen it when we came down the wall. The passage above has no door, which means it is a sealed passage. I looked down through the wire mesh under my foot. The elevator was only five or six meters away from the ground below, and the section below was completely sealed. This elevator shaft had no external exit at all.

"It looks like an abandoned elevator," Weiner said, pointing to the rusty floor. "According to the rust, no one has come in for at least ten years."

Immediately after I heard it, I shouted to the person above: "Don't rush down, scan the entire channel to see where the exit is."

Upon hearing this, the people immediately stopped running down. Instead, they took out their short weapons and inserted them into the wall to fix themselves in the passage. Then everyone started scanning the passage in their own height area, and soon someone found it. The original exit. It turned out that there was not only one exit. There was a gate at about six meters down from the elevator room above. As long as you stopped to observe it carefully, you could see very noticeable traces on the wall. The cement used for the blocked gates and the original cement will be different no matter how much they are adjusted, so the seams look obvious. About 30 meters down that door is the second door, and then there is a door that is so long, and then it is a completely closed passage, until the elevator where we are standing is just the bottom one. door. The opening directions of the four gates are all in one direction. It is glad that there is a huge underground building at the same depth as the elevator shaft in this direction, otherwise it is impossible to leave an elevator shaft in such a deep place.

"Need to open and see what's going on there?" Skott asked me.

"Of course, but we ca n’t drive them all together. Let ’s go in from the bottom. You take a few people back first, destroy the monitors on the lower floors of the upper base, and then try to block the access to here. I When we did n’t want us to go down there were still people making trouble for us. "


I started digging holes in the wall with my sword after Skott brought people up. The cement wall has a very low mark, and it is almost completely powdered with a little force. However, there is a brick wall behind the cement wall. After breaking the brick wall, we encountered a layer of anti-corrosion protection. Behind this layer of plastic-like protection layer, there is a thin alloy armor plate, armor The slab is a layer of concrete wall behind, but this layer of concrete can be much harder than the outer layer of cement. There is also a thick steel mesh woven into it for reinforcement. However, it is a waste for us to reinforce it. Unless it is a high temperature resistant material, our laser cutting sword cuts everything with the same effect. After all, it is not wide and does not rely on hardness to cut the object, so the hard hand and soft material come to it It's all the same.

We were very careful to cut the wall because we were afraid to be found by outsiders. By the time Skod and Ling finished their tasks, we had just cut the reinforced concrete wall. There is still something behind the concrete wall, but this is just a very thin layer of cement, and even ordinary people can hit it with a little force. I know that it must have been dug through this layer of cement. This layer of cement is probably the outermost layer of material that finally smoothes the wall, so it is so thin. I carefully scanned the situation outside with an electromagnetic force field and confirmed that there was no one on the opposite side and no alarm system. Then we opened the thin cement. After getting through the cement wall, we actually entered a sewer-like environment.

This is a two to three meter wide cement channel. There are also many pipeline facilities densely arranged on the wall we came in. Because we are afraid that these things will trigger the alarm, so we have to dig down to dig. Out of the wall. The walls on both sides of this aisle and above our heads are almost filled with these pipes of various calibers and uses. The channels on the walls look like gas or liquid pipelines, while the overhead wires are of different thicknesses, but there are a lot of them, and they look dense and dense. 3

"This is ... the pipe floor?" Yeyue asked, touching the pipe on the wall.

"Not very similar," said Scott. "The elevator doesn't have to be connected to the pipe floor, and it doesn't look like it was later rebuilt."

"No need to guess." Frost Xue suddenly pulled an iron sign from the wall next to him. "The one we just came down is a construction channel. There is a base behind this. We are in a pipeline trench!"

"Base?" Xiaochun took the iron card in doubt and looked at him and asked, "Isn't there a base on it? Why is there another base here?"

"Probably only the Americans know it!" Ling walked forward as he said. "There's airflow here, and probably an exit."

We quickly followed and found a door after passing through a passage, but the metal door was completely rusted and we had to cut it down. Passing through the door is still a simple cement passage, and some places even have rocks exposed. The entire passage looks more like a mine tunnel than a research base. The only difference from the outer layer is that there are not so many pipes here.

"What the **** is this?"

"The ghost knows."

Go straight along the aisle and walk about two roads before a place like a rest station appears on the edge of the aisle. This place is actually digging the aisle a little wider, putting some tables, chairs, benches, nails on the wall, hanging a few large flashlights that are almost dying out, and a few excavating tools scattered on the ground. There is also a dusty ceramic cup on a table.

"How do I feel like this is not a research base?" Wina took the cup on the table, looked inside, and said.

"I think it's also ~ ~ Xiaochun said.

"No matter what it is, I think it is hiding a huge secret. The weird defense strategy of the experimental base above may be because of this." Ling said and took the lead to go deep into the channel, and they had to keep up.

The passage seemed to be winding forward indefinitely. We walked for more than a kilometer at a time before finally stopping. In front of it is a section of collapsed channel, and the entire channel was buried by rubble, but our powerful perceptive ability tells us that the channel is open, because there is wind blowing from the gap between these rubble, but it is very Faint.

"Did you look at it?" Skott walked to the rock and asked me. I nodded, and he immediately raised his hand and called the Spirit Knights all the way to the beginning. Although clearing the aisles should be a waste of time, we have a lot of energy. Moving stones is just like emptying a cardboard box. Naturally, the speed cannot be compared with human bare hands. Soon the gravel was cleared by us, but this five-meter-long tunnel has been falling down, and we have to support the ceiling with an electromagnetic force field to allow the excavation to proceed. Fortunately, a section that is 5 meters long will collapse, so there was no problem in the past.

After passing through the collapsed passageway, we walked for dozens of meters, and suddenly found that there was light in front of it. Is it the real experimental area? (To be continued.

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