Starting from Zero

Vol 16 Chapter 235: Am I an alien?

In fact, what is really difficult for such a base to enter is that there is no defensive force in the outer part. After all, the underground base is naturally concealed. As long as the outside guards it, ordinary people cannot enter at all. When we get here, it means that we have passed the strictest security layer. It is basically completely open here.

"Boss, are we going to separate our actions? This place is too big, so it will take us a few years to complete the investigation?" A bell knight suggested.

I looked at the beast in front of me and nodded. "Everyone spread out a team of two or three of you. Team up with Ling."

"Understand." Ling immediately ran to me and followed me to the giant beast running forward. Looking at the light from a distance feels that this thing is big, but when we approach it, we have another feeling. That is your own smallness.

"It's really big enough!" Ling said, looking up at the hull that stood high in front of us.

I looked around and suddenly there was an open door not far from us. "You can go in there."

"I see it." Ling raised his hand to the door and then a throbbing noise on his wrist. A barbed dart was spinning and flew out, but when the thing flew to the top of the hole, it hit a Mars and bounced off. Ling looked at the falling shuttle dart in surprise and said, "The material of this boat is too hard, right?"

As I said, I raised my hand and hit another dart. "Stupid! You hit the armor layer!" At the same time as I finished, my shuttle dart has plunged into the ceiling at the top of the hole and most of it chased in. Even if the alien material technology is no longer necessary The parts will not be equipped with such high hardness materials. The place where Ling hits is too far away. That place should be the outer armor layer of the spacecraft, and the position I hit is that the normal channel hardness is naturally different. After pulling the fiber wire under the shuttle dart firmly to confirm that it is firmly fixed, I slammed the waist with one hand, and the toe on the ground a little to the ground immediately began to turn high, and took us two along the very thin A few seconds after the fiber height rose, we were already standing at the entrance of that channel. Looking down from here is just as scary as looking down from a skyscraper. This door is just a hatch on the bottom of the spacecraft. Not even a third of the height of the spacecraft is conceivable, how big the entire spacecraft should be.

When I got to the entrance, I shook my wrist. The overhang of the shuttle dart above the head automatically retracted the internal reel of the shuttle dart and immediately began to take up the thread. The shuttle dart was pulled out of the wall and automatically returned to the position before shooting. "Let's go."


Less than ten meters forward along the passage is a T-shaped fork. We looked back and forth as if the two sides were almost the same. This spaceship is really too big. We don't even know that the internal structure diagram can only follow the feeling. There is no fixed target. Whatever is valuable. Study it. As for the general stuff, we ca n’t take it anyway. Too many things.

After turning around the T-junction, we made a lot of turns in the spaceship. During the period, I encountered two researchers here, Ling read with thoughts and read the memory of two people, and then erased their information about seeing us so that we could try not to break our situation here. The information found in the brains of those two people showed that the Americans opened the spacecraft much faster than we did, but one thing that is different from us is that Americans are more rough. Unlike China ’s “Fourth Special Economic Zone”, which was opened in a more conservative way, Americans ’exploration area is much wider than ours, but it destroys a lot of useful things. That ’s why it ’s also an alien battleship American. Only the mechanical technology and biological part are so much worse than our dragon fate. Obviously the problem lies in this process. I calculated with my own intelligence that Americans' plan is to quickly improve their technical strength and defeat other countries with spacecraft remnants to steal the spacecraft remnants of other countries so that they can not only become the world It can be said that the strongest countries can supplement all the technologies destroyed by their own national fast-track research institutes.

In addition to the information on the progress of the ship, based on the information in the brains of those two people, we are surprised that the ship is very different from the ship in our country. The remains of the spaceship in China's "fourth special zone" can be said to be the central computer "son-in-law" at our base. But what surprised us was that the central computer inside this spaceship in the United States has not been removed, it is still resisting, that is to say, this spaceship has not completely lost its function, it just ca n’t fly, and it does not stop completely. . At present, the large area near the central control room in the front of the spacecraft is still under the control of the spacecraft's central computer. Americans in these areas have tried to break through several times, but they were hit back and the losses were very heavy. That computer is not only capable of operating weapon systems but also good at using public tactics to make American commandos embarrassed every time. In just a few forced assaults, more than 3,000 special combatants were lost. It shows how powerful the defense is. The most important thing is that the Americans have lost so many people, so far, there is almost no progress. You know that even if the Americans capture a city on earth, they do n’t necessarily need to die. So many people die here for an area of ​​a spaceship. This contrast is too obvious after so many people have not attacked.

Ling sorted out the information, showed it to me, and then asked, "Are you thinking about me?"

"What do you think?"

"As the owner of your character, I guess you are the same as I think."

"What are you waiting for?"

In fact, my idea is very simple. Since Americans have not been able to attack with so much effort, it means that the place has not been studied by Americans yet, it is an unopened treasure. If a grave robber enters a huge tomb, the existing rooms have been patronized by his colleagues, but there are several rooms that are still closed. What do you think he would choose? We have similar ideas now. If Americans ca n’t get in, we may not be able to get in. No matter what the area is, even the central computer in operation is a huge asset in itself.

Imagine how many new technologies the second son-in-law will bring to our dragon fate?

From the memory of those two researchers, we quickly found the inaccessible area. Unlike several other places, there are actually heavily guarded guards here just to see that their direction is not like the invaders outside the defense but the things inside the defense. Could it be that the defense system can also control a mobile attacker?

With doubt, we carefully touched one of the gates guarded by the guards. Obviously it is impossible to enter the area without alarming the guards here, at least from here. Ling and I followed a large circle around the cordon to observe many different intersections, and finally set the target at one of the least guarded entrances. There are only three people guarding this entrance. The reason why there are so few is mainly because the door here has never been opened. Unlike several other entrances, Americans have tried to invade from those entrances, so the door has been exploded long ago. The rest is An unobstructed passageway had to leave a large number of people to guard it. Instead, the passage blocked by the gate that had been completely paralyzed was safer. A few people would be sufficient as a sentry there.

When we reached the gate, one of the three guards was sitting on the exit corridor, playing a new generation of handheld game consoles. The other two were leaning against the wall and chatting there. Obviously, they did n’t have any sense of alert. Anyway, this ghost place has never been opened since the emergence of human beings on the earth. They do n’t think they are in the position of standing guard. The inner door of the Throne of India would suddenly open and therefore no vigilance was taken seriously. Ling and I quietly touched a corner close to them and then counted one, two, three, and three three needles at the same time. Because our speed was too fast and the other party was completely unprepared, we almost got three. personal. The rest of the work was simple. Ling and I read the memory of three people and modified their memories. Erase the section that saw us, then put them back to their original position to put them to sleep and wait for them to recover. By the time we should have gone in.

After the three guards were settled, the two of us smoothly reached the closed gate. Just looking at this door is almost the same as the design on the earth, if you do n’t know that this is inside the alien battleship. Looking at this laboratory, they thought it was the high-pressure seal of the laboratory. "Do you want to open this thing?" Ling looked at the door and asked me.

"According to the memory of those guards, this door seems to be blocked and may need to be opened forcibly!"

When Ling heard me, he said, "I'll hurry and add another memory to the three guys outside, so that they don't get up and there is a hole in the door to run to the alarm."

"You go, I'll open the door." After I said it, I patted the door with my hand. I was going to see how strong the door was before I started. Who knew that after the slap was shot up, a large slap-shaped square cover suddenly opened on the wall on the side of the door, and Ling and I were startled.

"This seems to be a recognition switch, right?" Zero looked at the panel and asked me in surprise.

"Maybe!" I said and pressed my hand on the panel, who would have thought that there would be no response. There followed a beeping sound with a slightly harsh sound, but what surprised us even more was the later changes. The reminder on the wall turned out to be a sound and the most incredible thing was actually Chinese.

The female voice said in standard Chinese: "The palm print information is not registered. You need to use the auxiliary login to touch the test panel again."

I was surprised, and Ling suddenly looked at the other person and tried to push the hand on the cover again, but this time it only slammed, and four metal holders popped from the vicinity of the cover to click my wrist. I locked it on the wall and then extended four (computer fiction stations) under the holder. The slender probe penetrated the skin under my wrist like a sparkle and automatically before I came and responded. After receiving the four fixtures, the probe automatically retracted after the probe was retracted and paused for a few seconds, and then the beep sounded again.

"Uhhhhhhhhhhhhh". A clear sound is completely different from the previous harsh sound, which sounds much more comfortable. "The completion of the first-level DNA code identification failed to connect to the database of this ship. The identity information could not be queried. Confirm the second-level permission. Please stick your palm to the test area again. This system will record the temporary permission."

This reminder stunned me and Ling. Did the identification actually pass? Why does the alien's DNA recognition system recognize my DNA code? And it's clear that the system connected to this door can't find my information at all. It doesn't even know who I am. It only gave me permission to pass a dna code, which means that my dna belongs to an extreme even among aliens. It is impossible for a particular group to find information and pass it. Of course, there is also a possibility that the aliens who built this warship are a unified group, and the only enemy is other alien races and the tribe are united, so as long as the dna of the tribe is found out, let it pass. But this possibility is relatively small and how does my DNA match aliens? and many more. I am not a human but a dragon-like creature enhanced by the B13 virus. But B13 is not something we made ourselves. It is a gene sample obtained from an alien warship. It is something that is restored by the technology of the earth. That is to say, the restoration of Dragon Edge has been very successful in reducing our DNA to the outside. The state of the DNA of the stars is that the original aliens should be a group of creatures with the same DNA as we understand.

"Master, what do you want? Login information!" Seeing that I didn't respond for a long time, Ling couldn't help pushing me.

"Ah? Oh!"

I quickly hurriedly flashed the green light on the test panel on the shore and the alert sounded again.

"Login information is complete. Before the connection to the database of this ship is restored, you have a temporary access permit. You can give orders below three levels to this system."

"Order?" I shouted in surprise. This permission not only allowed me to pass the door, but also gave me a permission to order. Although I don't know what the scope of this sub-level 3 command is, at least I can be sure that I have been identified as "own" by the system. The system will be more within my authority. This change is too amazing.

"Is there anything wrong with this?" Ling couldn't help but put his hand on the panel and tried it. The results, like me, said that the person who had not logged in the system also tested her and gave her a DNA. Temporary access permits It is obvious that the DNA of our Dragon family is the default type of DNA that is only available to people with high access permissions here.

After the login was completed, Ling and I walked to the door and waited for us to shoot the door. The door rose up. It turned out that this door, which has been considered broken by Americans, actually requires identification to open it! After we entered the door, the door closed automatically again. This time, we don't have to worry about leaving a big hole on the door and people outside will have problems.

After we passed the gate, we started to move forward carefully, but after walking for a long time, nothing happened, and then I thought, suddenly I shouted above my head, "Master system."

Sure enough, the system really responded to my shout. "Hello Officer, what's the order?"

"Sergeant? Why are you calling me?"

"Dna analysis shows that your DNA sequence has been strengthened by special forces but the database of this ship is damaged. Your identity information cannot be read. According to our military strategy, the minimum requirements for lieutenant and above ranks for special forces enhanced transformation according to our military strategy. I have your specific identity or hope that I call you a special title can now tell the system that your personal settings will be applied immediately. "

"Please call me Ziri." I did not use my real name because I was afraid that if the Americans attacked at this time and heard the system call my name. The Americans knew we were doing this attack, but they just couldn't show it because they had no evidence if they knew my name. Although it can not be directly regarded as evidence, it is always a trouble.

"Hello Ziri. May I have any order?" After the system changed its name, it began to ask me what order.

I thought for a moment and said, "I'm not on this ship. Do you have a map here?"

"Please use your personal terminal to receive the map."

"My personal terminal was damaged in the battle." I'm not an alien. What personal terminal? I wonder if this lie can be mixed up!

The system immediately said without any hesitation: "You can use any wireless electronic device that you have confirmed is safe to receive information or turn right to the third fork and use the communicator in the channel to receive the map."

I thought about it and immediately diffused the wireless signal of my electronic brain and said, "Can you detect the wireless device I have turned on now?"

"An unrecorded wireless device was detected as a sixth-generation personal assistant terminal of Fire Elf but the specific model could not be queried. Can this system be connected to this device? Can I use it?"

Can actually connect. I just opened the wireless network mode of my electronic brain, and this system not only can find this signal, but also recognizes it as a "fire elf sixth generation personal terminal". It can be determined that our electronic brain should also be an alien The technology of the reverse recovery technology is very similar to that of the alien terminal. But we are after all produced by our company, so the system only considers this to be one of the new models without its certification.

"Please transfer the map."

As soon as I finished talking, I immediately felt the wireless connection signal and got an electronic map immediately after establishing the connection. I shared the map with Ling and started browsing immediately. This map is not a plan view, but a three-dimensional view. The three-dimensional structure of the entire ship is all on it, and not only the position of each corridor and corridor, but the functions of each room are clearly marked.

After reading the map, I suddenly wondered that since this system recognizes my officer status, can it accept my order to start this warship? If it is possible, then it is really moving the entire battleship back to China! Even if you ca n’t fly back to China blatantly, as long as you stay in the United States, are you afraid that you will not have the opportunity to study?

"Can you have full control over this battleship in the main system?"

"Yes." The system's answer excited me and Ling also heard what I meant, with my ears aside, waiting for my next order.

"So I hope you can take off the battleship?"

"Order accepted." These words almost jumped up immediately when I was excited, but when the system followed, it acted as a brake. "But it couldn't be completed."

"What do you mean?"

"All the original members of the ship were killed. You currently have the highest authority of the ship, so the order is accepted but the ship's flight system is damaged and cannot be started, so the order cannot be completed."

"I'm so happy!" Ling was as soft as me.

I thought for a while and then said, "I hope to get a report of the damage of the warship. Can you give me?"

"Please wait while the instruction is executed."

This waited for more than a minute and then the system directly transmitted the damage report to my electronic brain. Apparently it had already identified this as my personal terminal. The new damage report was obtained based on the detailed map just now. The original structure of the battleship was detailed, with a lot of electrical pipe and equipment location markings. Some of the equipment was displayed in green, others were yellow and red and black signs. The description next to it means that green means completely normal. Yellow means that the device has been damaged but can still be used for a while. Red means that the device is out of function but can be repaired. Black means it is damaged and cannot be repaired. At a glance on the map, we saw that almost one-fifth of the entire ship was black. The red parts accounted for more than half. The yellow equipment accounted for about one-fifth. The green part was only a few points. But for an antique that has crashed on the earth for n years, it is still a miracle. If the whole picture is green, then hell!

"Where is this?" I used my electronic brain to circle several yellow-green areas in the spaceship state diagram and asked the system.

"The mobile weapon warehouse in the forefront. The one above the middle is the central control area, which is the two areas behind your current area, which are the maintenance facilities and the biological weapon incubation site."

"That is to say the most important areas are all right?"

"Yes, because the above areas are the most important areas, preparations have been made in all aspects before construction and these areas have their own automatic maintenance robots. The maintenance robots still work for a long time after the ship fell The Throne of India, so most of this area remains positive

Often functions are the biological weapon incubation area. "The main system circled an almost all green area in the status chart.

"So far, one tenth of the maintenance robots in this area can operate normally, so the intact rate in this area is obviously better than that in other areas."

"Fighting creature incubator? Are you referring to the place where fighting creatures are made?"

"Yes. The combat biological incubator can extract the required biological gene fragments from the gene bank, use the inventory resources to synthesize biological spores, and then use the catalyst to catalyze its growth to adulthood in six to eight hours. When the battleship contacts, it can shoot into the opponent's area. A bio-missile with combat creatures, then the combat creature ascends the enemy ship 6 and penetrates the interior of the warship to kill its living power and destroy the battleship system. This is the most economically proven combat method currently proven, especially when it is on the planet 6 . As a battle against the biochemical battle beast mothership, this ship has created a record of destroying 3 million unmanned space interceptors and sinking the Orion Star Organization ’s leading planet fortress. The biological battle of the Hualong Federation is considered It is the most cost-effective combat system in the current war system. No one can compete except the Kakas of the Sith Nebula have mastered the gravity weapon system. "

Although this computer's information database is severely damaged, obviously there are still a lot of data that survived. This news about the warship is only a piece of history for me, an earth creature. Star Wars! That's something we can't think of. At best, we are now the enemies or owners of this warship who have just been able to fight in space. We are dead unless we die.

"Well, I want to know how did you crash here?"

"Our ship was ordered to perform a top-secret military operation on September 14, 8217. It was attacked by the planetary devourer of Karratha in battle. To save time, the throne of the Seal of God. The ship and the fleet launched a wormhole generator and made a space jump, but it was jumping. In the process of encountering stellar explosions of this ship and Ater's book, the Lantians biochemical beast mother ship and the Tiangong electronic combat ship were rolled into the wormhole and lost space coordinates. When we returned to normal space, the three of us were already far away from the war. This planet is very close. Because the power system was destroyed by the turbulence of time and space, we couldn't escape the gravity of the planet and were forced to crash on the surface of the planet. "

"That is to say you don't actually know where it is?"

"Yes. When I returned to the positive space, my main system started the Nebula Scanning System, but the star map matching could not be performed.

The only possibility of calculation is that we not only pass through space but also through time in the wormhole. The Seal of the Seal of God. This should not belong to our Federation.

Seal of time on the throne body. "

"Is you coming through?" Hearing Ling Cai ’s response and screaming violently before I was relieved, I was still worried that if we encountered such a powerful alien when we immigrated, it was definitely not an opponent but now look There is no need to worry about it. He said that this is not the same time and place as the place he came from. That is to say, even if we search the universe all over again, it is impossible to find the force where his manufacturing capital is located.

I thought about it and asked, "Did the Atlantis biochemical battleship crash on the surface of the planet?"

"Yes, this ship was at the end of the queue at the time so the exact locations of the other two ships were recorded."

"Do you see this position?" I passed the position of China's fourth special zone. As a result, the location of the system was confirmed. In this way, the fourth special zone opened by our country should be the Atlantis. It turned out to be a biochemical battle beast mothership. No wonder the most of the technologies analyzed by Dragon Margin are biological transformation. In terms of technology, the ship was dedicated to this for a long time! "Where is that other electronic battleship?" The system immediately gave a coordinate on the earth. I compared the position with the map in my mind. The guy was buried in Switzerland. How many times did I say? The world wars have turned upside down, but Switzerland has no one to move! It ’s been a long time that all the common babies in Europe said that in that family, everyone avoided the place to fight and avoid accidentally destroying the common babies. Now that this ship is basically completely controlled by us, then I just can get it to get some technical information back. After thinking about it, I immediately asked the main system for all the technical information it stored, but the result disappointed me. It turns out that the system that has been talking to us is not the main system here. In order to ensure that the entire battleship is out of control due to a certain system paralysis in the battle, the system on the alien battleship is divided into several parts, one of which has the highest authority central system. It oversees the entire ship regiment. Below it there is also a combat system, a support system, an information system, an internal management system and a navigation system ~ ~ All other systems on this ship are now scrapped internal system. It is also the most useless system on the entire ship, but in our current situation, this system is the most useful. Now this ship is so bad that the combat system and flight control system are basically equipped with support systems. There is no specific task. Usually, they are responsible for who is busy. If they do n’t come, it will automatically top the information system to manage communications and intelligence analysis. It is also useless to us. The internal management system can maximize the functions of the remaining equipment of this warship. After all, the outside of the warship has been rotten, but the internal equipment is relatively intact. However, although this internal management system is very useful, it does not care about technical information. Originally, the technical data were other systems in charge of the central main system. Under normal circumstances, it is possible to call its data. The problem is that the warship database is damaged and there is no need to check it.


When I heard that there was no ready-made technical information, I had to take my second step. "Tell the truth to you! Actually, I was also involved here, so now I need to collect as much as possible the materials left by the Federation on this planet in order to expand the strength on hand as soon as possible but I lack the transportation equipment if it is yours What do you think should be taken away first to help me the most? "Anyway, this guy is responsible for managing all kinds of internals of the warship.

He knows what the equipment is most useful for.

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