Starting from Zero

Vol 17 Chapter 8: Amazing?

When I heard that call, I knew it was not easy to jump out from behind the hiding rock, and less than a second after I jumped out, the big stone I once hid in the throne of the Seal of Siam had exploded and turned into countless Stone dust scattered.

"The Brahma is so temperamental!" I said with a smile as I stepped out of the stone powder.

Seeing my appearance, the performance of the two parties is very different. The Hindu deities here at Brahma and I have zero contact with the thug group. Although I have heard that our forces have also fought a few times, but only a very limited friction has not given birth to regular battles. Understanding is also limited to knowing. In contrast, the response from the Buddhist monk is relatively large. Although I do n’t know what the unborn child is, at least I should be sure that there is a connection between the two because the Buddhists are obviously nervous when they see me. stand up. In his strength, naturally, he will not be afraid that a mortal will be so nervous only because the backing behind me is called Tianting. Therefore, since they know that my relationship with Tianting is bound to be related to their avatar.

Although most of the Brahma people don't know me, they are not absolutely unknown. Just in brahma

When they were confused, Hinduism came out with a report of players whispering beside them in Brahma

Some of the content as a player is naturally different from those of the great gods. Of course, I understand my combat power

No. 1 on the list is nothing strange. Besides, I used to come to India to make troubles.

There are also many people who know me.

"It turned out to be the lord of the Chinese guild. Let's fight by hand!" Vishnu came out and said, "You are out today.

What does it mean now? "

"Hahaha, I just pass by to see the excitement here, just come and visit. You do n’t have to be

I mean, I have to take care of myself when I don't exist. "

"Huh." Shiva snorted coldly. "Even if my **** Zhuzhu is not the same, it is our internal affairs.

When an outsider appeared here, I was still thinking about watching, let me first meet you as a mortal to see the strength of the Central Plains clan

how is it. "

4th floor

Shiva destroys God ’s character in India and is naturally more combative, but I did n’t expect that this guy would even disregard his status. One of the dignified Hindu giants actually wanted to do something with me, an ordinary person. This is equivalent to the original deity in our country. This kind of existence suddenly finds the gun **** or the ghost hand Nobunaga. They are singled out. Isn't it obvious that they are bullying?

I also want to justify some people who know that Shiva said that he would hit one foot with one hand and suddenly a huge snake head popped up and swallowed me in. Seeing that I was swallowed by a giant snake, the player immediately started to make Shiva's horse ass, but the corner of Shiva's mouth that was raised upwards suddenly pulled down. Even the other big gods around suddenly changed their face and some low-level gods even Instantly his face turned white, like a rabbit accidentally stepping into a wolf's den.

"How is that possible?" This was Shiva's first call, and his character was more impulsive. He also called out directly. Those Indian players who are attached to Buddhism and Hinduism are just the big brothers who are now around suddenly changing color, but they don't know what happened. One or two question marks are not easy to ask directly.

When those people were surprised, the snake in front of them suddenly struck up in that fierce struggle, and then suddenly looked at it. The head of the giant snake with hands hit the ball sharply, and opened its mouth wide toward the sky. The flame sprayed from the mouth of the snake, and the flame spread quickly, engulfing the whole snake in a sudden twist. The snake was quickly burned into a pile of fly ash and everyone saw it intact. Standing there, I was watching them with a smile.

"The Lord Shiva really doesn't give face! I was just passing by and I didn't expect Hinduism to treat guests like this. It was really disappointing!"

Shiva saw what I looked like and I did n’t know what to say at all. Instead, Vishva stood beside him and asked loudly, “What's on your chest?” The reason why these knights were so surprised just now is because of me. The power of Feng Lingzhu who started the chest is the power to suppress the divine power, but he has no shielding effect, so the suppressed gods can all feel that the source of the power to suppress themselves is in my chest.

"You say this?" I pointed to my chest deliberately pretending not to know, "I don't know what it looks like anyway, so I pretended to be up there? Don't you all like this stuff?"

I was also worried that Feng Lingzhu did not work well for some gods with strong divine power. Now it seems that the suppression effect is perfect, so I naturally have no fear. If you quantify the fighting power of ordinary monsters and players in "Zero Bar Fighting Group" and reduce them proportionally, you can roughly summarize the fighting power of players and monsters into a positive number of less than one hundred. Normal people generally have this value. The fighting power of the gods is also based on a positive number of less than one hundred, but their actual fighting power is the value multiplied by one hundred. This determines that the mortals under normal circumstances must not beat the gods because your maximum The value is less than a hundred people. The light multiplier is a hundred. Even if it is only one, it has reached the peak of the players. Not to mention that most of the higher gods have a basic combat power of 50 or more. The fighting power is generally 80 to 100 times of the player, so the player can't beat the gods anyway. However, this Fengling Bead in my hand has an extremely anti-sky function. It can multiply the one behind the fighting power of the **** by one hundred to directly remove it, that is, return the fighting power of the **** to the level of a mortal. You can only fight with the basic fighting power. As soon as the gods are gone, especially the gods. I have done a mission of the boundary of divine power before, which is to break through the limit of mortals. So my basic combat power can reach more than one hundred. Although there is no one that multiplies by one hundred, but now the gods by one hundred are rewarded by one hundred. Without it, their remaining combat power is left with only basic combat power. It is very unfortunate that the basic combat power of the gods is actually almost the same as the basic combat power of the player, which is zero. The hand fight group is basically less than one hundred. Although it will be nearly one hundred times stronger than the player after multiplying one hundred, it is now completely lost. At the level of the player, let alone my existence as a **** among players. I guess that among the gods present, I can pass hundreds of tricks under my hands, but they are definitely two digits, and I dare say that they will never be killed by me. I am afraid that it is not even a Brahma or Rulai. Slightly stronger than me, it really is a fortune. Of course, I do n’t dare to take the initiative to challenge now. After all, it ’s my odds to be slightly lower. What ’s more, this is calculated by the opponent and me. If people are embracing each other, even if Yuan Shi Tianzun or Hong Jun ’s master come, they must quickly withdraw. run. As the saying goes, a tiger can't stand a group of wolves, let alone a group of gods opposite it?

In fact, the above algorithm is not necessarily accurate because the combat effectiveness is not calculated based on individual strength. Those that are calculated above should be said to be personal strength and not combat effectiveness. There are two very important in addition to personal strength to determine victory or defeat in battle. Things are called weapons and armor. Even if the great **** is suppressed by others, the artifact is not beautiful. Unlike the player, the artifact is basically the same as the ordinary equipment on the god's side. I dare not say that each one is the basic guarantee.

Zero bar like Brahma ’s hand hit group leader must be a bunch of artifact sets and a bunch of powerful artifact-level auxiliary items. We still suffer.

Although I jealous of the power of the gods, I dare not to use those gods now hesitated. Before, they were dozens of times more powerful than mine. Of course, there was nothing to discuss. It seems that if you want to bully an ant, you will not discuss anything with the ants. But if your current opponent is zero, the hand-to-hand group suddenly becomes one. Even if the wolf is a relatively thin Erlang, it is necessary to carefully consider whether it is worth starting.

Brahma here generally has no direct conflict of interest with me. Although there will definitely be some conflicts in the future, I can't see any irreconcilable contradictions in the near future, so they don't really want to move me. The contradiction on the Buddha's side is already obvious and it has reached the point of irreconcilability. Now I suddenly show the zero bar. The hand-knot group Feng Lingzhu is something like a weapon of mass destruction to the Buddha. They thought about it and felt that they could not leave me with such a scourge. At least they could n’t let me bring Feng Lingzhu to hurt. Otherwise, if I start this thing in future battles, they will suffer. ~ Do n’t take advantage of me now After you place your order quickly, you may not have this opportunity.

7th floor

After thinking about this truth, Rulai shouted out to Brahma first. "The thing on him is a scourge to both of us. It would be better to destroy it now or you and we are not good!"

Brahma didn't want to intervene when he came here, but he started to hesitate after listening to the provocations on the Buddhist side. After all, Feng Lingzhu was too threatened, and they were naturally quite worried.

When I heard Rulai, I immediately demolished the channel and said, "I said, Rulai, when can you change the habit of taking people as guns? What do you mean by calling us to fight? It ’s up to you to come by yourself. Do n’t you think that so many people in Buddhism are not my opponents?

With the suppression of Feng Lingzhu, even if the great gods of Buddhism fight together, they can still do it, but the premise is that Brahma ca n’t get in and come in and be chased by two groups of gods is not a good thing. Especially I know that there is a **** beast under Shiva. (Multiple) special abilities can restrict others from escaping, so it is not easy for them to join forces with Buddhist monks anyway.

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