Starting from Zero

Vol 17 Chapter 11: Change a vest

The guy who has become a monster does not know if he was hungry. He lost his reason completely or lost his sense when he turned into a monster. Regardless of the wound on his body, he rushed over again, just compared to the previous sudden attack. I was ready to add that he was hurt more than me, so I hid a little sideways, but the guy was not easy. The claws didn't catch me. He even took me by the tail and lost the balance I took with her. Get out.

The same happened to my monster and that monster's encounter was much worse. He was under the protection of his own people, but I was rolling in the enemy's heap and saw me rolling past the Buddha in the vicinity. Immediately, a handful of knives and swords were handed up. Seeing that they were about to be hit by those weapons, the soil beneath me suddenly opened a hole to punch numerous rattan splinters from the soil and pulled me into the ground in addition to blocking the weapons that hit me. After the people in the Buddhist gate cut off the rattan, where is my figure on the ground?

"It seems that it's still too arrogant!" I sighed as I summoned Xiaochun to help me treat the wound on my shoulder. Although Feng Lingzhu suppresses the power of the gods and Buddhas, after all, there are many other people and different from ordinary players. These gods and Buddhas have one or two artifacts on them. There used to be a magic dragon suit to protect me from ordinary players. It was almost inaccessible. Now among these gods, it is only equivalent to wearing a slightly better armor. If the sword is inaccessible, I do n’t expect the performance of the magic dragon suit. It just plays a supporting role. However, this is already good. If I wear ordinary equipment of ordinary players, it is estimated that there is no difference between wearing a layer of hard paper in front of the weapons of these gods and Buddhas.

The wound was healed quickly under Xiaochun's treatment. The dragon armor was able to recover faster than my wound due to the auto-repair ability brought by Phoenix Blood. After checking that there was no problem, I began to plan to find the Buddhist door. However, with the previous lessons, I also understand that even if there is the suppression of the deities by Feng Lingzhu, the deities cannot see them as Chinese cabbage.

In the face of ordinary players, as long as they don't shoot out first-line players like the ghosts and ghosts Nobunaga, I can basically do a few walks in the army, as long as I am willing, I can rush past any position and it is Just leave if you want. As long as I don't flood myself, I plan to kill all of the opponent ’s army, so the number of players is basically meaningless to me. However, in the face of these gods and Buddhas, they cannot do so. At best, among the Buddha's army, it is equivalent to a special soldier falling into a group of armed police. Although the special forces are definitely more powerful than the ordinary armed police, even if there are more people in the armed police, even the world's strongest special forces will still lie down because the difference in strength between the two has not reached the point of ignoring the number. I am now in the position of the Buddhist monk. This is the situation. One-to-one except for Rulai and Guanyin. I ca n’t do anything except for the bosses. But they ca n’t be surrounded by two, three, maybe four or five. No matter how much I can protect myself, even my own safety will be a problem!

After thinking about the situation, I stopped taking risks and started playing tricks. I wasn't the one who was invincible as soon as I entered the game

We are also a rookie, and our current achievements have come step by step. Now I'm going straight with the enemy because the power has grown

If there are too many enemies, there is no need to play tricks, but I really do well when I meet such enemies now.

Due to my disappearance, the Buddhist and Hindu people have resumed normal fighting, although they can feel that their divine power is still being suppressed.

I was judged so I did n’t leave but because I have n’t shown up yet, no one has the time to follow me.

From time to time, several gods and Buddhas fell but more people were entangled in endlessly. Unlike ordinary players, the system of gods and Buddhas is imposed.

The healing spells of Upper Hinduism and Buddhism are strong, so after a long fight, the casualties on both sides are very small, it is just a group of undead creatures in the melee unless

After hitting the soul and flying away, otherwise it will be very difficult for real death to happen, but it is also because of this reason that the battle between the two sides will be more intense.

Lie and I just started.

"Kill ..." A Buddhist figure was shouting at a small Hindu **** and he just ran two steps and suddenly there was a big hole in his foot.

A dozen rattan spouts out of it and instantly pulled that guy into the ground while I was already under the ground and the rose vine and the pioneer just dug a hole

The cave was waiting for the Buddha.

Because Rose Vine's attack power is insufficient, it is almost impossible to kill people in the Buddhist gate. Although Feng Lingzhu can suppress the divine power, not all the attributes of the Buddhist gate are lost. In fact, only the degree, attack, defense and other attributes that have been affected by the divine power have been improved. The attribute like blood volume is purely brought by the body. It has nothing to do with the divine power at all, that is, the recovery is slower after the divine power is suppressed, but the total amount has not changed. It ’s different from players who have tens of thousands and millions of lives. The gods and Buddhas have at least five million or more individual melee-type individuals and even nearly 100 million. Even if the defense is now reduced, it ’s enough for me to cut for a while. The eternal sword's blood-sucking properties are overwhelming the level of blood of the gods or Buddhas. If these guys have thick blood strips, they will kill me alive if I cut them.

The buddha who came down from the rose vine broke out of the control of the rose vine as soon as it entered the burrow. At the same time, he started his golden body and took a picture of the golden rose vine in the cave. He immediately threw the guy out. When I saw the guy falling from the top of the hole, I immediately raised my hand and it was a sword. He just got out of the control of the rose vine. He did not expect to be attacked in the back and rushed. Although he hid, he made a big opening in his arm. Eternal took the opportunity to absorb a large amount of blood and instantly lit up a layer of golden light. As long as the eternal sword is dipped in the blood of the **** and Buddha, the sword's attack power will continue to increase at a slow degree until the blood on the sword is completely absorbed. The light will disappear, but the increased attack power will not. Falling down is a permanent ascension. This blood-sucking ability to increase attack power is not an eternal attribute, but a sword spirit attribute. Because the eternal sword spirit is originally a demon spirit, it has its blood-sucking attribute. This has the attribute of increasing attack power today. If I was looking for another kind of good spirit body, it will evolve into another sword spirit. Here comes a special attribute.

The man in the Buddhist gate was scratched by my sword, and immediately covered the wound and retreated to the side of the cave, but he didn't feel right after flashing two steps. The cold, cold breath that suddenly appeared behind him made him twist his body and turned, but only saw Hemang lost his consciousness in a flash. Ling came out of the darkness with a little black light on his hands. "Without my divine power, it really works."

Ling itself is the **** who lost my divine power after making my magic pet. It was downgraded to support ordinary creatures, but because of downgrading into ordinary creatures, she has unlimited potential and is no longer limited by divine powers.

Be proud of (to) continue to improve basic strength. If Ling is now recovering her divine power, she will be forced to follow me before. I do n’t know how many times, and the person in this Buddhist gate is suppressed by my divine power.

Chu Ling's state when she just lost her power. It is impossible for an ordinary member of one of his Buddhist monasteries to surpass the strength of the Lord of the Dark Temple. Besides, Ling has now improved a lot. He is naturally not an opponent who was easily released.


"This guy says it's okay now?" I asked to the guy who was still glowing like a light bulb.

Ling took away a bit of black light from his hand and said to me, "I just sealed his soul with a soul seal. This body is okay."

"Can you extract his soul?"

"It depends on how he became a Buddha."

"Is there a difference?"

"Some buddhas originally cultivated the body of the soul is the soul, but some are trained by ordinary creatures and flesh. If it is only the soul body, it is always the state of the soul. There is no soul to let me pump.

Is another situation to try. "

"What's the situation with this guy?"

"I've only tried it." Ling raised his hand to the guy and grabbed him in the void. The guy immediately stood up, but still remained unconscious. Ling walked over and bounced into the guy's head

A human figure composed of exactly the same golden light as that guy was ejected from the body, and at the same time, the golden body immediately lost what kind of golden light, but it was replaced by the soul body that popped up.

The physical "bulb" works so the hole is still bright. "It looks like this guy has a flesh. But what do you want, the master?"

"Of course it works."

A few minutes later, the place where the man in the Buddhist gate was pulled into the crypt suddenly turned upside down. The guy who had just been pulled down actually crawled out again, but there were more wounds on his body. Luo Han, who was next to a Buddhist gate, saw the man getting up and called out, "Xin

Are you okay? "

"Ah? It's okay. Just a few minor injuries ~ ~ It's okay. What about the devil named Ziri? Did he drag you down just now?"

"I was run away by him. I can't chase after punching holes in the bottom!"

"Then there is no way. I'll deal with the Brahma side first and treat yourself later."

"You know, be careful."

After speaking, the man who had just climbed out of the cave immediately ran to the back, but instead of helping himself to heal the wound, he turned and slipped into Daleiyin Temple, which was already empty. In fact, this is not the man in the previous Buddhist gate, but the shell has been changed.

Ben Demon.

Just after subduing that guy, Ling knocked his soul out of the body. I used Tianshi to lock the soul array to force his soul into the body of this guy. My own body was hosted by Phantom. With the help of this guy's physical body, I am very content

Yi ran into the Da Lei Yin Temple. Hey, this place, but Buddha's Base Camp does not know where their treasure house will be?

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