Starting from Zero

Vol 17 Chapter 28: Troublesome

"I don't know!" The guys shuddered and shivered! "We said what it was. Last time we hung up without even walking here!"

I nodded and motioned Skort to let them go. "You can go."

"So this"? "That guy lightened his petrified arm. Yeyue immediately stepped forward to help them remove the petrified effect, and then turned back to my side. Those who had been set free turned and ran back, but they kept talking to me. That guy didn't leave.

"Why don't you go?"

"I want to form a team with you for the time being."


"I understand the situation inside and can act as a guide, and your summoned creatures are obviously too horrible. Although the thing that the net Caisheng screams must be very powerful, I don't think it will be killed with you. In case Come in. You do your thing, and let me find some herbs myself. "

I thought about it and it seemed that nothing was lost. So I agreed, but I didn't team with him. Just set him as the third person to kill a monster together and the total experience value will be more than a person killing the same monster, but based on his attack power and my attack power, I will definitely lose it. The experience you get is not as much as killing monsters by yourself. It wouldn't matter if you brought your own leveler. This guy doesn't touch me and no reason, why should I take him to share experience? Just set him as a third party to ensure that my range of attacks will not directly hurt him.

After clearing out these little monsters in front of me, I put away all the summoned creatures and led the volunteer towards the center. After passing the grass, a dense wall of plants appeared in front. This kind of thing doesn't seem to grow naturally. The crisscrossing barbed vines weave a wall of more than three meters high on the ground, and the two ends extend into the invisible forest. Behind the fence, you can see some strangely shaped trees. It seems that I have seen this kind of tree somewhere, but it was just a moment when the Throne of the Seal of God could not be remembered. I originally wanted to make a hole in the wall, but my guide told me that the wall is alive. As soon as I attack it, nearby plants will automatically fight back. Although I am not necessarily afraid of these plants, I will always Very troublesome.

After listening to that guy's advice, instead of destroying the wall structure, I flew him across the wall. Anyway, the fence of more than three meters is the same to me. But when we look over the wall, the picture is completely different. Although the environment outside the fence is very beautiful, but it is only a natural environment, it is completely like a fairy tale world. Except for the thorny fence behind it and the huge towering trees, the wall is full of colorful dreams. Various colorful plants grow together in a disorderly but abnormally coordinated manner. Several silvery streams on the ground meander and finally inject into a small blue lake. In addition to these things, I also find that there are a lot of strange crystals floating in the air here, because there will be flashes from time to time in the air, and everything looks very unreal.

I was watching the beauty there, but a small thing suddenly flew in front of me and blocked my view. This is a humanoid creature about the size of a dove. Her main body looks like a beautiful little girl, but she is very small. On her body was a layer of silver fringed dress that seemed to be woven with a lot of silk threads. When she flew up, the skirt's hem would flutter gently in the air, like a tail. Behind her is a pair of wings that are relatively large for her. The surface of the wings is also covered with a layer of tassels similar to her clothes. It looks as if there are pink coats of hair on the wings. Thanks to the pair of Mao's towering wings, the blessed little thing will not make any sound even when flying high in the air. If it hadn't been for her flying in front of me, I would have probably not noticed such a small thing at all.

"This is the half-blooded demon." The guy who showed me the way suddenly reminded.

"This is it?" I glanced at the little thing in front of me. It is somewhat different from the image in imagination. I thought this thing would grow into a butterfly shape! "Is they intelligent?"

"Do you think we are stupid big men?" The little thing in front of him suddenly spoke, his voice was very crisp, and it was extremely clear, and he heard it very clearly as if a lark was talking to you.

"Sorry, I just want to confirm." I came to help these little guys, so I acted very politely. "That" is your collar? "

"Parallel? What is that?"

"Ah?" This question made me stagger.

"The collar is the highest status individual in your population, the worship that directs and coordinates your work and life."

"Why do others direct us to work?"

"This ,!" Looks like I really don't know how to explain this. The situation is already obvious. The mixed race demon should be a race without a clear social system, which means that they do not have a clear distinction between the leader and the leader, and each individual in the ethnic group is basically equal. "Forget it, another question. I want to discuss with you what to do?"

"What do you want to discuss? If you have anything to do with it, talk to her and leave."

"About your entire community."

"That's it! Then you wait for a while by the lake." The mixed race demon in front of me turned and flew away. I also went to the lake and waited for the mixed race demon to see what she was going to do. After a while, the surrounding forest suddenly became lively, and I saw a large group of colorful mixed-blood demon flying out from behind various plants and gathered quickly to my side. It was not until this time that I realized that the color of the mixed-race flower demon is not single, but there is no regularity at all. All kinds of mixed-race flower demon have appeared, and even the colors of many mixed-race flower demon themselves are colorful.

About a few minutes later, a large group of mixed race demon gathered in front of me, and one of them flew in front of me, but I'm really not sure if this is just the one I saw before, after all these little things except It doesn't look much different outside of color.

"Well, I've got my companions. What on earth are you going to say?"

Everyone gave a trick, "My name is Ziji, I'm asking you to discuss things. Do you often lose a powder on your wings?"

"You say this?" One of the half-blooded demon touched one on his wing, and immediately got a handful of fine powder in his hand.

I nodded. "That's it. I want to ask if you have any powder like this

"Useless." The half-blooded flower demon replied very simply: "These powders will automatically fall off as soon as the time comes to seal the throne. Generally, it's not good to lose them."

"This" Although these powders are not useful to you, I am useful. I would like to ask if you can provide this powder? "

A blue half-blooded goblin flew in front of me and said, "It's okay to give you, it's useless anyway we want it, but how do you collect it? The powder on our bodies can't be saved on the body, until time The throne of the Seal of God will naturally fall down. We can't stand in one place every day to help you accumulate powder? "

"This is also my headache. I want to know if there is any way for you? After all, this is something you have. I think you may know a little bit more than me, and I have a lot of demand, I do n’t know you What is the yield? "

"You will also make a U-turn, do you know how to collect your head?" A half-blooded flower demon retorted: "Our powder is usually useless with Ben, how can we study its collection method? And You also said that it would be very large. We don't think we can provide it to you. The output of our own powder is not low, but it is scattered on the road every day, and it is difficult to collect. "

This is troublesome. The other party was willing to cooperate with me but could not find a collection method. This was more surprising to me. I thought that the other party would not cooperate, but now how to collect has become the biggest obstacle!

"That's it!" I bowed my head for a while and couldn't think of any good way, so I said, "Can you give me some samples and let me go back and research them?"

"This is okay, sisters come to help." At the call of a half-blooded flower demon, the other half-blooded flower demon Li Xuan flew over. They first put a leaf of a lotus-like plant on the ground, and then Each half-blooded goblin flew to the top of the leaf and shook her body desperately. After each of them flew over, a small pile of powder piled up on the leaves, and it seemed to almost catch up to the size of the ice ball. .

I put away the powder and half-blooded banshees and said hello, then took my guide to collect some of the local precious herbs, and then left this strange forest. On the way back, I also loaded some of that An invisible potion was brought out. After saying goodbye to the support guide, I quickly returned to Isinger, and then switched to Xinda 6 Research Center. In order to collect those powders, you must first understand what the characteristics of these things are, just like industrial beneficiation. Only after you understand the various characteristics of the required ore can you filter based on the differences between it and certain characteristics of other objects. .

"President? Why are you free to come to us?" The researchers at the Frost Rose Alliance Comprehensive Institute saw that I stopped working in surprise.

I didn't make nonsense, just took out the bag of powder and put it on the table to help me study the various attributes of this thing. This task is urgent, you first concentrate on analyzing, I will wait here. "

"Okay." A few, the researcher immediately came to open the leaf and observed the powder, and then the members of each research group took their own equipment and took a little powder to go back to work on their own project. This comprehensive research institute is specifically responsible for analyzing some weird things. Because many things in the game do not know what it is at first, there must be a place like a hospital's triage room to figure out the general type of things. Only to conduct special research to special research institutions. Now these research groups are teams that study different attributes in groups. They can analyze the various attributes of the measured objects within their own responsibility.

Because I do this professionally. So the data of each group came out quickly. First, the research team of the physical test team ran over to report: "The particles of this powder are very fine, but the density is greater than gold. The hardness is too small to test because the particles are too small, but the crystal structure is very similar. The structure of magic crystal, so guess the hardness may be very

After the physical networking report, the chemical team went on to report: "We are still unclear about the specific composition of this thing, but it is basically certain that this is an organic substance, but its chemical properties are extremely stable. No substance has been found for the time being. Can react with it biochemically. "

Immediately after the end of the chemical group report, the energy group immediately reported: "Chairman, we now have an extremely powerful energy in this substance, and its energy level is basically similar to that of colorful magic crystals. If it can be collected, it may be replaced instead. Colorful magic crystals are used as energy substances. "

I nodded and said, "This substance is a powder on the wings of a small creature, some similar to the powder on moths and butterfly wings. I now need to collect a large amount of this powder, and the other party is willing to cooperate, but they cannot Control the fall of the powder on your body, now you help me to think about any method that can help me collect this powder? "

A researcher immediately raised his hand and said, "Maybe you can use martial arts to test martial arts."

"If water?"

"Yes." The researcher came to the front and said, "If water contains negative energy, and this powder contains positive energy, there may be attraction between the two. If you wrap water in some kind of container and let those creatures Bring them on, and the powder falling from them will automatically adsorb to this container, so as long as the throne of the seal of God is released somewhere once.

"Are you sure if water can attract these powders?"

"It should be possible, but we do n’t have any water here, we need to test to know

I immediately took out the gourd that I had previously installed.

"I have it here, and you can experiment to see if it works."


It seems that it is right for us to have such a large group of researchers in our guild. If you come across any difficult problems, you can discuss the results immediately. This is something you would not even think of in other guilds! The trainer did the experiment quite quickly. It took less than a minute to get this simple incubation. The result proves that if the water can really attract the powder, the problem is not completely solved. Because if water itself is a pure negative energy. It has a strong corrosive effect on any positive energy substance. For example, in reality, glass products used for sulfuric acid are almost like white sugar in hot water, and they dissolve instantly. As for the use of a container, it is even worse. Most of the creatures in the game except the undead are all positive energy bodies. They will burn if they encounter water, and if there is no container, those powders will only contact the water Follow the reaction, so there is no such thing as a collection!

The research group leader of the energy group said to me: "Chairman, we have now proved that if water has the function of adsorbing powder, the difference is a suitable container. You may wish to go to a special energy research institute to see how they compare. profession."

I nodded. "Tough work for you. I will now go to the Energy Institute to see if I pick up the rest of the powder, and then I directly go to the Frost Rose Alliance Magic Crystal Dynamics Institute. When I come here to tell you something, someone will give it in less than two minutes. I sent a black thing that looks like jelly, but this thing is not sticky except for the strong fusion between itself, and because this thing has a certain stability, if you only install A little bit of water is fine.

After we got the container, we started to make portable containers. Finally, we finally designed a small device. In fact, this thing is relatively simple, it is nothing more than a box of the size of a dollar coin plus two ribbons. Connect the ribbon and the box to make a small thing like a school bag, so that the mixed-race goblins can carry this thing on their backs. Then put the jelly-like thing into this box, and finally use a black crystal absorption needle to inject a small drop of water into the center of the jelly. After the absorption needle is pulled out, the jelly has its own fusion characteristics. The pinhole will be sealed instantly so that the drop of water will be sealed in the center of the jelly, and then just cover the box and completely close it. As long as it is not in the middle of a strong shock or impact, the water will not run out, and its suction can **** all the powder on the wings of the mixed blood demon to the surface of the box. As long as the throne of the Seal of God wipes the powder off the surface of the box.

After getting a few samples, I ran to Gangcheng with the materials. This is the industrialized production base of the guild. I naturally look for labor here. Our guild is equipped with tens of thousands of special industrial puppets here. These guys have almost no combat power, but they are equipped with four arms. As long as they are shown once, they can repeat the complicated operation steps with great exaggeration and magic. I don't know about tiredness and impatience, which is much better than people.

After giving the samples and materials to the puppets, I demonstrated a production process in front of them, and then the 100 puppets I selected were immediately cut and saw, and I saw the pile of hand shadows flying The rapid decline in material has become less. In less than half an hour, the material I brought into it has become tens of thousands of finished products. If the player manually produces an estimated one hundred people who do not eat, drink or sleep for three consecutive days, it may not be necessary. Definite.

Immediately after getting the samples, I took these things back to the settlement of the mixed-blood demon, and the net looked over the wall, and the situation seemed not right to me. The original beautiful Taobao Women ’s Tmall Taobao Mall Taobao ’s Women ’s Winter Outfit m has turned into a ruined wall, and various plants have fallen on the ground. Those trees on the periphery of the wall are mostly far away from the wall. Some trees even have burned marks.

"Anybody ?. I shouted loudly to the surroundings, but no one responded to me. I quickly released the magic pet to help us investigate the situation nearby. After the magic pets dispersed, it really happened. Bai Langzai Below the rock was a corpse of a half-blooded demon. We didn't show any wounds on her. It looks like these poor little guys were suffocated by cigarettes. Here we are. After the little guy's body, we continue 6 Many such corpses have been found. According to the number of mixed-race banshees I saw when I left before, most of the mixed-race banshees in this neighborhood have been killed, and the rest are less than 10% of the total, and It is unclear whether this achievement escaped or died in any corner.

"The master heard Ling call me. I immediately walked over and saw Ling stood there with a unique plant in his hand.

"What are you doing now? Little

"Look. Small. Ling passed me the bead plant in her hand, and then pointed to a large plant in the back.

After looking at the plant in my hand and the large plant that was still on the ground, I looked back at the corpses of the half-blooded flower demon, and frowned unconsciously because I had thought of a very bad one. Can

"Do you think the other party did this specifically for our actions?" I asked.

"The most valuable thing here is just these herbs. The mixed-blooded demon itself is a semi-appreciative creature and will not actively attack others. Unless the head kicks the donkey, most people will definitely not attack the mixed-blooded demon as an opponent. Besides, the other party almost killed all the mixed-blooded demon here but did not touch the herbs at all. The purpose is obviously not on the herb. From the situation on the scene, the other party was directed at the mixed-blooded demon, but the other party did not take the body away. This shows that they are not collecting anything from the mixed-race goblin as a material, but purely in order to kill all the mixed-race goblin. Except that the other party specifically came to make troubles, knowing our actions, how could ordinary people do this? What's meaningless? "

In fact, Ling ’s analysis is my guess, but I did n’t expect that the other party would have done such an exaggerated action.

In fact, I should have thought that our actions would be disrupted, because in fact, the true body of Rulai and the born avatar are completely equal in terms of knowledge, and the things that come to know are naturally known by Rulai. Zhenrulai and I definitely knew that the immortal avatars of Buddhism had been exposed, because there could not be two Rulais in this world, so seeing him, really, the domestic one must be fake. It is not difficult to think that after being identified and exposed, Zhenrulai ’s born avatar will be out of his control. After all, the thinking mode of avatar comes from himself. He only needs to change himself to the position of the other party. Naturally, I can guess that the other party will do it. He took his own avatar for granted. He just thought of this method of using special means to cut off the connection between the real avatar and the avatar, and he knows this better. What methods are used? material. Under the premise that it is impossible to grab people from the heavenly front, the real Rulai want to destroy the independence of the detached detached can only be taken from that, the materials used by special means to start, so this is what is happening now. This is to destroy all the mixed-race flower demon so that we can't get enough materials to break the connection between the born avatar and his true body.

After thinking about this series of things, I immediately withdrew all the magic pets and teleported them to Ashford for him to help me find out where there are large groups of mixed-race banshees in Europe. Because this is not a secret, the intelligence was quickly collected, and I made a few marks on the map against the names on the list to mark all the gathering places of mixed-blooded fairies. I thought about it when the people in Ashoford collected information. If it was a Protoss, he couldn't come here to clean up the mixed-blooded demon. If he couldn't do it, he couldn't come out. Protoss forces have a fixed area of ​​activity after the start of the game, that is, they can only operate in places where they have believers, such as those gods in the heavenly courts can only operate in China. Buddhism has a large number of believers in China and India. Therefore, the scope of congenital activities is a little wider than that of ordinary protoss, and they can freely move in Asian countries such as India, China, Thailand, and even Japan. I dare not think of this in other protoss. However, although the scope of activities is large, the members of the Protoss of Buddhism cannot come to Europe. After all, no one believes in Buddha here. He can't come by himself. Naturally, he can only find players to be their agents, so the group of people who attacked the mixed flower demon must be players and not Yang forces, because there are too many restrictions. Impossible to run everywhere. Considering the range that Buddha Gate can reach, I guess these people can only be players within their range of activities, and among them are the most likely to be Indian players, so after getting the map of the mixed-race Banshee settlement, I Also asked Ashford to help me check if a large group of Indian players have recently appeared in Europe. As a result, two large teams actually appeared. The most annoying thing is that this group of people came by the transnational teleportation array of our guild.

Our guild's transnational transport array system has always been the fastest means of transportation between countries, and our guild has not completely closed the transnational transport array. In addition to restricting it not to open to some people on the guild blacklist or organizations We basically do not restrict personnel exchanges, of course, we need to give money to use our teleportation array. These Indians did not appear on the blacklist, so they smoothly reached the European side through the teleportation team. Then they split into two teams, one of which was in Germany and the other went to France.

Knowing that these two large teams were using our guild's teleportation team, I immediately ran to Tianyu City, then checked the city's magic surveillance video through the city tree, and finally found the two teams. After determining the number of people in each other's looks, I started to inquire about the movement of the group of people sneaking into Germany. As Ashford ’s Iron Crusades are already the overlord guild in Germany, their intelligence coverage is also extremely broad. It took them just over half an hour to find the Indian players who entered the team in Germany. When the Iron Crusaders were present to them, they were planning to enter a large forest, and this piece of forest animals was one of the gathering places for the mixed-blooded demon.

The situation is now very clear. These people are sent out by Buddhists. The purpose is the opposite of ours. However, after determining the position of this group of people, I did not go to them in person, but sent a hunter team of our guild. Ashford also sent some people to assist. As for myself, I grew up in France after the hunting squad came out.

The powder of the mixed blood demon is not fast. If you want to complete the task as soon as possible, you must ensure that as many mixed blood demon survive as possible. If I first get the people from Germany and then go to France, the God of Throne is enough for this time The other party got rid of the two or three half-blooded flower monster settlements, so I had to move.

The situation in France is different from that in Germany. I do n’t have any strong allies here, but fortunately, I can borrow the power of the European Temple of Light. Besides, it ’s not too much to check the whereabouts of a group of people. Important things, even the two goddesses of light did not need to inform those members of the temple of light to consciously help me check it. Although the efficiency of the light temple is not high, after all, Indians are relatively prominent in France, not to mention a large group of Indians, so I soon got the exact location of the other party.

Leaving the Temple of Light and teleporting to a city near a half-blooded flower demon settlement, out of the teleportation array, I immediately changed into the night shadow and ran on the road.

In fact, what I really need to know is the settlement where the other party ’s goal is. Because Wu has already confirmed that the other party is to destroy, so the other party ’s goal must be the mixed-blooded habbo settlement. As long as I know which one, I ’m absolutely sure. Not flutter

Although it was much later than the other party, the degree of night shadow was not covered. In the pristine forest of the dimly lit ground, the shadows of the night are running unaffected. At this degree, ordinary people can only see the surrounding trees going backwards and backwards. Scared, because the trees in front of you at this degree seem to be hitting your face. But with my reaction nerves, this situation doesn't matter at all.

After rushing to the center of the forest, I suddenly heard a roar. The sound sounded very familiar. It was the sound of the mysterious monster in the destroyed mixed-race banyan settlement in Germany. Before, we met a lot of little monsters outside that gathering place, and then after we killed the little monsters, we heard a huge roar. At that time we judged that there must be one. A very powerful monster is inside. As a result, it never appeared at the back, and I did not expect to hear such a voice here. But now I don't have time to care about the monsters. If I can hear this voice, it means that I have already reached the outer area of ​​the settlement, because it should be the mixed-blooded demon's settlement area.

Sure enough, the strange thorn wall surrounded us in front of us, but there was a gap in the wall in front of me. An Indian player was standing at the gap and attacked the mixed race monster trying to escape. All the time, I saw the guy waving a sword in the air with a sword. Several mixed-race flower monsters who rushed to his side were chopped down to the ground and smashed out small things. There was basically no attack power, and there was no fighting power against advanced players.

Seeing the mixed-race goblin being slaughtered, I immediately raised my right hand and pointed at the guy who blocked the door. The Avengers flashed gold. The guy who blocked the door suddenly felt a pain in his neck. Then he reached out and touched it like a machine. After touching his neck, he felt an arrow protruding beyond his throat, followed by a difficult turn, and finally fell down with a flutter. Because the guys in the gates were suddenly killed. The people inside were stunned, and the runaway mixed-flower demon seized the opportunity to flock out.

Those who were stunned by the death of their companions saw that the mixed race demon was running away and reacted, and several of them rushed to the exit and prepared to seal the door again. By the way, it was seen who attacked their companion, but Ye Ying's degree was too fast. The nearest person just ran to the door and saw a horse-shaped monster with dark eyes, red eyes, red nose and nose, and a flame-like horse-shaped monster rushing in. The guy instinctively wanted to use a weapon to hack, but he did not expect that Night Shadow was not as stupid as an ordinary warhorse. When he saw this guy, he was an emergency stop and stood up from the ground. Two kicks. He suddenly kicked the guy's head with the inertia of charge. He only heard a bang, and the guy's head exploded like a big watermelon, and then his body fell slowly. Ye Ying is now a 900-level advanced creature. Although it looks like a horse, people are not horses after all. Although the strength of the 900-level is mainly concentrated on degrees, it is also a 900-level advanced creature. The attack power cannot be lowered anymore. The net kicked the guy's forehead directly, which is equivalent to a key attack. Even if the guy is now a class of 900, being attacked by a monster of the same level is instantaneous. normal.

Seeing suddenly appearing at the door, Ye Ying and I not only stunned those Indians, but also the mixed-race flower demon who was fleeing. They probably think of me as another wave of people who want to kill them. After all, it looks like I am closer to those Indian players. When I saw the mixed-blood demon hold me, I quickly waved back: "What are you still doing? Run away, go outside to these people and I will help you. Run away. Small.

After hearing my words, the mixed-race goblins finally understood that I came to rescue them. Although the fighting power of these little guys is not good, their intelligence is not ambiguous at all. As soon as I heard what I said, I rushed to my side again and rushed out of my side. Among the Indian players, a long monster-like guy shouted to his companion: "Gagara and I go to deal with him, the others first kill all the mixed-race goblins who have not run out!"

The guy shouted that he was the leader, so he didn't give him any chance. I threw my hand and threw the eternal sword as a flying knife. The guy blocked it with a golden stick in his hand and tried to shake my Yongdan away. The result was naturally eternal, and his stick was cut off like a tofu, and a slamming sound passed directly through his The collarbone took him backwards for three consecutive steps before stopping, but before he could pose as a hero to draw a sword and fight again, he suddenly lost his strength, and then the whole body's blood seemed to hit the black hole. It rushed to the wound like crazy, but the sword on his shoulder was getting redder and brighter. Although he finally understood that this was a blood-sucking sword, he had no strength to pull it, and could only watch him sucked into a dead body.

The companion called by him saw the boss down when they saw me, and they were scared. I didn't know whether to continue to rush forward or turn around and run away. But I didn't have time to let him think there slowly, with his legs clipped, Ye Ying rushed over immediately. As soon as I passed by the guy who was sucked into a dead body, the eternal sword on the ground immediately flew up and returned to my hand. With the impulse of the night shadow, I rushed past the guy who was standing in place, and then rushed to the next person without stopping. The guy who was there was incredibly raised his hand and touched his neck, but found nothing. After he saw his clean fingers, a blood line slowly appeared on his neck, and then his head suddenly fell down, and there, the body of the head continued to stand there for a few moments It just staggered down in seconds.

"Ah, don't come over", ah, the next player that I liked was not until I came to see the scene where his companion's head suddenly fell. The sudden visual shock scared him and forgot this. It was in the game that the fear of death instinct scared him and he couldn't help asking for forgiveness, but I just rushed past him without any pause as if I didn't hear it, and the guy stepped on his companion without surprise. Footsteps.

I was rushing towards the fourth player ~ ~ Suddenly I heard a shout from the side: "What's going on? How is MODO hanging up?" I looked for it and saw a man wearing a suit similar to the God of Heaven. The very handsome guy with the same armor appeared on a huge rock. But the guy wasn't able to stand there for too long, because the same roar appeared before. A tiger-like creature flashing with colorful glow all over the body suddenly jumped onto the rock, and the young man is now quickly waving his weapon to attack. It was just that the tiger-like monster was quick, and his head flashed past his attack, and it seemed to bite on the guy's leg, but unfortunately the tiger who was smashed by the weapon of the guy had to let loose in advance, Otherwise, it would definitely cost him one leg.

After the tiger was forced back, he did not attack again, but suddenly turned around and rushed at me, but he did not rush at me, but my original goal. The player lifted the sword and wiped it, but the tiger easily flashed away. Then the tiger crooked his head and bit it on the guy's waist, and then picked up the guy and slammed it in the air. He was tearing a large piece of meat from the guy's waist wearing armor, almost almost I stopped the guy and bit it in two, but now it is almost the same. Unless this guy meets a high priest, he will not last for five minutes.

I was really happy because suddenly there was an extra helper, but who knew that the tiger had spit the meat in his mouth after biting the person in front of him and rushed at me to feed it. Don't make a mistake, I am not an enemy what! "

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