Starting from Zero

Vol 17 Chapter 40: Intercept

Although killed the pursuit. But I know that our actions have already praised the giant butterfly city so big, and it is impossible to find it just like that. Besides, the speed of the giant butterfly city must catch up with the better mounts. People. Even in India, there are not so many dog ​​shit to let them step on, which means that the real chasing is only a few of the Indians who have found the giant butterfly city have good mounts, and they must be followed by a large group of slow running. of.

And even if there is no one in the back, those players who are hung up will definitely be the first to publicize this matter. Of course, it is not so easy to organize a decent attack. Even if these people go back, even if they tell others that we are careful, they are attracted to good things first. There will be an organized counterattack after the second group of people go back and expand the news. In fact, the time span in the middle may be as long as two to three days. This depends on whether the Indians ’response is fast enough. Slower or worse, we all finished the city before they organized the rebels. Besides, even if the Resistance Army is really successfully formed, I am not afraid. On the one hand, our defensive forces are very strong, and on the other hand, the rebel forces formed for the first time must be a joint operation between small guilds. You have to wait for these small guilds to make a big loss. Indian talents will really realize that this is not a simple invasion operation. At that time, they will mobilize players from all over the country to fight us, and I estimate that the situation will have to wait as soon as five days. Later.

After thinking about it, I decided to kill the following infantry first, because there must be a lot of those people. If we let them see the Giant Butterfly City landing in advance and understand our intentions, the time for them to organize a decent attack will be shortened, which is extremely bad for us.

Running along the direction of the giant butterfly Dujia flying all the way, it turned out that a large group of people ran over. The other party saw that I didn't care much for a while, and the number of people in their group was close to more than a thousand. I was alone, and naturally I could n’t attract much attention, but it was getting closer with the distance. Someone recognized me, so there was an inevitable riot in the other side. "Attention, that's Purple Sun!" As the first player shouted, others also shouted one after another. Although the people behind didn't see me, they understood what happened when they heard the people in front. Some fast-acting archers immediately started pulling bows and archery in an attempt to suppress me from a long distance. One person's actions immediately inspired those around him. So more than a thousand people over there started to shoot arrows at me immediately, just because they didn't belong to a unified guild originally, so no one dispatched at all. There are nearly two hundred archers in more than a thousand people. But the arrow rain that was launched was different. In addition, some people use magic arrows, which directly flatten the direct-view shooting, while others use ordinary attacks and can only hang from a wide angle. Due to the different launch methods, Arrow Rain, which originally had a time difference, was even sparse and completely lacking momentum. Night Shadow took me at a constant speed, and just a few quick steps made way for the few who could only hit our arrows. Most players on the opposite side found that bows and arrows could not threaten me at all, so they gave up their intention to continue shooting. Only a few technical or equipment masters who can shoot directly can still shoot arrows.

Because the two sides are inside the hedge, and the speed of the night shadow is exaggerated, almost the time when the master in the opponent shoots two rounds of arrows, I have already rushed to the opponent. When the first person pulled out the long gun hanging on the side of the mount and rushed up with one hand, who knew that the night shadow and my figure suddenly accelerated as if into the void, and the whole person became translucent. The guy stabbed through the virtual shadow without feeling any force in his hand. Obviously, the shot was empty.

"Come on." While the guy was still stunned by stabbing himself, I thought he was a phantom, and I punched him on the bridge of his nose. The speed at which the two mounts hedged together with the power of my punches formed a terrible impact. The guy flew directly from his mount and flew up a few meters in the direction of my impact before falling to the ground. Before he got up, he was knocked down by the steeds that rushed behind.

After the first player fell to the ground, the people quickly divided into two lines and spread out. They circled around me and surrounded me, and many of them took back their mounts and took out weapons to prepare and I fight. I said before that all the people here were infantry, but when they came they all had mounts. In fact, this was not a conflict. In Zero, there are many mounts that can travel. Among them, female players prefer long-haired bears. Male players mostly use horses. But whether they are long-haired bears or horses, they are mounts, not magic pets. Of course, it is not impossible for you to use horses and long-haired bears to capture them as magic pets, but no one will do that. In addition to these two things, the system actually has many options for online selection. But they all have several points of sympathy! It ’s faster than the old road signs, “It ’s not as good as professional magic pets; it ’s attack power is weak, or there is no combat power at all; it does n’t occupy the position of magic pets, as long as you have money, you can have an unlimited number; The response is also very slow. Based on these characteristics, mounts can only be regarded as a means of transportation. Although netizens have mounts, they can only be regarded as infantry, because their mounts do not have combat power and cannot cooperate with them. Moreover, most of these people's occupations are not suitable for immediate combat. Real knights will generally find ways to cultivate a magic pet that can be used as a horse. After all, equipping a mount with only combat effectiveness is equivalent to a knight having two weapons. Give up such a good reinforcement opportunity.

After these people were dismounted, they were able to fight normally. At least letting the infantry mount is more deterrent than standing on the ground. I do n’t know if my fierce name is too scary or the Indians are inherently weak. After surrounding me, these people are afraid to rush forward. A large group of people around me are still cheering each other up there. It seems that they are surrounded by me, not me. I was riding on Yeying's back and remained motionless, and Eternity had automatically transformed into a hook sickle in my hand. The biggest advantage of this thing is that the damage area is relatively large, and once it is danced, it can also be used as a stick. However, the ever-changing hook sickle gun is slightly different from the ordinary ordinary hook sickle gun. That is, my hook sickle gun is much longer than the ordinary hook sickle gun. The length of the grip part is about one to the right. This is normal. The hook sickle is not much different, but the straight edge of the front of my hook sickle is more than ninety centimeters, which is almost twice as long as the ordinary hook sickle. With the rear handle, the whole hook sickle is It has a length of nearly three meters, and the hook sickle on the side of my hook sickle is also much larger than a normal hook sickle. It looks like a sickle. Such a large hook sickle looks more scary. With my image, it is really shocking, so that Indian players hesitated there for a long time and did not decide whether to rush up.

I was going to kill myself. Since they didn't move, I would move first. Gently clamped Yeying's belly. Night Shadow moved forward immediately, stepping, and the Indians around him pointed their weapons at me. Just the next second they suddenly discovered that the second step of Ye Ying and me didn't step on the ground, but disappeared out of thin air, as if one step into the void. It was a scream once again to call the attention of those people. A player at the outermost part of the crowd screamed and was picked up in the air by my hook sickle. The blade of the hook sickle penetrated his abdomen and lifted him away. To the ground, and his body continued to slide down because of his own weight, while his stomach and chest were being cut open forever, as if his own weight had divided him into corpses. Since I did n’t input magic into eternity, now eternity is not too sharp. The guy was so slowly divided into two halves, and then passed through the blade and threw it to the ground without sound.

"Who's next?"

"Devil!" An Indian female player suddenly held up her staff and pointed at me loudly: "The flame without a blue light illuminates the world, go to the **** of fire." "Cut the fire." While the woman chanted, I held the The hook sickle shot across her in the void, and the flame that had gradually formed in the woman's hand seemed to be instantly extinguished as if poured into a basin of cold water ~ ~, and the woman was backfired because of the failed magic release. He vomited blood and took a few steps backwards before falling to the ground.

An Indian player who looked smarter screamed at the sight. "Mages don't cast spells alone. Ziri has a skill that you can forcibly destroy the release of the spell as long as you know what kind of spell it belongs to. The mage chants together, and the soldier should not stop and let him have no chance to interfere with the cast."

"Are you thorough in my research?" I glanced at the guy, raised my right hand at him, moved my finger to a specific angle, and then bent my **** slightly downwards, a golden light flashed on it. Immediately fired the short arrow, the guy hurried back, but unfortunately the arrow kept staring at him like eyes. As long as he moved, the arrow would follow the direction, and he always pointed at him without any bias. It didn't take more than a second from the short arrow to hit before and after the hit, and the guy just took a step to the side. But in the end, the golden arrow penetrated his head, and the huge force reached his body to fly backward for more than a meter before stopping.

"Let's go together. We are not his opponents alone!" People around me finally realized that sooner or later they would be killed by me. I don't know who shouted such a voice and the people around them immediately surged up.

"Do you think the results will be different if you go together?"

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