Starting from Zero

Vol 17 Chapter 71: Beautiful man

"Why is the demon?" Zizhu Fairy said very hard.

"Because of my identity, the demon and me are more suitable."

"It's more appropriate with the demon clan?" The Zizhu Fairy repeated it after the audience reflected it. "Are you ...?"

Before we finish speaking, Guan Yin on the crystal communicator's screen has begun to deform rapidly. The original look with a sense of peace and tranquility has rapidly transformed, and the white robe on his body is also disappearing rapidly. A few seconds later, in all of us's dull eyes, Guan Yin, who has always been regarded as a representative of gentleness and tenderness, turned into a female demon with a charming appearance and a double-horned back with wings. The previous white robe turned into a set of black and red exaggerated armor, and the lamb's jade net bottle originally held in his hands did not know how to become a two-handed black sword.

"Is this what you really are?"

The female demon in the picture nodded. "My real name is # ¥ サ & (forgive me, I won't fight)

"This is our language. It should mean" the most beautiful flame "in translation. In addition, I am actually not a demon race. Gao Tianyuan does not have a big devil race at all" "What kind of race are you?" ? "

"I am a royal ghost."

"Imperial ghost?"

"Yes. It belongs to a branch of the ghost road. Its appearance is similar to that of the great devil in the west. Some people once suspected that we are descendants of the devil family."

"It sounds a bit possible." I looked at the restored Guanyin and said, "Speaking of which, your body really looks like a big devil, but it doesn't matter. I just want to know why you think you are suitable to join the demon race. ? "

"Can't my identity explain the problem?"

"You just want to join the monster family because you can be classified into the monster family?"

"What are you talking about?" Shui Xu heard that I had the intention of grabbing people, and quickly came forward to stop it.

"I didn't take you to dig a wall like this. I said before that everyone has their own skills. Of course, people want to join us as a demon, and of course they will do it according to their own wishes. Don't you plan to force others?"

"What's the reason people plan to join the demon clan?" I quickly refuted the words: "Although Guanyin ..." Speaking here, I stopped suddenly. "Well, what should we call you now? Although your name translates smoothly, you can read it too long, right?"

"You can just call me Spark."

"Is Spark? The name is concise." After asking the name, I turned to Shui Xu and said, "Spark is just not clear about the situation now, and besides, he hasn't decided which party to join? You have attacked so plainly I. But beware of my madness? "

"You actually threatened me?"

"How can I threaten you?"

"That's it!" Rose also came up to help, "How can Ziri threaten you, obviously you are saying bad things about us."

After Rose suddenly inserted a word, the people in our guild immediately launched the sea-ocean tactics, and now this kind of argument cannot be won by force. Naturally take advantage of more people. The demons came with only one Shuixu. The gang besieged by a large group of people on our side, and was instantly said to have no temper. While they were entangled in water deficiency, I quickly introduced to Guan Shiyin, which is now Xinghuo: "If you don't hate it, in fact, I think you should join our guild."


I stretched out three fingers. "First of all, in terms of attributes, you are not suitable for the demon clan but for our guild. As we all know, our guild has always been developed in a manner based on the dark attribute, and your race is not the great devil representing the dark race, It also meets our attribute characteristics at least. Although the demon is also biased towards the dark attribute, the demons in our country strictly practice Taoism, which is inconsistent with your spell system, so what you said before is suitable for the demon race. Wrong. Second, the governance system of the demon is earlier than our guild. The internal staffing has been perfected for a long time, which means that it is very difficult for you, an outsider who suddenly joins, to integrate. Now you In Buddhism, I was rejected in disguise, and it may not be much better for the demons. On the contrary, our guild ability is a fusion development force. You should know a lot about us as you are now, and definitely know the characteristics of our guild. . Compatibility is our consistent development policy. No matter what the original origin, we can play well here. Moreover, Our guild's guardian protoss chaos and order. The biggest feature of the protoss is that it can eliminate attribute resistance, so no matter what ability you have learned before, you can fully exert it here. As for the third point ... this is the most important and important Least important. Do n’t you want to take back your avatar and just meet the admirer who is obsessed with you? ”

When I heard that, Spark's face turned red immediately. The great leader of the guild, that is, Weiner's younger brother, Vida, had once married the Buddha's guanyin sister. According to what we know now, what happened to the avatar actually knows the essence, that is to say, the real avatar of Starfire and the real avatar after Vinda should all know it. However, there was a special case when Buddhism recovered avatars this time, that is, the guanyin avatar of our guild was not forced to merge like her companions. If we don't see anything so obvious, it's time to buy a piece of tofu and hit it.

"Did he know?" Although Spark's words were strange, they made our guilds shine at the same time.

I nodded and said, "We and Buddhism have reached this point. How could he not know the military commander of the guild?"

"Did he say anything to me?"

"It's best to ask him ~ ~ Xinghuo was silent for a while, then suddenly said:" If he doesn't blame me, then

So I will join you. "

Hum, since you said so, even if the kid really blame you, we will hit him not to blame you. Of course, just now this is our voice, it is impossible for Spark to hear.

Because of Vinda's relationship, we finally pulled Guan Yin, which is now the spark, into our guild. In this regard, the water deficiency has been lingering, saying that we Laipi turned out to be beautiful men, but he said to him, we don't care. Relatively speaking, the Zizhu Fairy did not have any opinion. Before the arrival, Guanyin did not choose them. Secondly, the true body attribute of Guanyin did not match the heavenly court, so she did not compete with us.

After completing the oral agreement, Starfire and Peacock Pluto finally decided to stay in the Buddhist gate first, so as to ensure their suddenness when they left, and to help us continue to dig people. Originally, we should have agreed with both hands, but now the outside of the contract city has been surrounded by an army of Buddhist gates like iron barrels. We will not let them return if we don't know if we can handle this. "It's really difficult!"

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