Starting from Zero

Vol 17 Chapter 79: Inexplicably improved combat power

After the separation of the red moon, I began to send my own army of ghost worms to start searching various locations in the city. By the way, the **** of war helped us to conduct statistics on the battlefield information. It's a pity that now my magic pets are helping the Peacock Pluto and Spark to escape. I can't count on them for the time being.

Although the magic pet is not available. My ghost beetle was enough to complete such a search task, and soon I got a detailed location report of all the invaders in the city. I reported the positions of some weak individuals to other squads who were hunting, and I ran directly to the positions of the three most powerful people.

"Damn, why is this ghost's side so divergent? It's like a maze!" A guardian Buddha complained as he walked.

"Everything in the Frost Rose Alliance has always been very evil. I think it's better for us to open a passage directly," said another Buddhist clerk.

"No, that would expose our place."

"Don't you think it wouldn't be exposed in this way?" My figure suddenly appeared behind the three, and the three Buddhas immediately turned back to prepare for the attack. People stood there and pointed behind them. Then the three of them felt the cold hair behind them all suddenly stood up, and a cold feeling hit them instantly. The three fooled people hurriedly turned back to see what it was that made them feel the pressure. Who knew that when they turned back, they suddenly felt that their necks were cold, and they started to rotate quickly following the scene in front of them, but soon they had no idea. I put away the elder and walked past the mage's side to take it back, looked at my hand, and then said to myself: "Strange, why do I feel that my fighting power has increased by more than one hundred levels? "

The strange feeling just now is very weird. It should be said that my strength should drop sharply after being overcast by more than one hundred levels, but I have the feeling of unloading the burden. It feels like a person is struggling to carry a very heavy object. When he puts down this object and then picks up a very light object, he feels like he has become very strong, that very light one. Things will become as if without weight. Although I know that this phenomenon is actually a human illusion, my current situation is not an illusion, because the three people in front of me are really killed, and I made a move, or an ordinary attack, Three people wiped their necks easily, without any fancy. This result proves that the improvement in strength is not my hallucination, and my combat effectiveness has indeed increased. Although I don't know why, this is true, although my strength should be reduced from the attribute data.

I do n’t bother to think about it because I do n’t understand. Anyway, it ’s useless to think about such things, and I just do n’t want to. I ordered a team of logistics to clean up the corpses, and I rushed to the next enemy's gathering place, and the experiments proved that my combat effectiveness did improve a lot. Many of the enemies that might have taken some time to get through now are almost killed, and it feels like I and these people are not at the same level. Because they constantly experiment with people. With my summary, I finally found a way.

The problem seems to be on my brush. Before relying on Feng Lingzhu to sneak on the Buddhist gate, I later used the baby's partial door skills to kill the treasure tree king in the sea of ​​silence. As a result, I was elevated to the previous level. That state is as if an ordinary person suddenly became a human after falling asleep. Although the strength has exploded, the problem has also arisen. The soaring muscle strength makes it difficult for the person to walk even the simplest thing, because although the muscle strength has increased, the person's weight has not changed much. Taking a step forward with the usual walking power will explode tens of thousands of times. As a result, this step did not go forward, but flew straight towards the oblique upper part. This is the case with me now. The explosive level brings strong attributes. Although the electronic part of my brain helped me coordinate the state of movement so that I did not pinch the cup and walk to high jump, my consciousness still did not adapt to this explosive state. Therefore, the fine control of the entire battle mode has been greatly reduced. Although the absolute damage value has risen when dealing with powerful enemies, they can't wave the precise strike effect when they encounter some Xiaosi.

Although I wanted to understand the problem, I started to get embarrassed. "Rely on, do I have to go to my death to lower the level to improve the combat effectiveness?" After analyzing the final battles between heaven and man, I concluded that the level could not be lowered, because it would be difficult to rise back, so it must not be wasted. Although this state will temporarily cause the combat effectiveness to be limited, as long as I adapt to this state, I can increase the combat effectiveness back, and my degree of adaptation must be lower than the level to my current best control state and then slowly rise back. The current level is faster. Weighing Chuan 2 is to adapt to the level as soon as possible. After planning the Buddhism personnel who sneaked into the city, I ran to the second line of defense. This so-called second line of defense is not actually a city wall, but a circle of defense lines composed of buildings and a large number of short-range defensive weapons. A large number of enemies fell out of the line of defense under the cross fire between buildings. The enemy team, which was occasionally released recently, was quickly annihilated by a hunting team specifically waiting. It can be said that although this line of defense cannot be compared with the city wall in terms of momentum, it is much faster to kill the enemy, and this is still an invisible consumption. Because too many corpses will not accumulate at all, attacking forces often fail to notice their own casualties. The attacking party will not realize until the total commander ’s current total strength is severely reduced or the follow-up forces are exhausted. How many people have lost. It can be said that this second line of defense is a meat grinder. How many people can not fill its huge feed opening.

"I thought the situation was dangerous. Do you seem to be very moist?" I said when I met Eagle and Sumei on the second line of defense.

"Where did you hear that the front was tight?" Eagle asked quietly.

"As said."

"It turned out that the stupid said!" Su Meiman, who was with the eagle, said indifferently: "The tactical theory of the stupid group of Buddhas is still at the kindergarten level. They thought that breaking the city wall would be complete, but they do n’t know that the real urban warfare The moment the city wall was breached was the real beginning, it was just a warm-up. "

"Then how long do you expect this line of defense to last?"

"The key to how long this line of defense can last is not on our side, but on the side of the Buddhist gate." Su Mei pointed at the front of the line and said, "Even with the refueling tactics of the Buddha flash, it will be okay to stay in the day after tomorrow. The key is The reason is that when the Buddhist monks realized that their tactics were wrong. The Buddhist monks' purpose was to destroy the contract city, not to occupy it, so Buddhist monks were wrong at the beginning. From the moment they entered the city, they should be like bulldozers. I demolished the house along the way. Then we pushed forward a little bit to compress our maneuvering space, instead of playing street fighting with us that they are not good at. However, besides tactical cognition, Buddha has a large group of masters. So-called One effort to drop the tenth meeting. If those humanoid nuclear weapons participate in the war, our tactical advantage will soon be wiped out. Of course. The premise is that our human nuclear weapons are not on the field. "

I nodded and said: "The analysis is very reasonable. Now we pray that the Buddhists try to solve this problem as late as possible, or they will send those human nuclear weapons as late as possible!"

Su Mei, the little adult, sighed generally, "Prayers are useless. According to the characteristics of the Buddhist monks, I don't think they will show their tactical loopholes, so those human nuclear weapons are the key to breaking the balance. When will they Sending those guys to our line of defense is really dangerous, but as long as you can block their humanoid nuclear weapons, then this line of defense will basically not be broken. Now 36 hours before the city is finally established, those of Buddha Gate Humanoid nuclear weapons will probably play in the last 24 hours, so as long as you can block them for 24 hours. "

Eagle squeezed his fist and said, "Unfortunately, this is a defensive battle. Otherwise, move Isinger away from the fortress and bomb it down with a class weapon. Regardless of what he is doing, the lights will turn gray."

Isinger's class weapons can indeed handle the Buddhism forces, but as the eagle said, the destruction of that thing is indistinguishable from the enemy. After firing down, Fomen ’s offensive troops are gone, and the contract city is also grayed out ~ ~ It is because we helped the Buddha gate to destroy the contract city, so there is no possibility of using it.

"Relax." I said to everyone: "It's true that I still have time! With the help of the divine stone, I can completely block any Buddhists below the ancient Buddha. Peacock Pluto and Starfire should come back to help soon, Coupled with Wei Na and Hong Yan, we should be able to cope as long as the Buddha does not send too many masters at one time. Moreover, there are two guys, such as the fairy Zhuzhu and Sun Wukong! Although only one person can be killed. But if only If the injury is not killed, the two of them should be able to help us intercept many people. "

In this way, in the mood of everyone, the defensive trenches were hit from noon to night, and things really turned out as Sumei inferred. No one at Buddhism knew what tactics were. They just continuously attacked for a while. I went in and sent out a real master attack team when the throne of Shenyin was short.

"Sure enough, the Buddhist gate started to worry.

Su Mei looked at the several golden Buddhas suddenly appearing in the sky in front of her and said, "Brother Ziri. The next step is the level battle. All of us, conventional military forces, are useless and can only rely on you!"

"Understood. Just keep your line of defense." (To be continued)

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