Starting from Zero

Vol 17 Chapter 89: Last minute

"Yes." After a neat answer, nearby players immediately started to defend the defense team. Although the deceased is very strong, we will not be afraid. After all, we are not trying to bury all the deceased, and we must guard the end. These are just a few hours.

As the charged troops of the colored Buddhist gates became faster and faster, the distance between the two sides soon narrowed to within a few meters. The first row of our team of squads suddenly squatted, followed by a huge shield that was suddenly handed up from the back and dropped from the top of the first row of soldiers, and then followed the players ordered Shouted, the soldiers in the front rows all rushed up to withstand the shield again.

Each of these erected shields is more than three meters high and one foot thick. The main body of the shield is three layers of armored steel, and two layers of demonized keels are used to strengthen the strength of the shield itself. On the back of the shield is a layer of cork buffer board, which is connected to the shield body by a strong spring, which can absorb injuries as much as possible. The shield's four sides and front are all equipped with stabbed steel thorns. In addition to psychologically intimidating the deceased person to reduce them in advance, the steel thorns below the shield can grab the ground and help the people behind them to better withstand it. Of course, because we are not dealing with players in the general guilds, but with the magical soldiers of the Buddhist gates, these steel thorns are not general assets. Each steel thorn has been added with the attributes of breaking magic and puncturing, just to ensure that Even facing the Protoss has certain damage ability.

In addition to the above settings, there is actually a layer of Mithril Magic Array hidden under the cladding steel shell on the front of each shield. As long as you open the steel plate on the front, you can see this layer of magical array with a dark temple style. , And if you study the magic circle, you can easily read its function-evil thorns. This purely defensive spell was originally something that any warrior would like, but because its own evil attributes would cause the user to enter a frenzy state and lose control of himself shortly after use, it was gradually abandoned by players. However, the senior mages of the Dark Temple have found a way to use this magic, which is to transform it into a magic array and print it on inanimate objects, so that it can maintain its powerful effectiveness while avoiding side effects. In fact, the evil thorns are very similar in function to its clenched magic thorn aura, except that the thorns aura bounces part of the damage, but the evil aura does double damage to the opponent under the premise of full damage. In other words, the evil thorn does not produce any defensive effect, it is only a passive attack skill, and the attack damage is completely dependent on the opponent's attack power and his magic resistance level.

The special enhanced shield for the Protoss, which is a combination of magic array technology and the guild's mechanical technology, is far more powerful than ordinary shields. At the same time as the glittering Biao Hans hit the shield unabated, suddenly there was a rustling metal impact like a bell woo, and the people behind the shield with a powerful sound field shock wave were Fainted, but the intense pressure that followed forced them to grit their teeth against the shield, which apparently began to recede. However, at least the most worrying first wave of collision was indeed blocked. Although our team was pushed back by a company with a shield, at least it blocked the bad situation of being rushed into the position by the opponent.

In fact, while we are under tremendous pressure, the Buddhism troops on the other side are also uncomfortable. We need to know that our special shields are equipped with one-way buffers and magic counterattack devices. We still need such hard support behind the shields, and we can imagine what is happening on the opposite side. The old people who hit the shield in the first row thought that the golden body of the Buddhist door that was not bad by their golden enemies could completely smash the shield in front of them. However, the fact was that something was broken, but it was not the shield that was broken but themselves . Demons and piercing skills on the shield plus double back damage from evil thorns. It directly caused them to withstand about three times the normal impact force. As a result, these guys with inferior gold bodies were instantly crushed and crushed, and then stepped on the feet of the same fellow to become a pile of rotten meat. Those who stepped on them will repeat their experience, hit the shield again, crush themselves and be crushed by the people behind. The only thing they can do is use their lives to exert a certain amount of pressure on that shield wall. Forced him to retreat.

Such crazy collisions were happening in all areas around the city at the same time, and Buddhism's team didn't talk about tactics at all. They used the method of comprehensively enclosing multiple points and attacking at the same time. There was no emphasis on attack and response to attack. Every place was the same with Libo force. However, although the Buddhist tactics are backward and our equipment is excellent, the Buddhist monks are relying on the stupidity of people, they just pushed our shield array back a few hundred steps all the way, and according to this time, wait less than 12 o'clock in the evening. We were pushed back under the Tongtian Tower. "This defense is not the way?" A player said next to me: "Although Buddhism suffered heavy casualties, we have no room for tactical maneuvering, so we will be pushed back by them sooner or later!"

"I know! You can rest assured that our guild is not so easy to defeat. We will wait for a while, and now it is good to use these shields to consume the strength of the Buddhist gate."

"Oh, I see." The player heard that we still had back moves and didn't ask again, and in their hearts they believed that our guild had strong logistics capabilities.

The fighters in this guild account for less than a quarter of the total number of players, and the three-quarters of Jingyu are all auxiliary personnel. Although this configuration looks like the combat effectiveness has dropped significantly, it is actually Greatly improved combat effectiveness. Regardless of the sophisticated equipment, it is impossible for the laymen to know how powerful the fighting power is for the affiliated demon of our guild alone.

In fact, I did not appease those members, we did prepare for the next move. The shield formation persisted until about 9:40 pm. Although we were constantly replacing the personnel of the shield, the shield formation had clearly begun to crumble due to the continuous impact of the shield itself.

I was preparing to let everyone use the second option, and suddenly the communication rang. Hongyue slightly camp worried voice said: "Zi Ri, the shield array seems to be about to die, is it time to change to the second plan?

"I am preparing to issue orders. God of War, inform the troops and change the second plan immediately."

"Understanding, the second plan is activated."

With the order, a large group of women suddenly appeared behind our shield formation. These are not others, or the disgusting clone of the woman. Each of them had something like a balloon in their hands, but just looking at the weight, it seemed that it was not a gas but a liquid. After these women came out. The ground suddenly shook, and a group of things that had never appeared before everyone came out.

These things look like enlarged versions of mechanical angels. Heavy but beautifully streamlined armor with a chic shape and a beautiful windshield helmet. The windshield helmet and the pair of angel wings on the back that look like angel wings are actually jet thruster wings. This Everything looks unusually gorgeous. If they do not move, they can be used as sculptures in hotels, castles or parks. The streamlined shape design with special paint colors makes these guys look big, but they don't look bulky at all. Instead, they show a sense of agility, especially the occasional shiny black crystal mask. The two dark reds are full of the beauty of a violent art. The cold and beautiful killing machine is the main impression they give.

When these enlarged versions of the mechanical angels came out of the hidden place, they immediately exclaimed members because they had never seen such a thing before, after all, it was too expensive. Don't look at these guys who are only over three meters tall. In fact, each of them can cost a small warship. Of course, the strongest automatic weapon built at this cost also has a powerful combat power corresponding to his price.

When these gorgeous fighting puppets approached the abominations of the females, they immediately stopped neatly, while several deflation points located at the joints simultaneously sprayed white steam, and the puppets' heads came out Full of metallic voice. "Mobile Angel Force for Protoss is already in place, asking for further instructions."

"For Protoss?" Some players are alert to the key. "No wonder I haven't seen it before, it turned out to be a special weapon for the Protoss!"

"It doesn't look much different from ordinary mechanical angels?" Some other players asked, "Apart from the larger body size and the more gorgeous painting, is it exactly the same mechanical angel?"

"Fool, you." The smarter player scolded before: "That shape is specially designed for flying, this thing obviously can also fly, so using this, the shape is certain. The key also depends on the internal equipment. Your home The personal computer and the small workstation of the movie studio that specialize in special effects are similar in appearance, are they all the same thing? "When these players talked about these mobile angels on the Protoss, under the masks of those mobile angels Suddenly, two groups of red crimson lighted up and quickly and neatly answered: "The task has been accepted." After a brief answer, all the mechanical angels moved immediately. They took a step forward, and then grabbed the women around them and dragged them to their palms. The female abominations also coordinated the body into a ball and squatted on the palms of the mechanical angels. After the female hate said that they were ready, the mechanical stunners suddenly rushed forward a few steps collectively. The starter surprised all the players around them, because the mechanical angel had a jet thruster behind it, so they started. It was like taking off, and within a few steps, the degree of horror was mentioned. But they didn't really fly, but when they reached the limit, their right hand suddenly extended forward, and at the same time, a few meters of flame sprayed out from the elbow of their right hand, causing their right hand to once again push the female on the hand like a shot put. Hate was thrown out.

"I rely, this is to use biochemical weapons!"

Our members all know the characteristics of women's hatred. Now these mechanical angels throw them into the crowd of Buddha doors like a Ming ball. After a long time of meeting, a large group of women's hatred will definitely come out. However, the mechanical angels did not pause. After throwing one female abomination, they immediately started to throw a second one, and soon threw the female abominations around them into the opponent's crowd. At this time, everyone just knew what the two big water polo **** held by those female teachers were doing. It turned out that all the corpses of female abominations that had been smashed into flesh. You know that any of their body parts can be used for parasites. Now that they carry two bags of meat paste, is it still contagious? Of course, the only unlucky people are those who are bald. Our people don't need to worry, anyway, women hate being able to distinguish themselves, so they won't parasite themselves.

The women who were thrown out hated the balloons in their hands when they were disgusted in the air. A lot of blood, water and meat foam flew around as her body rolled. It was like a heavenly girl scattered flowers. The Buddhist soldiers were stained with blood. When the women hated throwing the blood water bags, they finally fell into the crowd themselves, and then they began to fight around regardless of their lives. Of course, such a fight is just to die, but their death is not the end, but the beginning. The abominations of women killed by random punches will soon recover, and their blood will soon nourish more female abominations. The large troops of the Buddha's Gate were blocked in the throne of the Seal of God in a short time.

Because of the powerful power of the mechanical angels, those female abominations were thrown away. When they started to form a scale, they formed a line of defense, cutting the Buddhist's offensive forces into two sections. The earlier section of the Buddhist's forces was sandwiched between the female abomination and our defensive forces and became an lone army. At this time, those who were holding shields suddenly received orders from players around them and asked them to retreat quickly.

These are the heavenly soldiers. All of them were forbidden by training. When they were told to withdraw, they ran back without saying a word, and the front army of Buddhism stopped. They did not expect that the Shield Array that had killed so many of them would take the initiative to retreat, but this did not prevent them from immediately happily chasing and preparing to slaughter the dead without shield protection. It was just that their chase had to be ended before the official start, because a neat row of mechanical angels appeared in front of them. Those who escaped were all drilled through the gap between the mechanical angels, but apparently they would not let these Buddhists also drill through.

The players and players in this guild immediately stopped and formed the line of defense again after passing through the formation of the protoss using mechanical angels. At the same time, they began to pay attention to the movements of the mechanical angels in front of them. Want to see how they are different from ordinary mechanical angels.

Just after the players were in place, the mechanical angel suddenly made the metal vibrato again. "Target confirmed. Use B equipment." Said the mechanical angel's hands suddenly snapped into his wrists, followed only by a purine. It turned out that two broad swords close to two meters in length and a half-foot wide were slid out of the mechanical angel's wrist, and then there was a jingle, and the edge of the wide sword popped out a circle of terrifying teeth.

The blue jagged sharp sawtooth stood as if the teeth of monsters were standing there. It would make people unconsciously nervous. However, the more shocking is still behind. In the eyes of the players' surprise, the ruler edges began to slowly move along the blade, and the speed became faster and faster. In the end, the ruler was not seen at all, as if it had become a handful. A broad sword with an ordinary blade is just like everyone knows, but it is not an ordinary blade at all, because whether it is the harsh roar or the trembling arm of the mobile angel, it shows that the sword is terrifying. Degree of exercise. In fact, the sword is not finished. The voice of the mobile angel sounded again. "Judgment target is the Protoss. Enable the plug for the Protoss, enable the dual logic judgment plug-in, enable the Demon plug-in, enable the Wound Destruction plug-in. The plug-in selection is complete. Use mobile angels against the Protoss ... and start attacking."

"Hahahaha, what am I supposed to be? It turned out to be a golem!" The Buddha soldiers on the opposite side obviously did not take mobile angels against the protoss, after all, they were all protoss, and they never heard of any deities. Give it away. However, pride seems to have become a common problem for Buddhist monks, and it is the same now. To blindly depreciate an old person is meaningless except to prove his ignorance. "What can you iron golems do? Can we break our incorruptible body even if we stand still?"

Although the Buddhist soldiers were laughing at them, the mobile angels had no feelings at all. They rushed straight up, and the high-powered chainsaw broad sword fell into the front of the Buddhist soldier who laughed at them as if cutting tofu. shoulder. There was no scene like Mars splashing, just like it was cut into an ordinary person. The sword passed through the guy's body without any hindrance and cut it into two sections instantly.

The emotionless metallic sound of the mechanical angels did not ring until this time. "Defence determination: F. Target dodge ability: c +. Comprehensive determination of target defense: d."

Seeing the mechanical angel so easily killed a Buddhist monk, all other Buddhist monks and members of our guild were stunned, but the reactions of the two sides were different. The people of Buddhism were scared by the sight in front of them. They did not expect that these steel-molded golems would be so powerful, but the people on our side knew that they were very powerful, but they did not expect to be so powerful.

The biggest advantage of an emotionless creature is that there is no delay at all, and the mechanical angels are moving again in everyone's work. The huge chainsaw, broad sword, whispered and chopped, and immediately fell a large group of people. The two-meter-long sword body plus the arm length of the mobile angel has an amazing range of attack. These guys are fast and themselves, and the people in the surrounding Buddhist gates are chopped down under the back and forth. They originally faced our shields. The Buddha's troops without any pause were repelled by the mechanical angels.

About ten seconds later, after one side was brought down by his own side, a Buddhist figure finally reacted, and one of the guys jumped up and shouted, "Don't be afraid, they are just more powerful iron blocks."

"Now a target, set a priority strike." Several mobile angels who were closer to the guy suddenly gave up the acquaintance around them and rushed towards the guy. The people nearby wanted to block it. The power of these is not the opponent of these iron blocks at all, they just push them aside just like pushing a child. As for the shouting Buddha doorman, just after the shouting was over, several mobile angels rushed to the front to divide the body directly. However, his sacrifice was more or less a positive effect. At least the flustered Buddhists began to fight back, but the effect was really uncomfortable.

Unlike ordinary Protoss, Buddha ’s army rarely wears armor to carry weapons. The jewels in front of the body are rushed up empty, except for the piece of cloth wrapped around them to cover up their shame. Their Buddha's golden body itself has the role of Vajrayana, which can completely replace the role of armor. And their fists are blessed with divine power. Even without the sharpness of ordinary weapons, the huge impact is enough to be deadly. Unfortunately, the mobile angel was specifically designed to deal with the protoss. Since it is professional, it is naturally the best. The golden body of the Buddha's door is similar to tofu in front of their weapons, and it does not play any protective role at all. Although the Buddhists do n’t know why this is the case, I do understand it well. In fact, the reason why these mobile angels are so fierce is because of the protoss plug-in they started before the battle began. Do not think that the Protoss plug-in is the result of the bad taste we added to increase the mechanical sense of the mobile angel. In fact, the plug-in does exist, and the substance of that thing is the Feng Lingzhu that was given to me by the court last time. At first, relying on Feng Lingzhu, I turned all the masters of Buddhist monks into a mortal state. It can be seen that the effect is significant, but unfortunately the thing was finally broken. However, based on the idea of ​​waste utilization, I handed over the fragment of Feng Lingzhu to the research department of this guild, hoping to study how that thing restrains divine power. As a result, the principle of divine restraint was not studied, but a small range of divine power was used to suppress the realm of the field, which is the so-called plug for the protoss. The core of this plug-in is the Feng Lingzhu fragment, but not the large pieces that were broken at the beginning, but the small fragments that are almost the same as dust. These fragments were deliberately made by our guild's research department, and they were obtained by crushing the original large pieces. The reason why it is so broken is mainly to get more fragments, because our current resistance system is only related to the existence of the fragments, it has nothing to do with the size of the fragments, so as long as you can cut open, no matter how small it is. Although the entire block of Feng Lingzhu was broken, it lost its ability to suppress divine power, but with the help of the launcher made by our guild, it can restore its ability again, but the scope of action has become only for itself and also It is the same as the upper-bound stone I obtained before, which can only cover a part of the objects connected to it. As far as mobile invocation is concerned, that is to cover the mobile angels themselves and their weapons. But that's enough. Because of the role of the plug-in, the sword of the mobile angel has also obtained the effect of suppressing divine power. As a result, compared to the sword of the mobile angel, the golden body of the Buddhist gate is actually only equivalent to the physical body of an ordinary person, and a broad sword like a chainsaw is used to chop ordinary people. Is there still a one-size-fits-all thing in your body? This is why the mobile angel will judge the defense level of these guys who have the Buddha's golden body, because the mobile angel looks that the other party is indeed as soft as tofu, and it was cut without any effort. In addition to the issue of defensive power, the attack power of these people at Buddha Gate also has a great problem. Because they do not use weapons, they can only fight with their fists. To ordinary people, these fist-wrapped fists can be described as powerful and heavy. If you hit them with one punch, you will be shocked to death, but it is not the same for the mobile angel. These guys have a plug for the protoss, so the magical power of the people in the Buddhist gate is completely invalid. They rely on their fists and are pure grain attacks relying on muscle power. Even if they are strong, can't they punch through the steel plate with their fists? If you are strong enough, you may have some hope if you encounter a thin sheet of paper like a piece of paper to fight against a place several times in a row, but the steel armor on the mobile angel body can be hurt by a fist. of? As for talking about damaging internal parts, let's not even think about that. The mobile angel itself is a weapon of war. Its steel armor is not directly worn on the inner bones. Instead, it uses a structure similar to the vehicle's suspension system and is hung on the mobile angel. Even if there is shock, do not want to pass through this layer. Elastic protection hurts the body inside.

Combining the above two points, the final actual result is the mobile angel Junk Protoss soldier. Dealing with the Protoss soldiers is like chopping melon and vegetables, but the attacks of the Protoss soldiers can't completely hurt them. This kind of one-sided battle naturally cannot last for a long time. In fact, in a dozen minutes, all the members of the Buddhist gate that were cut off between the mobile angel and the female abomination were completely destroyed. After killing the surrounded Buddhist soldiers, members of our guild received orders to start moving forward, directly behind the female abominations, and this position is almost the same position where the shield began to resist the invasion of Buddhist gates.

In other words, Buddhism has lost so many injuries and a long time, and a little bit of the results obtained by the Seal of the Throne have been lost.

"Haha, I didn't expect to return to this position again." A player said, "It's now more than ten o'clock, even if the next time the Seal of the Seal of God, we only use the shield array to block so far, we can persist After twelve. "

Another player taught: "Don't think it's too beautiful, Buddha doors will not be so easy to admit defeat. It is estimated that after eleven o'clock their senior arms will be all over. That's when the hard work is really needed. Then! "

I inserted their conversation and said, "That's right. It's not time to relax. You can relax as much as you want in another two hours, but before that, I opened my eyes and raised my twelve minutes. Okay, the opposite. "

Although I have everyone's attention on my lips, my heart is actually similar to the members' thoughts. After all, there are still so many female abominations in front of them. I do n’t know if the woman hates it or is more fortunate. Her shortcomings have n’t even been seen so far. At first I thought that her flaws would surely be revealed at night, and I could not count on her by then. Who knows that her flaws have not just been reversed to the point that the number has grown so strong that she can protect the entire city by herself. Now we have a full circle of female abomination barriers that are nearly ten meters thick outside the entire contract city, although this barrier looks relatively thin. But the Buddha's door is not so easy to pass through, at least no one can come before her flaws are discovered.

Just because women hate this unexpected factor, the last few hours, which should have been expected to be difficult, have become easier than the previous few days. Almost all of us are watching the excitement, except for the long-range strikers such as artillery who are still working. Almost everyone else found a place to sit and rest. According to this progress, if the Buddhist door can no longer find the defect of female abhorrence, we can just sit and wait until the heavenly courts enter the battle. However, dreams are always dreams. In most cases reality is crueler than dreams.

At about half past ten in the night, an accident suddenly occurred. A Buddhist monk member was accidentally touched by the colloid disgusted by the female during the battle, originally according to the previous experience. He should have been parasitic and turned into a woman's hate, but it turned out that he didn't respond at all. The Buddha's commander had a headache for the woman a long time ago, and now suddenly there was an uninfectable individual, so they took the guy aside and started researching. At first they thought that this guy had stronger strength and resisted the abomination magic of women. As a result, the members of the Buddhism family who came from the demon tribe were only a miscellaneous soldier. There was no power at all. Later, some people speculated that this guy might have a relatively strong vitality. When his growth length exceeded the parasitic degree of female abhorrence, he could resist parasitism. As a result, the test proved that this guy's recovery ability was also average, at least not higher than the average level of the Buddhist members. In the case that both tests were invalid, the senior management of Buddhism began to cut this guy to see if his internal structure was different from others. Of course, that guy was going to resist. As a result, he accidentally caught a piece of meat abominable by the woman for testing, and the piece of meat turned into a pile of dust to the naked eye. This is now noticed and focused on some research. After more than 20 minutes of research, the senior level of the Buddhist monk was finally excited and the weakness of the original female abhorrent turned out to be so obvious. "She's afraid of poison!"

It's such a simple weakness. Behind the infinite regeneration and strong parasitic ability, the defect that women hate turned out to be overwhelmed by toxins. In the attack system of Zero, the toxin system is probably the least powerful one. Few people use it as the main attack method, because ninety-nine percent of the creatures in Zero have resistance to the toxin system. Some people will only add some poison damage to their weapons, or practice one or two auxiliary spells. In short, this is a very marginal attack spell system. But the so-called one-for-one-for-one-for-one thing, a woman who is so strong that she is almost invincible, is afraid of this little poison. However, the conclusions obtained after further testing are not as simple as they thought at first. Women hate to be afraid of toxins, but not all poisons. The only toxins that really work for her are only a few very toxic toxins, but because Her strong absorptive ability corresponds to the strong absorptive ability. As long as you can find the poison that is effective for her, you can completely kill her in the throne of the seal of God in a very short time.

It took about half an hour or so to find the method of killing the **** and searching for toxins. The Buddha's Seal throne took about half an hour. At about 11 o'clock, a large group of green objects suddenly burst out from behind the Buddha's army.

These things are about the same length as toads, but they are walking on two feet. The two front glues are very large and have dark red giant claws on them. Originally, we hadn't taken these things seriously, who knew that as soon as they rushed into the women's abomination team, they immediately caused great confusion. The female abominations seemed to be killed by the monsters as usual, but they did not succeed in parasitism, and some of the female abominations just scratched also turned into a pool of blood and water.

"No, it seems that Buddhism has found an abomination defect!" I quickly ordered through the **** of war: "All members pay attention, our mercenaries have met the nemesis, and we have to see our own for a while! She can help We have blocked it now that we have earned it. We can't expect her to help us win this war alone. All the units below will enter the battle position. Be prepared to work hard.

The woman resents the seriousness of the problem after the death of her own clone, and she obviously knows what her shortcomings are. Now she is not panic when she looks at the fallen packages. Instead, he methodically commanded his avatar to begin to resist in sections, and the last avatar ran back to the body that had been standing outside the battlefield. When the first split body hit the body, the two of them immediately turned into a large meat ball, followed by the next split body and rushed into the meat ball, and the meat ball became bigger and bigger, and the meat There was also a large amount of unknown liquid with white suspended matter flowing under the ball, which looked abnormally disgusting, but fortunately no odor came out.

As the splits gradually merged. The amount of liquid secreted under the meat ball began to increase, but the meat ball itself did not continue to increase in volume as large as a container. Because some of the splits stayed behind to block the special arms of the Buddhist monks, most of the splits that the women hated ran back successfully. And after all the corpses left by the abomination of women were wiped out, our guild's mechanical angels immediately lifted up.

A toad-like monster saw the mechanical angel without any pause and rushed straight up. Probably before the slaughtering woman hated it and thought it was just as easy to deal with. But this time things are quite different. Looking at the toad mechanical angel who just rushed over, he simply raised his hand and made a bang, and the toad's body, which was divided into two halves, flew directly from the side of the mechanical angel and fell to the ground, but it spilled out of the body A lot of green liquid splashed everywhere. The mechanical angel looked at the green liquid sprayed with a little doubt, then flipped his wrist, and the chain saw chopping sword on his right hand suddenly retracted. Then he put a finger over the green liquid, the tip of the paper suddenly opened a small door, a thin needle tube came out, collected some liquid samples, and then retracted it, followed by the eyes of the mechanical angel. . "High concentrations of corrosive toxins can cause rapid dehydration of organic matter and induce protein metamorphic reactions, as well as trace magic reactions, which can cause magic imbalance."

At the same time as the mechanical angel reported the data, the army **** and I also received the return signal. "It turns out that the abomination of women is their inability to resist toxins! But it seems that this toxin is not a general asset. It can interfere with the balance of matter and energy at the same time. It is a very strong type of toxin. The structure is similar to a group of a large number of cancer cells. Its main feature is the ability to divide highly and to infect quickly. However, the strong ability to divide is based on a strong metabolism, so as long as you find the corresponding poison, use her metabolism. It can really be deadly. "

"It turns out that this is the so-called flaw! It feels very mysterious when I don't know, and it really is the case when I know it."

"Most of the things in this world are like this. If you don't know it, it feels mysterious. There is nothing strange about it. But the woman hates being unable to participate in the war. You are busy.


"You can see for yourself." The army **** directly projected a picture for me, which looks like the picture transmitted by Babel Tower. Because the image is real-time, and it is still a bird's-eye view from the air. The scene in the picture is obviously our covenant city, and in the outer circle of the city is the unit of Buddha's gate. In the night, these guys like the light bulb will not be integrated with the background of the night but will be more prominent. Already.

"What do you want me to see?"

"Here." Suddenly there was a circle in the picture, and then the picture began to move and zoom in, and soon the area was enlarged enough to see the face clearly.

"Is this ...? Hungry ghost?"

Buddha's hungry ghosts are not a kind of ghost, in fact they should be regarded as a kind of protoss, just like the Japanese ghosts are not ghosts but gods. However, unlike the Japanese who directly worshipped ghosts and gods, Buddhism felt that the ghost's image had no affinity, so he always refused to acknowledge the existence of such a race in his power. Of course, they do n’t admit it, they do n’t admit it, but we are very clear. The true composition of the Buddhist door not only has regular Buddhist power holders, but also a large number of demon ghosts. In fact, this multi-ethnic mixed situation is not uncommon among the various protoss forces, but Buddha is the only protoss that is relatively hypocritical and refuses to recognize it.

Originally, my understanding of the hungry ghosts of Buddhism was limited to knowing that Buddhism had such a race, but this time because I wanted to fight Buddhism, I supplemented my knowledge about Buddhism's racial composition and combat characteristics of various arms. Of course, this includes the hungry ghosts. According to Buddhism's own myths and legends, the hungry ghost should be an evil creature living in the underworld. They devour the undead souls in **** to strengthen themselves. They must believe in the Buddha before they want to be eaten by them. You don't need to be eaten by ghosts in Upper Bliss. Of course, the above are just legends preached by the Buddhist monks. This is exactly the case. Hungry ghosts are a powerful protoss. They can strengthen their strength by devouring spirits. They do not live in the underworld. The reason why they are often seen there is that they often go there to find food, which is the soul of a person, and their actual residence should be the so-called bliss world of Buddha, because the hungry ghost itself is also a member of Buddha, and It is only natural that other big Buddhas live together.

As for the so-called hungry ghosts, this is just a legend of Buddhism. In fact, these guys can't talk about evil because they have no brain at all. Although hungry ghosts look like humanoid creatures, they are actually as intelligent as beasts. It barely understands people. This kind of creature doesn't have many feelings except for its survival needs, so the complex emotions of goodness and evil have nothing to do with them. But now I saw a large group of hungry ghosts running towards Contract City, but it scared me. According to records, although these guys have bad heads, they fight very badly. I do n’t know if their heads become smart. The body naturally weakens. Smart humanoids do n’t seem to have strong fighting instincts, otherwise they are hungry. A silly big man like a ghost is terribly professional.

"Fuck, Buddhism is really cruel. Even hungry ghosts are released. How can this be blocked? These guys are almost completely ineffective in physical attacks like the Titan Giant!"

"If you feel unstoppable, I suggest you use Isinger to move the fortress." God of War advised.

I looked at the Throne of Time Seal. It is now 11:15, which means that forty-five minutes before the court can participate in the battle, even if Isinger Mobile Fortress participates in the battle, it should not increase the difficulty of later defense. Anyway, at this time, regardless of whether or not we played the hole card in advance, the gate card of the Buddha's gate should be turned out. "The ordering troops are ready to resist shock waves on the spot, and let Essinger move the fortress to bring me the Hungry Ghost Legion of Buddhism, pay attention to controlling the time seal and throne of the Seal of God. Now. "


At the same time as my order was given. A huge alarm sounded in the whole city of Isinger, far away in China. "Warning, warning, Essinger Mobile Fortress is about to be released. The connection between Essinger Sky City and Essinger Mobile Fortress is about to be closed. Please evacuate all personnel as soon as possible." The warning sound changed after three consecutive warnings. It became a countdown of ten seconds. Finally, when the countdown reached one, Essinger Sky City and Essinger's Mobile Fortress suddenly shook violently together. Hundreds of spoons in a huge mechanical roar were as thick as the sea floor. The huge metal fixture began to slowly retract into the fixed lock while rotating, and the connection pipeline between Isinger Mobile Fortress and Isinger Sky City also began to be disconnected, and various channels were automatically closed. After all the connectors were disconnected, the Isinger Mobile Fortress finally began to rise slowly, and at the same time, the armor plates that had been stacked underneath the fortress also automatically unfolded and began to close the various equipment below the city. As Isinger moved the fortress above the clouds, a white mask suddenly appeared around the entire fortress, and then the image inside the mask began to become more and more blurred, and finally the entire city was blocked by a light curtain from outside Can't see any images. When the light curtain became completely opaque, it suddenly began to shrink. Within a few seconds, the light curtain covering the entire city became a light spot, and then it cracked and disappeared into the air, and the whole disappeared together. Isinger moves the fort.

On the side of the contract city, the large troops of Buddha's gate resumed the offensive rhythm for the absence of female abomination. Although the large mechanical angels are also very headache, at least the front is shrinking step by step, as long as it continues to advance Sooner or later, the core of the city can be felt. Moreover, the army of hungry ghosts in the rear has already reached the periphery of the city. As long as these mindless guys rush into the city, the Buddha Gate is not far from victory.

Just as the crowd of Buddha's gates fought with excitement like this, a white light spot suddenly appeared on their heads. After everyone did not respond, the light spot expanded rapidly and became as large as a city. The giant ball of light followed the ball of light into a completely transparent state within a few seconds, which revealed the appearance of a city. After the city gradually became apparent, all the light curtains outside suddenly disappeared, and there was only a large and rampant city.

"I rely, Isinger moved the fortress!" Some Indian players in the Buddhist gate who were going to hang out with the water immediately called out when they saw the city. After all, the fortress's fame was too great. He was flattened over a city!

Just when everyone in the Buddhist gate looked at the thing and was at a loss ~ ~ Suddenly I heard a chaotic sound from the back of the team. Looking back, it was only those hungry ghosts who had no brains rushed up. The Buddhist team in the front should have given way to these hungry ghosts as planned, but now because of the sudden emergence of Isinger ’s moving fortress, the following Buddhist gates have forgotten to make way, and the stupid Hungry Ghost Army I don't know if you wait a moment, just so directly interspersed with his own team. Although the hungry ghosts knew how to distinguish themselves, they did not attack their own people, but the two teams were completely paralyzed by such a command system. In such a chaotic situation, the teams could only fight on their own, and there was no way to unified command. Already. However, they also do not need to command, because the huge suspended city above the center of the bottom is gradually unfolding, and a complex-shaped shooting tower-like thing is gradually protruding from the inside.

The Indian players who recognized Isinger ’s Mobile Fortress before can not see what we are doing when they look at this situation, so they shouted to escape and threw out the teleportation scroll, hoping to catch up before Isinger ’s Mobile Fortress opened fire. Running away, just looking at the gradually shining shooter, they all knew that they were probably not saved this time. However, just as the army of nearly 100,000 Buddha doors stood there looking at the class weapon that was about to fire, it suddenly appeared unexpectedly. A golden light rushed straight from outside the battlefield and flew under the shooter at the bottom of Isinger's Mobile Fortress, and then hit the shooter directly.

"Don't ...!"

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