Starting from Zero

Vol 17 Chapter 91: Contract City Urgent

"You dare to hurt me!" The guy screamed and didn't forget to threaten me with words, but I was very doubtful whether this guy's head had just been smashed by the city destruction gun. Both the Buddha and us have been in the state of war for so long. The two of us have just come to a fight between you and me. He actually threatened me to dare to hurt him. This guy definitely has a problem in his head, and it is impossible for normal people to ask such questions.

"Now I'll let you know if I dare to hurt you." I said and stepped on the charred left leg of the guy, listening to the click, the charred cracked muscle tissue on the left leg of the guy immediately The shattering and peeling revealed a layer of rotten flesh and some leg bones inside, followed by the scream of that guy, but I didn't care if he called or not, and continued to use the sole of the shoe to slap his rot. Legs scolded: "I've seen so many idiots like you, and don't look at yourself in that situation. I'm in a bad temper. I used to be a high Buddha. I can't beat you. How you want to be prestigious is your freedom. I think It doesn't matter. But now, you have only half a life left, so it's best to put away your useless prestige. It's a dragon, you have to keep it for me, it is a tiger, you have to lie down for me, otherwise ... Hum. "I continued to slap the guy's legs while smiling, while he was desperately supporting with the other hand to drive me away, screaming and crawling backwards. However, the movement of the body only brought greater pain, so he struggled for a while and didn't dare to climb again, just trying to push me away from him.

Seeing that he had been tortured by me, I could squat beside him. The ancient Buddha at this time was no longer as violent and crazy as before, and now all that remained in his eyes was fear. Watching me squatting beside him, he nervously looked at me while trying to hide back, but now that he only has the right arm to move, this effort is meaningless except to increase his own pain .

Looking at him, I poke his charred left abdomen with his hand. After the crispy outer skin was cracked like a muffin, my fingers were easily inserted into his abdominal cavity and touched something soft. Watching his sharply changed expression, I stopped my fingers, but did not pull them out. "Isn't you very arrogant before? Want to strangle me? Why don't you do it?"

Seeing me staring at him for a long time, the guy finally answered quietly: "No ... I dare not ...!"

I nodded and smiled, "Well, that's great. You even know what it means to be afraid. But I know that you must be unconvinced. Although you say that you are afraid, you must be thinking that once you recover, What are you going to do with me? "

"Do not……!"

"You don't need to quibble. Everyone understands people and knows everything in their hearts. To tell you the truth, you don't have to die. As long as you are willing to join the court, I can let you go."

"Plus ... join the heaven?"

I nodded ... "Is n’t the reason for the battle with you all to feed those avatars? To put it plainly is that the court wants to increase its own power, and your strength can naturally be seen. As for our guild, temple Little ca n’t afford a big buddha like you, so I had to be a headhunter ... Well, do you know what a headhunter is? Forget it, you ’ll be treated as a trafficker. In short, it ’s good for me to sell you to heaven. .So……"

"You don't need to say, I won't agree ... Ah ...!" The guy's tone suddenly became tough again.

"Oh?" My finger suddenly applied a little force, and the guy's words turned into a scream before I finished speaking, and I said in a hurry while increasing the strength of my hand: "You think now you Is there any option? Tell you the truth. I really want to bring you a thousand swords, but I ca n’t help it! A lot of helpers are pointing at me for dinner! So I will I had no choice but to sigh for it. To know that you have blasted down the mobile fortress of our guild. To be honest, I have n’t bought enough of you to make up for this shortfall, but it can be supplemented a little bit. We do n’t think it ’s mosquito meat. less."

"But" I suddenly increased the intensity of the pain. The guy in pain didn't even bark, and could only stare and pant there. "If you don't want to sell yourself to compensate for the losses you cause, then don't blame me."

"Hmm ..." The guy spit on me even when my hands were loose. I suddenly reached out and stuffed the whole hand into the guy's belly, and then grabbed a rolling thing and pulled it out of the stomach a lot, and then slowly pulled the guy out The intestine said, "It seems you are unwilling to cooperate. Well, I can only use waste as much as possible to reduce my losses." I said, pulling a transparent bead from my body, and then facing the guy Means, the guy was taken into the beads without any response at all. This thing was originally that after the former Suzaku broke the Isinger, the leader of Hong Jun sealed her baby for me. Later, in Japan, I threw the former Suzaku out to fight the Yagi snake, and she never returned, and the beads kept empty. Now it just happens to hold this guy. Don't say that he is half-dead now, even if he was in the heyday, as long as he is sealed in, don't think about coming out again.

After receiving the good stuff, I immediately turned around and flew to the inside of the contract city. The army on both sides had re-closed to completely fill the vacuum zone that had been blasted out, but only everyone was rushed to the battlefield, so there was a little chaos. In fact, according to this situation, the previous bombing still hurt us a little bit.

On the surface, Shield Buddha lost more people than us, but the two sides of the problem can only come into contact and fight together. In fact, there are only a fixed number of people. Even if the number of people in Buddha Temple is many times more than us, they can really fight our lives. That's it. Although the bombardment killed many Buddhist monks, Buddhist monks did not decrease in the number of combatants, and only the follow-up forces were lost. However, there are not many thrones of seals in time now, and even if the Buddhist gate has follow-up power, it is actually useless, so the loss of these people has no effect on the Buddhist gate. On the contrary, it is different on our side. Originally, we had fewer people. We were suddenly killed so much. The density of people on the defense line immediately dropped. This brought convenience to the impact of the Buddhist gate. Another problem is that the explosion emptied the enemy and our personnel on the city side almost instantaneously. Although both sides sent people to grab this loophole, the Buddha Gate itself was the attacker. They were constantly charging, so they rushed. Everywhere is the same. However, our people were originally defensive. Now, because they arrived in this area together with Buddhism, the defensive battle has become an encounter, which has reduced our geographical advantage. According to this progress, our defense line will soon collapse, and this is different from the fall of the first city wall. At that time, we voluntarily gave up the first line of defense after we couldn't keep it. It was a way to use space in exchange for a battle. Means of balance. But now it is different. The third line of defense in the rear is not ready. If the second line of defense suddenly collapses, it is not a flexible retreat but a big collapse. In this case, our defense forces are unable to wield the overall advantage at all, and we have no chance of winning a battle with the Buddha.

"Are you purple?" Red Moon's voice suddenly came from the communication channel. "We can't stand it anymore."

"I'm just above the direction. I've seen the situation here, but I can't stand it alone!"

The voice of Shura Ziyi suddenly appeared on the channel. "We can't hard top here anymore, we'll all fight it out before twelve o'clock! Hurry up to the third line of defense?"

Eagle also joined the conversation with a heavy gasp. "Who, we ... can't do this, the defense line can't support it. In this case, we can't fill people in the rear defense line at all. Once we order everyone to move to the third defense line, we will be blocked if we don't have time to form a defense line. People catch up, and then the scuffle will be faster than losing here! "

"What then?"

"Zi Ri." Rose's voice suddenly added. "Otherwise, shall we use that?"

"What?" Shura Ziyi asked unknown.

I thought for a while and said, "It's a good thing to owe a pro-kind to each protoss to start that thing, do you think it's cost-effective?"

"I think it should be cost-effective ~ ~ It's a big deal to let Tianting reimburse you."

I thought for a while and said, "In the habit of heaven, they would not confess their accounts afterwards without filing a report."

"Then you go and say hello. We'll hold on for a few minutes!" Eagle gasped.

"Then you stand up, I'll go back." Immediately after I agreed, I teleported back to Isinger. I couldn't wait to see the Isinger Mobile Fortress obliquely inserted in the open sea. I teleported to heaven again. All the people in Tianting who appeared suddenly were startled, because at this time, the Throne of the Seal of God should have been the fiercest moment in the battle. They all thought that I should not run at this time, and once I came back, , That basically means that the defense has failed. Seeing their discouraged expressions, I quickly explained: "Don't be excited, we are not defeated." When someone wanted to ask why, I quickly said, "I don't have time to explain the Throne of the Seal of God to you, anyway, Contract City is fast. I ca n’t keep it. I want to persuade the Protoss from all walks of life to allow me to start the ring of commandments, but I will owe a great deal to the Pross of each road. I ’m here to ask the attitude of the heaven. If you are willing to help I reimburse this favor, and I will use it. If I do n’t do it, I will insist on it. I ca n’t stand it. I ca n’t help it. You have to get your idea. It wo n’t be decided in two minutes. Because it ’s too late. ”


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