Starting from Zero

Vol 17 Chapter 95: Weapon against Protoss

how are you feeling? The strength of our Frost Rose League's drinking shotgun cannon is okay

"You ,!" The Jinjia God was about to spit blood out of my anger, but he didn't dare to take a step forward, because the cannon was now pointing at him. In fact, his worry was very correct. That thing really can not only scatter. On the contrary, direct shot is the oath of correct use of drinking and shooting weapons.

This special weapon is a product recently completed by the Magic Crystal Dynamics Institute of this guild, and it is completely smashed with money. Although the Magic Crystal Dynamics Institute is a unit named by our guild itself, it is not something we hard-made. In fact, it is a kind of urban outbuilding recognized by the system, just like the system shop and system transfer building. Full functionality guaranteed by the system.

However, unlike the professional certification office and mercenary missions, which are open to ordinary players, this Magic Crystal Dynamics Institute is dedicated to guild services. Generally, this service is not used by ordinary players.

The basic function of the Magic Crystal Dynamics Institute is to provide equipment, funds, materials, personnel and research projects to its guild, and then it will produce research results according to requirements. The research results of the institute are related to the research direction specified by the guild. The more directly the research goals you specify, the faster the research will be, and the more complicated the research will be more troublesome. The method adopted by our guild is to directly provide players in the research institute who are specialized in life occupation. These players can participate in research and directly guide the research direction. This will not only speed up the research and often lead to plausible research success. In addition to the players, the researchers are also important researchers. As we all know, the self in the city also has a hierarchy, and the higher the level, the stronger the self-working ability. A group of casually captured self-definition is not as fast as a group of elite researchers. In addition to personnel and research goals, there is also material. The material refers to the list of materials required for the experiment provided by the institute after receiving the mission objectives. After receiving the list, the guild can obtain the materials by purchasing, occupying or arranging missions. A research project does not have to match all the materials in the list in order to produce results. In addition to the few required materials specified on the list, other materials may or may not be available, but the more abundant the materials, the faster the research degree. . If there are materials, personnel, and projects, the rest is equipment and funding. The equipment mainly depends on the guild's own research and production. Of course, since the Mojing Power Research Institute is a system-equipped unit, it naturally has a set of basic equipment, but the degree of that equipment is also the slowest. It can only be guaranteed to be usable, and it cannot be improved at all. Degree and quality. The equipment used by our guild can basically increase the degree by six to eight times compared with the original equipment of the system. This is why our guild technology has always been ahead of others. The last remaining funding requirement can be said to be the simplest and most troublesome of all the requirements, because if there is money in the bank, the previous requirements can be easily met, and if there is no money, Then don't even think about it. Of course, the final direct investment amount is the one that is most closely related to the research results. The more research funding is available, the faster the research progress. Our guild can be said to have done everything in order to fight against Buddha this time. Anyway, we can use all the resources that can be used, and this Magic Crystal Dynamics Institute will certainly not let it go. When I first knew that I was going to fight against the Buddhist monk, the research institute issued two research tasks. One was the kind of mobile angels used for the Protoss before the battle. And the credit of other research departments. But now this thing is a device independently completed by the Mojing Power Research Institute. The previous research project on this thing was because considering that the individual protoss of the Protoss was too strong, the ordinary artillery of our guild was too low to damage it, so a large-scale weapon that could hurt the Protoss was urgently needed. Driven by this demand, the Mojing Power Research Institute finally completed this drink-fired shotgun.

The main body of a drinking fire cannon is a drinking fire gun, but it is not a drinking fire gun in reality. In fact, this thing is not a laser, but a magic light. Its principle of action is similar to the magic light cannon. It can be said that the core is an improved version of the magic light cannon that our guild brought from the temple of light. We just added it outside. Many new designs, so it looks very different from the magic light gun. Of course, drinking shotguns does not simply enhance the power of magic light guns. In fact, there is not much shadow of magic light guns on it except that the magic crystal exciter borrows the principle of magic light guns. The function of the magic light cannon is actually very primitive. It is simply the magic in the spar and then shot it out at once to achieve the destructive effect, and because the wrist knife is small and stable, the thing that is hit will explode. Hammer-fired howitzer self-sail "Jan uses magical light cannon-like exciter to stimulate the magic crystal, but this magic is not immediately fired after being released, but is first guided into a secondary booster chamber , Restrain these magical powers with a strong magic barrier, and guide them into a rune crystal made by the star crystal, and the rune on this crystal surface plus its own special structure can make the magic gather into a linear shot This point is very similar to the laser, so we call it a shotgun rather than a magic light cannon. Due to the concentrated power, this concentrated magic beam is much more powerful than the ordinary magic light, and because of the stars The synchronous nature of the crystal, the magic light emitted will be unified to a wavelength, so that it will not reduce its power due to natural attenuation and wavelength resistance during the shooting process, so that the beam can have a longer range and more terrifying power. When the magic beam is gathered into a line by the star crystal, it will go through a powerful magic array to increase the channel. In this channel, the magic will be further strengthened and concentrated. Go to the last step. The step is the magic split. Because the magic spar has pure magic without attributes, it must be attributed because magic without attributes also explodes. But the power is actually very general. Based on the explosion principle of Ling and Xiaochun's light and dark mixed magic, we used a simple wave crystal to complete the magic split. The wave crystal processed into a special shape will make the magic beam that enters it extremely fast. The degrees are shot in two specific directions, and a dark magic array and a light magic array are respectively installed in these two directions. They will make the attributeless magic passing near them have dark and light attributes, and then With the help of some magic mirrors, the two deflected magic lights will rejoin at a point, and the second wave crystal installed at this point will perform the reverse operation of the first crystal to re-integrate the two beams into one. However, if you can pause the Throne of Time and the Seal of Time, you will appear, and this beam has now become a black one. White state, and the distribution is extremely uniform. Of course, with the degree of light transmission, such fast flickers are not visible at all, but they do exist. This is composed of two magic properties with completely opposite properties. Once the light beam hits an opaque obstacle, it will immediately build up magic on the obstacle, and once the magic of the two attributes of light and darkness are stacked together, the fool knows what will happen, which is why the uranium fired the shotgun. The reason why the light beams will explode, because they are basically a large group of alternating bombardment of light and dark energy.

The shotgun shotgun produced in accordance with the above principles is actually just a shotgun, because it shoots a straight line. Although the power is very strong, the actual damage is actually very low because the attack is too concentrated. After all, the target is constantly switched. It takes time to seal the throne. Considering that the star crystal concentrator in the shotgun cannon cannot be mass-produced, the method of covering the attack with a large number of drilled cannons was rejected.

But later, the Magic Crystal Dynamics Institute came up with a good way, that is, the umbrella-shaped reflector we saw before ~ ​​ ~ The structure of that thing is very simple, and it turns out to be very much, because It's made of energy-depleted white magic spar, and it can be said that there are as many materials as garbage. The principle of this kind of shell is very simple. It is nothing more than a reflection or refraction mirror, which can disperse the incident light for attack. Together with the constantly changing shooting angle caused by its own physical movement, it has the effect of large-area bombardment. And because the mirror can shoot into the air, we don't need to mount the cannon itself into the air. After all, the beam of the uranium cannon itself will not turn. If it is placed on the ground like an ordinary cannon, then only Can attack targets in the sky. With this kind of reflection cannon, even if the subject is on the ground, it can carry out reflection attacks through the mirror cannon in the air.

In fact, the reflection shells we produce are not just the one just fired. In order to meet various needs, the Magic Crystal Dynamics Institute has produced more than ten different shells at one time for bombing on different occasions. It is specifically used for high-power high-density bombing of medium-sized areas, so it will have such a terrifying effect. The Protoss present was almost all except the Golden Armor, which was not planned in the target range at the beginning The army fell. Such injuries have never occurred in the history of the Buddha and even the entire Protoss. It is no wonder that the surviving Jin Jia God will be pale and scared.

Taking advantage of the chance that the **** will be angry and shocked and do not know how to react, I went on to say: "Look at your strength is good, give you a chance. Surrender, I can spare you a life."

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