Starting from Zero

Vol 17 Chapter 97: Challenge high-end force

I came to Tongtian Tower after being hit by a blow. The two protoss against the Protoss also intended to reach out to catch me, but they were taken along with me and smashed against the rear wall, and then slid down the wall like three pieces of mud.

The people around me were frightened by this sudden blow. The first reaction of the gold coins to the player who attacked me back and forth was to stab it in the past. The guy didn't care at all, and lightly stretched out **** to pinch the blade of the gold coin between the fingers. No matter how hard the gold coin struggled, it was just motionless.

"Flash away." Hearing a familiar voice from behind, the gold coin immediately loosened the sword handle and moved aside. True red rushed past her, and his fist flashing gold slammed into the forward only body. Buddha surrounded by a piece of cloth. "Dawei Tianlongquan Eighty-first Style-Bengshan."

The Buddha was a bit surprised to see the real red fist slamming into him, but he still didn't move, just raised one hand to catch the real red fist. However, is the fist really so good? With a bang, the power of the Buddha's palm and the real red fist came into contact with the horror. The people standing near were almost all lifted off by the shock wave, while those who were a little further away were Stumbled back several steps before holding himself.

The explosion of the shock wave was fast and fast. The storm disappeared after a few seconds, but to the surprise of both parties, it was true that the red Buddha failed to kill the Buddha, and the Buddha failed to make true red. At this time, Zhenhong and the gold coins stood a few steps away from the Buddha, and her expression was obviously quite surprised, because this was the first time she had encountered an immovable person since she obtained the Zhenwu suit. The eighty-first style of the mighty Dawei Tianlongquan she used, called "Bengshan", should be able to think of its power by listening to the name, but the punch that can break the mountain did not shake the name in front of it Buddha master. However, if she knew that this guy was one of the seven ancient Buddhas in Buddha's door, she would not be so surprised, after all, it was the highest end of Buddha's door. In fact, the ancient Buddha on the opposite side did not get it. Buddha's common problem is too arrogant, relying on the strength of his ancient Buddha, even this player does not look at us as players, so he just took a red punch with a single hand. Don't look at him now standing with one hand behind his back to put the dedicated ss for the master, in fact, his inner shock is not less than true red. If you pay attention to it, you will see that his right hand behind him is shaking unconsciously. Obviously, the fist has already severely injured the hand, at least with the magical power of the Buddha.

"Who are you?" Zhenhong finally reacted and looked up and asked the ancient Buddha. Don't look at this girl's usual ups and downs, that's because of the personality of others, but there is nothing missing in wisdom and redness. She was very clear about the power of her punch, and it was by no means ordinary people who could stop it. Now I was attacked by the other side and it was unknown, so Zhenhong did n’t rush to fight with him, and It is to ask the identity of the other party first. In fact, True Red does not know who he is. It is nothing more than delaying the Seal of the Throne. Anyway, there are only more than six minutes left before the deadline, and one second is one second. If I can persist until I recover, the possibility of blocking this guy is even higher.

The ancient Buddha's planner may have a lot of skills here, and there is no way to compare it with the on-site response. He really answered when he heard the really red question. "I am" The guy who just said two words suddenly reacted again and stopped quickly. "Bold, dare to tease me. Now I have no time to waste your time with the Seal of the Seal of God, and give way to the Buddha."

Real red and gold coins really gave way after hearing that guy ’s words, but not to give him way, but suddenly a huge beam of light like a train tunnel was shot behind them. The ancient Buddha in front did n’t expect it to suddenly He was attacked in this way and was therefore totally unprepared. Fortunately, his Buddha's golden body was not fake. Although he was beaten up, he didn't suffer much injuries.

The beam of light came quickly, and disappeared in a blink of an eye. Christina proudly looked at the embarrassing ancient Buddha in front of her: "Haha, who said I can only play shooting magic? I am also the strongest attacker. . "

"Flick off." Christina was smiling smugly, the gold coins suddenly rushed up, hugged her, and rolled out, a golden light passed directly through the position where she had just stood and blasted the laser shotgun behind her. A piece of ground.

I dare to destroy the important weapon of our guild, I fight with you. Hongyue suddenly rushed to the side and held a staff to throw a spell at the ancient Buddha, but unfortunately the power was not as good as Christina's, and the other side did not even hide. Although Hongyue's strength is still relatively strong, it is somewhat useless in the face of the existence of the ancient Buddha.

"A group of ants, wait for me today to say that you are all pinched to death here."

"The ancient Buddha won Christina's big move and was grilled to try with African chickens. Now it has finally soared. No matter what the task is, the task rushed straight up. But just before he rushed to return The gold coins sitting on the ground and a sudden black shadow in front of Christina came straight from the front. When rushing to the ancient Buddha, a sword body was suddenly pierced into the ancient Buddha.

Although most of the Buddhists have non-bad golden bodies, ancient Buddhas like him are even more defensive, but the eyes are always the key, and instinctual reactions cannot be overcome without professional training. The ancient Buddha immediately gave in when he saw the sword point stab into his eyes, but when he just moved back halfway, he suddenly felt a shiver of trembling for no reason, and stopped quickly. At this moment, he suddenly felt a strong wind blowing across his back. Although he didn't touch the Lord, the wind alone made him feel pain in his skin. Imagine being touched by something that brought the wind. Arrive, that would never be a good thing.

After resolving two crises in succession, the ancient Buddha had just prepared to show his power in anger, and suddenly the black shadow in front of him suddenly dispersed, and the murderous spirit carried by the previous black shadow did not know when he moved to himself Behind the scenes, but the body protector is not worried, just slightly step forward and turned to attack the opponent. What he didn't expect was that the murderous spirit suddenly disappeared while he reacted, and then appeared on his side again. Before he could react, a cold breath had reached his neck. At the time of the crisis, the ancient Buddha hurriedly said that the golden body was added to the maximum, but as a result, he heard a click, and felt a hot pain after his neck was slightly cold.

I was surprised to touch my neck, but now there are more scars on my neck. Although I only cut a little skin, he can break his defense when he concentrates his strength to turn on the body protection, which is quite amazing in itself. Although I thought a lot in my heart, only one second passed in time. The ancient Buddha suddenly felt an angry drink after touching the blood stains, and a golden ring immediately rippled from him. With a moan, a slender black figure landed in a pretty posture after completing a turn in the air.

"Black Widow?" It wasn't until this time that everyone knew who was attacking the ancient Buddha, but then everyone thought of the previous employment agreement, so they were relieved.

"This is subject to additional billing." The black widow stared at the ancient Buddha's mouth and said irrelevant words. The people around him were stunned, not knowing what she was talking about. But my voice followed her.

"Of course." Along with this answer, I also walked out of the Tongtian Tower. Actually, it did n’t change me just now. After upgrading the magic dragon suit to the Shenlong suit, it seems that the defense is unchanged, but it actually feels a lot stronger. I guess that the problem of equipment coordination has probably improved. , So I feel better than before. In addition, since the divine power is not effective for me, the actual damage caused by the ancient Buddha's blow should be the value after removing the divine power, so it looks very powerful, but in fact I was not much injured. The reason why I spent half a day in the tower was mainly that the two groups used mobile angels to suppress me, so it took a little time to seal the throne. In fact, I did n’t lie in the tower for a long time. The reason why the time of the seal of the throne is because the battle frequency outside is too fast. In fact, it has only been dozens of seconds since I was bombed into the tower. It's less than a minute.

"That guy will, too." Hearing my answer added that Black Widow added.

"no problem."

"Let's move, then." The black widow suddenly uttered a phrase that was totally out of her style, but soon she added: "It was he who said." I nodded in understanding, and he was naturally The **** of guns, now our top three are here. We represent the peak of the players. If we ca n’t even kill that ancient Buddha, it only shows that the protoss in the system settings is basically It's not that players can challenge, but on the contrary, it shows that the system actually classifies the protoss into the ranks of monsters, but they have a higher level, and they will retaliate against the attackers.

Immediately after the agreement was reached, the ancient Buddha immediately thought to sneer at us, but unfortunately, before he opened his mouth and made any noise, he suddenly felt that the air was shrinking and suppressed him. The sudden change made him nervous for a while, but the pressure didn't have much effect on him, but he felt instinctively bad after the pressure was generated, so he took a step back immediately. Just after he stepped back, a red light suddenly slipped in front of him. His eyes hurt because of the strong wind. If he hadn't stepped back that step, the red light would just hit him. The temple, although I do n’t know how powerful the thing is, the ancient Buddha was still grateful for his reaction to the battlefield.

"I stunned, I missed it!" The gun slaps the ground angrily, and then quickly pulls the bolt. When it slams, a metal product with smoke is ejected from the gun body, but the thing is obviously not a bullet case, because The volume is too large and the shape is not right. He took out a similar thing and shoved it into the barrel, and the God of Gun aimed again at the target. "God bless, you must hit this time!"

A few seconds after the ancient Buddha flashed the bullet, that is, when he was still grateful for his reaction, the black widow and I moved at the same time, and the ancient Buddha suddenly stretched his left and right hands to the sides after we were there. Lived both of our necks. However, he felt wrong right after holding it, because it was not the feeling of a human neck at all, but two strange objects. Although he did not know what it was, it was definitely not a human neck. The ancient Buddha who realized the badness immediately moved his mana to his eyes, and the surrounding picture suddenly stunned and then changed his appearance. The two of us who had been caught by him suddenly disappeared, but the neck he held in his hand was Into two metal kettles. The ancient Buddha glanced at the kettle in his hand in surprise, and then looked up to see that he was holding a crystal and waving at him. "Happy bath" I smiled and crushed the crystal. Before the ancient Buddha reacted, I only heard two pops. The two kettles in his hand suddenly exploded, but the power was very ordinary, just to smash the pot That's it. However, although the power of the kettle exploding was not great, all the contents contained therein were sprayed out. The crackling poured the ancient Buddha thoroughly. It was okay to be drenched in water, but the pot was not ordinary water. I saw the black liquid splashed on the ancient Buddha. The guy was immediately splashed with sulfuric acid and started to sizzle, and the smoke was blowing. The guy immediately began to roll with pain. I wanted to protect my eyes but didn't dare to touch them, I could only tremble back and forth in the shape of a hawk.

The "Good Opportunity" distant gun **** saw the timing to pull the trigger, and the gun body slammed backwards. The dust around the muzzle was blown around instantly, and at the same time, the ancient Buddha's The wrist of the right hand burst suddenly, and the whole palm flew out with half of the arm. But this is not the end, the broken arm wound suddenly turned black, and the black began to spread quickly along the guy's arm with the degree visible to the naked eye. Despite the pain in the whole body, the ancient Buddha still found this wrong. The guy arrived decisively, waved his hand vigorously, and cut off the remaining half of his arm. The half of the arm that broke away from the body became completely black within a few seconds, followed by a cracking sound, and then a gust of wind blew through. All the broken arm turned into flying ash and disappeared into the air.

"I depend, what kind of bullet is this?" I was shocked to see the reaction.

The reaction of the black widow was not too big, but she also shook her head. "I don't know. I've only seen him use it once before, and I heard that he didn't have much in his hands." I nodded, with the power of this thing really impossible. Even such a powerful role as the ancient Buddha is so corrupted, if the average person is finished without rubbing it? But relatively speaking, the bitter water in my hand is more powerful. Although the bitter water is not effective for undead and dark creatures, this amount is large enough and does not need to spend money. It is not enough. Just go back to the quiet sea to pack some. Compared to the special bullet that can only be used in a small amount, Gun Weapon, which is not a weapon, is even more perverted.

After I splashed and hit a special bomb, the ancient Buddha has been dealt with very miserable, but even worse is still behind. The black widow rushed up suddenly, but before the ancient Buddha had jumped up, he rolled up in the air and rushed down with his two swords towards the ancient Buddha. Because the golden body of the Buddha's body was eroded by the dark energy of bitter water, at this time the golden body of the ancient Buddha body had lost its due defense. Just listen to the sound of the two swords, which penetrated into the ancient Buddha's body almost at the same time. Chests on both sides. Although the body surface was bubbling and bubbling, the damage of the sword in the chest was obviously greater. The ancient Buddha immediately screamed and sat up, and the remaining hand shoved forward. However, as early as the attack was completed, the black widow jumped back with a deft sword. As a result, the palm of the ancient Buddha was smashed and nothing happened.

"Ahhhhhhhhh ..." because the bitter water sprayed before had poured into my eyes ~ ~, now the ancient Buddha has completely lost his eyesight, and he missed a shot and shouted at the side Although they are powerful, they can't hit their targets. Seeing that an ancient Buddha was bullied by us so miserably, the players around him were rubbing cold sweat there.

In their knowledge, the boss of the ancient tribe of the ancient Buddha can be said to be an invincible enemy. I did not expect that after encountering us, he would be made into this virtue. Although we actually used the external force to make the ancient Buddha like this, but anyway, using these external forces can be considered as a part of strength, so everyone still admires us.

After the ancient Buddha was severely damaged, we thought that the overall situation was set. Who knew that something unexpected happened at a critical moment. It ’s been a few minutes since the torment of the ancient Buddha and the ancient Buddha has been completed. The Seal of the Throne is now only four minutes and ten seconds away from the last time. If it is not because the enemy is a Protoss, I can directly The battle was declared over, and the injured ancient Buddha in front of him was blind at all, even if we did n’t stop him, it would take at least ten minutes for the throne to seal the throne in his current state, and the remaining time was **** The Indian throne is obviously not enough. But even in this situation, unexpected things can happen, which really makes me depressed. I saw two golden lights suddenly flying out of the city, and then fell left and right beside the injured ancient Buddha. One of the fatter ones saw the injured companion immediately release a golden light to heal him, and the other one got up to block us and them.

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