Starting from Zero

Vol 17 Chapter 131: Blessed by misfortune

Two or three big shadows rushed towards me at high speed under the ice, but I did n’t know what to do. Although it was easy to attack at my speed, such a problem is easy, but the problem is that my whereabouts Exposed. Since the monster under the ice lives in this lake, it is impossible for the people of the snow monster castle as its neighbor to not know the existence of this creature, and this creature usually will not and The ice can't get through, then once it launches an attack, I will definitely be found.

There were countless schemes flashing in my head as the monster rushed towards me, but no one could keep me from being discovered. Finally, it was too late and I had to flash and talk. Now I do n’t need to expose or expose. I moved my thoughts. A dozen sharp steel nails popped out under the boots, grabbed the ice surface instantly, and followed the violent kick of the ground. And just a few seconds after I left the place where I stood, I only heard a bang, and the ice surface where I stood before and within ten meters of the surrounding area all turned up, and huge ice cubes accompanied A lot of lake water flew into the air together, and it felt like a blockbuster was hit on the ice.

Although the monster's attack was successfully flashed away, I didn't expect to hide it. Such a big movement is not to be seen on the uncovered ice, even in the deep mountains, it will definitely be found. Sure enough, after the monster lifted the ice layer, I found that a white flash appeared on the snow monster castle in the distance. Do n’t think about it, it ’s the reflection caused by the telescope lens. The other party must be watching this side what's up.

Since concealment is no longer possible, I no longer carefully hide the whereabouts. Although I have not removed the illusion, the action is completely released. The monster rushed over with a blow, and the evasion just now was apparently found, but in the end, because the monster was too fast to change direction with my movement, it was offended. However, after the kinetic energy is released, the monster Li Xuan rushed to me again, but I did not dodge again, but rushed towards the monster.

The monster kept paying attention to my steps as it rushed towards me under the ice, and now it feels strange to hear my footsteps approaching him quickly, but the IQ of this thing is not high, so it is strange Quite strange, but there was no pause, but he continued to storm. Just when our positions were about to overlap, the monster was ready, and the amount of advance suddenly burst through the ice layer and pushed a huge head out of the ice surface. If I do n’t do anything, it will definitely be at the current speed. Will rush into its mouth. of course. I didn't rush over to feed it, of course it wouldn't be unresponsive, but I didn't dodge, but I threw eternally out.

The eternity thrown out of me immediately transformed into a huge drill in the air, and then spun into the monster's mouth at high speed. I don't know if the monster has vision problems. When Yongdan flew into the monster's mouth, it actually took eternity as my bite, and it turned out to be a squeak, and the monster's teeth were directly broken. However, eternity did not slow down, and still moved forward. , Directly hit the monster's throat and then smashed the muscle tissue there and went deeper all the way in, and finally stiffly pierced through a hole behind the monster's head and popped out, as for me, I followed the eternity from the hole After wearing it, the bright red blood poured me through the whole thing, but fortunately, the illusion of Emmenes will not be invalidated by the blood on me, so I will not be found for the time being.

Of course, when people wait to see the Snow Monster Castle in the future, they will surely find someone trying to approach the castle, but at least they will not find me directly.

After passing through the monster's body, I didn't stop much, but instead slid along the monster's body and jumped directly into the monster's big hole and entered the lake below the ice. Although the temperature of the lake is terribly low, my Shenlong suit is thermostatic, so the water below is not too much of a problem for me. In fact, if you measure with a thermometer, you will find that the problem of water under the ice layer is actually much higher than the temperature in the air above the ice layer. The reason why people fall into the ice water will freeze to death is mainly due to the clothes that enter the water. It will lose the ability to keep warm. This is the main reason that people will freeze to death when dropped into ice water, not that the water is really colder than the air. After all, the water freezes to zero, and it is no longer cold. The air can keep cooling. To below zero.

Since the Dragon Set does not enter the water, the water below me is obviously warmer than above. I just regret it now that I'm in the water. Why didn't I expect to dive under the ice? If I had known it earlier, I would not have to crawl slowly on the ice surface, and there is an ice surface to cover it. As long as I do n’t hit the ice layer, I do n’t have to worry about being found. Compared with the ice surface, I am more comfortable. what? You ask what to do when you encounter a monster? At my current level, can anything threaten me unless it hits a huge recess? If you want to know that Snow Monster Castle can be built on the lake, if there is a big lake. , It is possible for players to repair on the lake

Dragon Girl. Come out and take me. "I wanted to summon Ariana, but considering that the temperature in this place is too low, and the mermaid is a tropical creature, I can only let the Dragon Girl work harder.

In fact, the underwater speed of the dragon girl is much faster than that of Ariana, but compared to the size of the dragon girl's body, Arona's target is obviously much smaller, and her echo positioning ability is also very useful. Although Shenlong is also a semi-aquatic creature, it does not have a sonar system.

As soon as the dragon girl appeared on the horns and stood on her head, the little dragon girl accelerated to swim towards the lake. Although Xiaolongnv is inferior to Ariana in terms of path-finding ability and concealment, Shenlong also has the advantages of Shenlong, at least less trouble for me. On this way, we encountered several waves of monsters underwater, but those things all ran a long distance and ran out. The breath of Shenlong was too scary for these low-level creatures. They didn't even have the guts to approach them. Run straight away.

Although the track was exposed on the ice before, I quickly reached the vicinity of Snow Monster Castle after diving into the water. At first when I was far away, I thought the castle was built on ice, but when I walked to it, I found out that it wasn't. There is a protruding part in the center of this lake, but the whole part does not reach above the water surface, so it cannot be regarded as an island, but its top is only three or four meters deep from the water surface, which is enough for the castle's local foundation. .

The approach was smooth before, but I started worrying when I walked near the island. How on earth can I sneak in unconsciously? If you go up to the ice to find the entrance, there must be more defensive forces there. Secondly, once I get out of the water, I must open a hole in the ice. I can hide the hole but I can't hide it. It is easy to expose. But it wouldn't work if you burrowed under the ice. This is underwater. If I dig into the cave, it will inevitably cause the castle to flood. In that case, it will be exposed faster than entering from the ice surface.

After thinking about it, I finally thought of a way.

It still made holes from the part below the water, but not from the walls of the castle, but on the same basis as the island below. First dig a horizontal hole, then dig up a small section, and then call Frost and Snow to let her freeze all the water in the hole, so that the mouth of the hole is sealed. After finishing this small project, I started to make holes again, and soon the foundation of the castle was dug. After digging through several layers of rock shells, ice cubes were dug inside, and it was still the kind of big ice dumpling frozen into a whole piece. I had to take back other magic pets and call Xiaofeng out. It is not possible to dig a hole in the ice by brute force. Melting a hole with high temperature is the best solution.

After burning through more than three meters of ice in one breath, there was only a thin layer of ice on the stop surface. For safety, I used eternal heat transfer tool to let Xiaofeng open a little bit on the ice. Hole, then let out a ghost worm. It can be seen through the eyes of the ghost worm that this is an empty area. The whole ice surface is a huge utility room. In addition to the surrounding walls and hundreds of support columns, the room is also full of various materials. It looks like it should be a warehouse.

After confirming that there was no one above, I expanded the hole and drilled out, then retracted Xiaofeng and summoned the dart. Xiaofeng is too conspicuous in this kind of place, and the small magic pet like darts is suitable for this kind of use.

Observation with your own eyes is much clearer than that seen by ghosts ~ ~ The room is indeed piled with a lot of materials, and the surrounding pillars and walls are full of ice formations. The temperature in the warehouse is about It can be around minus one Baidu, which is slightly warmer than the outside, but it is still absolutely cold.

A walk around the warehouse quickly made me find the passage to the upper level, but seeing this, the passage was depressed. The repair of this Snow Monster Castle is really his mother's personality. The connecting channel between the upper and lower floors is not connected by a staircase, but a spiral ladder-like channel. There are no steps on it, but they are covered with a bright layer. Can shine out of human ice. With the smoothness of this rotary ladder combined with the tilt angle, I don't think any creature walking on feet can expect to climb up, but it would be good to use it in reverse.

Helplessly looking at the spiral ladder for a long time, I finally had to take risks. The rotary ladder can not open my wings, so I can't fly up, but there are a lot of gadgets on my dragon set. As soon as the wrist moved, the dragon's tendon immediately flew out and nailed into the brick seam on the roof of the upper floor. After shooting the brick directly, people may notice the marks on the brick, so I locked my target on the brick seam. Of course, this is also me. Even if the average person has that sight, they can't find the weapons that can move those ice bricks.

With the help of the dragon's tendon, the heart lifted himself to the upper layer, but the accident happened suddenly.

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