Starting from Zero

Vol 17 Chapter 133: Mysterious Gun God

"Hehe. Although I was caught by the Frozen Banshee casually, I was not stupid, I was not stupid when I was chatting with her. I ca n’t die anymore. This woman claims to be able to defeat my existence. Time, geography, people are the same as me. Hitting her in such a place is purely uncomfortable.

After deliberately laughing, I suddenly slid over from the side of the Frozen Banshee, but immediately followed the sound of the wind breaking behind me, and quickly shifted my head. I saw an ice cone flying over my face. If I didn't hide it, it should hit my back now. Of course, even if I hit, I might not hit it, but it made me fall. Is definitely okay.

After flashing the ice cone, I continued to run forward without any loss. The Frozen Banshee didn't expect me to play rogue. However, Qi returns to Qi. Chase it. She screamed for me to stop and chased after me. As for me, I naturally ran by myself. She told me to stop and stop. Isn't that an idiot?

Because I do n’t know the road, I do n’t know how to go. I can only run forward when I see the road. Along the way, I encountered a lot of players in the Snow Monster House, but because I was too fast. A lot of people ran past them and they didn't react to what had happened. It wasn't until the Frozen Banshee caught up to know how to follow. In the end, it turned out that I ran alone in front, followed by a bunch of beautiful women desperately chasing after. This would certainly be enviable for death. But it is definitely not a good thing now.

After turning round and round several passages, a steep upward ladder appeared in front of him. But what depresses me is that when I ran to it, it turned out to be the kind of **** covered by a thick layer of ice. There aren't even any steps. If the average person is exhausted, you won't be able to climb up, but fortunately, I am now being chased and killed, and I do n’t care about exposing the issue. Seeing the **** approaching, I began to sprint fiercely, just as I was about to climb the **** of the tower, I jumped up, and a row of steel nails popped under the boots, followed by my feet and landed on the slope. On the top, sharp spikes were deeply inserted into the ice. With the grip of this nail and my previous inertia, I continued to dash upward. The second step has reached the top of the slope, followed by the automatic withdrawal of the steel nails, we have reached the upper passage.

In this scene, I thought that the smooth **** was a cargo passage, used to transport goods from the upper floor to the lower floor, so there are no steps, and the people of the Snow Demon's House want to chase me and must detour, but when they chase me It was found out that the passage was their stairs, but this one, all the guilds would have ice-assistance skills. Walking on the ice would not slip at all, they actually ran up the same road as the mirror.

Now the **** can't stop them, I have to continue to run forward, and different from the lower layer, the Frozen Banshee has notified the people on the upper layers in some way, so now I meet the players in my Snow Monster House It's no longer a doubt in the face, but a preparation to stop me.

"Where are some beautiful ... suddenly rushed out of a gate on the side of the corridor. Then rushed together regardless of thirty-two-one. I saw this posture and quickly bent down from them and waited to let go The women quickly jumped up and continued to run. However, I stopped after just two steps. As for the reason, "Look at the large group of people who know each other.

Peng inch ahead, I turned around and planned to run back to find another fork, but when the net turned around, I saw the Frozen Banshee chasing up with a large group of people. "Hum, this time I see where are you going ?. The Frozen Banshe proudly took her men and walked slowly, and the other side of the crowd also cooperated with her to slowly press on, pushing me to the center of the passage A short position.

"Hey, I just came here accidentally, don't you need such a big scene?"

"Huh, you know what you're doing." The Frozen Banshee walked towards me as she said, and her hands also pulled out two blue and white swords from behind her back and waved them, which was not a good thing at first sight.

"Hey, don't come any closer. I'm easily excited when you are so close. I can't figure out what to do when I'm excited."

"Huh!" The Frozen Banshee didn't even bother to answer this time, snorted directly with her nose and then rushed over with a short figure.

Although begging for mercy, I was not afraid of her at all.

Just as the Frozen Banshee rushed over, I suddenly pointed the eternal sword to the sky: "Eternity

Shen Lei Liu Yan chopped a sword light suddenly shot from me eternally. After cutting through dozens of floors like a tofu, he shot all the way to the sky, and then did not wait for the frozen banshee to approach, and a thunderbolt blasted in the sky . There was a big hole in the place where I stood in an instant. This is just great. The underground warehouse of the Snow Monster Castle is completely connected to the top roof.

Seeing his castle was blasted out of a big hole. The Frozen Frenzy is going crazy. After glaring at me angrily, she rushed in crazy. But I didn't plan to fight her at all. One skipped over the height of the two-story floor directly, and washed the book as soon as she read the latest Children's Day with her hands and sunk her umbrella. With the inertia on the second floor, the fierce body easily flipped up to three prouds. From below, I saw that I jumped up and immediately jumped on the ground, but she did n’t have my good jumping ability, she just jumped up. One floor fell to the floor. Seeing that she also jumped up to the next level, I no longer stopped and continued to jump upwards. Although the frozen banshee can only jump one level at a time, it does not slow down continuously, but after a few consecutive layers, the channel is getting more and more. Bigger. Although the move of the thunder **** Lei Liuyan cut just seems to be a beam of light, the thing will actually spread. So the bigger the hole, the bigger it gets. Because the passage was wide enough, I just spread my wings and flew up. The bounce rate is no faster than the wings, and I have risen outside the castle a few times. The Frozen Banshee jumped all the way to the top of the castle and stopped, apparently she could not fly herself.

"Miss Frozen Banshee is really enthusiastic! Unfortunately, it's too late today, I won't disturb you anymore. Farewell." I said Li Xuan turned and flew out of the frozen lake, and the Frozen Banshee could only Watching from behind. She does have flying magic pets. But it may not be cheaper than air combat with me. Besides, conditions are not very suitable now. Characters like us will inevitably spread to nearby things. This is the old nest of their guild. If you blast the Snow Demon Castle, it will be more than worth it. Therefore, the Frozen Banshee could only watch me leave but did not dare to chase her. She was afraid of hitting me back and destroying her castle. When she was chasing me below, she just relied on her self-confidence. It wasn't until I just blasted Snow Monster Castle from top to bottom that she realized that she had been stunned by her vanity. No matter how I am, I am also the first in the world ’s combat rankings. Let ’s not say that she just might defeat me, not absolutely. Even if she could beat me absolutely, it would have to be that I would fight her. If I were to run, she would never stop me at all. The thought of the Frozen Banshee was a little scared when she thought about it. Fortunately, she didn't really fight under the castle before, otherwise the castle must be finished.

Just when the Frozen Banshee regretted that. I've flown out of the ice lake.

I have to say that flying in the sky is better than running on the ground. I walked on the ice for ten minutes before walking for a third, and it was only a minute or so before I had come out. However, when I flew out of the ice lake, I suddenly felt a bright light. There was something reflecting on the edge of the ice lake below, and it was extremely dazzling. At first I thought it was just a piece of ice reflecting, but as I moved, that piece of light kept shining on me, which made me realize that it was not ice reflecting at all. Reflective things have a refraction angle, and strong reflections can only be seen at an appropriate angle. This thing has always been according to me. Obviously someone is manipulating it, and it seems that the other person intentionally attracted my attention, otherwise I would not use light.

After I decided that someone was there, I first asked Emerson to help me create an illusion and let that one. The illusion continued to fly forward as I did, and I went into stealth and landed quickly on the ground. After walking back to the place where I saw the reflection before, I did not find anyone. Here is just a small piece of cedar forest. On the ground, traces of someone passing by can be seen, but it has been clearly cleared, so there is no way to track the direction.

When I was watching the environment hoping to find something, I suddenly felt a strong wind behind me. It is almost a bow of conditioning. Looking at it without squatting is a leg sweep, and a sound of heavy objects falling to the ground. Before the person I swept up got up, I immediately turned over and rode on the person, pressing one of his hands to the ground with his left hand, and holding a flying knife in his right hand and passing it to his throat on. But that's the end of my movement, because there is something on my chin.

"I haven't seen your technology improve a lot for many days." Gun God said with a smile on me. At the same time, I lowered the pistol on my chin ~ ~ I saw that this guy was a gun **** and I let him go and stood up. "How will you be here?"

The gunman smiled proudly. "It's not just you who have the intelligence network. I already know about the magic crystal steam weapon, and I can find something more than you."

I glanced at the direction of Snow Monster Castle and asked, "Related to them?"

Gun God nodded, and then threw me a crystal ball. I took it in confusion and checked the recorded picture. "Do you know this person?"

I nodded this time. "He appeared in Japan not long ago, and I found out that the magic crystal steam technology used by the Japanese originated from the guild of this man."

The Gun God took the crystal ball back and said, "My people also found him, but unlike you, I checked more. The guild where this person belongs is just a shell. There is a system but no actual personnel. It is purely for covering people's eyes. Broiler. "

"So since you are here, does that mean that thing originated from that?" I asked, pointing in the direction of Snow Monster Castle. Read the latest Children's Day, wash the book and sunbathe

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