Starting from Zero

Vol 17 Chapter 141: Heaven dispute

Emperor Erbuyu shook his head and said! "How can we be rewarded! We mean to let Zizhu come to you to help you, and you don't need to pay her, even if you use her reward to offset your reward."

After hearing the words of Emperor Jade Emperor, Li Fu cursed in my heart: "Rely on, that's not the same thing? What's the difference between not paying for work and selling yourself? Besides, the reward is for me alone, not for Frost Rose League. Zizhu Fairy can join our guild to become a guild protoss, but there is no way to be my personal patron saint, so the only way to let the purple bamboo fairy follow me is to use the magic pet contract, which can be a magic pet and free. Speak? "Although I had scolded the Emperor Jade Emperor in my heart, I couldn't show it on my face. Besides, for their decision, I just feel that the emperor Jade Emperor is more shameless. In fact, I'm still very happy. After all, I haven't heard anyone who can have a fairy as a magic pet. Of course, there are still a few demons in the Protoss, but I ’ve never had a genuine deity. After all, heaven is not as chaotic as Western protoss management. It ’s easier to pull a western protoss than to catch them. At least the western protoss may not For a protoss member to die with you, but the gods of heaven are definitely horse bees. You can attract a group by moving one.

Although the emperor and the emperor of the Jade Emperor and their bargaining eyes were winking, we obviously ignored the feelings of a major person. Martial King Qiankun created the sacred king to kill the **** and seal the throne at night. Night Killing Gods Seal of the Throne Seeking Demon Awesome World Nine Heavens Strongest Abandoned Shaozhou Zhou Martial King Qiang Night Killing Gods Seal of the Great Emperor Nine Days Strongest Abandoning Daozhou Zhou Emperor God Make Night God Moao Shijiu Tiantian is the strongest to abandon the Shaozhou royal family.

"Jade Emperor, how can you do this? I'm not the **** beast, how can I give it away casually?" Yes, she does have a good personal relationship with me, and she also thinks that I am really strong, but that is just a friendship. If someone suddenly gives you one, you are definitely not a good friend as a slave.

"Zizhu." Taishang Laojun shouted in a rather severe voice, but the Zizhu Fairy did not dare to speak immediately. But although she didn't dare to say a word, the eyes of Zizhu Fairy kept staring at me. She didn't dare to confront Tai Shang Laojun, but it didn't mean he didn't dare to confront me. The relationship was good before. Now I suddenly heard that she was going to be given me as a reward, and the Purple Bamboo Fairy immediately suspected that this was what I had planned. It happened that she did not dare to rush to the old lord fire, so she could only take me out of the tube.

Seeing this posture, if I do n’t say anything else, the purple bamboo fairy must fight me. "So what jade emperor can you change your pay? The zizhu fairy is also a fairy. What a follower I am too wronged by her. Let me talk. I am now,"

Halfway through my words network, Tai Shang Laojun waved to stop him, but he did not immediately interface. Instead, they waved out the nearby gods and generals, and finally there were five people in the hall: the emperor Jade Emperor, the clone of Rulai, the fairy of the purple bamboo, and me and Taishang Laojun. After seeing all unrelated people going out, Taishang Laojun said, "Zi Ri! Zizhu is also a quarter of my apprentice, and she is extremely talented. I can't bear to send her out! "

"Fuck, you don't want to give it back? When I'm an idiot?" Although I was scolded in my heart, my mouth said: "Since it's so reluctant, why should you follow the purple bamboo fairy?"

Ru Lai sighed and sighed at this time and said: "The family has a difficult scripture! Ziri! Let me tell you the truth! The heavenly side is not a piece of iron. It is because of the internal disturbance. Someone tried to rebel. As a result, our two sides fought. Although we temporarily controlled the situation, we had more trouble afterwards. As for Zizhu, I stopped here for a while, and then said, "Zizhu has a special identity. You do n’t need to know much about it, but staying in heaven will only make things more difficult, so "

"So you don't actually want to pay me, is this a bomb on me?"

"Oh, how could you say that is so exaggerated?" The emperor Yuhuang thought for a while and said, "Although this matter is related to the purple bamboo fairy, she will not be hunted down, so you don't need to worry about her. The main problem still lies in her immortal identity. As long as she lets her lower bounds and cut her immortality, it will be fine. So this is good for you and us. "

"No, I don't want to be a mortal!" Zizhu Fairy suddenly cried. "You say that this is to protect me, but you are afraid of things yourself. It is not because of who I am that Tongtianjiao is angry. Do n’t ignore me and just ignore me."

"Presumptuous." Taishang Laojun angered and scared the Purple Bamboo Fairy again and did not dare to speak.

"Everyone, I think so." I said, "The purple bamboo fairy is still in the lower world, but I won't remove the fairy for the time being. How about this?"

"No." Except me, the other four people called together.

Taishang Laojun said: "Although this incident is actually due to the change in the relationship caused by the joining of the Buddhist monks, but the excuse on the bright side lies in the purple bamboo's immortal book, so this immortal book cannot be cut."

"I won't do it." The Purple Bamboo Fairy said again: "Why should they be responsible for the trouble they caused?"

"Zizhu, we are protecting you!" Tai Shang Laojun said bitterly.

"Huh, that's not protection, it's just me making a shame!" Zizhu Fairy retorted.

The three people above the Zizhu Fairy's resistance also became angry. Tai Shang Laojun screamed angrily, "You agree or you must agree or disagree. This is an order, not a request."

"I just don't." Before the words of Zizhu Fairy finished, she was hit by a green mang thrown by Taishang Laojun and passed out. I responded quickly and caught her.

"Oh ~ ~ too good, why is this?"

"Disobedient apprentice, there is really no way!" Tai Shang Laojun sighed and said to me: "Zi Ri. This time we should owe you one time! You take Zizhu away as soon as possible, we have to deal with it After an internal dispute, I have no energy to deal with Zizhu. I just stunned her with a turquoise bracelet. She will be in a state of extreme weakness within an hour. You will sign a contract with her as soon as possible. No. Well, leave yourself! Heaven is right and wrong now, you should n’t stay long. "

A few minutes later I was standing beside Isinger's teleportation position. I was going to check out at Heaven this time. I didn't expect to help capture a captive first. Followed by another inexplicable purple bamboo fairy. And I also heard a lot of inexplicable secrets, which made me more and more confused.

However, although the Jade Emperor has always been vague, I have at least grasped one key point: the uneven distribution of Buddhist captives. Infer this situation. Heaven's forces might have to reshuffle, and Zizhu Fairy is obviously an important figure. Now the Emperor Jade Emperor forced her to me, that would be a big trouble for me, but anyway, the Zizhu Fairy is a powerful combat force. To be honest, the temptation is still full. But once the purple bamboo fairy really made a magic pet. After that, you have to face another counterattack in the court. Do I want this purple bamboo fairy or not? (To be continued)

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