Starting from Zero

Vol 17 Chapter 147: Cruel Crypt

Day is relative to the three of us. The strength of the guides is really weak; today we have always sandwiched the guides in the middle of the team. The black widow and I are in charge of the front, and the gun **** is in charge of the queen. Now we are going this way through this big crack. Who knows that when the guide team came to the middle of the crack, something unexpected happened.

With a scream of a weird cry, everyone saw a dark shadow flashing from the center of the team, and immediately afterwards we heard a person screaming out of the back of the black flame and falling towards the depths of the rift.

"Red beans!" A guide flew to the edge of Heiyan's back and shouted at the bottom, but he could not fly and could not chase at all. but. Just when he was about to call us for help, the God of Guns was kneeling on the ground and raised his gun to aim. A loud noise echoed in the enclosed space. Along with this loud noise, a dark shadow plopped on Hei Yan's back, then slipped out of the other side and fell into the deep valley.

"Run." I yelled at the others in the middle, shouting at the same time, waving a hand to summon a large group of candle bees to block the side of the crowd. Almost as soon as the Candle Bees were like, they heard a loud noise. A Candle Bee exploded in the air, and the sudden light of fire instantly illuminated the dark underground world, letting everyone see the attack. True face of the person. It was a pig-faced monster that looked like a bat. A bit like a gargoyle. Under the gray-white skin is a body with a layer of skin tighter than a skull. There were a pair of huge orange-yellow eyes on that huge head.

A sharp long mouth with dagger-like sharp fangs and falling saliva indicates that these guys are extremely hungry.

"Damn, it's an addiction beast."

Skinny addictions are not endemic to the Red Planet. There are also these things on the ball. They live only in deep crypts, and behave a bit like bats. They feed on any meat they can find and even kill each other when they are extremely hungry. These guys have a bat-like echolocation system, and the pair of huge eyeballs also provides them with good low-light vision. They have good adaptability in a little light source or completely dark environment. However, although the plague beast's habit is like a bat, the blood of these guys does not touch the bat at all. Their true race is a demon. The Plague Beast belongs to a branch of the Little Devil and has the wisdom of more ordinary creatures. Cunning behavior, except for not using tools, can basically be regarded as a highly intelligent creature. Of course, they are not annoying because of their carnivorous properties, but because of their plague. The reason why the weary beast is called because these guys carry the most terrible plague virus in the game. As long as they are injured by their minions, they will continue to lose physical strength until they are completely hung up. This plague is completely unsolvable. As long as you are recruited, you can only suppress it temporarily whether you ask the priest to dispel or take the antidote. Cannot be eradicated unless resurrected once dead. Otherwise, nothing will be done. Of course, if you do n’t have a lot of trouble, you usually bring a pack of ten packs of antidote with you, and you can fill a bottle in half an hour. It will also guarantee that you will never die, but generally no one will do that.

Although the identity of the monster has been confirmed, the current situation has made us more passive. When you did n’t know it was a plague beast, everyone dared to resist. Now it ’s this thing, and one by one, they are desperately trying to dodge. They dare not touch these things, and the only ones who can actually fight are only the top three of our three combat teams. The armor of the Black Widow and I are all covered, although the guilt of the Weary Beast is severe. But it is useless without a wound, and our defense is too high. It is not possible for the plague beast to penetrate the armor and hurt us. As for the Gun God, his armor is not as good as ours, but this guy is a long-range attacker. He does not need to touch the Plague Beast to fight, so he is more fearless than us.

"It was all messed up, you all gave me to the cave." I yelled at the entrance of the cave opposite.


The originally confused people heard that my commander Li Xuan instinctively moved, and the crowd of candle bees I summoned blocked them in front of them to shield them. In the following process, almost no one was injured. The guide team members all escaped into the cave safely.

"Well, Black Widow, you and Gun God also retreated into the cave." I said again after the guides had entered.

"Be careful by yourself." The black widow turned around and went into the cave, and Gun God quickly followed her into it. The cave entrance on the cliff is only one meter wide and less than two meters high. A plague beast can enter at most one at a time, and there is a long-range attacker at the entrance of the cave, no matter how many plague thin beasts come, don't want to rush in.

"You go first, I'll find the person who fell. I will catch up with you in a while." I said summon Ling to let her follow the team for me. Because of the loyalty, Ling can command and summon the magic pet instead of me, so long as she is there, except that I can't participate in the battle, it is exactly the same as having me. Also. After all, Ling is also my magic pet, because of the induction between us, I can know their location at any time, so I do n’t have to worry about finding him


After I explained that I was about to turn around and leave, a guy in the guide suddenly called to me: "She's red bean, you can call her name when you find her."

I nodded. "I've heard you call it once, rest assured, the weary beast can't hurt me at all. She can be found soon." I said

Xiaozhou second responded and then kicked off the cliff and jumped down. He spread his wings and slid Type 4, chasing all the way in the direction where the sound disappeared before.

As I left, the candle bee at the entrance also flew away with me, and Hei Yan was taken back by me. We are divided into two parts and then divided into two parts. Some of them have larger heads and they know that they can't get into such a narrow hole, so they just chase after me and the rest of the plague beasts look like Crazy desperately hit the hole, but unfortunately the gun **** squatted a few meters away from the hole and held a gun waiting for them to die. In such a narrow place, there is no place for the plague beast to hide. As long as the gun **** shoots, he will definitely hit, and the plague beast has no possibility to rush in.

On the other side, I have been falling for a long time, but it is far from the bottom of the cave. After continuing to fall for a distance, I suddenly rushed towards the cliff, and then accurately landed on a platform slightly out of the cliff. This is the exit of today's channel, from which the woman named Hongdou was caught and poisoned. Although it has been a few minutes since she was captured, the Seal of the Throne of God has been around, but at the time when she was captured, I had already released a small group of ghost worms to follow. Now one of the ghost worms is waiting at the entrance of the cave, with these guides, I don't have to worry about losing it.

Going down this natural tunnel, I feel as if I have entered a black-hearted slaughterhouse. There are various white skeletal animal bones everywhere in the entire passage. Many of them have the characteristics of human bones, just because I have n’t seen the skull, so I ’m not sure


After running for a while in this horrible passage, the front suddenly opened up, and a huge karst cave filled with stalactites, but at the foot there was a large area of ​​shallow water. Unlike the completely dark outside, the walls and ceiling of this cave are covered with a kind of green fluorescent plants, and the whole thing is illuminated by a miserable green. Don't call it a monster in such a place. Suddenly seeing an individual can scare people to death.

Although the puddle under the feet is not deep, walking inside will cause a lot of movement, and the ground under the water does not know whether it is the result of the washing of the water or some other reason. It always feels very slippery, but it is not the boots of the dragon suit There are self-expanding non-slip nails on the bottom, and I'm afraid it will be very difficult for me to stand up.

As I carefully moved forward step by step, suddenly there was a swift and slight sound from my back and top. Something was clearly running past the top of the hole.

"Huh!" Those monsters were obviously intimidating me, just like the jump on the grassland told the lion that I was healthy and hard to be caught. This monster was using this swift movement to intimidate me. It made me feel like I wasn't its opponent at all. However, I am not the cowardly. I know very well about creatures like Plagueweed. So I'm not afraid of it.

After the first sound, the plague beasts began to scurry around the cave top, but I didn't care about them at all. Or go forward on your own. Seeing that I wasn't moved, the weary beast was a bit impatient. A daring plagued beast quickly climbed up to the front of the cave, and then began to climb down a relatively thick stalactite, intending to make a surprise attack when I passed below.

Although I have never responded to the behavior of the plague beast, in fact, I know the location of the nearby plague beasts. After all, I also have dark vision. This low-light environment has no visual obstacles to me at all. I can't see the size of the plague beast!

When I carefully moved under the biggest stalactite, the scumbag on top of my head suddenly slammed at me, and I quickly responded with a slip, and my wrist flipped. Just listen to the sound of 嚓, followed by a thump. The weary corpse dropped heavily in the water and never moved again. There was a commotion at the top of the nearby cave, and the **** smell that spread quickly quickly stimulated these hungry guys. Although the Plague Weird has intelligence, after all, their intelligence cannot be compared with human beings, and they are severely controlled by instinct. They can still play tricks when nothing happened before, but after the **** smell spreads, all the addictive monsters are completely crazy. They didn't hide their bodies anymore, and they all jumped out of their hiding place and rushed towards the companion's body under my feet. This is the plague monster. Although they act collectively, they do not have the concept of a companion. For them, a companion is something that can assist them in obtaining flesh, and once a companion dies, it is not companion but flesh.

Seeing the swarming plague beasts, I didn't panic at all. I reached out and pulled the ring of commandments from the back and trembled. Two and a half months automatically detached from the ring of commandments, and then spun out and spun out to both sides. Several plague beasts blocking the road were cut into pieces of meat, while the nearby plague beast Li Xuan stopped jumping at me and began to scramble for the corpse of the companion who had just been killed.

A Plague beast was probably far from the two dead Plague beasts, so instead of running towards the two Plague Beast corpses, it continued to rush to me. A few feet away, the guy suddenly jumped up and slammed at me. My left hand firmly held the head of the pestilent beast, then pressed down sharply, and pressed it to the ground. With the right hand facing eternally against its neck is a sword, the plague beast would not move for an instant.

After I killed this addictive beast, the other pestilence monsters have given the "kind of pestilence animals" whose bodies have been divided into nets. The only meat left is the two corpses under my feet, which are not full enough to **** the tongue quickly. On, some climbed to the top of the cave, and some along the side rushed over, but I still stood still without moving.

One of the fastest running weary beasts climbed from the top of the cave to me, and then swooped down, but one and a half months whistled from a distance. Instantly cut the guy in half and cut it in half, then disappeared again into the darkness in the distance. The surrounding plague beasts did not know if they had eaten something at the bottom and were not so hungry or showing something. In short, they did not slam the companion's body again, but rushed at me.

"Look to death." Facing the first plagued beast leaning on it, I easily took a slip away from its front side, and at the same time, swept eternally from the bottom up, and suddenly the midline of the plague beast's body suddenly One more bloodline. Then I planted it in the puddle behind me and there was no sound.

After picking up the first plague beast, I quickly turned to my side, and the eternal homeopath provoked by Cainet slashed. The head of the second Plague Lean Beast immediately separated from the body, followed me to raise a leg, kicked the dead body sideways, knocked it out and knocked over a few Plague Beasts that rushed up, and then suddenly turned back to a stone. A slender beast slammed from the top of the cave by a net and split in half.

If someone is watching nearby at this time. Then the hordes of plague beasts are gathering together around me, and I am surrounded by the plague beast with a seemingly slow movement in a small range, but this is it Simple evasion and attack, the smoldering beasts around it turned into corpses with horror.

"Huh, I'm finally dead!" I slammed eternally to remove the blood and blood stained on the sword, and then jumped down from the corpse at my feet. One hundred and seventy-three plague beasts piled up a hill under my feet, if the average person no longer knows how many times they have died. And my loss is just a little bit of endurance value. Yes, I did n’t cost any blood, not because my defense is so high that I wo n’t be hurt at all. After all, the system has a minimum standard of mandatory blood loss, unless you You can use shields or weapons to block the attack of the opponent, otherwise no matter how high your defense is, this, forced blood deduction is unavoidable. The reason I did n’t waste any blood was because no plague beast had touched my body from head to position. The only few bits that the plague beasts have touched me from now on are fists, elbows, knees, Soles and heels. Of course, these places are not touched by the monsters, but the locations I use to attack them.

After killing these monsters, I started to follow the signals sent by the ghost worms that I sent out to track before. The smoldering beast that caught red beans was not among the monsters at the scene. In fact, it died before I got here. The other Plague beasts attacked that guy, of course, the purpose was to **** its prey, which is our guide, but in the end, because of this robber, more than a dozen Plague beasts were hung up, and finally it was snatched by another monster. Red beans.

In fact, it was n’t the plague beast that stole the red beans in the end, but another underground creature, but I do n’t know what it is. The thing seen from the phantom's vision felt like a large lobster. But it seemed that guy had more legs than a lobster, and it was obviously not an aquatic animal.

I walked along the mark left by the ghost worm, and soon caught up with that strange creature in a passage.

The female player named Hongdou was so smart that she didn't even call me when she approached me, but she was very calm and let the monster run forward with her tongs.

Thanks to her outstanding performance, my rescue plan has become a lot easier. Although the lobster-like monster has a strong combat effectiveness, it is obviously worse than the plague beast. I ran behind it and didn't notice me.

Now Red Bean is sandwiched by that monster with a big pliers ~ ~ A rash attack may cause the guy to chop Red Beans in half, so you must first get the big pliers to save someone. After thinking about it, I divided eternity into two halves, half of which became a round metal stick, and the other half became the shape of a machete. After the eternal change was completed, I rushed up with a stick and a knife. The monster's current thing arrived at him and he was going to take action immediately. However, I inserted the stick in my hand before the monster responded. In the middle of the monster's large pliers, if the monster wants to tighten the pliers, it must first cut off eternity, but can eternity be cut off simply?

Just after I inserted the stick, the monster really tightened its pliers tightly, but it stuck forever with its pliers. It tried but was useless, and just when it was ready to try the second time The machete on my other hand has arrived. With a click, the sharp, timeless and easy tongs of the monster holding red beans were unloaded. The pliers that were detached from the body tightened instinctively immediately, or if the eternal stuck there, the red beans would die. However, the delay monster has already reacted, it raised the remaining pliers and wanted to clamp me, and I waved the knife without fear. However, just as my eternity and its pliers were about to hit each other, a whimpering tentacle suddenly shot in the passage ahead, grabbed the monster, and then pulled it back instantly.

"What do I rely on?" (To be continued)

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