Starting from Zero

Vol 17 Chapter 155: Gem Dragon

"What? You're not a dragon?" The monster dragon's answer surprised me.

"No, I'm a dragon." Monster Dragon immediately denied.

"Did you just say that you are not a dragon?"

"I only said that I was not a dragon, but I did not say that I was not a dragon."

"Not a dragon, but a dragon?" I frowned slightly. "Why do you feel your answer is strange?"

"That's because the history of the dragon race on your ruling star is too bad."

"Master star?"

"That's what you call Earth." Monster Dragon said, "We call your earth the main star, and you call it the red planet. In fact, his real name should be the material star. As for the shadow planets you say, he is actually It's called an energy star, plus your main star, which is the Samsung array, which happens to be a cycle. "


"I do n’t know much about the origin of this world. I only know that the world begins with an energy star, and then transitions to the host star, which is also the most prosperous planet. After that, the host star will decay into a material star, and eventually the material star will die out Reverted to an energy star. I only know about this, and I don't know exactly what it is. "

"What about your race?"

The monster dragon paused for a while before continuing: "The dragon race is the first race to appear after the birth of the world. It is different from the history you know. We are not created by gods."

"Hey, does God have the ability to create races?" I said, pointing to Xiaochun: "She was once a god. Although she is really strong, she is not strong enough to create living things, right?"

"She?" The dragon gave Xiaochun a slight look. "She is just the manager of God's creation. How can she be called God? God is only ten, and she is not any of them."

"You said the top ten gods?"

"Superior God? They are called weird. They are called Gods here. When the world was born, the creation star appeared first. He decomposed himself to form the world, but the core did not fit into the world, but formed the commandments. The ring, also known as the Law Guide, is responsible for guiding all the rules of this world. The core energy of the creation star was extracted separately, forming ten generations of creatures, which are gods. After the formation of Shin, Some of the abilities of the Star have changed and formed our Dragon Race. After that, the Genesis Star has fallen into silence, and he has no subjective consciousness except to keep the world running. So, no matter what of you Any race is ultimately created by a higher god, except for our dragon race. "

"Then why do you say you are not a dragon?"

"Because the dragon is only a branch of the dragon family. Whether it is the lady over there or them, they are all dragon families."

"What? You said that I am the same race as them?" Xiaolong asked, surprised, pointing at herself.

"That's right." The monster dragon nodded and confirmed: "I don't know how you call yourself now, but in fact, you and them, including my race, are dragons."

The little dragon girl said with some disbelief: "You can see clearly, I'm a Shenlong family in the East. Whether it's appearance or ability, it's a lot worse than them, okay?"

"No matter what you say, you are actually dragons. This is a fact. The original dragons were named Zulong, which is our common ancestor. Zulong has many descendants, and some of them inherit the characteristics of Zulong and form ancestors. The dragon family, and some have changed in strength, so there are gods like you, dragons like them, and gold dragons like me and spiritual dragons with energy. "

"You mean that the Dragons can actually be divided into five categories?" I confirmed again.

"Yes. Four variant races and one ancestor dragon that inherited all the ancestors."

Fortunately, listening to the dragon's words, she looked at the little dragon girl and said, "I never thought we were relatives!"

"Even how many generations ago!" Xiaolong asked and asked, "What evidence do you have to prove you?"

"I have no evidence to prove it, but I don't think I need to prove it at all, because I have no reason to lie to you."

"Well, this doesn't make much sense to me." I stopped the dragon girl from arguing with that dragon, and then said to that dragon, "You just said that you are a Golden Dragon family? But there are also dragons on earth A golden dragon! "

"I don't know what kind of dragon you are talking about. I don't know the name of your side, but since he belongs to the dragon family, it should be different from us."

The dragon said to turn its body to the side, and then pointed to its torn wings with a front paw and said, "See?"

Our eyes gathered together at the root of the dragon's wings. Because the wings had been torn off, there was only one uneven section left there, but it was different from what was imagined. The cross-section did not bleed, and the crystallized part was obviously not just the skin of the dragon. The cross section of his wings is composed of crystals, not crystallized on the surface, but his entire body is a solid crystal. There is no muscle tissue and circulatory system at all, and even the bones are invisible. The entire fault is basically There is no distinction between internal and external organizations.

"See? The dragons and the dragons are both blood and flesh. Our Jinlongs, or Jinshulongs, are all solid bodies, without your flesh and blood."

"Then how do you survive?" I looked at the fracture in surprise and asked, "Do you eat? Or do you need energy?"

"Of course ~ ~" said the dragon: "In theory, we eat anything, but mainly eat stones and absorb some of the special elements we need from them. For example, I am a gemstone dragon in the Golden Dragon family, and I will absorb some aluminum and chromium from the stone. "

After doing this for a long time, this guy is not a crystal dragon at all, but a gem dragon. He said that he mainly absorbs aluminum and chromium, and the composition of ruby ​​is chromium-containing alumina. No wonder this guy is so beautiful in color. It turns out that he is a moving gemstone.

"Well, what was the red beam you shot when you attacked us before?" I continued to ask.

"It's an energy ray." Jewel Dragon replied: "A kind of ray formed by gathering excess energy in our body. Usually we mainly use him to assist in eating. After all, large rocks are difficult to bite and it is not good for absorption. Blast the rocks into flour first, then it will be much better. "

Damn, Jewel Dragon is really abnormal. Such a strong attack beam turned out to be a tool to help consume food. It was too strong. However, I am now more concerned about another issue, because that is what I need to know most. "Is there only one of your race left or are there many?"

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