Starting from Zero

Vol 17 Chapter 163: Power of Nature

We didn't ask a question from the gorilla's mouth, so we felt a strong energy first. The original quiet jungle suddenly became lively, and all kinds of creatures lurking in the dark began to flee, and a large swath of unknown birds flew in the jungle in the distance, and the dirt under our feet was also covered by some strange creatures. Open it. However, after the emergence of these creatures, they showed a common feature, that is, they all rushed to the other direction of the crypt when we did not exist.

"No matter what it seems, this is a very powerful guy." The black widow pulled out her two swords directly to prepare for the upcoming battle, but the fact is that she was completely wasteful in preparing.

boom. Along with the severe tremor on the ground, a large hole suddenly appeared on the top of the cave in front, and tens of thousands of tons of hot and hot red magma poured down from the mouth of the cave to completely ignite the jungle below.

"It seems that this is not a problem that the sword can solve!" After the black widow said it, she turned her head and ran after chasing the escaping animals. When we saw her escaping, we naturally would n’t stay and die, so everyone started running.

"No, this is too slow, we can't run through the lava." I shouted to the crowd: "You all stand for me, don't resist." While the crowd was paused, the rose vine suddenly got out of the ground, Then pulled everyone together and wrapped it into a huge sepak takraw. With a dragon chant, lucky appeared with the plague, and then passed over the takraw at a low altitude, two rattan vines in the takraw quickly wrapped around the tail of the lucky and plague, and then left by the two dragons to leave the ground. Fly high towards the exit. Seeing everyone being taken away, I also summoned Ye Ying to jump up.

Although the flow of the high-temperature magma is quite fast, it is not too much than that of the dragon, and it is quickly thrown away by us. But the real trouble is not the road, but the passage ahead. The area we are in now is a relatively large crypt in the tunnel network, which means that it is very wide. In this environment, the spread of lava is relatively slow, but once it is filled here, and the magma enters the pipeline network, it is another matter. Under the action of high pressure, magma that has nowhere to be vented will be propelled forward in the pipeline by a jet. The degree is definitely not comparable to that of ordinary fluids. What's worse, the huge biome system here aggravates this problem. According to the golden gorilla, there are only four exits in the entire crypt, and two of them are very small, and no creatures can penetrate except for some bugs and small animals. We came in that passage and the exit in the other direction were the only two relatively large passages. Now, those two passages are like the narrow and disorderly safety exits of a movie theater during a fire. A large number of creatures are scrambling to pass through the small hole, and disorderly chaos cannot increase the passability. On the contrary, the crowded biome will affect the overall degree, and some powerful creatures even begin to wanton. The attacking creatures hope to grab the way out, and the dead creatures will only exacerbate the congestion. Even if the animals here can quickly pass through the united command, up to a third of the creatures can be in the magma. It was a miracle to leave this hole before the flood, and in this case, one in twenty creatures could escape. But how many animals die here doesn't matter to me. What really makes me depressed is that we are also blocked outside the passage.

"I rely on, what can I do?" Looking through the gap of Sepak Takraw, looking at the biome crowded in the hole in front of the mountain of meat, the fool knows how difficult it is to think about the past, and what is worse is the more in the jungle at the rear. Many creatures are still rushing here, and soon the number of creatures here will double, let alone count on them.

"Fuck, fight." I suddenly pointed forward, "show me a way."

The tank suddenly appeared near the aisle, and then a magic cannon was set up to face the hole. There was a triple company, and Amenis followed and transformed himself into a tank with a real mirror. Six consecutive critical strikes successfully blasted a gap near the entrance, but if left unchecked, other creatures will soon fill the hole again.

"It's really troublesome, I have to make a big move!" Seeing that the hole was about to be blocked again, I quickly took out the Suzaku Fire Feather, and put it in front of my mouth to concentrate all the magic of the whole body on the arm and introduce the Fire Feather. In the middle, followed by a fierce blow at the fire feather. "Nanmingli fire." A loud bang, a huge flame suddenly ejected from the Suzaku fire feathers, and all the monsters blocked in the hole in the front were wrapped in the flame. After the flame passed, there was no more around the hole. In the case of any monster, you can only see the black ash flying in the sky, and all the monsters blocked there have been burned to fly ash.

Gunslinger's jaw seen in Sepak Takraw almost fell off. "Zi Ri, you guy is not human. Such a powerful spell can be used!"

"Go, do you think this trick can be used casually? My magic value has gone straight for more than half. If the battle is at a critical moment, I dare not use it indiscriminately!"

Talking on my mouth, I can move with no slowness. While the surrounding monsters were emptied, I quickly let lucky and plague throw the takraw into the channel. Because the space inside the passageway was not large enough, the rose vines spread out to others. They knew they couldn't wait now, and they ran forward as soon as they were thrown out of the Sepak Takraw. "Steel claws, take them." After seeing everyone entering the cave, I jumped in, followed by the magic pet and released the guardian steel claws. Although the steel claw itself is not a degree mount, it is much faster than the player's degree. The tentacles on the back of the steel claws were rolled up by the tentacles on the back of the steel claws and rushed forward, while I myself called out Bailang to ride. The aisle here is too short and I hit my head while riding the Night Shadow Club, so I can only switch to Bailang. However, although Bai Lang looks like a wolf, he is relatively big, and he is still fine.

Along the way we gradually caught up with some monsters who ran into the hole before. However, no matter whether it is a threatening creature or not, there is no threat at all now. The threat from the rear is forcing them to run desperately, not to control others at all. As for us behind, the monsters regrouped to the cave are rushing into the cave and running away. It's just because of the congestion that the entry is very slow.

After running along the passage for a while, we suddenly heard a scream of screams inside the cave, and it didn't seem to be a creature. The sensible golden-haired gorilla suddenly urged: "Run, lava has entered the cave."

"This is already the fastest!"

The handsome pig suddenly shouted, "Crash the top of the cave and block the magma behind."

"Idiot, this is the underground world. The pressure of lava is very high. Blocking the lava pipeline will only blow us up with these pipelines connected." Gun God scolded Shuai Zhu and said to me again, "It's almost a fork in front of us, we Turn around and find your new friend! "

I know Gunslinger is talking about that gem dragon, but I'm surprised why he wants me to run there. "Do you think it's safer over there?"

Gun God explained: "The screams in the cave indicate that the lava has reached the mouth of the cave, and then its flow will rise in a geometric progression. We don't even want to run through it. The flow of lava in the underground pipeline and on the ground is completely It's two different things. But the angle between the fork and the road we are taking is relatively small, which means that it is easy to turn back into the fork and need to make a large bend, which will greatly slow the flow of lava. "

"But that dragon's lair is a dead end!" Said the handsome pig.

"How do you know where there is only one way?"

"I ... I ...!" The handsome pig wanted to say that he had seen it, but if you think about it, it seems that he only entered the edge of the hole last time. As for what it looks like in the depths, he has never seen it.

The steel claws rushing ahead immediately stepped out of a large pit with the front claws on the ground immediately after reaching the fork, and his body and tail were swung across his forelimbs due to inertia and turned the whole direction, like a car It's the same as a flick. & T; No! & T; Seeing the steel claw turned to the handsome pig and yelled, but he is now tied to the steel scratch by the tentacles on the back of the steel claw, as long as I don't order It's no use calling a broken throat.

While the steel claw flew through the curve, I already saw the red light behind it, like the gun **** said, the lava in the underground pipeline was unexpectedly fast. We ran for a long time on the road of the Seal of the Throne. Lava caught up in a few minutes.

Immediately after I took a photo of the night shadow, I stepped on the cave wall like a master of light skills and turned a big bend into the channel where the gem dragon's lair was located. Soon after we turned, the flame in the rear was like The flames from the engine of the aircraft generally sprayed past. In fact, it was not lava that caught up with us. These were just the air heated and pushed by the lava. But except for me, it is better not to touch them. Although it is only hot air, the heat wave of thousands of degrees is enough to steam people.

& t; how did you get here? & t; when we rushed into that cave, it is not only the gemstone dragon we have seen before in the cave outside. There are actually five dragons opposite him, and their The body has similar characteristics to the gem dragon in front of me. I instantly recognized that the five dragons are also golden dragons, and the level may be higher than this gem dragon.

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