Starting from Zero

Vol 17 Chapter 181: breakthrough

Under the threat of what kind of heavy artillery, the Japanese warehouses hid, the city walls? I hope to escape the round of artillery bombardment, and their own artillery quickly enters the attack state, intending to confront our super heavy artillery, but what makes the Japanese depressed is that the next situation completely called them out. Unexpected. "The elevation angle is sixty, and the distance is thirty. Ready to fire." With a neat command, all the super artillery guns were raised. A huge cannonball like a small yacht behind the gun barrel was pushed into the gun barrel with the assistance of several large machinery and waited for a launch instruction.

Before all the cannons on our side were ready, the fire from the Japanese side flashed a cloud of fire. Obviously, they fired in front of us, after all, small artillery also has the benefit of a type of artillery, at least the firing speed is much faster. A few seconds later, with a whistling sound, each cannonball went "after our guns and fell into the rear position, and a small mushroom cloud erupted instantly on the battlefield. The Japanese cannons have all been replaced On the magic crystal steam cannonball, although the cannonball itself is not large, it is amazingly powerful. The neat battlefield on our side was short of a few gaps. However, the follow-up troops soon cleared the casualties and The formation was returned to the complete state again. This kind of gunfire preparation before the war was inevitable, and the game could not find someone to dig trenches a few days in advance as in reality. There was no good way except the hard cap.

The observer from the Japanese who was knocked down by the large army on our side couldn't help but shouted excitedly, and then the Japanese player hiding under the city wall also shouted with joy, apparently the above observer passed the news to Let's inspire everyone's morale, but their good mood will only end there. Although our artillery reloaded a bit slowly, it was no slower than the time when they fired two artillery shots. As the Japanese cheered for the results of their shelling, the shelling on our side also began to learn

Take off with six orange magic balls. All heavy artillery positions moved immediately. All the people who were busy in the gun position all jumped off the gun car and ran to the back of the car body, squatting on the ground holding their heads, followed by a muffled sound, all the people standing around the gun car felt their feet shaking. The ground seemed to be smashed by the artillery vehicle and sank a bit. By the time everyone regained balance, the huge cannonball had already flown over the walls of the Japanese. But the following situation made the uninformed person sting, because those shells did not smash on the wall after flying to the wall. Instead, one after another opened an umbrella flower in the sky and began to sway and slowly fall down.

"Why? Why do Chinese people have parachutes?" The Japanese in the city saw the parachutes that bloomed like flowers in the sky, but they soon understood why our shells were equipped with parachutes. I saw those shells suddenly burst into the sky after the parachute opened and stabilized the speed, but it was not the shell itself that exploded. It's a bullet case. The shells of all the shells exploded to the sides, revealing the objects enclosed in the warheads. "Baga. It's a special gun! We've been fooled! Go back to the wall!"

Although the commander among the Japanese players yelled at others and hurried to the wall, it was obviously too late to run back at this time. After the shells hanging under the parachute in the sky exploded, it was the third-generation mobile angel of the guild, a new version of mobile angel powered by magic crystal steam. These big guys themselves are amazingly heavy. Even if the parachute is hung, the speed of falling is not very slow. The real function of these parachutes is to keep the mobile angels head up when they fall, not to slow down. At the time of launch, we adjusted the flight angle, so when the cannonball hit the wall, the height was not too exaggerated. Even if the structure of the mobile angel dropped directly from this height, it would not necessarily cause problems. Moreover, no matter how small the parachute is, it can always share a part of the force, so that there is a ghost if it can be broken.

A few meters high from the top of the city wall, the mobile angels cut off the parachute and hit the wall directly, and the fastest Japanese player at this time just climbed to the wall. The mobile angel who landed first turned to the Japanese player who rushed towards him as soon as he landed, following his wrist. The robotic arm was retracted from the wrist, and a huge wolf-fang sword slid out of the wrist, and then the jag of the wolf-fang sword, which was larger than the others, was moved in the stun of the Japanese player. Soon, those fast-moving serrations were completely connected. If you didn't pay attention, you thought that the blade of that great sword was smooth. Of course, the Japanese players in front of it know the situation of this thing very well. After all, the constantly vibrating sword body and the huge sound of friction reminded him that it was not an ordinary sword. This thing was a chain saw at all, and it was also the one used to cut stones.

In the horrified gaze of the Japanese player, the mobile angel rushed to him in front of him without any pause, then raised his sword and fell. A sword cut the guy's upper body in half with his knife. After waiting for the guy to die, the mobile angel took a step forward and blocked the stairs of the city. The Japanese players who rushed up did not have the power to fight in front of this behemoth, and they were all cut down with one sword. On the ground, blood and water quickly left the stairs to the stairs, making the entire passageway of the pedal city extremely slippery. Those who rushed up became more and more difficult to move, but had to rush up. After all, all the enemies were outside the city, but none of them were on the wall. This is still a fart city?

After a small number of mobile angels were blocked and blocked the intersection, the remaining mobile angels started running towards the various city defense turrets connected to the city wall. At this time, the Japanese players on the turrets had also noticed the movement of the mobile angels. Some smart people quickly turned the turret and aimed at the junction between the wall and the turret, intending to rely on artillery to block the passage. After all, that passage is so small and wide, as long as the cannon is flat, the passage can be completely blocked. Unless the other party rushes through the gap between them to change the shell, don't want to approach the turret.

It is a pity. Japanese players have a good idea, but their intelligence has not kept up. When they worked hard to level the muzzle and aimed at the connecting channel, they found that the mobile angel rushing to the other side of the channel stopped suddenly. Then a pair of wings suddenly popped up behind one of the mobile angels. Followed to see the mobile angel squatting slightly. Then with the flames bursting out from behind, he jumped up hard, the steel giant-like mobile angel suddenly jumped up ten meters high, and then banged on the operating platform behind the turret. The personnel of the original second fraud artillery found that the target suddenly jumped from the front of the muzzle to the back of the gun, rolled away from the operating position, and began to run. They were all non-combatants operating the weapon, let alone The mobile killer is such a super killer that even an ordinary player can kill them all. They have no resistance at all, but after running for a while, they find that the mobile angel is not catching up, but He stopped at the turret door, raised his hand and fired a small rocket at the inside of the turret, and then saw it suddenly spread its wings and fly up. Before waiting for the player to figure out why the mobile angel suddenly ran, he heard a loud noise and the entire turret was lifted by a huge fireball. Slowly running operators nearby were all lifted by the shock wave and fell down the city wall. I don't know.

After quickly pulling out all the defensive turrets, except for the mobile angels who were keeping the passage. Other mobile angels took off and flew towards the independent battery in the city. Originally, because they knew that the air force of our guild was powerful, the Japanese also prepared anti-aircraft weapons in the city, but what they did not expect was that our mobile angels did not fly into the city themselves, but they hit them directly with cannons, and their The anti-aircraft weapons did not expect to need defense in the city, so most of them were deployed near the city walls, and they were almost completely consumed in the first round of strikes. Although the air defense points in the city still have a little defensive power, the mobile angels are injected with artificial souls. So the intelligence aspect is not rigid. Immediately after the discovery of anti-aircraft weapons, they were approached at low altitudes along the streets of cities. The Japanese's anti-aircraft weapons can only shoot at most. There is nothing to do with mobile angels flying on the street. Their turrets are even lower. Air defense weapons are aimed at Ben at no angle.

The mobile angels who successfully approached the turret in the city did not entangle with them, and they ejected small magic crystal steam missiles from their wrists and launched them into the turret, blasting them all into the sky.

Looking at the fireballs that are constantly rising in the city, the mood of the Japanese players and our players is exactly one in the sky. On the ground, the Japanese players' urgent eyes are red but there is no way. The mobile angel on the city wall is too strong. The stairs are too narrow, and players who can't afford a number of advantages can't do mobile angels, but they are better than the city, at least they can still attack. The mobile angels who rushed to the city did not stop at all, relying on their powerful power to roam around the city, specifically targeting their defensive nodes. The Qing team composed of Japanese players could only become a fire rescue team to follow They extinguished fire everywhere, as for the mobile angels, they could only see the tail flame when they left.

"Almost there?" Feng Yin Piao Miao, standing on the podium, looked at the rising flames in the city and turned to me.

I glanced at the crystal communicator next to me. At this moment, a huge battlefield map is displayed, and a large number of red circles highlighted on the map are turning into red crosses one by one. Each fork represents a turret or defensive node. Because the Japanese know that they can't win this time. So their strategic goal is to let us win or lose, and consume as much of our troops as possible. Based on this idea, the Japanese adjusted their defensive strategy to a pattern of resistance. The city was full of resistance lines and various defense points. Even if we knock down the city wall and enter the city, they can still use our defense points to continuously consume our living power. In the end, even if we can win the city, it will be very scary. However, they did not expect that we had guessed their intentions long ago, so before the battle began, I authorized the **** of war to use the scanning function of the Babel tower to scan all the defense states of the three cities and draw them into a map. Now we The mobile angel is to clear these key nodes under the command of the army god. Although the Japanese repaired so many defensive nodes. However, no guard troops were arranged on the nodes at the beginning. After all, the wall was the most pressured at the beginning, so they sent people to the wall. They planned to wait for the wall to stop and then let the troops retreat with these defense points. . Therefore, these nodes are now almost empty except for the guards, and the mobile angels rushed in to remove most of the nodes without any decent resistance.

Seeing that the red cross representing the target removal on the map now accounted for more than half of the marked points, I nodded and said, "Go ahead."

"Order and start shelling. Each gun position pays attention to the signal given by the **** of war, don't kill our own mobile angel!"

The previous special artillery suddenly collapsed after receiving the order and began to retreat. However, behind our battle array, a large row of bit guns with much smaller artillery was launched. Of course, they are only small bit guns, and the actual caliber is still very large. These artillery were not waiting for orders when they were in place. Immediately began free shooting. But before each launch, they must report their launch data through a crystal communicator. Based on this information, the War God of Isinger continuously calculated the fall point of the shells, while helping each gun position to modify the firepower, while directing the mobile angel to avoid his own shells. Under the terrifying battlefield calculation of the **** of war, although our shelling is extremely dense. But miraculously, no mobile angel was hit by his own artillery. It was released that many mobile angels used the cover of shelling to break through the line of defense formed by Japanese players and began a massacre.

"Rushed to the wall, the Chinese began to prepare for firepower, they are going to attack!" Ghost-hand Nobunaga commanded loudly in his command. The commander also passed the order truthfully. It's just that the frontline commander has nowhere to say. The mobile angel in front of him was blocking the passage of the city, and there were many people under his control. But only three or four people can fight with Mobile Angel at a time. The big guys are like giants one by one. A sword going to that side will block the whole passage, and no one wants to rush up. Some frontline commanders haven't tried the Master and the Archer who can blast skills, but the effect is minimal. Although occasionally destroyed several mobile angels, the gap will soon be filled by the mobile angels behind them, and these guys also have magic crystal steam weapons. If it does n’t work, they will start unlimited fire with full firepower. The chance that Japanese players fill in with human life will be covered by this indiscriminate firepower again and again. What's worse is that after the fire escape attack started, they found that some mobile angels would ask for gunfire support. When the Japanese player quickly broke through the barrier, they would not know where to fly from a large shell to wash the entire step. The results of the establishment were hit back to the original point by shelling, and the Japanese players who wanted to die had all their hearts.

When the Japanese players were depressed, the guild presidents on our side were also panting. Yanyu looked at the scouting mosquitoes from the mosquito outpost and exclaimed, "I rely, the bombardment of your guild in Ziri is too accurate. You can cover fire with such a narrow aisle. Is the mobile angel above? "

Hongyue said proudly: "It won't be called fire support when it can reach the point of fire support. It's called fire coverage. We call it precision battlefield interruption, which means you can hit it. I said that hitting your kitchen will never touch your living room. Otherwise, why is our artillery twice as expensive as others? The price is more expensive here. As long as you can tell me the exact location of the people, even if the soldiers on both sides are mixed together, we dare to bombard. Bull, each The research funding of hundreds of millions of crystal coins per month is really not thrown in vain

Feng Yinpiao couldn't help asking: "When is this shelling going to happen? At this moment, we have already hit tens of millions of crystal coins, and we can't stand it anymore!"

"You can stop when you see Mobile Angel's signal shelling."


As soon as Feng Yin Piao Miao wanted to ask a question, I suddenly called out: "Successfully, the order began to charge." Feng Yin Piao Miao quickly heard my voice and looked at the city opposite him. He immediately became excited because The other's gate was opened.

"You've been waiting for this for a long time! Haha, the city gates are open. This time it depends on how they keep it. Order to attack

The commander at the artillery position in front of the battle line shouted, "The elevation angle plus the extension of firepower."

The rows of artillery began to lift the muzzle upward, and the impact point in the city clearly left the city wall and pushed towards the core of the city. And our army outside the city finally moved again, but what you see is not the picture of the heavy shield holding the shield and slowly moving forward against the opponent ’s arrow rain. On the contrary, the battle line on our side is almost instantaneous. Daggers, almost everyone released their steps and rushed forward. The mobile angel completely blocked the opponent's wall and cleared the defensive weapons. At this time, the formation is meaningless. It is most important to rush into the city at the fastest speed. Array advance is simply a waste of time. Of course. The fastest action was not the infantry, but the air force taking off from the rear. The Pegasus Legion in this guild is not good-looking. After flying over the heads of the people, the Pegasus began to release their speed and rushed forward. Soon the first Phitian troops successfully landed on the city wall, and then they dropped the mage and archer sitting behind them and turned back to the outside to plan to pick up the second group, and the mage and archers who were put down by the net quickly Rushed to the edge of the city wall. The mages started throwing magic into the crowded place without looking, and the archer crouched behind the maneuver angel guarding the staircase and began to shoot arrows down the crowded people on the stairs. The stairs on the city walls are straight ladders, there is not even a block in the middle, and the stairs themselves are narrow. The neighborhood was full of people, and there was no place to hide, but they were forced to be shot down the stairs one by one.

Looking at the battlefield situation in front of him, Nobunaga's eyes were almost glaring, but he had no way at all. Originally, when the mobile angel blocked the exit of the city wall, they planned to use the magic crystal steam weapon to bomb the mobile angel, but I don't know why all the magic crystal steam weapons have lost their explosiveness. No matter how they are triggered, they will not be bombed. The abnormally dangerous magic crystal steam bomb seemed to turn into a stone in an instant. After these magic crystal steam weapons failed, the ghost-handed Nobunaga felt that today was completely fooled. Mobile Angel's attack method clearly shows that we have mastered the production method of magic crystal steam weapons. The failure of their magic crystal steam weapon also shows that we have found a way to limit the magic crystal steam weapon. In the absence of sufficient firepower to suppress the mobile angels on the city walls, the ghost-handed Nobunaga can only let the players below to pile up with human life, but the stairs on the city walls are so wide that no more people can only line up obediently. Rush. Some flying people have thought about climbing up from other places, but the rapid-fire magic crystal cannons equipped on the mobile angels are simply professional air defense weapons. Anyone who dares to fly is detonated in the air. Later, everyone Rather than squeezing the walls, I dare not fly up the walls again.

Seeing that the war situation is completely out of control and is developing in a more and more unfavorable direction, the ghostly regret grows up and finally makes a relatively wise decision. "Abandon the city walls and the first and second lines of defense and order everyone to directly withdraw to the third line of defense to re-form the line of defense."

"What? President, how can it be."

A Japanese player was stopped by Nobunaga's as soon as he wanted to refute. "No need to say anymore. The city wall is now a meat grinder. How many people we use are not satisfied with this pit. The defense points on the first and second defense lines have been almost destroyed. It does not make sense to withdraw to the top, it is better to withdraw directly. To the third line of defense. At least we can re-form the front while taking advantage of this time of disengagement. Now we are not at war with the Chinese at all, we are being slaughtered! "

The member originally wanted to say something, but after thinking about it, he still had no choice but to go out and give orders. After receiving the order, Japanese players left a small number of troops to block the pursuit of Mobile Angel ~ ~ The large troops quickly withdrew to the third line of defense. Originally, some players couldn't figure out why the city walls couldn't keep up. Why should they give up the first and second lines of defense and directly withdraw to the third line of defense?

Looking at the wreckage on the first line of defense and the turrets that have been bombarded halfway, everyone knows that it can't be maintained here, and the second line of defense behind is obviously not much better than the first line of defense. Relatively speaking, although the third line of defense is a little bit worse, at least there is still a fortress and fortress that can be used, which is better than playing street fights directly with the Chinese in the street.

Due to Japan's active retreat, the troops on our side rushed into the city with little resistance, but instead of letting them rush forward, I stopped the assaulting forces. Before letting everyone speed up to get closer to the city, I was afraid that something would change over time. Now that the Japanese have lost contact with our troops, it is better to stop and adjust the battle formation.

Unlike battles outside the city, battlefields must not be placed on the streets of the city. At this time, it is not the cannon fodder-type soldiers but the elite senior fighters who are most suitable as pioneers.

On the city wall, I moved my wrist to the wind Yin Miemiao and they said, "How about? Are you interested to go ahead and try with me?"

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