Starting from Zero

Vol 4 Chapter 84: Mystic mage

"A lot of people!" I sighed.

"Sisters want to leave, who can never be left!" Feier nodded helplessly.

还 "Fortunately, my boat is big enough to hold a thousand people."

"Will you take us away?" Jia Ling asked excitedly.

"It takes some conditions to take you away. You can only agree if you can all agree."

Wu Feier and they looked at me nervously when they heard and with the conditions.

"Don't be nervous, the conditions I said are all things you have to abide by. First of all, when you arrive in China, you can't contact the players too often, especially those with obvious Japanese names. Second, the Sakura Club must be dissolved. No one in China will call this name, you must re-register for a guild. Third, Japanese can no longer be used anyway, you must use Chinese when you arrive in China, you will forget that you are still Japanese after entering the game! These three can be done Are you here? "

Feier said, "Most of our guilds have Chinese names. You see that our captains are all Chinese names except Fujiwara Shizuka and Mingyue Lily. But we can just call their names without a surname, Shizuka and Lily should not be easy to hear Japanese flavor. Guild! This is definitely going to dissolve, the name of Sakura is really too Japanese! Chinese is even more problematic, we can all speak Chinese, since it is impossible to yearn for China Not learning Chinese! "

"Very good. It ’s the best. I want to tell you one last thing. I still haven't fully trusted you so far. If you do anything I think is exceptional, I will consider sending it at any time. When you come back, you've all heard about my combat effectiveness. If you don't cooperate, don't blame me for killing you back to zero! "I said very well, and without any emotion. I always like to talk about the former in ugliness. While everyone is not familiar with it, it will be more beneficial to get along with each other.

"When shall we leave then?" Shizuka asked excitedly.

"I can't walk for a while!" A word from me made everyone's smiles congealed on his face. "I have some things, so I can't go for the time being, but rest assured, I decided to take you away when I came. If I don't want to take you away, I won't come today."

"We believe what you say, but what do you need? Do you need us to help? Sakura Club also has more than 1,000 people!"

I haven't planned to tell them what I want to do, after all, I can't be completely sure if they really are what they say, what if they play with me. "It's not necessary. It's not a big deal. I can handle it by myself. It's inconvenient to have more people!"

"What shall we prepare now?"

"Don't prepare anything, you can sell everything you ca n’t take away, and the money is universal everywhere. Also, convene all of you who are offline, and gather online the next day. I do n’t have time to run. The second trip! "I feel like a snake head dedicated to sneaking in!

"Yes, we will do it!" Feier nodded to understand.

"Then I will go first, and I will come back the next day."

After getting out of Baishui City, I teleported to Banliang City and then came to the place we agreed on Mount Fuji. I switched back to my magic dragon suit and went offline. All I need now is to wait.

The lab was still empty, and I dispatched a surveillance camera to look at myself now. Haha, I actually regained the human form. My bones seem to have recovered, and my body has actually returned to the shape of bones, and I seem to be a lot taller than before.

"Are you awake?" Rose walked in suddenly.

玫瑰 "Rose? How come you are here? It's quite far from the school, don't you come here so late!"

"Do people miss you! By the way, your body ...?"

I smiled: "How is it? Already recovered!"

"Then you will come out soon?"

那就 "It's not clear. Ask when you see dad."


"Yes, are you still on board?"


"Where is the Bi Ling now?"

"In the port of Torrent City, we just returned to Hong Kong to supply!" Rose suddenly smiled. "Your brothers are really fun. Now when the pirates are addicted, they go out and rob the Japanese fleet every day. No Japanese warship dares to let it alone! "

"That would be the best, so that they dare not go out to sea! You go back and say to the eagle, I need the Bi Ling to go to the Japanese seas the next day. You let the gold coins take a few of us to wait near our last landing point, I have passengers on board! "


"You will know by then."

I talked with Rose for a while and let Rose go back. I simply slept for a while and woke up at seven in the morning. Ouyang and Xiaopan were already waiting for me when I went online, and they were really positive!

怎么 样 "How's it? Matsumoto are they here?" The place where I went online was behind Ouyang. The voice of the speech surprised both of them. The two guys turned back and made a silent gesture to me. "What are you doing? The guys are still under the mountain! As long as I don't yell, who can hear so far?"

Ouyang pulled me into the grass. "The other side has a lot of ninjas. I just saw some going up the mountain first, but it disappeared when I walked. I think it's invisible. I'm afraid there are also near us!"

It was really dangerous to hear him say this, and I quickly hid my body carefully. Penetrating half of my head out of the grass, I activated the star pupil, and a few white translucent humanoids appeared on the mountain road in a flash. The ninjas are concentrated near the mountain roads, and it seems that it is only a hard road cleaning task. If you specifically find someone, you will not find it on the road.

"Boss, did you see those ninjas?" Ouyang asked, pulling my armor.

"On the way over there, did you see that stone? There is one on top of the stone, and the people next to him are lined up two meters apart."

"How do we start with so many of them?"

"We don't need to worry, let them go up, there will be monsters on the road to help us consume their power, and we will try again in the end!"



We quietly waited for the changes below. Matsumoto quickly gathered a large group of people to see what they looked like. Matsumoto and these people spoke a few words, and then they started to walk up the mountain. Matsumoto walked at the front, followed by Ikeda Rando and Mrs. Tanaka, followed by a team of more than a dozen people. I can't figure out who this group is. Anyway, it's not ordinary people!

Matsumoto they quickly passed through our hidden bushes and walked up the mountain. The monsters along the way had been cleared by the ninjas in advance. Now these guys are like inspections by leaders! I also carefully followed up, Xiaopan and Ouyang were left by me to answer me, they have no stealth ability, so many people on the other side are easily exposed without stealth! I'm safer by myself!

山 Mt. Fuji is actually not very high. We soon reached the top of the mountain, and Matsumoto led the crowd to the crater. I crouched carefully a hundred meters behind them. Even if I moved this distance, he would not find me there.

"Matsumoto-kun, is this below?" Ikeda Toshio inquired about Matsumoto's specific task location.

"It should be below!"

"But there are magma everywhere. How can we go down?"

Satoshi Matsumoto took out the soul stone. "This thing can protect us from magma!"

"No wonder you said there was a way along the way, you brought this thing!"

Matsumoto took the Soul Stone and took a large group of veteran figures from major Japanese guilds down to the crater. I quickly reached out and looked inside the lava mouth. The Soul Stone created a blue around them The colored enchantment and faint blue mask completely isolated the deadly high temperature of the magma. There are spiral staircases on the inner wall of the crater, and Matsumoto has completely entered the crater relying on the protection of the soul stone. But the question now is how do I go on. It is impossible for me to enter the magma without the soul stone. I am afraid that the dragon set is not afraid of the magma. I ca n’t do it anyway, but now, the rolling heat wave has made me dare not approach.

Seeing that Matsumoto was concentrating around the magma surface that they had reached many times, the replacement still hovered into the magma. Matsumoto also went down. The magma automatically separated when it touched the blue protective cover. Matsumoto they were very Easily entered under the magma.

I was anxious on it alone, I wanted to go and rob things, now I ca n’t even pass the first level! By the way, don't I have Xiaofeng? Isn't Phoenix a creature in magma? I don't know if she can do anything about it. I went to the other side of the crater to summon Xiaofeng. "Xiaofeng."

"What do I need a master?"

"Can you let me into the magma without getting burned?"

Xiao Xiaofeng nodded and said, "You will not be burned anyway, because you have already become a pile of ash before touching the magma, and the ash will not be burned!"

I'm dizzy, this little girl is kidding me! "Are you hitting?"

"I really don't know!" Xiaofeng said wronged: "I'm not born to be afraid of fire, it's nothing to go down, but it's impossible to take you down! Every time I enter a high temperature area, I rely on my own high temperature resistance, Not what magic would I do to avoid fire! "

"Really!" I summoned the little dragon girl again. "Are you something to avoid the fire?"

"Avoid fire?"

"It's defense fire!"

"Yes, yes, but it can't be too long, with my current ability to support at most 10 seconds!"

It ’s the same as nothing! Bring so many magic pets, but when it comes to use, there is no help! By the way, I suddenly had a strange idea, why should I drill through the magma, can I go directly to the opposite side! "Xiaofeng, go down and look at the depth of the magma. I don't think it will be all magma below. There will be no magma after a period of depth. See how deep it is to reach the place without magma!"

"Oh!" Xiaofeng turned and jumped off the crater, and I waited anxiously on it. They've been down for a few minutes for Matsumoto. If lost, they would be busy today! After waiting for about two or three minutes, Xiaofeng came up again. "There are about 200 meters of magma, and then there is the rock formation, and there is a large cave below it."

"OK, I know!" I began to phantom on my body: "How far can you teleport now?"

"No problem within 250 meters!"

"Isn't it just a little bit deeper than the depth of the magma? It wouldn't be a joke if it was transmitted so few meters into the magma!"

Phantom said very honestly: "It is indeed possible, especially when I can't see where I want to go. It's easy to get stuck anywhere between these two points!"

It's really dangerous! However, interest has always been proportional to danger, and for the sake of benefit, I can't care about danger. "Phantom, teleport down, with the greatest distance!"

"Yes!" I felt that the world suddenly turned red, and the high temperature almost reached my body almost instantaneously. Although it had not reached the temperature of the dead, it was very hot! I know the teleportation must not have passed through the magma layer, we are stuck in the magma!

I was suddenly loose when I thought I was going to die, and suddenly I felt that I had lost weight. This feeling let me know that I am starting to fall down, and only the objects that do free fall motion will feel weightless, I must have fallen now! With a bang, my reserve hit something hard, and the shock force flew me sideways. I bumped into the object again with a gurgling sound. This time it seemed to be the ground. I rolled out of the ground and turned it several times in a row to finally stabilize my body. I jumped up and hurriedly patted off the lava block on my body, or the red lava burned the dragon suit on my body was hot!

I shot the lava on my body in a vertical shot and then I had time to look at my current environment. This is a hole the size of a movie theater, but its height is much higher than that of a movie theater. It is estimated to be more than 100 meters! A hole was opened a short distance away, and lava rolled down from above like a waterfall. Below the cave, a rock protrusion protruding from the stone wall just reached into the lava waterfall. It is estimated that this is what I hit just now. The lava waterfalls hit the rock and splashed to both sides. Now a large lava has formed on the ground. It is estimated that this room will be completely covered by lava soon!


At this moment I suddenly heard footsteps, and Matsumoto Masako and the others appeared on the other side of this stone room. I quickly stood in stealth, as long as I didn't move, no one saw me. Matsumoto and his group of people walked past me, and they didn't pay much attention to the lava waterfall. Maybe because they just came down, they thought it was normal to have such a lava waterfall under the lava. A large group of people just walked past me, and in front of a stone wall next to me, Matsumoto found a groove. He put the soul stone on his hand into the groove, and a gate suddenly appeared on the originally flat rock wall. The gate slowly opened inward to reveal a downward passage behind.

Matsumoto Matsumoto let the followers go in first. He finally went to the door and smashed the soul stone and then quickly entered the door. The door closed quickly after he entered! I rushed to the door, but the door was completely closed. Although the outline of the door could still be seen, I couldn't open it at all!

The old way, use Phantom Teleport! Alas, I hit my head against the wall, and the shock force flew me more than ten meters away. The phantom actually flew out of me, he flew farther than me! "Phantom? How are you? Although Phantom rarely participates in battle, in fact he is more useful than luck, so I care about Phantom."

"It's okay! It just hit me!" Phantom quickly got up and returned to my body. "There is a powerful enchantment behind the strobe door to prevent teleportation! We may not be able to get in by teleportation!"

"It's okay, let's think of other ways!" I walked back to the door again, this **** door!

敲 I knocked on the door. The sound was dull. It seems that smashing should not cause too much sound. I summoned the tank: "Help me smash this door!"

The two drum hammers on the forelimbs of the cricket tanks, like the mantis shrimps, can be ejected at a high speed. A praying mantis shrimp less than 50 cm in length can use its drum hammer to smash a centimeter thick bullet-proof glass. Such a large tank should not be a problem!

The tank walked to the front of the gate and stood firm. I just felt that something flashed in front of me. The entire gate disappeared without any noise. The tank slammed too fast, I didn't see anything at all, and because the speed was too fast, the door was powdered before it vibrated, so no sound was heard! The gate is now located in a hole that seems to have been hit by a ground bomb.

I gave a thumbs up to the tank, then put him away and entered the passage. This passage is like a spiral ladder, turning continuously in one direction, and it is obviously very steep. Fortunately, the stairs are not very slippery, otherwise you will roll to the end if you step on the air!

After running a short distance, I heard footsteps ahead. It seems that I successfully overtook them. The walkway came to an abrupt end, and a new room appeared in front of me, but this one didn't look like the one in the beginning. This is obviously a man-made place, with marble floors, carved walls, and appliqued roofs. It's almost dare to go to the Roman Cathedral!

一群 Matsumoto was standing in the lobby, and everyone was looking up at the beautiful murals on the roof.

"Welcome you and my guests!" A thick voice suddenly appeared in the hall, and I heard the voice hiding in the passage. The sound echoed in the hall, because the echo was too strong, it was impossible to hear where the sound came from.

"Who are you? Where are you?" A little Japanese in the field asked me the question I wanted to know the most.

"I am the great Archmage of Esmer!"

No one reacted to this name, because no one knew who it was! However, my pet's status suddenly started flashing, which indicates that some pets are extremely unstable. I quickly used Phantom to help me inquire about the situation in the pet space. The phantom ran out in a while. "Master, luck!"

"What's up with luck?"

"He wants to kill that person!"


"It's the Archmage Esmer!"

"Luckily hate him?"

"No, it ’s lucky that the dragon clan hates him. This Esmer has a nickname called Dragon Slayer. This guy once killed more than thirty dragons with a single gun, and the call of the bone dragon and the call of the ghost dragon Similar magic was invented by him, and the Dragons said that they would kill this man at all costs! "

"He can kill more than thirty dragons? Dragons are 1000-level creatures? Little dragon girl and his father Dragon God may not have this ability!"

"He didn't kill it all at once. He killed so many dragons in his lifetime. Not to mention 30 heads, even two-headed dragons appear together. He is sure to die!"

"That guy is lucky!"

"Where are you?" I was talking to Mirage. Little Japan in the hall could not wait to find the position of Archmage Esmer.

The other end of the hall suddenly rose, and a throne appeared at the end of the hall. A middle-aged man with a long pointed beak was sitting on the throne, and he looked like a king. "I am here!"

"We are adventurers. Do you know anything about the treasures here?" Matsumoto stepped out of the crowd.

"Of course I know, the treasure is here with me!" Just as the little Japanese were happy, Esmer came again, "but ..."

"But what?" I wanted to ask, but Matsumoto Masa said instead.

Esmeel almost watched his appetite and went on, "But I won't give it away for free! You need to do something for me."

"What do you want us to do?" Matsumoto asked.

"Try to kill him, but not too fast. I like to watch the process, the more cruel the better!" Esme slaps, the hall shakes violently, the ground suddenly begins to tremble, and a ground splits out Seam. Exactly not split, but separate. The openings are very neat, and at first glance, it is an organ system that has already existed.

As the ground gradually separated, something underground rose up slowly. First there were a sharp cold thorn, then the other two, and then a lot appeared. As this thing went up, I gradually saw what these thorns looked like dorsal fins on animals. But the volume of this dorsal fin is also too large, I suddenly realized one thing-dragon!

"Dragon!" All the little Japanese cried almost at the same time.

的 The things below the ground have completely risen to the ground. This is a dragon, a black dragon like luck. The dragon was lying on the ground, and a thick iron chain was tied to his neck. Four iron chains slightly thicker than this were tied to his limbs, and even the dragon's tail was tied by the iron chain. Up. The dragon lying there seemed to be weak and weak. Although his scales were dark, he didn't have the lucky luster. It seemed that his life was very bad!

"Do you want us to kill this dragon?" Matsumoto Masahiro asked Esmeer tentatively ~ ~ Although we know that some players have dragons, they are all speculative results. Who has ever played a 1,000-level dragon!

"Yes!" Esmeer nodded. "I like to watch the dragon show, the more cruel you are, the happier I am!"

I can see it through, this Esmer is a psychological metamorphosis! He must have been bullied by a dragon when he was a kid, or else a dragon raped a woman in his family? Whatever the hatred is, it's probably him!

"Would you like this?" Matsumoto Masabu must have a bad idea again. "We turned him into our demon pet and took him back to kill the dragon, wouldn't it be more enjoyable if they kill each other?" It turned out that Matsumoto Masahara not only had to equip, but even this dragon wanted to take away!

"No!" Esmeel flatly refused. "I just want to watch this dragon die. There is a bone dragon to kill each other, and no live dragon is needed!"

"Okay! Okay!" Matsumoto Masahe quickly promised that he didn't want to annoy this quirky Esmer.

Matsumoto suddenly pulled out his ninja sword and rushed to the people around him to signal to go together, he rushed up first. When ... when ..., the sound of continuous golden iron attack came. The black dragon was motionless as if he was dead. He was completely indifferent to their attack on Matsumoto. None of these guys could break the defense of the black dragon! Unlike the luck of that year, this is a black dragon full in level 1000, but an adult body. He is already a standard BOSS. The defense of this BT is really scary!

All the little Japanese looked at their weapons in disbelief one by one, all the weapons were rolled, and the hardness of the dragon scale was terrible! The black dragon in front of the hill seemed to be still asleep, and he was too lazy to open his eyes and look at the little ants next to him.

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